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CREATED BY: Russell Obsequio


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What is element 61 called?

Select one:
a. francium
b. astatine
c. technetium
d. promethium CORRECT
The two types of bright nebulae are emission nebulae and _____________
Select one:
a. reflection CORRECT
b. photonic
c. absorption
d. refraction
The Sun's photosphere is, by mass, about 25%
Select one:
a. hydrogen.
b. carbon.
c. helium. CORRECT
d. oxygen.
The temperature of the Sun's interior is estimated to be about how many kelvins?
Select one:
a. 15 million CORRECT
b. 5 billion
c. 60,000
d. 1500
The Sun's photosphere is, by mass, about 75%
Select one:
a. carbon.
b. helium.
c. hydrogen. CORRECT
d. oxygen.
The vertical columns of elements in the periodic table are called
Select one:
a. series.
b. groups. CORRECT
c. periods.
d. families.
Who discovered the atomic nucleus in 1911?
Select one:
a. Henri Becquerel
b. Marie and Pierre Curie
c. Ernest Rutherford CORRECT
d. Niels Bohr
Who discovered the nucleus of the atom in 1911?
Select one:
a. Thomson
b. Rutherford CORRECT
c. Dalton
d. Bohr
What is the visible surface of the Sun called?
Select one:
a. Photosphere CORRECT
b. Stratosphere
c. Atmosphere
d. Glowing sphere
The Sun is a(n)
Select one:
a. star. CORRECT
b. galaxy.
c. planet.
d. cluster.
The Sun is a(n)
Select one:
a. cluster.
b. galaxy.
c. planet.
d. star. CORRECT
According to the Big Bang theory, when did the universe begin?
Select one:
a. 15.2 billion years ago
b. 13 billion years ago
c. 13.7 billion years ago CORRECT
d. 12.8 billion years ago
When the Sun moves off the main sequence, it will next become a
Select one:
a. red giant CORRECT
b. black hole
c. white dwarf
d. dwarf star
The "billiard ball model" of the atom is associated with
Select one:
a. Thomson.
b. Rutherford.
c. Bohr.
d. Dalton. CORRECT
True or False: The alchemists have been successful in changing lead to gold.
Answer: true
What is the visible surface of the Sun called?
Select one:
a. Atmosphere
b. Glowing sphere
c. Stratosphere
d. Photosphere CORRECT
Who discovered the atomic nucleus in 1911?
Select one:
a. Marie and Pierre Curie
b. Henri Becquerel
c. Ernest Rutherford CORRECT
d. Niels Bohr
The periodic table is most easily understood in terms of the ____________
configurations of the elements.
Select one:
a. neutron
b. proton
c. periodic
d. electron CORRECT
The "plum pudding model" of the atom is associated with
Select one:
a. Dalton.
b. Bohr.
c. Thomson. CORRECT
d. Rutherford.
In 1661, who developed a definition of element that made the concept subject to
laboratory investigation?
Select one:
a. Lavoisier
b. Boyle CORRECT
c. Berzelius
d. Davy
This consists of fundamental particles called leptons.
Select one:
a. electrons CORRECT
b. protons
c. neutrons
The Sun is a(n)
Select one:
a. star. CORRECT
b. planet.
c. cluster.
d. galaxy.
The heaviest elements are created in _____, the fantastic death of supergiant
Select one:
a. nebulae
b. red giant
c. supernovae CORRECT
What is the name given to all matter, energy, and space?
Select one:
a. Local group
b. Galaxy
c. Universe CORRECT
d. Solar system
What is element 61 called?
Select one:
a. technetium
b. promethium CORRECT
c. francium
d. astatine
This was one of Rutherford's famous experiements where he used a radioactive
source to direct alpha particles toward a very thin sheet of gold foil.
Answer: gold foil experiment
In 1869, a major event in the history of chemistry occurred; it was the
Select one:
a. discovery of the law of conservation of mass.
b. development of the periodic table. CORRECT
c. discovery of the octet rule.
d. discovery of the law of definite proportions.
The ancient Greek who is known for championing the concept of atom was
named ____________.
Select one:
a. Plato
b. Democritus CORRECT
c. Zeus
d. Socrates
Who discovered the electron in 1897?
Select one:
a. Dalton
b. Thomson CORRECT
c. Bohr
d. Rutherford
True or False: High-mass stars eventually evolve into white-dwarves.
Answer: False
The periodic table is most easily understood in terms of the ____________
configurations of the elements.
Select one:
a. proton
b. electron CORRECT
c. neutron
d. periodic
In 1661, who developed a definition of element that made the concept subject to
