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100 mya

 India with Madagascar separated from Antarctica moving northeast

 South America separated from Africa
 Indian ocean started to open up because of the movement of India
 Cretaceous dinosaurs reached their peak in size.
 The giant sauropod known as Argentinosaurus which is the largest land animal on Earth’s history
lived around this time
 100 mya serves as the end of the early cretaceous and the start of late cretaceous
 Flowering plants radiated first in the tropics
 Mammals continued to expand their range
D. 88 mya

 Madagascar moved towards Africa and away from India

 India continues to move towards Eurasia
 Antarctica broke up with Australia
 North America started to move away from Eurasia
 Dinosaurs still thrive mainly due to the surviving species
 Gymnosperms are still the dominating plant species

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