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Understanding Motivation:
Building the Brain Architecture
That Supports Learning, Health,
and Community Participation
MEMBERS Takao Hensch, Ph.D.
Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard
Jack P. Shonkoff, M.D., Chair Faculty of Arts and Sciences; Professor of Neurology,
Julius B. Richmond FAMRI Professor of Child Health and Harvard Medical School at Children’s Hospital
Development, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
and Harvard Graduate School of Education; Profes- Fernando D. Martinez, M.D.
sor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School and Boston Regents Professor; Director of the Arizona Respiratory
Children’s Hospital; Director, Center on the Developing Center; Director of BIO5 Institute; Director of the Clinical
Child, Harvard University and Translational Science Institute; Swift-McNear Profes-
sor of Pediatrics, University of Arizona
Pat Levitt, Ph.D, Science Co-Chair
Simms/Mann Chair in Developmental Neurogenetics, Bruce S. McEwen, Ph.D.
Institute for the Developing Mind, Children’s Hospital Alfred E. Mirsky Professor; Head, Harold and Margaret
Los Angeles; W.M. Keck Provost Professor in Neuroge- Miliken Hatch Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology; The
netics, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern Rockefeller University
Charles A. Nelson, Ph.D.
Nathan A. Fox, Ph.D., Science Co-Chair Professor of Pediatrics and Neuroscience, Harvard
Distinguished University Professor; Director, Child Devel- Medical School; Professor of Education, Harvard Gradu-
opment Laboratory, University of Maryland College Park ate School of Education; Richard David Scott Chair in
Pediatric Developmental Medicine Research, Boston
Silvia A. Bunge, Ph.D. Children’s Hospital
Professor, Department of Psychcology and Helen Wills
Neuroscience Institute, University of California, Berkeley ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Judy Cameron, Ph.D. We gratefully acknowledge the significant contributions
Professor of Psychiatry, Neuroscience, Obstetrics- to this paper made by:
Gynecology Reproductive Sciences, and Clinical and
Translational Science, University of Pittsburgh; Director Kent C. Berridge, Ph.D.
of Outreach, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh James Olds Distinguished University Professor of
Psychology and Neuroscience, James Olds Collegiate
Greg J. Duncan, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of
Distinguished Professor, Department of Education, Michigan
University of California, Irvine
SPONSORS Elliot Berkman, Ph.D
Philip A. Fisher, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Psychology; Associate Director of
The Alliance for Early the Center for Translational Neuroscience, University of
Philip H. Knight Chair; Professor of Psychology, Univer-
Success sity of Oregon; Senior Fellow, Center on the Developing Oregon
Child at Harvard University
Deborah Stipek, Ph.D.
The Annie E. Casey
Judy Koch Professor of Education, Stanford Graduate
Foundation Megan R. Gunnar, Ph.D.
Regents Professor and Distinguished McKnight Univer- School of Education
sity Professor, Institute of Child Development, University
Buffett Early Childhood of Minnesota PARTNERS
FrameWorks Institute

About the Authors

The LEGO Foundation
The National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, housed at the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard
University, is a multi-­disciplinary collaboration designed to bring the science of early childhood and early brain devel-
The David and Lucile opment to bear on public decision-­making. Established in 2003, the Council is committed to an evidence-based ap-
Packard Foundation proach to building broad-based public will that transcends political partisanship and recognizes the complementary
responsibilities of family, community, workplace, and government to promote the well-being of all young children.
Palix Foundation For more information, go to

Pritzker Children’s Please note: The content of this paper is the sole responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the
Initiative opinions of the funders or partners.

Suggested citation: National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. (2018). Understanding Motivation: Building
The Simms/Mann Family the Brain Architecture That Supports Learning, Health, and Community Participation: Working Paper No. 14. Retrieved
Foundation from

© December 2018, National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, Center on the Developing Child at Harvard
Tikun Olam Foundation University

The Issue
A healthy, engaged community depends on people achieving to the best of their
potential, contributing actively to the economy and public well-being, and helping the next
generation to thrive. A complex set of intertwined social and biological factors influences peo-
ple’s motivation to participate actively and productively in schools, jobs, and communities—
and to persevere in the face of setbacks. To unlock this puzzle and ensure that all people have
the opportunity to develop motivation to learn, improve skills, and make healthy choices, it
would be helpful to understand the underlying mechanisms in the brain that develop in child-
hood and build the foundation for later complex behavior (see page 7 for more information).

