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Dug dug dug

Where are those people that call themselves knights?

have their swords gone rust to silt?

are their rallies meant for skits?

the towers they built, have been crushed, bit by bit, principles going downhill, the institution have done
well —— but it's only a matter of time

where are the knights

steel in hands, clad in blue

where are the knights

shields on stands, their bravest hues

where — are — the — knights?

this is where our story starts,

the genesis of our jesuit identities,

i am the legacy of a dream evolving,

generation to generation,

ideals forged to spears,

advocacies the bullets,

our mouths the trigger,

a never ceasing battle for social reformation,

and we, the knights in blue,

are it's frontliners,

spearheading the nation for how many years,

we, the knights in blue

are its artisans

curating the finest of minds and character

we, the knights in blue

are the catalysts,

change bringers of the forgotten past and the still evolving future!

we, the knights in blue

we are magis redefined, discernment re-enacted, ad majorem dei gloriam

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