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3. Differences between Bada's experiment and Miller-Urey experiment.

The Miller-Urey experiment was conducted to test the Oparin-Haldane theory by synthesizing organic molecules from
inorganic components theorized to be present on prebiotic earth. Their experiment focused on combining warm water
to simulate a primitive ocean with the four gases, which were water vapor, methane, ammonia, and hydrogen, which
acts as the prebiotic atmosphere while firing electrical sparks to act as lightning, which produced a solution containing
simple organic compounds including amino acids in a week. Miller’s student, Jeffrey Bada analyzed the samples left by
Miller and found out that he made another experiment adding hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide that created sulfur-
containing amino acids. The main difference between Miller-Urey experiment and Bada’s experiment is that Bada added
iron and carbonate minerals after finding out that the reactions from the previous experiment produced nitrites which
destroy amino acids in an instant and turns the water acidic hindering the formation of amino acids. Bada’s experiment
had products rich with amino acids unlike the products from the Miller-Urey experiment. Another difference is that
simple setup with primitive equipment was used in Miller-Urey experiment while Bada’s experiment used modern day

Georgia Institute of Technology. (2014, June 25). Retrieved November 26, 2020, from

Parker, E., Cleaves, J., Burton, A., Glavin, D., Dworkin, J., Zhou, M., . . . Fernández, F. (2014, January 21). Conducting
miller-urey experiments. Retrieved November 26, 2020, from

Yong, E. (2020, June 24). Scientists finish a 53-year-old classic experiment on the origins of life. Retrieved November 26,
2020, from

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