The brain circuits underlying motivation by helping us understand what leads to these
are critical for attention, learning, and behaviors.
decision-making. When these circuits have The brain systems that govern motivation
either not developed in a balanced and are built over time, starting in the earliest
healthy way or have been chemically hijacked years of development. These intricate neural
by addictions, challenging life circumstances circuits and structures are shaped by interac-
can overpower the best of intentions. Programs tions between the experiences we have and
intended to support parents and children the genes we are born with, which together
facing adversity often find that participation influence both how our motivation systems
is one of their greatest challenges. Dropping develop and how they function later in life.
out of school and not participating in Providing children with the kinds of early
family support, job training, or addiction life experiences that support the develop-
programs—all of these are reflections of ment of healthy, balanced motivation systems
motivation systems that have been disrupted is key to ensuring positive outcomes later—
by threat or hardship. Substantial scientific for school, work, health, and raising the next
knowledge can inform the search for solutions generation.

The Science of Motivation

In the brain, motivation is the result The chemicals, which include dopamine,
of neurons (brain cells) in specific regions serotonin, norepinephrine, glutamate,1-2 and
sending chemical signals via high-speed naturally occurring opioids that are produced
neural networks to other regions, creating in the brain, each serve different purposes.
pathways for future signals to follow. For example, when dopamine
Experiences trigger the release of these is released, it signals to the
chemicals to regions that connect emotions, rest of the brain that some-
memory, and the sensation of pleasure or thing important is about
reward. This links the feeling of reward to the to happen—something
emotions we felt and the experience that led to that we should enjoy
it—and that influences both our expectations or avoid at all costs.
of reward and the actions we are motivated (See page 7 for more
to take in order to get it. Given the appeal of information on the
anticipating an immediate reward, it takes brain chemicals and
strong self-regulation to resist these powerful regions involved in motivation.)
memories and cues in favor of a long-term



There are two types of motivation: one di- worth seeking out and learning from.
rected toward expected rewards (known The surge also increases communi-
as approach motivation) and another di- cation between the brain region re-
rected away from threat (known as avoid- sponsible for dopamine release and
ance motivation). In other words, we can the regions responsible for emotion
be motivated either to seek pleasure or to and memory. As a result, our memo-
avoid danger. Both kinds of motivation are ries of the learning experience become
necessary for survival, and supportive devel- linked with the reward received and
opmental processes create a healthy balance the emotions we felt.9-11 Strong emo-
between the two. When they are out of tional connections to memories help us
balance, excessive reward-seeking or retrieve them more readily. The decisions
danger-avoidance can lead to a range of made in order to receive a short-term re-
disorders, including attention-deficit/hyperac- ward may not always achieve a long-term
tivity, depression, substance abuse, benefit, as anyone tempted by a
anxiety, and post-traumatic delicious dessert under-
stress.3-6 Both types of stands, but the brain is
motivation develop attuned to experi-
in childhood and ences that have
are strongly influ- previously led to
enced by what’s hap- a reward, and it
pening in a child’s learns to pre-
environment.7 For dict which ex-
example, the con- periences are
sistent presence of likely to trig-
a supportive adult ger the reward
in a child’s life can again.
calm an overactivat-
ed amygdala, an area of • Avoidance
the brain that is critical for motivation
learning fear and responding dire c ts us away f rom
to threat. The result is a bal- t hre atening or unple as-
anced system that assesses and re- ant exp er iences. Avoidance
sponds to real threats appropriately. On the motivation—which we associate with
other hand, children who are raised in abu- the emotions of fear or disgust—often
sive, chaotic, or scary environments with- involves activation of the amygdala.12
out supportive adults tend to be more likely When the amygdala is activated in re-
to perceive experiences as threatening—and sponse to threat, norepinephrine and
respond to them as threats—but less likely other stress hormones are released,
to expect rewards when they do something triggering what is often called the “fight
positive.8 Here, the systems become overly or flight” response: increases in heart
attuned to impulsive self-protection and less rate, blood glucose levels, and oxygen
to long-term goal achievement. intake to the brain, and a temporary
shutdown of less mission-critical func-
• Approach motivation is key to most tions, such as the digestive or metabol-
forms of learning. Anticipating a re- ic systems. This response may be trig-
ward—which can be any experience gered by an instinctual detection and
that causes pleasure, from the taste response to threat or by the conscious
of a delicious food to the satisfac- awareness of a potential threat (physi-
tion of achieving a goal or the glow cal or emotional). Disgust protects us
of an act of kindness—triggers a do- from ingesting or touching repulsive
pamine surge. That surge is a signal and often unhealthy substances. Fear
to expect new experiences that are and disgust—both the result of avoid-
ance motivation—develop in the brain



