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Edgar Cayce on Astrology

By Kevin Williams

Reality is multi-dimensional. We are multi-

dimensional beings who exist simultaneously in a
multi-dimensional reality. Long ago, our bodies
evolved from primates. Even longer ago, our minds
evolved from the stars. But before the universe was even reated, our
spirits have always existed as part of the divine in even higher
dimensions. !t the onsious "physial# level, our bodies are li$e a
miniature replia of the solar system. %ur hearts perform the funtion of
the sun - the enter of the system. %ther organs within our body are also
used by our souls to find a means of expression. &he planets exert
astrologial vibrations upon our bodies that influene our personalities

and soul patterns. !t the subonsious "soul# level, the solar system is
our larger body. We are onneted to the planets, the stars, spiritual
realms and entities. %n the superonsious "spirit# level, we are one with
the Whole. !t this level, we are on a onsious level with all there is - the
We thin$ of the universe in three-dimensional terms of time, spae, and
motion. We thin$ of spae in terms of height, length, and width. We thin$
of time as past, present, and future. We spea$ of ourselves as having
physial, mental, and spiritual life. &he world about us an be seen as
having mineral, plant, and animal life. &he Bible refers to a three-
dimensional 'od as (ather, )on, and *oly )pirit. !ording to +aye, the
dimensions of human awareness isonsiousness, subonsiousness,
and superonsiousness.

+aye revealed that our life experiene involves more than ust the Earth.
t involves our entire solar system. &hrough the priniples of astrology,
eah solar system in the universe is li$e a /university/ - a plae for higher
learning. %ur solar system has nine planets and eah planet is a physial
representation of a partiular afterlife realm "or dimension#. %ur universe
is only one realm out of many afterlife realms.
%ur universe "inluding the Earth# is the third realm in the afterlife
hierarhy and represents three-dimensional life. Beause +aye
assoiated eah planet as a physial "three-dimensional# representation
of a partiular afterlife realm, +aye referred to these afterlife realms
using the name of the planet assoiated with it. (or example, when +aye
uses the name 0enus, he is referring to the afterlife realm that are
assoiated astrologially with the planet named 0enus. When +aye/e!periences/cayce0".htl 14.09.2014
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mentions that souls inhabit Venus, he does not mean that souls live on
the surface of the planet Venus, he means that souls inhabit the afterlife
realm named Venus which is associated astrologically with the planet

For example, the planet Earth is a physical representation (three-

dimensional) of the third afterlife realm (i.e., our universe). he planet
!ercury is a physical representation (three-dimensional) associated with
the second afterlife realm, also named !ercury, in the afterlife hierarchy.

he afterlife realms are dimensions which souls can experience when not
active in the physical body on Earth. hese non-active states include
death, deep sleep, or other altered states that free the subconscious from
its normal physical constraints.

he planets exert an astrological influence on us. hese astrological

planetary influences srcinate from the afterlife realms that our souls have
so"ourned before our current Earth experience and in between Earth
lives. he purpose of these astrological influences is to provide certain life
lessons we must learn and for which we are tested on Earth.

#ayce described how we are connected in

mind, body and spirit, to various afterlife
realms and astrological bodies such as the
moon, sun, planets, and stars. $n fact,
#ayce affirmed that everything is
connected together as one. %ur solar
system is our larger body and our bodies
act as a miniature solar system.

&hile on Earth, we are influenced in strong ways by desires that srcinate

from our bodies. hese desires not only affect our bodies but our soul as
well and how we deal with these influences can determine our level of
spiritual development. hrough meditation and prayer, one can unloc' the
doors to the many dimensions, the many mansions, of ods 'ingdom.
*ut the door must first be unloc'ed here on this Earth realm.