laboratory investigation?
Select one:
a. Berzelius
b. Boyle CORRECT
c. Lavoisier
d. Davy
He defined the word element as a form of matter that could not be split into
simpler forms.
Select one:
a. Niels Bohr
b. Ernest Rutherford
c. Robert Boyle CORRECT
d. Mendeleev
The region where an electron is most likely to be is called an
Answer: orbital .
Niels Bohr focused his attention on the element hydrogen because it
Select one:
a. had the simplest atom. CORRECT
b. was inexpensive.
c. was so abundant.
d. could be obtained in extremely high purity.
The Sun's photosphere is, by mass, about 25%
Select one:
a. carbon.
b. oxygen.
c. helium. CORRECT
d. hydrogen.
When electrons are not shared equally between two atoms, it is called Answer
Answer: polar covalent
Sodium is an example of
Select one:
a. A compound
b. An alloy
c. An element CORRECT
d. A solution
Electrons at the outermost energy level of an atom are called .
Answer: valence electron
True or False: Melting a covalent network solid is accomplished by overcoming
the relatively weak intermolecular forces.
Answer: False
The planetary model of the atom is associated with
Answer: Rutherford
The vertical columns of elements in the periodic table are called
Answer: Groups
If all samples of a material have identical properties and composition, it is
Answer: element
In 1661, who developed a definition of element that made the concept subject to
laboratory investigation
Answer: Boyle
Who discovered the electron in 1897?
Answer: Thomson
The various isotopes of an element all have
Answer: The same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons
Who discovered the nucleus of the atom in 1911?
Answer: Rutherford
The second most abundant element in the Earth’s atmosphere is
Answer: Oxygen
This was one of Rutherford’s famous experiments where he used a radioactive
source to direct alpha particles toward a very thin sheet of gold foil.
Answer: Gold foil experiment
By 1985, a total of elements were known.
Answer: 108
The periodic table is most easily understood in terms of the configurations of the
Answer: electron
About 75% of the mass of the visible universe is composed of which element?
Answer: Hydrogen
He invented the neutron.
Answer: James Chadwick
Who discovered the nucleus of the atom in 1911?
Answer: Rutherford
The planetary model of the atom is associated with
Answer: Bohr
True or False: Oxygen has two polar bonds.
Answer: True
True or False: The alchemists have been successful in changing lead to gold.
Answer: False
When the absolute magnitudes, or brightness of stars are plotted against their
surface temperatures or colors, we obtain a(n)
Answer: Hertzsprung-Russell (or H-R) diagram
True or False: Ionic compounds are for both metals and nonmentals.
Answer: True
The “billiard ball model” of the atom is associated with
Answer: Dalton
Who discovered the electron in 1897?
Answer: J.J Thomson
The Answer is the small,dense region at the center of an atom where protons are
also found
Answer: Nucleus
Thomson”s revision of the model of the atom into what became known as
Answer: Plum pudding
True or False: Dalton was the first to introduce the idea of the atom.
Answer: False
True or False: Carbon dioxide is nonpolar
Answer: True
What was the nationality of the first persons who we know speculated about
Answer: Greek
True or False: Ionic compounds are for both metals and nonmetals.
Answer: True
True or False: Dalton thought individual atoms were solid, hard spheres so he
modeled them with wooden balls.
Answer: True
What is the formula unit of molecular compounds?
Answer: molecule
The Answer puts the elements in order of increasing atomic number, into seven
horizontal rows.
Answer: Periodic Table
The most modern definition of element is
Answer: a substance that cannot be further separated by chemical methods.
About Answer % of the universe is hydrogen.
Answer: 75
The heaviest elements are created in _______, the fantastic death of supergiant
Answer: Supernovae
True or False: The Earth's core is composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and
about 1% argon.
Answer: False
are fixed distances from the nucleus.
Answer: Energy levels
Who coined the term, "radioactivity"?
Answer: Marie Curie