even before language: Babies feel afraid have received a tangible reward for having
well before they can say that the feel- performed them.16 When traditional school
ing is fear, and are able to express dis- systems rely heavily on extrinsic feedback,
gust as early as the first day of life.13 such as grades and awards, this can lead to
Avoidance motivation can also be a shift from the intrinsic drive to learn to a
learned through experience—when the desire for external recognition and accolades
brain correctly or incorrectly predicts or avoidance of failure or punishment. While
how serious a particular threat may extrinsic motivation may be effective for
be, it learns whether (and how much) some in the short term, it is unlikely to last.
to avoid it in the future. But while im-
portant for survival, the avoidance re- Once their basic needs are met, young children
sponse can actually inhibit higher-level
learning by focusing the brain’s activ-
are motivated intrinsically by exploration, active
ity on immediate response rather than
involvement in play, and achieving mastery or
planning to attain a long-range goal or
resisting an impulsive behavior. success in a task.
Both approach and avoidance motivation The combination of intrinsic drivers supported
are influenced by intrinsic (internal) by positive extrinsic feedback is best for
drivers and extrinsic (external) feedback. building a healthy motivation system, but
While all organisms have the intrinsic drive extrinsic feedback by itself is not an effective
to survive, approach reward, and avoid driver of behavior over the long term.17
threat, we may also be motivated by the
inherent pleasure and satisfaction derived In approach motivation, there is a
from an activity. Although neuroscientific “wanting” system and a “liking” system,
understanding of intrinsic motivation is still which can separate the desire to have
quite recent, it is believed that intrinsically an experience from the reward that is
motivating experiences trigger a dopamine actually experienced. Most people are not
surge, signaling the anticipation of pleasure.14 directly aware of the underlying processes
Once their basic needs are met, young of wanting or liking—that is, it is possible to
children are motivated intrinsically by want something at a deep, physiological level
exploration, active involvement in play, without being conscious of the pleasure it
and achieving mastery or success in a task, elicits.
whether banging a spoon to make a noise or The intense desire for experiencing pleasure,
solving a problem. This kind of motivation or “wanting,” is generated in the brain by
is important for learning and development the dopamine network, which connects the
because it leads to intense engagement in a regions of the brain that trigger automatic,
task and mastery is associated with pride and “non-thinking” responses to those that
satisfaction.15 manage memories, emotions, and behaviors.18
Intrinsic drivers are considered to be The circuits that connect the reward, the
the strongest and most lasting motivators, action that led to it, and the emotions felt
especially in early childhood, but positive at the time are so strong that even when the
feedback can support and reinforce the reward is withheld or diminished, the brain
inherent feelings of satisfaction or pleasure. will still prompt us to repeat the action that
For example, satisfaction from mastery is initially led to the reward. That can produce
supported by positive feedback from an “wanting” (the desire for the experience)
authority figure. But while positive feedback without “liking” (the actual pleasure or
is important in boosting a child’s self- reward that is felt). This separation explains
confidence, in some cases, external rewards why some people engage in once-rewarding
have been shown to undermine intrinsic behaviors past the point where they are
drivers. That is, children are less likely to enjoyable, like eating too much dessert or
engage spontaneously in activities after they drinking too much alcohol.



The “liking” system, on the other hand, or of eating too much—may not be nearly as
is highly localized within a small region pleasurable as the memory.
of the brain. When naturally occurring Typically, the pleasure received during
opioids, endocannabinoids, and serotonin liking triggers wanting, but people dealing
are transmitted, they must be received by with addiction often want substances or
this region to activate the actual feeling of experiences intensely even when pleasure is
pleasure rather than the craving for it. The no longer obtained from them. That’s because
liking system, therefore, consists of narrower, repeated exposure to many addictive drugs
more fragile circuits than the wanting causes the wanting systems to activate more
system, and thus is less easily activated.19 The easily and strongly. At the same time, over-
fragililty of these circuits may be one reason stimulation of the liking system (through, for
why intense pleasure is harder to experience example, artificial opioids and opiates) can
than intense desire.7 For example, the smell of lead to the need for increasing amounts of the
a candy store may trigger “wanting” based on drug to achieve the same effect. Therefore,
past memories linking sweets to pleasure. But wanting the drug increases even while the
the actual experience of eating the candy— liking for a given dose may fade.20-21(See page
7 for more information.)

