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Most discussion on the generic topic of social influence centres on compliance and persuasion in
a social environment. In the context of influencer marketing, influence is less about argument
and coercion to a particular point of view and more about loose interactions between various
parties in a community. Influence is often equated to advocacy, but may also be negative, and is
thus related to concepts of promoters and detractors.
Influencer marketing (also influence marketing) is a form of marketing in which focus is placed
on influential people rather than the target market as a whole on social media. It identifies the
individuals who have influence over potential customers, and orients marketing activities around
these influencers.
People have been talking about Influencer Marketing. Itâs not going to replace Social or Content
Marketing, because it canât exist without them. If youâre new to IM and arenât quite sure what
that means, then youâve come to the right place. Weâre going to break it all down for you,
starting at the most obvious of starting points:
At its most basic, Influencer Marketing is like a hybrid of old and new marketing tools, taking
the idea of the celebrity endorsement and placing it into a modern day content-driven marketing
campaign. The main difference is that the results of the campaign are usually collaborations
between brands and influencers.

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