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UltraNova D Bank by Daniel Fisher (part 1 of 4)

A tremendous amount of time was spent making every available controller interact in
interesting ways that reward exploration. Take your time with each Patch, read the
suggestions, and learn to make that Patch your own. 

A tribute to a master.  Play a single chord, use a few notes for each hand. Notice
how the "note order" that you play is reflected by the Arpegggiator. Use ModWheel to
open up the Envelopes and engage upper consciousness. Press TOUCH. Now
touch each of the 8 knobs, one at a time, then go crazy. Think of it as "Circuit
Bending". Press TWEAK. Now look at the value under the first knob (-53). Try both
directions until you find the coolest timbre (or put it back to -53). Move on to the next
knob. Try both directions. Leave it where it's coolest. Etc., etc. Now try Aftertouch
and PitchBend. Press SETTINGS (right above key Ab4). Change ClockBPM to taste.

For your first time, just press one note, hold it, and be patient. Without letting go of
the note, explore Aftertouch. It will become more powerful as the filter climbs.
ModWheel will slam the filter open (but save it for the right moments). PitchBend
ends in perfect octaves in either direction. Use PBend slowly and artistically, knowing
it will sound great when you get to all-the-way-up or all-the-way-down. Press the
ARP ON button (above key A4) and throw down some keys. Let go of keys and use
MWheel as primary instrument. Press TOUCH. Try each of the 8 knobs. Go crazy.
Bend some Circuits! Press TWEAK. Rotate knobs to taste. Enjoy your trip.

Am iDreaming?
Play an etherial chord but "roll into the notes" so that they all hit at a slightly different
time. With practice you'll be able to create lots of effects on demand just by your
order and speed of notes. Try fast rolls, slow rolls, random rolls, NO roll. See if using
Sustain Pedal makes it easier for you. ModWheel raises the Sync. And Aftertouch
makes a killer, screaming rip upward. Turn ARP ON. Hit a complex chord. Press
TOUCH. Tickle knobs with right hand while using PB and MW with left hand. Press
TWEAK. Turn knobs. Exit at next universe.

Just a no excuses, ripping oscillator sync sound. Be fearless while wiggling
Aftertouch. ModWheel sweep Sync. Press TOUCH. Knob 1 is an aggressive vibrato.
Knobs 2-5 are various pitch jumps. Knob 6 re-triggers the Sync envelope.
(There is nothing on Knob 7 or 8). Turn ARP ON. Hit an intriguing chord. Press
TOUCH. Touch weirdness. Press TWEAK. Grab knobs. Go beyond my original
specifications. Try lots of OCTAVE "-" and OCTAVE "+".

I was just going for a Helicopter and somehow this angel's voice got created via Zen.
To bring her forth, just use Aftertouch. Leave her alone for a little while and start
flying this chopper like you know what you're doing. PitchBend, ModWheel, and note
choice give you lots of control over this vehicle. TOUCH adds craziness. TWEAK
gives you fine control of your engine. ARP ON warps you into a weirdly smooth
place. ARP SETTINGS - Slow the ClockBPM down to a crawl. Turn ARP off.  Bring
ClockBPM back to 127. Welcome back.

Table24, Please
An exploration of the UltraNova's Wavetable 24. All three LFOs are animating the
sound. ModWheel slows all three of the LFOs to a crawl. ARP ON shows off the fast
Portamento. Press TOUCH. Discover the madness that lies there. Try TWEAK. Re-
invent the sound. Now go wild with the OCTAVE buttons and keyboard.

Try to imagine a gargantuanly huge, slimy parent sllarping a lullaby to a somewhat
smaller version of itself. Use PitchBend, ModWheel, and Aftertouch to create
convincing vocal expressions. Higher OCTAVEs let you play non-Earth scales. Lower
Octaves dip you in guuuk. Press TOUCH and you have 8 ways to annoy the
creature. Press ARP ON. Play some notes. Press TWEAK. Turn the 8 knobs and
compose the next hit on its planet.