Wanting System Liking System

Widespread, robust network across multiple Highly localized within a small region of the brain
regions of the brain
Activated through connections involving the Activated when dopamine, serotonin, and naturally
reward, the action that led to it, and the emotions occurring opioids are received in this specific brain
felt at the time region
Even when a reward is diminished or absent, the The dopamine system triggers less neural activity
brain will still prompt “wanting” over time, leading to reduced pleasure from the
same experiences

How Motivation Systems Develop

The brain’s motivation systems are is much stronger in adolescence than in early
particularly sensitive during certain periods childhood.
of early childhood development, when infants
and young children are learning approach, Especially in the early years of life, adults
avoidance, and attachment behaviors. caring for a child strongly influence the
While genes provide the basic blueprint development of the brain and motivation
for the motivation circuits, disruptions in system. Infants learn best through interac-
developmentally appropriate experiences tions with parents and other important adult
during these sensitive periods can affect caregivers who establish responsive, sup-
how the circuits develop and the behaviors portive relationships with them. The brain is
they shape. For example, a child can become biologically prepared to form strong, lasting
more highly attuned to avoidance than emotional connections to these caregivers, a
approach, which would reduce motivation bond known as attachment.
to try new activities. Because the timing of Research shows that there are different
the development of motivation systems is sensitive periods in which attachment figures
so important, different kinds of experiences affect motivation early in life. In the earliest
may have different impacts at different period, babies learn simple preferences
stages—the influence of peers, for example, among pleasant and unpleasant experiences.



Then they begin to distinguish between the brain that monitors and appraises social
threats that truly need to be avoided and acceptance and exclusion, plays a key role in
those that are less dangerous—here, the reward-based decision-making and learning.
supportive presence of a trusted adult can
have a buffering effect.22 For example, a loud Because the timing of the development of
noise may startle a child, but if children
are in the presence of someone they are motivation systems is so important, different
attached to and feel secure with, and who
kinds of experiences may have different
responds supportively, they will be less likely
to experience high levels of stress. Without impacts at different stages.
these relationships—or in situations where
these primary relationships are themselves a Researchers have found that children who
frequent source of fear—an imbalance may were chronically rejected, or had been emo-
develop between approach and avoidance tionally abused or neglected, had a more ac-
responses. tive ACC and showed heightened sensitivity
to the neurotransmitters released as a result
During adolescence, the motivation sys- of social exclusion.25 So, while all adoles-
tem is increasingly influenced by peers, cents are strongly motivated by social feed-
exploration, and performance feedback. back, those who have experienced emotional
Adolescence represents a period of adjust- abuse or rejection are even more motivated
ment to increased independence; it is also a by it.26
time of social reorientation from the influ- The cognitive and emotional development
ence of parents to peers. During this time, and increased cognitive flexibility that occurs
relationships with peers become more com- during adolescence creates both opportuni-
plex and intimate. They require greater social ties and challenges. The increased sensitivity
understanding and become more rewarding. to social rewards can lead to an inclination
Adolescence is also a time of neural and be- toward risk-taking and self-oriented acts,
havioral flexibility and change. Because dif- but also powers exploratory learning and
ferent regions of the brain mature at different the ability to adapt to different social con-
rates, during adolescence, the neural circuits texts and cultures. Adolescents learn both by
involved in cognitive, emotional, and social personal exploration and external feedback
information processing are at different stag- on their performance. For example, positive
es of development and reorganization, and feedback can increase motivation by signal-
have not yet achieved their adult balance. ing to an adolescent that a goal is of high val-
Typically, adolescents show stronger neu- ue and attainable. If the youth has low com-
ral responses to social acceptance and rejec- mitment to the goal, positive feedback can
tion than adults. This may explain why youth reinforce the feeling that he or she is on the
seem especially sensitive to negative social right track. When someone is strongly com-
feedback, and why positive social feedback mitted to the goal already, critical feedback
and acceptance are so rewarding. may be effective because it points out the dis-
Social interaction induces an increase in crepancy between where the youth currently
natural opioids and activates the region of is and where he or she wants to be.27 For ex-
the brain responsible for releasing dopamine ample, an athlete who is intrinsically driven
and serotonin.23-24 The pleasure of social ac- to participate in a particular sport may be
ceptance is present early in life and remains motivated to improve on weaknesses by a
important in adulthood, but is especially coach’s constructive criticism, but a student
powerful in adolescence when the brain is who is less drawn to the sport may be moti-
particularly tuned into these rewards. The vated more by encouragement—and might
anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), a portion of disengage as a result of criticism.



