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首段版本 1:

Step1 首段:
It’s extensively accepted that 和作文话题有关的人 are in the pursuit of 前面提到人所追求
的东西 ( 如 : better/more comfortable life) in this day and age. However in the
meantime, the issue whether 同义转述作文 话题 has triggered an intense debate among
利益相关的人 . Some hold that 对方观点(短句). However, I disagree with their statement,
and I contend that in contrast 个人观点.

1. Colleges or Universities should offer more courses to prepare students for the
future before they start working.
It’s extensively accepted that college students all across China are in the pursuit of
higher education and better jobs in this day and age. However in the meantime, the
issue whether students should be offered with more courses for their benefits prior
to graduation has triggered an intense debate among students and educators.
Some hold that it does not work merely through this approach. However, I disagree
with their statement, and I contend that it in contrast can bring about several
2. Compared with people who live in urban areas, the people who live in rural areas
can take better care of their families.
3. The advices from our grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because
the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.
4. Do you agree with the viewpoint that people are now easier to become educated
than in the past?
5. Spending money on traveling and vacation or saving for future.
6. To improve the quality of education, university should spend more money on salary
for university professor.
7. It is better to finish a project completely and then begin a new one than work on
two or more projects at the same time.
8. It is more enjoyable to have a job, and you work only three days a week with long
hours rather than work five days a week with shorter hours.
9. What is the main role of the university professor, to educate students or to do
10. Parents should allow their children to make mistakes and let them learn from their
own mistakes.
11. The most important problems in today’s world will be solved in our lifetime.
12. Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant
improvement for the quality of people’s lives have already taken place.
13. Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way
young people behave.
14. Which kind of universities do you prefer, universities whose graduates can find
good jobs or universities where there are famous professors?
15. It is more important to choose friends that have fun with than to choose friends that
will help you when you need them.
16. 如果你的朋友在某门课目需要帮忙,而你是这门课的牛人。问你认为你朋友找你帮
忙好,还是找专门的辅导员帮忙好? Do you agree or disagree with the following
statement? If a student is having difficulty studying a course, it is better for the
student to turn to a friend who is good at this course than to turn to his/her teacher
for help.
17. Company should spend money improving work skills of their employees.
18. Patience is usually not a good strategy, and we should take action now rather than
19. When asked about that if you want your children to take similar jobs with you,
overwhelming majority of parents will answer yes. However, in my opinion, the
disadvantages of this choice outweigh its merits.
20. The ability to adapt to a new environment is more important than excellent
knowledge for job.
21. Nowadays, it is much easier to achieve success with help from one’s family than
what is like before.

首段版本 2:
The advancement of society/education 话 题 相 关 内 容 places us in fast/express train
towards a promising 什么样的未来 / 如果反对一个话题,社会发展不好 unpredictable
prospect. And today in here we are debating about the issue on whether students should
be offered with more courses for their benefits prior to graduation 同义转述作文话题 A or
not is not merely about numbers on the page; (it is not about which weight more); it is
about what kind future we want for 谁 students all across China . Judged from what I
deeply believed, such policy with advantages it brings about is an inevitable factor we
should consider. We should also consolidate this stand, for the sake of students’ welfare
to help them stand out among fierce competition in the job market.
己方观点段 1 - 版本 1
It is the fact that 抽象名词 often come(单复数变化 s) as a great beacon light of hope to 人
when/who they/we are confronting the challenge of 前面抽象名词可以克服的负向名词. 承
接前句名词 requires all to 要求个人做某事 to 来实现某事. Even if 己方观点同义改写
have some drawbacks, we can not deny the benefits they/it can bring us, beginning with
论点 1. We are now facing an annoying fact. 人  presently live on a lonely island of  对
人不好的东东 in the midst of a vast ocean of 好的环境. How can we guarantee that
could be under this situation?

己方观点段 1 举例:
It is the fact that family love comes (单复数变化 s) as a great beacon light of hope to
individuals when they/we are confronting the challenge of a current deteriorated living
environment. Even living in countryside have some drawbacks, we can not deny the
benefits they/it can bring us, beginning with fresh air. (支持句 1). We are now facing an
annoying fact. City dwellers/ residents presently live on a lonely island of pollutions,
impoliteness, and stronger working stress in the midst of a vast ocean of material
prosperity. How can we guarantee that our offsprings, parents or even ourselves could
be better taken care of under this situation? [支持句 2 (建议问句)]. /总结句(So).

己方观点段 1- 版本 2:
It is the fact that achieving efficiency often serves as great benefit to people when they
are confronting huge amount of work/workload. Even if being famous/finishing projects
one after the other has some drawbacks, we can not deny the rewards they/it can bring
us, beginning with respect/higher efficiency. We are now facing an annoying fact. People
presently live on a lonely island of impoliteness/indifference/inefficiency in the midst of a
vast ocean of material prosperity/huge amount of work. How can we guarantee that
people could (be) respect each other/faster completing work under this situation? So, if
we have achieved something like fame/efficiency, we obviously set a good example for
people around us/换句-重复作文话题自己支持的论点.


