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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación

“L.N. Enrique B. Núñez”

Actividad # 1

Estudiante: Juan D. Sánchez P.

C.I: 32.484.175

Docente: Milagros. Barajas

Área: Ingles

2do Año Sección “B”

2do Momento

Escribir veinte (20) oraciones distribuidas de la siguiente manera:

1- 4 oraciones en pasado simple con verbos irregulares en forma

a- He ate a big fish

b- I drank juice
c- He built a house
d- She drew a dog

2- 4 oraciones en pasado simple con verbos regulares en forma


a- Did she wash her clothes?

b- Did they play basketball very well?
c- Did he dance salsa music?
d- Did you eat cake yesterday?

3- 4 oraciones en pasado continuo en forma negativa:

a- They were not playing soccer

b- You were not swimming in the beach
c- We were not reading a book
d- He was not driving in the park

4- 4 oraciones en pasado continuo en forma interrogativa:

a- Was i eating meat?

b- Was she singing salsa?
c- Were they studying english?
d- Were you dancing salsa?
5- Oraciones en pasado continuo en forma afirmativa

a- I was playing baseball

b- He was drinking water
c- She was cooking chicken
d- We were eating chicken

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