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What is globalization?

Globalization is the growing integration between people, companies and

governments all over the world.

Mcdonalds has more than 36,500 locations around the world due to globalization,
around 26,000 of these being franchises. The large amount of success
mcdonalds garnered was not because they opened up locations everywhere
possible, it was because they adhered to each location's cultural and social
environment and developed menus best suited towards each place. For example
in Japan, Mcdonalds serves Teriyaki Mac Burger, while in India they include
paneer in their wraps. These foods more suited towards certain taste buds
helped McDonalds establish a customer base in each country, allowing for it to
avoid risk by diversification. Due to this, Mcdonalds is known as a symbol of
globalization. There are a lot of things Mcdonalds could have gained from
globalization. One of them of course would lie in the profit. By investing in
countries with faster economic growth, Mcdonalds is able to increase its profit
margins. For example, Mcdonalds has 75 restaurants in Indonesia while having 1
in Brunei. They made this decision as the government proposed to increase the
employment rate in Indonesia. Mcdonalds helped decrease unemployment rates
from 9.75 percent in January 2007 to 7.41 percent in January 2010. There are
quite a few factors that affect globalization in Mcdonalds case, one of them being
the legal aspect of things. In order to operate McDonald’s has to meet
requirements of different religions, for example in Malaysia, all restaurants in
operation need to have a HALAL certificate, which showcases that all food
production is done without pork. Alongside this, in order to not appropriate
culture, Mcdonalds has to do in-depth research into the country of choice. In
Malaysia they had to change the name ‘hamburger’ to ‘beefburger’, to avoid
misunderstandings that could occur. (Thinking that the hamburger is pork).
Another example of this would be in India where the consumption of beef isn’t
allowed and most people are vegetarian. And to answer the last question, is
globalization necessary? Of course it is! It helps the spread of new technology,
cultures through different types of food in this case, helps provide job
opportunities and helps boost the economy. The addition of competition pits
businesses against each other which calls for better products or services as the
business struggles to outdo it’s competition. Without globalization the world
would be shut in, unable to share and expand knowledge.

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