+esus taught that the 'ingdom of heaven is within us. &e see' od and
his 'ingdom by loo'ing within ourselves. %ur bodies are temples for the
very pirit of od both as the place where we may meet him and as an
instrument of awareness through which we may attune to him.

ccording to #ayce and the eastern religions, there are seven locations
within the body that act as spiritual energy centers (called cha'ras in the
East). $t is through these spiritual centers that our soul finds a means of/e!periences/cayce0".htl 14.09.2014
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These are the parts within our body that function like a miniature
astrological solar system with our hearts performing the function of the
sun - the center of the system.

The Connection Between the Body and Afterlife


Cayce mentioned that these seven

spiritual energy centers within our
body are the seven endocrine glands.
These glands are known by science
to be the emotional and motivational
centers of our body. They act
especially in responses to the
imaginative forces of the mind. They

are the organs of perception through

which we may become aware of
other afterlife realms in the same way
that our commonly known five senses
are organs of perception of our Earth
experience. The endocrine glands are the pituitary gland, the pineal
gland, the thyroid gland, the thymus, the adrenal glands, the lyden gland,
and finally the sexual glands (the testes or ovaries.

!s an instrument for attunement, the endocrine glands serve as points of

contact between the spirit and the body. These centers are the

transformers of the spirit into physical consciousness and

manifestation. The functioning of these centers is, in turn, dependent
primarily upon the "uality of motivation or ideal chosen and dwelt upon by
the imaginative forces of the mind.

!n example of how our endocrine glands works can be found when we

get angry. #henever we experience the emotion of anger, our adrenals
glands secrete. The activity of our sexual glands is directly related to
sexual motivation from our minds. $cience knows that the pituitary gland
is the master gland of the body. %t&s secretions have a direct and
coordinating effect on all the other glands.

Cayce stated that each endocrine gland center is influenced by the

influence of a particular afterlife realm through its associated astrological
planetary influence. The lowest endocrine gland in our body, the sexual
glands, is associated with the lowest afterlife realm in the hierarchy of
spirit realms. The pituitary gland is associated with the highest afterlife

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realm in the hierarchy. The afterlife realm we travel to upon death is

determined by the highest endocrine gland within our body that we have
spiritually activated. Activation of the highest spiritual center, the pituitary
gland, creates a spiritual awakening and enlightenment that brings an
awareness of our one-ness with God. This is the spiritual condition that
Christians refer to as atonement, or as Cayce would say: at-one-ment.
e can achieve spiritual enlightenment through meditation and any other
e!perience that unites our awareness with that of God. "uch e!periences
include the near-death e!perience.

Cayce revealed that each afterlife realm has a

particular astrological function that influences us
physically by the corresponding planets in order to
attain soul growth. Cayce identified the planet #arth
as the realm of testing. Cayce stated that the #arth
is the cause and effect dimension. This means that if
a soul has a mental ideal and would like to
physically manifest this ideal for the purpose of
education, the soul can come to the #arth to be tested and apply
themselves. $y actually going through the e!perience themselves on
#arth they can reali%e if what they believe is true &or not true' for
themselves. The #arth realm is good for overcoming certain weaknesses
and applying yourself to see that those weaknesses are truly
overcome. (ere we can learn for certain whether we have really changed.
)t is one thing to have an idea* but its another thing to make this idea into
a physical reality. This is why we come to planet #arth.

Cayce also revealed that the #arth realm is a sort of laboratory for the
other realms of the afterlife associated with our solar system. This is
because only on #arth is free will completely dominant and only on #arth
does three-dimensional life e!ist in our solar system. )n the other afterlife
realms, some measure of control is kept over the soul to see that it learns
the proper lessons. The control is usually by the soul itself, if it has
evolved sufficiently. This is because, at death, the soul leaves the body
and the soul+s consciousness is absorbed into the subconsciousness and
the separation between the two is lifted.

The color-coded chart below represents the spiritual relationships

between the glands, the planets, and the afterlife realms. As an e!ample,

the pituitary gland &the third eye in #astern religions' is an astrological

and spiritual point of contact with the planet upiter in our solar system.
The planet upiter is the th planet from the sun. And the planet upiter is
an astrological and spiritual point of contact with the th realm in the
afterlife hierarchy.

