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1. Why would some people prefer to work part-time or to have temporary jobs?
I think people would want to do this because they don't have to be busy with their job all the
time. For example, they also have time to take care of their children or do other things.
2. Which reasons might trigger a company to outsource?
I think companies will choose to outsource when they do not have the necessary knowledge
for certain matters or if they have too few people for this.
3. Would you ever consider a job as marketer? Why (not)?
I wouldn't consider this because marketing is something that doesn't really interest me.
4. Would you prefer to work on commission or do you prefer a fixed salary?
I would rather have both. A part of my salary I would like to be fixed because you are sure of
the lowest income you will have. Otherwise I would have a part of my salary in commission
because it makes the job more interesting and rewarding I think. When you work hard and
put a lot of effort in the company you will earn more. It seems the most fair way to me.


1. Could you be an entrepreneur?

I think I could be an entrepreneur because I really hope to be able to start something myself
later on, and I enjoy working with people. I would also like to do something myself. I also
think that I have some good soft skills myself. As an entrepreneur you always have to be
open to learn new things and integrate them in your company.
2. Would you prefer to work on commission or do you prefer a fixed salary?
I would rather have both. A part of my salary I would like to be fixed because you are sure of
the lowest income you will have. Otherwise I would have a part of my salary in commission
because it makes the job more interesting and rewarding I think. When you work hard and
put a lot of effort in the company you will earn more. It seems the most fair way to me.
3. Would you prefer brand to generic products in all situations or are you selective in this
When it comes to food I will go for the branded products, but when it comes to clothing and
other things I would not necessarily choose branded products. But you have to take care
when you buy brand products that they are real because in a lot of countries they make
those fake products. And they sell the products without the permission of the company that
owns the brand name or trademark. This is called in law, intellectual property.
4. What benefits do large supermarkets have over small shops? And the other way around?

In a large supermarket they have a lot and it is also for everyone. In small shops they are
more often aimed at a specific target audience and they also offer specific products more
often. In a small shop there is often better contact with the people who visit the shop. we see
that in recent years e-commerce and the large web shops are starting to take over the
physical stores, so I think that now not only the local and small merchants are in trouble, but
also the big ones.

1. Do you think you’re influenced by advertisements? Elaborate

Yes I think we are all affected by advertisements at some point or another. This is because
the people behind these ads know very well how to manipulate people.
2. Why does an organization restructure?
A company can restructure due to various factors. Things can come from outside like a
sudden economic crash. On the other hand, this can also happen due to internal factors such
as people not doing their job as expected.

3. What do you consider basic leadership skills?

I think all good leaders need some soft skills to help them interact with their people. I think
the most important are; communication, creativity, motivation, positivity and feedback.

4. Do you consider competition as something you have live with or can it have some positive
effects as well?
Competition in the workplace can ensure that people are more and better involved in the
workplace. This is okay, as long as it doesn't get too extreme. It can also ensure that people
can develop themselves even better. It will also keep you more alert so that you will make
fewer mistakes.

1. Would you prefer a hand-made product to a mass-produced product in all circumstances?
I would not always choose this because sometimes the product you need is almost only
available in mass production. Only wanting to buy handmade can mean that you sometimes
have to search for a product for a long time
2. What might be appealing in a job as an ‘accountant’? Would you ever consider it and
I would not consider the job of accountant because it doesn’t appeal to me. I think it’s not a
very daring job. The job of an accountant is mostly seen as a bit boring. I want a job where I
get challenged
3. Do you consider competition as something you have to live with or can it have some positive
effects as well?
Competition in the workplace can ensure that people are more and better involved in the
workplace. This is okay, as long as it doesn't get too extreme. It can also ensure that people
can develop themselves even better. It will also keep you more alert so that you will make
fewer mistakes.
4. Why would some people prefer to work part-time or to have temporary jobs?
I think people would want to do this because they don't have to be busy with their job all the
time. For example, they also have time to take care of their children or do other things.

1. What kind of manager would you like to work for?

I would prefer to work for a manager who chooses to position himself on the same level as
his employees. I would also like to have someone who already looks pleasant and one of the
most important I think, it must be someone who can communicate well.
2. Do you consider ‘calling in sick even when you are not’ as fraud and would you be a different
opinion if you were an employer or a manager?
I would certainly not do this myself as an employee because if they discover this and that you
do this more often, for example, you could lose your job. As a manager or employer I would
not approve of this, I would assume that this person does not like his job.
3. Do you think that most people got blind for advertising in magazines and newspaper or is this
kind of advertising still effective? Elaborate.
I think this type of advertising is still effective, but it depends on how one is going to present
the advertisement for a product
4. What might be appealing in a job as an ‘accountant’? would you ever consider it and why
I would not consider the job of accountant because it doesn’t appeal to me. I think it’s not a
very daring job. The job of an accountant is mostly seen as a bit boring. I want a job where I
get challenged

1. Is it worthwhile for youngsters to save up for a private pension? Why (not)?

Yes I think so because the governmental pensions aren’t this high and you don’t know if you
will get another pension from the company you served. this is very useful for us as young
people. This is because there are more and more elderly people who have to receive a
pension from the state. So it is not certain that we will get this later. So it is useful to put
some money aside yourself
2. Do you think you’re influenced by advertisements? Elaborate.
I think that everyone is influenced by advertisements but some more than others. I am not
that fast influenced by advertisements. For me it depends on the product, like an
advertisement for a PS5 than I would be influenced but for example the advertisement of a
wash machine doesn’t do me anything.
3. Would you ever consider being self-employed? Why(not)?
Yes because you are the manager and the CEO of the company with a lot of people who work
for you. As a manager or CEO you always have the freedom to decide things and that’s what I
want in my job later so that I can decide things in the company.
4. Would you decline a management career making you work long hours?
Yes because I want a good work-life balance. I want this so that I can spend some time with
my kids and the rest of my family. I just don’t want those long working hours.

1. Would you prefer working in emerging markets or in a well-established market?

I would rather work in an established market because then you have a bit more employment.
With new emerging markets that are not yet ready, everything can still go wrong.
2. Are products endorsements with famous people ethical?
This is a way of responding to the customer. By showing that a famous person is using your
product, it can cause a lot of people to buy your products.
3. Will e-commerce dominate future business? Why (not)?
I think this will definitely dominate, e-commerce already had the opportunity to improve and
fine-tune itself even more last year than before. And I think people will increasingly want to
buy things online instead of making the move to the store if it is possible from the couch
4. Are you in favour or against the defence industry knowing that it provides work to a lot of
I am certainly not against that because I think this is very important and as mentioned in the
question it creates a lot of employment for the many people who are also out of work.

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