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Morgan Sichler 

Music Education Philosophy 

I believe teachers play a pivotal role in society. I also believe music plays 

a crucial role. Teachers have the daunting task of educating and influencing the 

future success of this world. Without teachers, who would teach the next 

generation how to not only survive, but thrive? Music is a way for students to 

process this world, this life. Without music, students would have a hard time 

learning what it means to be human. They need it to process their humanity. 

Music class is a place where life starts to speak to them, where life starts to 

really make sense. Students need music to help understand other subjects on a 

deeper level.  

I believe every student should have a music education. Every student has 

music and rhythm flowing in him or her. Every culture has a very important 

and significant musical component. Every student should have the opportunity 

to explore that musical drive, that musical intuition.  

A music education classroom should be a safe place to create and 

explore. Students should feel comfortable to make any kinds of sounds and 

should feel comfortable moving their bodies in the space.  

A music education should be very interactive as well, students should 

receive a hands-on experience. There are times where students should be 

receiving music in a traditional classroom. For example, sitting down at a desk 

while listening, analyzing, reading, and writing about music. But for the 

majority of the time, students should be experiencing music in an active way. 

A music education instills confidence and teaches how to build 

relationships. Students learn numerous life skills from experiencing solo and 

ensemble music making. Music fulfills students' hunger for creativity and 

expression. Music engages cross curricular subjects in math, history, science, 

and art, and also starts conversations about poetry and literature.  

Each day music class has the opportunity to be different, new, and free. 

One piece of music can never be played the same way twice. I hope my love for 

music will inspire the next generation of music makers.  

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