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%osition of
%osition of
"ndocrine "astern %lanet in our the 'ealm in
%lanet in
#land $hakra &olar &ystem the fterlife
&olar &ystem
------- ------- %luto *th -------
%ituitary hird"ye +upiter th th
%ineal $rown ercury /st 0nd
hyroid hroat 1ranus th 2th
hymus eart 3enus 0nd 4th
ndrenals 5avel ars 4th th
Lyden 5eptune 2th 6th
#onads 'oot &aturn 6th /st
------- ------- "arth 7rd 7rd

Looking at the next color-coded chart below, we can see the spiritual
relationships between the glands and the spiritual influence exerted upon
the gland (i.e., the vibration and light). It should be noted here that not
only is this spiritual influence of light vibrations exerted upon the gland
from afterlife realms, but these same light vibrations are exerted from our
glands upon the afterlife realms. his is how we are spiritually connected
to the planets and the afterlife realms. his connection also makes it
possible for us to connect with others through the same planetary!realm
connection. his is because everything is spiritually connected together.

s an example, looking at the chart below will show

that the pituitary gland is associated with spiritual
strength through the spiritual vibration on the scale
of la and the violet light spectrum. his spiritual
vibration astrologically connects the pituitary gland
to the planet +upiter. It also connects +upiter to its
corresponding afterlife realm - the th realm (see
the chart above). aking all the information
together shows how we are spiritually connected
with the physical dimension and the spiritual

"ndocrine &piritual Light

3ibration %lanet
#land Influence &pectrum
------- &ubconscious ------- ------- %luto
%ituitary &trength la 3iolet +upiter

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+ineal ind tea Indigo ercury

Thyroid +syche so -lue ranus
Thymus (ove fa "reen /enus
Andrenals Anger me 0ellow ars
(yden ysticism ray 1range *eptune
"onads 2oes doe 3ed Saturn
4444444 Testing 4444444 4444444 #arth

The energy of the sexual glands, used wholly on the sexual level and
without control, may bring sexual perversions and unbridled sensuality. If
this spiritual center is the highest center activated during a person's life, at
death they may dwell in the corresponding afterlife realm associated with
the planet Saturn. According to Cayce, this afterlife realm can be referred
to as the realm of earthly woes. It is similar to the afterlife realm which is
nown by Catholics as purgatory, a place of cleansing, purification and

starting over.

The Saturn afterlife realm is not a pleasant place according to

Cayce. Cayce said this is the realm where all inade!uate flesh goes to be
redone. A soul may banishes itself to the Saturn realm to begin anew.
This place is also nown as the "reat Changer, the great force for
starting over. Sometimes when Cayce would begin a reading for
someone, he would identify what the last afterlife realm that soul
experienced before entering the #arth realm. $e would not limit himself to
a person's past lives on #arth, but would include their lives in the cosmos
as well. %uring a reading, Cayce told a person he identified as having
previously experienced an incarnation in the Saturn realm that &"od loves
those who are willing to start over.&

The lyden or (eydig) gland, located above the sexual glands, is the
starting point of the soul's activity toward higher levels of spiritual
consciousness. This endocrine gland can act on the body to function as a
door through which the soul may go on to higher afterlife realms. If this
gland is the highest gland activated during a person's life, at death they
will be able to dwell in the corresponding afterlife realm associated with
the planet *eptune. According to Cayce, this afterlife realm is referred to
as the realm of mysticism, where souls have the ability to have direct
experience with the Creator and perceive the Creator. *eptune gives the
urges to see the unusual, the mystical, the unseen forces around us.
+eople who come to #arth from this realm seem peculiar to others and
are many times misunderstood. A love of mysteries can indeed be
spiritual, but it can also be &of the sleuth or detective nature.&