How Motivation and Reward Systems Can Be Disrupted

Excessive stress and a lack of positive electrical socket will help the child learn to
relationships can derail the development avoid the socket. But excessive or misdirected
of well-balanced motivation systems. fear by a primary caregiver can lead a child to
Children who experience a safe, supportive, lose interest in healthy exploration when the
and predictable environment develop motivation to avoid threat overpowers the
healthy motivation systems that are driven motivation to approach new experiences.
by a balance of approach and avoidance,
and of wanting and liking. Children whose Feeling helpless and believing that
environment is chaotic and stressful, however, abilities are fixed and unchangeable can
may develop motivation systems that are disrupt the brain’s motivational systems.
driven by avoidance and focused on fear. The motivation to act also requires some
Environmental factors can actually change expectation of success.29 Indeed, successfully
the mapping of the nucleus accumbens, a key making things happen is rewarding in
region of the brain that receives dopamine. and of itself. We can observe this even in
In animal studies, stressful environments very young infants. If a ribbon is tied to an
resulted in this region expanding its fear- infant’s leg and the other end attached to a
generating zone, while shrinking the zone mobile, when the baby notices that when she
that generates desire. Conversely, calm, quiet kicks the mobile moves, she will kick more
environments expanded desire-generation vigorously.30 She may also smile and gurgle
and reduced fear-generation.28 until the ribbon is untied from the mobile,
and then kick vigorously and cry angrily.31
Children whose environment is chaotic and stressful When a child does not see any effects from
her actions, it produces what is termed
may develop motivation systems that are driven by “learned helplessness.” People who learn
that they are helpless often give up even in
avoidance and focused on fear. situations in which they can be successful.32
Researchers are also finding that how
Research has also shown that, when the children and adults think about skills and
stress response is activated repeatedly, the talents makes a big difference in whether they
brain adapts by identifying threats more are motivated to keep trying. If skills and
frequently and reacting to them more talents are thought of as fixed—something
strongly—even if the sources of stress do people either have or don’t have—an initial
not increase in severity. Over time, that failure is likely to be attributed to a lack of
increasingly stronger stress reaction may natural ability and, in turn, it may decrease
reshape circuits in the hippocampus, which motivation. This is called a fixed mindset.
controls memory, or the amygdala, which is On the other hand, if skills and talents are
involved in emotional reactions. seen as capacities that can be developed
While a responsive, consistent relationship through practice—a growth mindset—then
with an adult can suppress the release of a failure signals the need to develop the
stress hormones in an infant’s brain, the skill or talent through continued effort
reverse is also true. Studies find that children and practice. Evidence shows that mindset
can over-learn fear from the adults around interventions with adolescents can improve
them, which affects the amygdala and may academic performance, particularly among
have long-term consequences for a child’s low-achieving teens.33-34
health, learning, and social relationships.23 Notably, adults sometimes inadvertently
Expressing fear is not always a bad thing: for lead children to develop a fixed mindset when
example, an urgent warning from a mother we praise them for being smart, or for their
when her child is moving a finger toward an talent in a particular domain, as if the ability



Key Brain Regions and Chemicals for Motivation and Reward

Regions Chemicals
Amygdala Dopamine
“Emotion Trigger”—rapidly assesses A key factor in “wanting,” dopamine
incoming information from the environment modulates neural activity when
and activates either approach or avoidance a rewarding event has occurred.
behaviors. This structure is critical for Increases in dopamine reinforce the
threat detection and learned fear. behaviors that elicited the reward
and lead individuals to seek out
and learn from new experiences in
“Memory Center”—lays down
anticipation of a positive outcome.
detailed memories of events and
triggers retrieval of these memories Serotonin
when presented with a relevant A key factor in “liking,” serotonin
cue. This structure also is involved combines with other neurochemicals
in regulating the duration of stress to convey euphoria and has the widest
responses to environmental stimuli. distribution in the brain. Serotonin
modulates a wide array of behaviors,
Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC) including a major influence on emotional
“Behavior Tracker”—monitors the states, sleep cycles, eating, and other
environment as well as one’s own rewarding behaviors.
behavior and others’ (such as
social exclusion). This region sounds Glutamate
the alarm when behavior needs to The primary, fast chemical neurotransmitter in
be modified, mobilizing regions in the brain that excites and communicates with
the prefrontal cortex involved in self- neurons across synapses.
regulation and decision-making.
Prefrontal Cortex Triggers “fight or flight” response, which increases
“Air Traffic Control”—manages executive functions, self- heart rate, glucose, and oxygen intake to the
regulation, behavioral control, planning, and complex brain, and temporarily shuts down less mission-
decision-making. critical functions. Norepinephrine works in part by
activating attention systems to the most important
Nucleus Accumbens stimuli in the environment at that moment.
“Reward Anticipator”—evaluates stimuli that produce
wanting or liking responses. This structure also plays an Endocannabinoids
important role in learning from feedback and in reward- Regulate neuronal activity caused by dopamine
based decision-making. and related behaviors and work with opioids and
serotonin to produce euphoria.
Substantia Nigra/Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA)
“Dopamine Distributors”—produce the brain chemical Opioids
dopamine and deliver it to other regions of the brain that are A class of naturally occurring chemicals, such as
involved in motor function and in motivating and rewarding endorphins, that reduce pain and can produce
behaviors. euphoria. Opioids are released by the body
during exercise and pleasurable activities. Use of
Raphe Nuclei artificial opioids, such as heroin and a number of
“Serotonin Distributors”—produce the neurotransmitter prescription painkillers, can desensitize the reward
serotonin and deliver it to a wide network of circuits across circuitry of the brain and result in addiction that
the brain, including structures related to motivation, reward, increases drug-seeking.
and threat detection.
Illustration by Betsy Hayes



