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Brewing of Glutinous Red Yeast Rice Wine from Puffed Rice


Soaking and steaming process in wine brewing takes lots of time and cost, rice soaking water
main pollutant in brewing processes.

Modified Rice Gelatinization Method

Steamed Rice >> Puffed Rice


2 Types Glutinous Rice


Preparation of Puffed Rice Method

1) Microwave Puffing Method (Parameter: Microwave Power)

2) Oven Roasting Puffing Method (Parameter: Temperature)

Preparation of Steamed Rice Method

3) Conventional Steaming Method (Parameter: Temperature)

Fermentation Method:

Traditional Steamed Rice Fermentation Method:

i) Batch Fermentation:
1) One batch feeding method
- Cooled steamed rice + rice leaven + red yeast rice + amylase +diastatic enzymes
- Added water & lactic acid, adjust pH & temperature, fermented 17 days

ii) Fed Batch Fermentation:

2) Two batch feeding method
- Divided fed into two batches, 2nd batch added after 16 hours

Puffed Rice Fermentation Method:

3) One batch feeding method

- Cooled puffed rice + rice leaven + red yeast rice + amylase +diastatic enzymes
- Added water & lactic acid, adjust pH & temperature, fermented 17 days

iii) Fed Batch Fermentation:

4) Two batch feeding method
- Divided fed into two batches, 2nd batch added after 16 hours


1) Scanning electron microscopy observation

2) Pasting properties of puffed rice
3) Expansion ratio & hydration properties of puffed rice
4) Degree of gelatinization, measuring the reducing sugar after enzymatic
5) Comparison of the major indices of fermented wine :Ethanol %, total acid %, pH,
reducing sugar, amino acid nitrogen
6) GC & ICP analysis determine major and minor indices compounds

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