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paragraph alignment 

refers to how the left and right edges of

a paragraph align on a page. You can left-align, center, right-align,
and justify a paragraph. The paragraph formatting commands are
located in the Paragraph group on the Home tab of the Ribbon.

It allows you to Bold

the text of your

It allows you to Italicize

the text of your document.

It allows you to underline

the text of your document.

the word indent is used to describe the distance, or number

of blank spaces used to separate a paragraph from the left or right
margins. This is the indented paragraph separated from the left
margin using blank spaces. Paragraph alignment against left
A border is a paragraph-level format.
Yes, it's a line. People call it a line.
But as a paragraph format, a border is coupled
to a paragraph on the top, bottom, left,
or right or some combination thereof.
The line can be thick, thin, doubled, tripled,
dashed, or painted in a variety of colors.

 Sentence case- The first letter of each sentence will

become a capital.
 Lowercase- all selected letters will be lowercase.
 Title Case- First letter of each selected word will be
 toGGle Case- UPPERCASE and lowercase letters of
selected text will be reversed.

1. Position Option-The character spacing tap are

for raising and lowering text.
2. Kerning Option- It is for adjusting the space

between unevenly shape letters in large font


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