is something that they possess naturally, experience of pleasure and connect them to
and not something they can develop over the wanting and liking systems. By contrast,
time. Modeling is also important and can these activities may also temporarily suppress
influence a sense of self-efficacy. A study in the intensity of negative emotions, leading to
which infants witnessed one adult working their use as self-medication. Stated simply,
hard to achieve a specific goal and another these experiences can quickly ramp up good
succeeding at a goal effortlessly found that feelings and tamp down bad feelings—but
infants persisted at a novel task more after only temporarily. This can create a spiral
observing the high-effort example.35-36 of dysregulation, in which the addictive
experience triggers initial pleasure, followed
Instrinsic motivation can either be by negative emotions and physical craving,
which can only be suppressed by the
encouraged or suppressed by the addictive behavior.37
Addictive drugs can often release more
experiences adults provide for children. dopamine than natural rewards. This over-
stimulation of cells that receive dopamine
Thus, even babies are sensitive to what they can, over time, change the neural pathways
witness regarding the relationship between and chemistry in the motivation systems.
effort and outcome. As a result, the brain becomes less and less
affected by dopamine, at least as long as the
Addictive drugs and behaviors can drug continues to be taken.38 However, the
hijack the brain’s motivation and reward wanting systems can become permanently
systems. The overwhelming compulsion hyper-reactive to drug cues, even after ending
to seek and take drugs or alcohol, or engage drug use. In other words, the repeated use of
in a range of pleasure-stimulating activities a short-cut to pleasure creates circuitry that
such as gambling or casual sex, involves is so strongly associated with memories of
both positive and negative reinforcement. pleasure that the wanting system produces
By flooding the nucleus accumbens with powerful urges to follow it, even when the
dopamine, these activities provide a short- pleasure itself fades. Ultimately, the mere
cut to pleasure, bypassing the time and effort memory of the behavior—and even the
required to trigger similiar positive feelings associations of people or places with the
of reward that are generated by achieving behavior—can lead to the impulsive actions
a goal or mastering a skill. Other parts of that characterize addiction.39
the brain create memories of this rapid

Implications for Parents, Caregivers, and Teachers

The intrinsic motivation to learn about is sometimes called the “Goldilocks
the world around us begins in infancy. This effect:” things are interesting when
type of motivation can either be encouraged they are novel, but not too novel.40
or suppressed by the experiences adults When interacting with infants, notice
provide for children. Psychological research what they pay attention to, and engage
points to a set of promising approaches that with them around their interests.
parents and practitioners can use to promote
positive motivation and learning during • Elicit curiosity. Infants seek to
development. explore objects—especially those that
behave in surprising ways. When
• Follow babies’ lead. Babies naturally they drop something on the floor or
orient toward novel objects and throw it, they’re trying to see what
events. They look away from objects will happen next.41 Provide infants
that are overly familiar, but also from with opportunities to interact with
new ones that are too complex. This



new objects—and let them lead and • Prioritize social interaction during
learn! learning. In the digital age, there are
many educational, computer-based
• Encourage children’s playful explo- applications designed for children,
ration. When given the opportunity, even as young as 6 months.43-44
children of all ages spontaneously en- However, even the best-designed and
gage in play. The ingredients of play most effective apps cannot replace
are precisely the ones that fuel learn- real-life social interactions with adults
ing: play is intrinsically motivating, and peers. In one study, babies learned
it presents an opportunity for novel elements of language more effectively
experiences and for learning from when face-to-face with a teacher or
others, it requires active engagement, caregiver than when watching her
and it can strengthen social bonds on video.45 Recent research shows
and reduce stress. When life is busy that young children can learn from
or chaotic, it can be hard to find the digital media, such as touch-screen
time and space to encourage children’s tablets, but social interaction during
play, but this is an important aspect of this learning experience appears to be
development.42 essential.46

