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Quiz No.

1. What is your own definition of The Good Life


A good life is not one where you have a lot but where you need very little to be happy and content. It is when you are
open to criticism and keep learning every day. Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. When
you keep learning you stay young and the greatest thing in life is to keep your mind always young.

2. Explain Aristotle's idea of Happiness 


Happiness depends on the cultivation of virtue, though his virtues are somewhat more individualistic than the
essentially social virtues of the Confucians. Yet as we shall see, Aristotle was convinced that a genuinely happy life
required the fulfillment of a broad range of conditions, including physical as well as mental well-being.
Happiness consists in achieving, through the course of a whole lifetime, all the goods — health, wealth, knowledge,
friends, etc. — that lead to the perfection of human nature and to the enrichment of human life.

3. Does technology really leads us to a Good Life


Technology definitely does make things simpler. It surely has. Things are done within no time with the help of
technology. Technology has both beneficial and disadvantageous impacts on our lives. On the one hand, it is better
and more accessible for us to get everything we want to acquire every information that interests us.Still, It's up to us.
We've to make the best utlization and a wise choice. Not to forget being in our limits

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