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Salma Ayman

Dr. Hakim Meshriki
22 November 2020

Bonus Paragraph
Dr. Mohamed Alabbar story is inspiring in many ways. He worked extremely hard, went through
many obstacles, lost a lot of money before he was able to succeed and finally become one of
the most well known figures in the business world. He is the founder of Emaar and
He shared his story of how he lived in a social housing with 13 other siblings, spent 18 moving
from one place to another gaining very little amounts of money, and how he invested 1.5
BILLION US dollars and lost them. On important thing is that he never gave up, after many
obstacles and many failures, 18 years later, he finally succeeded.

Dr. Mohamed emphasized on the idea of looking for knowledge, he explained how knowledge
is available for anyone who wants to find it. Especially with the youth of today’s world, with
technology and social media, anything is possible. He said that we should always update our
knowledge just like we update our phones, and that really spoke to me and made me think of
wether or not I’m using all of this available technology effectively or just to waste time.

Inspirations come from all around us. Dr. Mohamed shared how his daughter inspired him after
she created her own jewelry business and sold them around the world. After creating Emaar
and, Dr. Mohamed did not stop there, he continued to create a company called
Mahaly, aimed to help young entrepreneurs start and expand their own businesses.

I learned to create a goal for myself and never give up on that goal or dream. Like Dr. Mohamed
stated, people should celebrate their failures and learn from them in order to succeed. I aim to
always learn, work hard and patiently wait because success has no time.

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