ACTIVATION energy is the energy needed to start a reaction

A CATALYST is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction.
True or False: Density decreases as temperature increases.
Answer: True
REACTIVITY is the ability of matter to combine chemically with other substances.
True or False: Chromium is one of the soft elements.
Answer: False
True or False: Noble gases almost never react to other substances.
Answer: False
True or False: The catalyst is a reactant in the chemical reaction it speeds up.
Answer: False
True or False: Sodium can exist by itself.
Answer: False
True or False: Sodium reacts violently with water.
Answer: True
True or False: Lower activation energy = more reactant particles with enough
energy to react causing the reaction to occur faster.
Answer: True
is an enzyme found in the mouth and small intestine that hlps in the breakdown
of starch to sugar.
Answer: Amylase

True or False: Silver conducts electricity at minimal circumstances only.

Answer: False
True or False: In determining the limiting reactant, mass quantities must be
converted to moles.
Answer: True
helps determine how an element might be used.
Answer: Hardness
Catalysts in living things are called
Answer: Enzymes
True or False: Substances made of wood are not prone to flammability.
Answer: False
is occurring when gas bubbles are released during the reaction.
Answer: Chemical Reaction
True or False: Platinum has very high density.
Answer: True
Identification: What kind of change results to the production of a material that is
entirely different from the reactants?
Answer: Chemical change
Identification: This factor in a reaction rate results from the kinetic energy of the
reactant molecules?
Answer: Temperature
The nuclear model of the atom is associated with
Answer: Rutherford
The majority of stars are small, cool, type-M stars called
Answer: Red dwarfs
When the Sun moves off the main sequence, it will next become a
Answer: Red giant