If you're old enough, you remember the first time you played a String Synthesizer in
the 70's. It put a sheen on everything back then. ModWheel gently morphs between
different octave blends. Aftertouch gives a dramatic swell. Press TOUCH. Each knob
adds a different harmony interval. Touch one or two and see how they change your
orchestration. Press TWEAK. The knobs let you fine tune your string sound. Knob 8
is Release Time. Press ARP ON. Play an epic chord and TWEEK away.

An emulation of an analog synth emulating a cello. Velocity sensitive and responsive
to legato and staccato playing. ModWheel and Aftertouch deepen and speed up the
vibrato. Press TOUCH. Knobs get very un-cello-like! Press TWEAK. Knobs let you
tweak brilliance and shimmer. Knob 7 is Portamento Time. Try all the OCTAVES.
{Hold a really low note and then play OCTAVES higher melody or chords.}

SawSync Redemption
A rejoicing on how luxurious it is to have Oscillator Sync on any of the three
Oscillators. Velocity changes the spread of the Attack. ModWheel stretches the Sync
upwards. Aftertouch adds vibrato. TOUCH knobs let you goose the pitch and Sync.
Knob 8 kicks in the GATOR. TWEEK lets you change Att and Dec of Sync  and
serious detuning. Press ARP ON. Use TWEAK Knob 8 to change Arp Gate Time.

B3 WarmBurn
If I could only have one instrument sound at a gig, it would be the B3 organ. The
powerful modulation possibilities in the UltraNova make it possible to recreate these
B3 timbres as well as the rotating Leslie speaker. Slowly move the ModWheel to
simulate the ramp up and down between Slow and Fast. Aftertouch adds a dramatic
volume swell. PitchBend adds some more drawbar settings. Press TOUCH. Knob 1
= Percussion. Knob 2 = More Drawbars. Knob 3 = Overdrive. Press TWEAK. Knob 1
= Vibrato. Knobs 2-7 = More drawbars. Knob 8 = Reverb.

B3 MidSmolder
Slowly move the ModWheel to simulate the ramp up and down between Slow and
Fast. Aftertouch reduces the mid drawbars  dramatically. PitchBend adds some more
drawbar settings. Press TOUCH. Knob 1 = Distortion. Press TWEAK. Knob 1 =
Vibrato. Knobs 2-7 = drawbar changes. Knob 8 = Reverb.

B3 Pop
A livelier B3 setting with 3rd Harmonic Percussion and a little Vibrato. ModWheel =
Leslie. Aftertouch = Soft Perc. PitchBend = more drawbar setttings. Press TOUCH.
Knob 1 = Full Vibrato. Knob 2 = Up a 3rd. Knob 3 = Up 2 Octaves. Knob 4 = Ray
Gun. Press TWEAK. Knob 1 = Big Vibrato. Knob 2-7 = Timbre Variations. Knob 8 =
Reverb. Press ARP ON. Get really good at doing detached bass lines in time with
the Arp.  Then stab cords with right hand, but never long enough for them to get

B3 JazzPerc
A smokey B3 with 2nd Percussion. Aftertouch adds drama. PitchBend apes Ring
Modulation. Press TOUCH. Knob 1 = Kill Perc. Knob 2 = Perc Pitch Up. Press
TWEAK. Knob 1 = Vibrato. Knobs 2-7 = drawbar changes. Knob 8 = Reverb. Press
ARP ON. Lay down some notes. TWEAK away!

At Your Service
It's your service. Some people are crying. Some people are not. Then the organ gets
weird. Press TOUCH. Knobs 1, 2, and 3 violently transpose. Press TWEAK.  Knob 1
= Vibrato. Knobs 2-7 = Drawbar changes. Knob 8 = Reverb. Press ARP ON and play
the fastest church song you know. TWEAK it until it's purple.

Churchy LePew
A more classical organ. Until you SLOWLY move the ModWheel just the tiniest bit. It
sounds spacey while you're moving the ModWheel, but there are a lot of legitimate
organ timbers in the first 1/4 of the ModWheel. Things get really un-churcy when the
ModWheel is all the way up. Now grab the PitchBend and reality gets liquidy. Press
TOUCH. Knobs 1-7 bend the pipes. Knob 8 kicks in the GATOR. Press TWEAK and
create new registrations. Knob 8 = GATOR. Press ARP ON and TWEAK Knob 7 for
staccato arps.