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The adrenal glands are located above the kidneys. We are actively aware
of this center in times of stress, when it pours adrenaline into the blood
stream to aid us in fighting or fleeing. The adrenals are also the
storehouse of our emotional karma according to Cayce. From these
glands come the negative energy of anger and hatred. If this gland is the
highest gland activated during a person's life, at death they will be able to
dwell in the corresponding afterlife realm associated with the planet ars.
!ccording to Cayce, this afterlife realm is referred to as the realm of
anger. Cayce said this realm was the place to learn how to control the
warrior"like power, aggressions and urges that each soul has the ability to
pro#ect. $eople who come to %arth from this realm may bring with them
anger, impulsiveness, and a temper. &tubbornness needs to be handled
with patience and self"control. &uch people may have an ealted opinion
of themselves, but it makes them courageous.

The thymus gland is found behind the heart in the solar pleus area of the
chest. &ince the thymus gland is related to the heart, it is associated with
love. (ove opens all doors. !t this gland, love is awakened, bringing with
it consideration, unselfishness, sincerity and honesty. If this gland is the
highest gland activated during a person's life, at death they will be able to
dwell in the corresponding afterlife realm associated with the planet
)enus. !ccording to Cayce, this afterlife realm can be referred to as the
realm of love. &ympathy, the alleviating of hardships, the seeking of love,
beauty and song are some influences that people from that realm
possess. *eauty, either natural or man"made, will move these individuals+
furthermore, there is a desire to beautify the home. There is a strong
attraction to the opposite se.

The thyroid gland, located in the throat, is related to will"power. From the
misuse of the will for selfish and domineering ends, may come the
condition known as hyper"thyroidism. When little effort is made to the will
at all, the opposite may occur, an imbalance known as hypo"thyroidism. It
is worthy of note that in some cases where there has been a growth on
the thyroid, a degree of clairvoyance or telepathy has developed. The
energy released upon the thyroid gland opens the door into the psychic
realms of consciousness. If this gland is the highest gland activated
during a person's life, at death they will be able to dwell in the
corresponding afterlife realm associated with the planet ranus.
!ccording to Cayce, this afterlife realm is referred to as the realm of the

psyche. Cayce used the term psyche in the same way as the ancient
-reeks used the term meaning the sense of the soul. Cayce said it was
natural for every soul to have a sith sense. The ranus afterlife realm is
where the soul develops psychic ability. ranus is also the realm of
etremes. It gives people who came from there an interest in the occult

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and psychic phenomena. Such people have times of smoothness and

other times, periods of ecstasy and depression.

The pineal gland is situated a little above the

pituitary gland and is the so-called Mind of
Christ gland. When this gland has been truly
awakened, one may eperience spiritual holy
communion. !t is by this gland that the mind of
the soul meets the "oly Spirit. This gland,
when stimulated daily through meditation, can
bring seer-ship or prophecy. !f this gland is the
highest gland activated during a person#s life, at death they will be able to
dwell in the corresponding afterlife realm associated with the planet
Mercury. $ccording to Cayce, this afterlife realm is referred to as the
realm of the mind. Mercury is associated with high mental abilities.
%eople who come to &arth from this realm are gifted souls who need to
watch out for self-aggrandi'ement or their abilities will be merely
stumbling stones upon his path. Mercury brings understanding,
specifically the understanding of the other spheres.

The pituitary gland is the master gland of the body. !t is situated between
and behind the eyes in the brain, acting as the third eye of ancient
mysticism. !t is through the pituitary gland, the highest endocrine gland,
that ultimate awakening comes. !t is through the energy of the pituitary
gland that one may enter the very presence of (od through meditation
and prayer. !f this gland is the highest gland activated during a person#s
life, at death they will be able to dwell in the corresponding afterlife realm
associated with the planet )upiter. $ccording to Cayce, this afterlife realm

is referred to as the realm of high mindedness and large groups. %eople

who come to &arth from this realm may bring with them universality and
ennoblement. They may turn their attention to large groups of people or
nations. They can be epansive and may become blessed with wealth,
which includes a wealth of friends, a broad-mindedness, and the ability to
consider others. They often have grand ideas and notions.

