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MSCT 301 Introduction to Brahma Sutra – 1

Ten mark questions

1. Define Brahman in the context of Janmadhadhikarana
2. Explain creation by with special reference to Sankhya
Philosophy and refute it.
3. Explain Vaishesika Atomic theory and examine its validity
4. What are the 4 schools of Buddhism and analyze their
social and historical implications
5. Explain sutra “Shastrayonitvat” in its two VARNAKA (two
shades of meaning)
6. Explain adhikarana - “Smrityadhikaranam” (sutra 135-136)
and prove smruti scriptural authority.
7. Explain any three different cosmological theories
8. Project the real “theory of everything” according to
samanvaya adhikaranam (I.1.4)
9. Explain cause and effect theory in the light of prathama
pada of second adhyaya in Brahma sutra
10. Explain Advaita as all integrating phenomena from the
upanishadic lore.
Five Mark questions
11. Explain the cosmological theory with an example of
12. Explain Universal creation with example of mud and
13. What is Sat-Chit-Ananda?
14. What is Sattva-Rajas-Tamas? How it is manifesting in
the form of material world.
15. Why this world is divided into animate and inanimate
16. Who are the Devatas based on Devata adhikara?
17. What are the sources of Brahmavada and Prakritivada?
18. Explain Shruti and Smriti.
19. Explain Vivartavada.
20. Name 24 elements of manifestation
21. Define base (Tapya-Taapaka bhaava) theory of
22. Refute Vaisheshika Atomic Theory (Peeluvaada)
23. Refute Shunya Theory proposed by Madhyamika
school of Buddhism.
24. Critically analyses Yogachara school of Buddhism.
25. Explain and examine uncertainty principle of Jaina
26. Explain 5 Skandha (II.2.18)
27. Critically analyses Tantrika School based on Veda and
non-Vedic schools of Philosophy.
28. What are the four devices of Nyaya and Vaisheshika
to understand the fundamental truth (Pratyaksha, Anumana,
Upamana, Shabda)
29. What are the five attributes of Samskara Skanda
30. Summarize Chatusutri in the light of Lakshana and
Pramana concept of Vedanta Shastra.
Two mark questions
31. Enlist chatusutri
32. What are the qualities of eligible student? (1st sutra)
33. What is Prasthana Traya? (BG, BS, Upanishads)
34. Write 33 Gods?
35. What are 11 Rudras?
36. Shatdarshanas
37. What is Samskara which makes one eligible for
scriptural study (I.3.34)
38. What is main contribution of Adi Shankaracharya?
39. What is adhikarana?
40. Define “Sutra”
41. What is Pradhana? (6th sutra)
42. Who is Purusha and Prakriti?
43. What is Maya?
44. 3 sources of validation? (Sruti(scripture, Yukti(logic),
45. 3 Qualities of Brahman (Omnipresent, omniscient,
46. What is Brahma Sutra?
47. What is Advaita?
48. What is Dvaita?
49. Who is Prajapati?
50. Who is Shaiva?

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