Chiffy Pipes
Think, Alan Parsons' "Don't Let It Show".  ModWheel intensifies and lengthens the
Chiff. Aftertouch adds mechanical vibrato. Press TOUCH. Knobs 1-6 radically
change the pipe's timbre. Knob 7 = Stereo Panning. Knob 8 = Extreme Reverb Tails.
Press TWEAK. Knobs 1-6 add Sync and Detuning. Knob 7 = Attack Time. Knob 8 =
Release Time. Press ARP ON and TWEAK the timbre. ARP SETTINGS lets you
change the ClockBPM.

Daddy's Tbird
In their day, electronic organs brought hipness to many parts of the world. ModWheel
and Aftertouch work together to increase both depth and speed of Vibrato. PitchBend
creates gritty, ring-moddy swoops. Press TOUCH. Knob 1 adds Sub Octave. Knobs
2-8 add Insanity (especially in combinations). TOUCH knobs let you create new
organ registrations.

From an age when Phase Shifters were new. ModWheel adds Vibrato Depth and
Speed. Aftertouch deepens the timbre. PitchBend stacks new intervals. Press
TOUCH. Knob 1 adds Octave. Knobs 2-7 add weirdness. Press TWEAK. Knobs 1-3
change Phaser. Knobs 4-6 change thickness. Knob 7 spreads pitch. Knob 8 =
Portamento Time. Press ARP ON. TWEAK Knob 8 Portamento Time.

Aftertouch adds Vibrato. Velocity increases volume. ModWheel descends into the
pits of Hell. Press TOUCH. Knobs 1-4 create orchestral intervals, mix and match.
Knobs 5-7 create different timbres in different combinations. Knob 8 = Dissonant trill.
Press TWEAK. Knobs 1-6 offer endless string variations. Knob 7 = Release Time.
Knob 8 = Portamento. Press ARP ON and experiment with TWEAK knobs.

Chick fm EP
Another tribute to a master who made this sound Elektric. It's extremely responsive
to Velocity. ModWheel increases Panning. Aftertouch increases Panning Rate
(especially when MW is up). Press TOUCH. Knobs 1-6 create many FM EP
variations. Knob 7 = Trippy modulation. Knob 8 adds a noise component. Press
TWEAK. Knob 1-2 = Tine adjustment. Knobs 3- 5 change EP quality. Knob 6
decreases EQ. Knob 7 increases Chorus. Knob 8 warps Panning into Ring Mod

Wurlitzer EP
A different beast than the "other" EP, with a woodier sound. ModWheel increases
Panning. Aftertouch increases Panning Rate (especially when MW is up). Press
TOUCH. Knob 1 adds Octave timbre. Knobs 2-8 create zany Echo and Reverb
effects. Press TWEAK. Knobs 1-6 affect Wurly timbre. Knob 7 = Chorus. Knob 8 =
Ping Pong Delay. Press ARP ON. Notice that arp is sensitive to both note order and

"Groovy" Clav
Not like any instrument made before it… or after it. A living, breathing mechanical
beast. And funky for days. Velociity is only mildly sensitive, to allow you to
concentrate on rhythm.  ModWheel = Phaser Speed. Aftertouch adds bursts of
Phaser Speed. Use it occasionally to make the Phaser talk to you. Press TOUCH.
Go crazy rhythmically with all 5 fingers of your left hand. Press ARP ON. Play a bass
note and chord. Press TWEAK. Knobs 1-3 change timbres. Knobs 4+5 adjust the
Click. Knob 7 reduces Phaser. Knob 8 = Arp Gate Time (fun!). Press ARP
SETTINGS. Mess up every knob. I dare you. Press TWEAK and adjust some more.
Press TOUCH and go to town.

