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Assignment name : Application of thermo electric generator

Submitted by: BEBU NATH

ID: 201002820e

Application of thermo electric generator:

A variety of applications have thermoelectric generators. Thermoelectric generators are often

used for remote applications of high power or where it would not be accurate to use bulkier but
more efficient heat engines such Stirling engines. The solid state electrical components basically
used to enhance thermal to electric energy have no moving parts, unlike heat engines. The
conversion of thermal to electric energy can be performed using components that have no

** A  common application is the use of gas pipeline thermoelectric generators.  

radio confection, and other telemetry.

**Thermoelectric generators for unmanned sites are used as remote and off-grid power
generators. In situations such as they do not have moving parts, work day and night, perform in
all weather conditions and can run without battery backup, they are the most reliable power
generator. Although solar photovoltaic systems are implemented in remote areas, where solar
radiation is low, i.e. areas at high elevations, solar PV may not be  solution.

**Waste heat is also produced in many other regions, in addition to autos, such as in industrial
processes and heating (wood stoves, outdoor boilers, cooking and remote communication

** As standalone solar-thermal cells, thermoelectric generators have also been investigated.

Thermoelectric generator integration has been integrated directly in to solar thermal cell with
4.6 percent efficiency.

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