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Based on the meet, I can conclude that Discussion Text is a text that present a problematic
discourse that has a pro and also a contra. The purpose of the text is to present information and
argument from differing viewpoints.

Question :

1. What is discussion text?

Discussion text is a text that present a problematic discourse that has a pro and also a
contra. The purpose of the text is to present information and argument from differing viewpoints.

2. What is the purpose of discussion text?

To present an information or argument from diffirent viewpoints.

3. The language features of discussion text is …

1. Introducing category or generic participant.

2.Using thinking verb : feel, hope, believe, etc.

3.Ussing additive, contrastive, and causal connection: similarly, on the hand, however, etc.

4.Using modalities : must, should, could, may, etc.

4. The generic structure of discussion text is …

1. Statement of issue, stating the issue which is to discussed.

2. Arguments For, state your point s for and elaborate on them

3. Argument Against, make your points against and elaborate on them.

4. Conclusion, conclusion of the issue.

5. What is the advantages and disadvantages from the fast food?

Advantages :

The most fast food advantage is those food can eat anytime, it's very quickly, and help each
others from hunger.

Disadvantages :

Fast food contain a lot of fat, sugar, oil, calories, and also addictive subtances. If fast
food is consumed continously, it will cause many dangerous diseases, stroke, obesity, heart
disease, and many more.

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