New Orleans Style
Yes, it's made from a synth. But it doesn't get ugly like samples can. The nice
smooth decay allows you to play slow. But the quick release time lets you play fast.
ModWheel closes the lid and darkens the timbres. PitchBend lets you jump Octaves.
Notice that the notes don't completely die for a long time when you hold them. This
lets you keep a pad going for a while. Aftertouch will give the pad a slight boost.
Press TOUCH. Knob 1 = Octave. Knob 2 = Bright. Knobs 3-5 create new timbres.
Knobs 6-8 craze the delays. Press TWEAK. Knobs 1-2 alter the Filter. Knobs 3-8
change the timbre and detuning. ARP ON offers bouncy swing chords.

Dream On
A rock keyboard classic made from an electronic piano and Melotron strings. Play it
in Fm (Left hand low F. Right hand, from bottom to to top, C-F-Ab, then C-Eb-G, then
C-D-Ab, then C-Db-G. With right hand, alternate between top two notes and the C.
ModWheel adds vibrato. TOUCH takes the sound to entirely new places. TWEAK
lets you change the piano and string sounds. ARP ON randomizes your notes with a
pausing rhythm. TWEAK the PortTime, then mess with ARP SETTINGS.

DigiLounge EP
A much used sounds from the days of the DX-7. Have a Martini at the hotel bar.
Have two, you'll be playing all night. Velocity brightens all the tones and increases
volume.  PitchBend jumps an Octave. ModWheel adds Tremolo. Aftertouch speeds
up Chorus, Phaser, and Tremolo. Press TOUCH. Knobs 1-5 mess with the timbre.
Knobs 6-8 mess with the Delay.Press TWEAK. Knobs 1-7 adjust the EP. Knob 8 =
Arp Gate Time. Press AROP ON. Notice thhow sensitive the Arp is to velocity. Tweak
the 8 Knobs. Press ARP SETTINGS. Mess with all 8 parameters. It's last call,; you're
almost done with last set of the night. (You'll be there all week.)

Hard Plucking
This patch really shows off the potential of the UltraNova. The syncronicity is
ubiquitous. Hold some notes, but be patient. It takes two measures before it goes to
the next note of the arpeggiation. PitchBend creates chordal intervals; see how many
different chords you can find. ModWheel lets you glide a melody note. Aftertouch
plummets the pitch downward. Press TOUCH and twinkle away. Press TWEAK.
Knobs 1-3 = Timbre. Knob 4 = Rez. Knob 5 = Portamento. (Remember, you'll only
hear it every two measures.) Knobs 6-8 Trip out the Delay. Turn ARP OFF. Play

Saloon Doors
Another abused piano with attitude. Velocity response is mild so you can focus on
playing. ModWheel morphs into cheesy electronic piano. PitchBend jumps Octaves.
Press TOUCH. Lots of variety to try here. Press TWEAK. Knobs 1-2 = Filter. Knobs
3-8 change piano tuning. APR ON = rapid scramble. Try all knobs and wheels with it.
Press ARP SETTINGS and explore.

A study of the UltraNova's ability to create a Feedback Loop in its Effects section.
happen. (You have been warned.) Velocity changes the solidity of the notes.
ModWheel = Cacophony Enhancer. PitchBend = Weirdness. Aftertouch = Pitch
plunge. Press TOUCH. Have fun! (But watch your ears/speakers.) Press TWEAK.
Knobs 1-6 adjust timbre. Knob 6 = Portamento. Knobs 7-8 unleash the Feedback
(Watch out!). ARP ON. Go nuts with TWEAK and ARP SETTINGS. Don't forget

Voxy Bass
A testament to the musicality of UltraNova's Oscillator Sync. Velocity pushes Osc
Sync higher. ModWheel adds crazed vibrato (like losing at PacMan). Aftertouch
jumps two Octaves up! PitchBend creates Perfect Fifths. Press TOUCH. Knob 1
retriggers Sync Envelope. Knobs 2-7 are subtle by themselves but very articulate
when used in combinations. Knob 8 = Gator. Press TWEAK. Knobs 1-6 adjust
timbre. Knob 7 = Gator. Knob 8 = Decay Time. Press ARP ON. Use Velocity to
accent certain notes in Arp. Change Decay Time in TWEAK. Play with ARP
SETTINGS. Now go back to TOUCH!

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