Also/Further/In addition, (we shall not ignore the fact that) more investment in professors
can bring us a higher teaching level. Just imagine if we have professors like this/ 名 人
who 解释前面的人是 who 啊 , we will know the true meaning of education. That is, a
fulfillment of personal value and national quality of citizens. In this way/In another word,
our hope/of lies in our efforts to stick to the believe that 己方观点 . Last but not the
least/ Finally/ Lastly, 论 点 3. 支 持 句 1. So, if 对 方 观 点 unable to justify its advantages
more than what I believe, we have to 观点结论.

Also/Further/In addition, (we shall not ignore the fact that)己方观点词 can bring us 论点词.
Just imagine if put ourselves in an environmental like this, we will know the true meaning
of life. That is, a fulfillment of health and happiness of our family members.


Admittedly, 对 方 观 点 has some advantages, such as 论 点 1. /which 解 释 . In another
word, 具体支持前句. People also challenge that 论点 2. /Lastly,论点 3.


结尾段版本 1:
There are still 名词 1 to 动词 1, 名词 2 to 动词 2, and 名词 3 to 动词 3 in ; all of these
concluded the same result that nothing can compare with/rival the _ can offer.

结尾段版本 1 举例:
There are still environmental problems to sort out, working stress to relief from, and fast
pace to slow down in mega-cities; all of these concluded the same result that nothing can
compare with/rival the comfortable lifestyle countryside can offer.

There are positive effects to harness, negative sides to correct, disciplines to carry out,
and excellent values to carry on.

结尾段版本 2:
Based on what I have elaborated above/ After these serious considerations, we can easily
come to a conclusion that/ it obviously easy to see that 填入总结全文的句子(总结所有论点).

结尾段版本 2 举例:
After these serious considerations, we can easily come to a conclusion that/ it obviously easy
to see that without the interference from their grandparents, there are still many children who
have improved their abilities and gained colorful experience which has led to improving the
total quality of their lives.

若无太多时间写的内容(如还剩不到 1 分钟,并且结尾段还没写),写下这个拯救结尾段!
After ruminating all these conditions, we could conclude that it is necessary to consolidate
with such ideas stated above.

1. People care more about public recognition than about money. Even if no more
money is given, public recognition can still make people work harder. Which is
more valuable, wealth or reputation?
2. Colleges or Universities should offer more courses to prepare students for the
future before they start working.
3. Compared with people who live in urban areas, the people who live in rural areas
can take better care of their families.
4. The advices from our grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because
the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.
5. Do you agree with the viewpoint that people are now easier to become educated
than in the past?
6. Spending money on traveling and vacation or saving for future.
7. To improve the quality of education, university should spend more money on salary
for university professor.
8. It is better to finish a project completely and then begin a new one than work on
two or more projects at the same time.
9. It is more enjoyable to have a job, and you work only three days a week with long
hours rather than work five days a week with shorter hours.
10. What is the main role of the university professor, to educate students or to do
11. Parents should allow their children to make mistakes and let them learn from their
own mistakes.
12. The most important problems in today’s world will be solved in our lifetime.
13. Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant
improvement for the quality of people’s lives have already taken place.
14. Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way
young people behave.
15. Which kind of universities do you prefer, universities whose graduates can find
good jobs or universities where there are famous professors?
16. It is more important to choose friends that have fun with than to choose friends that
will help you when you need them.
17. 如果你的朋友在某门课目需要帮忙,而你是这门课的牛人。问你认为你朋友找你帮
18. Company should spend money improving work skills of their employees.
19. Patience is usually not a good strategy, and we should take action now rather than
20. When asked about that if you want your children to take similar jobs with you,
overwhelming majority of parents will answer yes. However, in my opinion, the
disadvantages of this choice outweigh its merits.
21. The ability to adapt to a new environment is more important than excellent
knowledge for job.
22. Nowadays, it is much easier to achieve success with help from one’s family than
what is like before.


Students all across China presently live on a lonely island of  low teaching quality in
the midst of a vast ocean of modern facilities. How can we guarantee that our education
quality can be improved under this situation? 我们的教育水平得到提高呢? 我们如何能保

Workers all across China presently live on a lonely island of low/high working stress in
the midst of a vast ocean of high/low compensation.

Under-aged groups all across China presently live on a lonely island of low/high low-
end/low-quality/impropriated TV contents in the midst of a vast ocean of high/low highly
develop media.

Ask not what the modern facilities can do for students all across China; ask what
college faculty can do for/with the modern facilities.

经典高分句@美国名人演讲 100 篇
But I refuse to believe that….
- But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that
there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation.

It would be unwise to overlook the importance of…./ the urgency of…./the fact that
- It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. 

Now is the time to rise from the shadow of…. to the sunlit path of….

Now is the time to lift…. from the quicksands of…. to the solid rock of…. 
Now is the time to make …. (justice) a reality for all of…. (God's children)
- Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit
path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial
injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all
of God's children.

This….came as a great beacon light of hope to…. who had been…. in the ….
- This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to
millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice.

Also another key factor keeps on reminding us that….

The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to …. all
forms of….and all forms of human life.
….come not from…., but from….
@John F. Kennedy - Inaugural Address
The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish
all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life.
the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the
hand of God.

教育:educators, teachers, instructors, faculty, scholars, researchers, students, learners,
泛指:people, individuals, citizens, resident, ***members

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