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NEWS STATEMENT Contact info:

January 31, 2021 Victoria Brunn, PIO

Superintendent’s Office
209.858.0861 /


The immediate response and commitment from site administration and supervisors, site custodial, site
campus monitors and grounds workers, district maintenance and emergency crews, along with our
partnership with Lathrop Police Services has been invaluable through an arduous investigation. The
vandalism, felony theft, and attempted arson including vulgar, discriminatory, and inappropriate images,
broken windows, and overall mayhem are disturbing. We are deeply disheartened by such behavior and will
hold all those responsible accountable.

In addition to the administrative investigation, the vandalism was reported to the Lathrop Police Services of
San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office and the Manteca Police Department. The Officers and Detectives
assigned opened a criminal case and began their investigation. Both investigations were initiated to ensure
the responsible suspect(s) are held accountable both administratively and criminally. The suspects will face
criminal charges for the vandalism, felony theft, and attempted arson. In addition, they will face disciplinary
action which may include suspension /expulsion from the District.

“This action will not be tolerated and is not reflective of the student body at large. Thank you to
staff and law enforcement for continuing to support our high school community. We would ask our
community of families to engage in critical conversations about destructive choices which alter the
trajectory of each individual students’ life. Decisions have consequences. Criminal activity of this
nature is unacceptable. It is the goal of the Manteca Unified School District to hold those
responsible for committing such acts accountable both criminally, administratively, and civilly,”
stated Superintendent Dr. Clark Burke.

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