1.What do you call the solid formed when a liquid solution is allowed to stand still
for a long amount of time.
ans. Precipitate
2.What is the proper term for catalysts involved in biological processes?
3.What is the term for the energy responsible for the variations in the reaction
rates of chemical processes?
answer:activation energy
4.What property of a material describes the compactness of the arrangement of
its molecules?
5.Identify the kind of change wherein the product is the same as the reactants.
ANWER:physical change
6.In which type of covalent bonding are the shared electrons shared congruently
throughout the molecule? answer:nonpolar
7.What do you call the ability of a substance to chemically combine with other
8.Fill in the blank: The ____
property of a substance can be observed without changing the substance.
9.What type of covalent compound is there a slight difference in the electric
charge between the opposite sides of the molecule? answer:polar covalent
10.Identification: This factor in a reaction rate is a consequence of the kinetic
energy of the reactant molecules? wrong answer ako dito.
11.What kind of chemical bond involves the sharing of electrons between two
atoms? answer:covalent bond
12.What is the component of a chemical reaction that is present at its start?
13.Identification: Two different atoms may or may not have this type of covalent
bonding. answer:polar covalent bonding
14._____ covalent bond does not have an equal sharing of electrons.
15.What kind of change results to the production of a material that is entirely
different from the reactants? answer:chemical change
16.Identification: This is another term used to refer to covalent compounds.
answer:molecular compound
17.Identification: This refers to the speed of a chemical process. answer:reaction
18.Which atom is more positive than the other in a molecule of dihydrogen
oxide? answer: hydrogen atom
19.Identification: These compounds are highly soluble in water. answer:ionic
20.Identification: These properties can be detected using your senses.
answer:Physical properties
21.What type of compound is formed by the sharing of electrons?
answer:Covalent compound
22.covalent bonding exists between two identical atoms. answer: nonpolar
23.Identification: This is the force that exists between the molecules of a
compound. answer: Intermolecular force
24.What is the term for the property that makes it capable of being hammered
into thin sheets?
25.In a water molecule, which atom is more frequented by the shared electrons?
26.Identify the substance that hastens chemical reactions? answer:catalyst
27. In a ____
type of covalent bonding, there is equal sharing of electrons between the atoms.
answer: nonpolar
28.What type of covalent bonding is characterized by the incongruent sharing of
electrons between the atoms? answer:polar
29.Which reaction rate factor is due to the amount of reacting substances?
answer: concentration
30.Identification: This compound is formed by a cation and an anion. answer:ionic
Identification: What is the proper term for catalysts involved in biological
Answer: enzyme
In a water molecule, which atom is more frequented by the shared electrons?
Answer: Oxygen
Fill in the blank: The Answer property of a substance can be observed without
changing the substance.
Answer: Physical
Refers to how fast a chemical reaction occurs.
Answer: Reaction Rate
True or False: Salt can conduct electricity in any form.
Answer: False
Identification: What is the component of a chemical reaction that is present at its
Answer: Reactant
What is the term for the property that makes it capable of being hammered into
thin sheets?
Select one:
a. Density
b. malleability CORRECT
c. no correct answer
Answer energy is the energy needed to start a reaction.
Answer: Activation
Identify the substance that hastens chemical reactions?
Answer: Catalyst
Identification: Two different atoms may or may not have this type of covalent
Answer: Polar
True or False: Tools made from iron easily rust.
Answer: True
Answer refers to the concentration of a substance.
Answer: Density
The solid that settles out of a liquid solution is called
Answer: precipitate .
Fill in the blank: Answer covalent bonding exists between two identical atoms.
Answer: Non-polar
Which reaction rate factor is due to the amount of reacting substances?
Answer: concentration
True or False: Aluminum is a good conductor of heat.
Answer: True
What type of compound is formed by the sharing of electrons?
Answer: Covalent
True or False: The catalyst brings the reactants together by permanently bonding
with them.
Answer: False
Identification: This compound is formed by a cation and an anion.
Answer: Ionic compound
True or False: Chemical reactions occur inside living things.
Answer: True
True or False: Lower activation energy = more reactant particles with enough
energy to react causing the reaction to occur faster
Answer: True
True or False: Platinum has very high density
Answer: True
Refers to how fast a chemical reaction occurs
Answer: Reaction Rate
Identification: Identify the substance that hastens chemical reactions?
Answer: Catalyst
Identify the kind of change wherein the product is the same as the reactants.
Answer: Physical Change
Identification: This refers to the speed of a chemical process
Answer: Reaction Rate
True or False: Carbon in graphite can be described as hard as the carbon in
Answer: False
Refers to the ability of matter to burn.
Answer: Flammability
True or False: The catalyst brings the reactants together by permanently bonding
with them.
Answer: False
True or False: Chemical reactions occur inside living things.
Answer: True
Identification: How fast or slow a chemical process takes place.
Answer: Rate of Reaction
Identification: Identify the kind of change wherein the product is the same as the
Answer: Chemical reaction
Identification: What is the term for the energy responsible for the variations in
the reaction rates of chemical processes?
Answer: Chemical kinetics
True or False: The catalyst is a reactant in the chemical reaction it speeds up.
Answer: False
Identification: This is the force that exists between the molecules of a compound.
Answer: Intermolecular force
Identification: These properties can be detected using your senses.
Answer: Physical properties
Refers to the concentration of a substance.
Answer: Density
True or False: Chromium is one of the soft elements.
Answer: False
True or False: In determing the liming reactant, mass quantities must be
converted to moles.
Answer: True
True or False: The rate of reaction is faster if the temperature of reactants is
Answer: True

