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COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus

Quiz, Fall-2020

Date: November, 12, 2020

Class/Program: BBA6/7/8 Subject: Employee Relation Management

Total Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 10

Name: Iqra Registration#: SP17-BBA-005

Q1, how do the Tylor’s and Herzberg’s theories align to the case study TESCO, critically examine
and evaluate the literature under your own considerations.

A1. Herzberg’s theory alignment to the case study TESCO

In 1959 Frederick nuclear physicist developed the Two-Factor theory of motivation. His analysis
showed that bound factors were verity motivators or satisfiers. Hygiene factors, in distinction, created
discontentedness if they were absent or inadequate. discontentedness might be prevented by
enhancements in hygiene factors however these enhancements wouldn't alone offer motivation.

Herzberg showed that to really encourage a worker a business has to produce conditions that build him
or her feel consummated within the work. Tesco aims to encourage its staff each by taking note of
hygiene factors and by sanctioning satisfiers. as an example, it motivates and empowers its staff by
acceptable and timely communication, by authorization responsibility, and involving employees in
deciding. It holds forums per annum during which employees may be a part of the discussions on pay
rises. This shows recognition of the work Tesco individuals do and rewards them.

Tesco employees will even influence what food goes onto its building menus. staff so become driven to
create decisions that may increase their use of the restaurants.

Tylor’s theory alignment to the case study TESCO

In 1911 the engineer Frederick Taylor printed one in every of the earliest psychological feature theories.
in keeping with Taylor´s analysis, individuals worked strictly for cash. within the early years of the
automobile assembly business, work on a line was supported manufacturing amount and was repetitive.
employees were paid 'piece rate', that is, purchased each item made.

This approach of paying employees by results was smart for the business. the result was bigger
production however gave very little chance, encouragement, or time for workers to suppose for
themselves or be artistic in what they did. This restricted people's development and their use inside the

Tesco's worker Reward Programmed has some similarities to Taylor’s theory. Its monetary reward
packages area unit one motivating issue. However, there are a unit factors aside from cash that inspire
individuals in each their personal and dealing lives. Tesco goes so much on the far side Taylor and
offers over simply easy pay will increase. It supports the numerous lifestyles of individual staff through
relevant and targeted edges.

Many non-financial factors will and do inspire staff to boost their output. One such issue is also the will
to serve people; others are also to boost personal skills or bring home the bacon promotion. someone is
also impelled to be a knowledgeable participant not thanks to the regular payment however as a result
of they love soccer.

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