Five Facts About Motivation That Are Often Misunderstood

Motivation comes from a set of neurochemical networks that develop over time, as a result of the
experiences we have. Despite the common misperception that some people just naturally have
or lack motivation, science shows that the nature of caregiving relationships and opportunities
for safe exploration that we provide young children affect the development of these systems—for
better or for worse.

The best way to sustain motivation is to support internal drivers with the right kind of external
feedback. Carrots (rewards) and sticks (punishments) are not the only ways to motivate people.
Systems focused solely on external rewards and punishments are unlikely to achieve sustained,
productive motivation; those that balance intrinsically motivating activities—such as creative
problem-solving and playful learning—with positive feedback are more likely to support healthy
motivation over the long run.

3 Addictions divert motivation systems and require more than willpower to overcome. Addictions
chemically hijack the basic biological systems that have evolved for optimal survival. Addiction
does not reflect a simple lack of conscious effort or a “failure of character;” managing addictions
requires blocking these chemical diversions below the conscious level.

4 Motivation is complicated and has many influences. Behavior is affected by the experiences and
conditions that shape a mindset that goal achievement is possible—and, critically, by having the
resources, time, skills, and supports that make successful action feasible. It is incorrect to say that
if anyone wants something badly enough, he or she will find a way to do it.

5 Providing a predictable reward is not enough to sustain motivation over time. Experiences that are
exactly as expected every time lose their novelty, and eventually elicit less neural activity in the
dopamine system. When we experience a reward that is better than predicted, the brain will prefer
that experience in the future; if the reward is less than expected, the brain will ultimately exhibit
less motivation toward that experience. So “keeping things fresh,” whether through new activities,
different locations, or a different reward, is good advice for sustaining motivation.14



• Challenge children just enough. more rewards, but they may also learn
Kids are motivated to work toward to shy away from challenging activities
achievable goals. From infancy that they might not excel at, for fear
onward, effort is required to sustain of negative evaluation. Performance
motivation, but success must be pressure increases as children move
possible. They lose motivation when up in school, and it is associated with
a task is too easy, but also when it is depression and anxiety in addition
so difficult as to be insurmountable. to diminished joy of learning. When
Video games harness this basic we praise children for their effort
principle of learning effectively, and help them see falling short as an
constantly increasing the level of opportunity to learn and improve
challenge based on an individual (rather than simply focus on the
child’s performance. Try to adapt a outcome), they will be more motivated
challenge according to a child’s current to work hard and more likely to believe
capabilities, and provide prompt that they can achieve what they put
feedback on his or her performance. their mind to.

• Give children agency. Children are • Maintain a close connection with

more motivated when they have some adolescents. Adolescence is a period
degree of self-determination, and can when many young people take risks
elect to pursue tasks that are person- and push boundaries. This trend re-
ally meaningful. When they have a flects, in large part, a natural inclina-
choice of projects, or at least a little tion toward novel and exciting experi-
wiggle room as to how a task gets ences that maximize learning opportu-
done, children are more likely to stay nities and are important in making the
engaged.15 transition to independence. As teens
become more motivated by the ap-
• Provide incentives only when nec- proval of their peers, it can be socially
essary. When children are suddenly rewarding to follow risk-taking leaders
rewarded for something they enjoy or stand out by breaking boundaries.
and do freely, they may begin to do However, teens with close family re-
it only when they know they will be lationships are less prone to risk-tak-
compensated afterwards.47 Wherever ing.48 High parental support and open
possible, harness children’s natural cu- dialogue are associated with fewer
riosity and inclination to work toward problem behaviors, including less
an achievable goal, rather than promis- substance abuse and delinquency. Be
ing a reward. empathetic and supportive, knowing
that youth are going through changes
• Praise the process rather than the in their brains, bodies, and social re-
outcome.47 When we praise children lations that can make risky behavior
for their intellect or skill level—or the appealing to them. Keep the lines of
grade or gold medal they received—it communication open—and keep close
can lead to a performance orientation. tabs on teens.
They may be motivated to achieve