The planet %luto the seventh planet from the &arth and is associated with
the afterlife realm referred to as the realm of consciousness. This afterlife
realm is the realm for the final development of full consciousness. The
planet %luto was discussed by Cayce years before it was actually
discovered* "e referred to it as +ulcan and also as Septimus. When %luto
was discovered, Cayce affirmed that +ulcan or Septimus was the same
planet as %luto. The %luto realm of the afterlife brings regeneration and a
growth in consciousness, but also can bring self-centeredness. %luto
represents spiritual growth and development of the soul and its influence
is ust now developing in the destiny of humanity.

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After all the afterlife realms associated with our solar system have been
fully experienced and all the lessons have been fully learned and the
proper level of soul growth has been attained, the soul can move on to
other afterlife realms and even other solar systems where other souls are
going through the same thing.

The stars represent soul patterns, not experiences. The twelve signs of
the zodiac are twelve patterns from which the soul chooses when coming
into the Earth realm. They are like races - patterns of temperament,
personality, etc.

The star signs of the zodiac, for instance,

influence people in subtler ways by making them
bullish, or lionish, or airy, or introspective. The
afterlife realms, manifested physically by the
planets, are old dwelling places of the soul. The
planets influence people when they come to a
point of prominence in the sky !ust as a person
who had once lived in a certain city would be influenced by reading of it,
or meeting someone from the town, or by seeing photographs of it.

Take the moon, for instance. "t#s influence is obvious on such things as
the tides and the female cycle. These influences are observable when the
moon is close. The word lunatic stems from luna meaning moon. "n law
enforcement and emergency circles, accounts of the affect a full moon
has on the crime rate have been reported. The planets are farther away
than the moon, and the stars are far beyond them. $ut their light comes to

the Earth, and they influence in some way the heart, or the brain, or the

%ayce stated that souls reincarnate, not only to the Earth realm, but souls
also reincarnate to other realms between Earth incarnations as well. "f a
soul incarnates into an Earth life from one of these afterlife realms, the
soul will manifest the influence of the realm from which it recently came.
These influences, which are defined by astrology, are related to the spirit
realm associated with the astrological influence of the associated planet.

As an example of how a soul so!ourns to various afterlife realms, %ayce

described his most recent so!ourns throughout the cosmos. %ayce#s soul
so!ourned in the &ranus afterlife realm, the realm of the psychic, and !ust
before incarnating into the physical realm, had a brief experience in the
'enus afterlife realm. (e incarnated to Earth with these most recent
experiences ingrained in his soul. )uch a combination would make a
person psychic having a heart for helping others.

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As another example, Cayce described his sister Lila's sojourns. Her soul
sojourned in the afterlife realm associated with Jupiter prior to incarnating
into the arth. !ut before incarnating she had an experience in the
afterlife realm associated with "ercury which added to her mental ability.
Jupiter's influence of high mindedness and large groups is one of the

reasons she later became an executi#e for the $nternational %ed

Cross. Large groups and high ideals often come with incarnations in the
Jupiter realm according to Cayce. &hese influences, Cayce says, are
latent within the soul by soul experience, not just because the stars are in
a certain position at the time of birth. &he soul actually had experiences in
these realms. &his is an energy the soul can draw on during their
experience on arth. uring sleep, we also enter into these afterlife
realms again according to Cayce. (e are truly citi)ens of the cosmos
e#en as we wal* the arth.

Cayce's use of astrology and the !ible in his re#elations supports the fact
that the !ible is filled with astrology. &o read about astrology in the !ible,
#isit the Astrology and the !ible web page.
+Lo#e is a sign from the hea#ens that you
are here for a reason.+  J. -hetto

 dgar Cayce $ndex  /ext 

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