10  Understanding Motivation WWW.DEVELOPINGCHILD.HARVARD.EDU


Implications for Policy and Public Systems

• Support the development of motiva- than expecting awareness of potential

tion in early childhood programs. punishments to change behavior.
Knowing that the brain systems under-
lying motivation begin to develop in • Include motivation-building sup-
infancy, we can help children develop ports in programs for adults who
the balanced systems they will need care for young children. Foster a
later in life by starting in the earliest growth mindset by praising effort,
years. High teacher-to-child ratios, looking at mistakes as learning op-
training in effective strategies to facili- portunities, and monitoring progress
tate playful exploration and build self- toward goals. Incorporate and test
efficacy, reducing stress in families’ promising methods for goal-setting
lives, and skill-building for parents and and keeping people on track to achieve
providers of early care and education self-defined goals. These approaches
are all contributors to ensuring that can not only improve retention in pro-
the foundations of healthy motivation grams, but can also enable parents and
systems are built in early childhood. caregivers to model and support these
skills and mindsets in children.
• Shift schools toward a balance of
positive feedback that supports in- • Replace punitive approaches to
trinsic drivers. To improve student program retention with methods
motivation, school systems should re- that reduce stress, provide positive
duce emphasis on extrinsic rewards feedback and social/peer support,
(like grades, tests, and performance- and demonstrate quick successes.
based recognition programs) and Many programs designed to help fami-
increase emphasis on constructive lies with young children struggle to en-
feedback and coaching to improve gage parents to participate actively and
performance. Support and reward stay with the program long enough to
exploration, praise effort, and use truly benefit. Many factors contribute
successes in one area to inspire effort to program engagement and retention,
in another, while avoiding punishment- ranging from inconvenience of timing,
based approaches. location, and transportation, to cost,
child care needs, and competition with
• Focus response to addiction on other activities or the needs of other
treatment rather than punishment. family members and friends. Along
Policies and programs relating to ad- with addressing those factors, pro-
dictions can be improved by under- grams can increase motivation to par-
standing that addictive drugs rewire ticipate by making it easier to rejoin
and redirect motivation and reward after a lapse (reducing stress), helping
systems. Knowing that craving or participants achieve small successes
wanting addictive substances hap- quickly (building self-efficacy), and
pens below the conscious level means making participation more reward-
that solutions must also occur on the ing by praising effort (strengthening a
physiological or biological level, rather growth mindset).

WWW.DEVELOPINGCHILD.HARVARD.EDU Understanding Motivation  11



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Working Paper 1 Young Children Develop in an Environment of Relationships (2004)

Working Paper 2 Children’s Emotional Development is Built into the Architecture of their Brain (2004)

Working Paper 3 Excessive Stress Disrupts the Architecture of the Developing Brain (2005, updated 2014)

Working Paper 4 Early Exposure to Toxic Substances Damages Brain Architecture (2006)

Working Paper 5 The Timing and Quality of Early Experiences Combine to Shape Brain Architecture (2007)

Working Paper 6 Establishing a Level Foundation for Life: Mental Health Begins in Early Childhood (2008, updated 2012)

Working Paper 7 Workforce Development, Welfare Reform, and Child Well-Being (2008)

Working Paper 8 Maternal Depression Can Undermine the Development of Young Children (2009)

Working Paper 9 Persistent Fear and Anxiety Can Affect Young Children’s Learning and Development (2010)

Working Paper 10 Early Experiences Can Alter Gene Expression and Affect Long-Term Development (2010)

Working Paper 11 Building the Brain’s “Air Traffic Control” System: How Early Experiences Shape the Development of Executive Function (2011)

Working Paper 12 The Science of Neglect: The Persistent Absence of Responsive Care Disrupts the Developing Brain (2012)

Working Paper 13 Supportive Relationships and Active Skill-Building Strengthen the Foundations of Resilience (2015)


Early Childhood Program Evaluations: A Decision-Maker’s Guide (2007)

The Science of Early Childhood Development: Closing the Gap Between What We Know and What We Do (2007)

A Science-Based Framework for Early Childhood Policy: Using Evidence to Improve Outcomes in Learning, Behavior, and Health for
Vulnerable Children (2007)

The Foundations of Lifelong Health Are Built in Early Childhood (2010)

Building Core Capabilities for Life: The Science Behind the Skills Adults Need to Succeed in Parenting and in the Workplace (2016)

From Best Practices to Breakthrough Impacts: A Science-Based Approach to Building a More Promising Future for Young Children and Families (2016)

Applying the Science of Child Development in Child Welfare Systems (2016)

Three Principles to Improve Outcomes for Children and Families (2017)

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