refers to an electrically neutral particle composed of two or more atoms

chemically combined.
Answer: molecule
True or False: Neutrons are found in all atoms except for most atoms of nitrogen.
Answer: False
The periodic table is most easily understood in terms of the ______________
configurations of the elements.
Answer: Electron
True or False: Diamond does not melt at all.
Answer: True
What is the temperature in kelvins of the visible surface of the Sun?
Answer: 6000 K
True or False: Diamond vaporizes to gas at temperatures above 3500 degrees
Answer: True
The number of _______________ on the Sun varies over an 11-year cycle.
Answer: sunspots
74% of the mass of the Earth's crus is composed of only two elements. What are
Answer: Oxygen and Silicon
True or False: If the covalent bonds are polar, then the covalent compound as a
whole can be nonpolar.
Answer: True
The apparent brightness of stars is ranked according to magnitude. The brightest
stars were originally ranked as what magnitude?
Answer: First
Matter is Answer if it can be rolled and stretched to long and thin shapes.
Answer: ductile
Identification: Factor in the rate of reaction that is caused by the amount of
Answer: Concentration
Identification: Reaction rate factor that is due to the movement of the molecules
of the reactants.
Answer: Catalyst
Which of the following did not occur after the Big Bang?
Aluminum is an example of
Answer: an element
Which of these is not a basic idea of Dalton’s atomic theory?
Answer: All atoms of the same element are alike and have the same mass.
The Sun's energy is generated from the fusion of
Answer: Hydrogen nuclei to Helium nuclei
Wilhelm Roentgen discovered
Answer: X-Rays
When fast electrons strike a metal target, what are produced?
Answer: X-Rays
The greater the mass of a star, the _______________ it moves through its life
Answer: Faster
12/7/2018 Learning Activity 001

Question 1 The Sun is a(n)

Not yet
Select one:
Marked out of
a. cluster.

b. galaxy.

c. planet.

d. star.

Question 2 According to the Big Bang theory, when did the universe begin?
Not yet
Select one:
Marked out of
a. 15.2 billion years ago
b. 13 billion years ago

c. 13.7 billion years ago

d. 12.8 billion years ago

Question 3 When the Sun moves off the main sequence, it will next become a _______________.
Not yet
Select one:
Marked out of
a. red giant

b. black hole

c. white dwarf
d. dwarf star

Question 4 The "billiard ball model" of the atom is associated with

Not yet
Select one:
Marked out of
a. Thomson.

b. Rutherford.

c. Bohr.
d. Dalton. 1/3
12/7/2018 Learning Activity 001
Question 5 True or False: The alchemists have been successful in changing lead to gold.
Not yet
Answer: false
Marked out of

Question 6 What is the visible surface of the Sun called?

Not yet
Select one:
Marked out of
a. Atmosphere
b. Glowing sphere
c. Stratosphere

d. Photosphere

Question 7 Who discovered the atomic nucleus in 1911?

Not yet
Select one:
Marked out of
a. Marie and Pierre Curie
b. Henri Becquerel

c. Ernest Rutherford
d. Niels Bohr

Question 8 The periodic table is most easily understood in terms of the ______________
Not yet configurations of the elements.
Marked out of Select one:
a. neutron

b. proton

c. periodic
d. electron 2/3
12/7/2018 Learning Activity 001
Question 9 The "plum pudding model" of the atom is associated with
Not yet
Select one:
Marked out of
a. Dalton.

b. Bohr.

c. Thomson.
d. Rutherford.

Question 10 In 1661, who developed a definition of element that made the concept subject to
Not yet laboratory investigation?

Marked out of Select one:

a. Lavoisier

b. Boyle

c. Berzelius
d. Davy 3/3
Question 1 Identification: Radiation emitted by a body that absorbed it first

Answer: Blackbody Radiation

Question 2 Identification: Compactness of the arrangement of the molecules of a material

Answer: Density

Question 3 Identification: Bond characterized by the sharing of electrons between atoms

Answer: Covalent Bond

Question 4 Identification: Particles smaller than a proton with strong nuclear force holding the quarks together

Answer: Gluons

Question 5 Covalent bond with unequal sharing of electrons

Answer: Polar

Question 6 Identification: Repelled the directed alpha particles in the gold foil experiment

Answer: Protons

Question 7 Identification: Reaction in giant stars for the fusion of hydrogen to form helium

Answer: CNO Cycle

Question 8 Identification: It refers to tyhe speed of a chemical process

Answer: Reaction Rate

Question 9 Substance that can turn lead to gold

Select one:
a. Jack-o-Lantern

b. Philosopher's Stone
c. Witchlight
d. Will-o-Wisp

Question 10 Identification: Atoms of the same element but with various atomic weights

Answer: Isotope

Question 11 Identification: Component of chemical reaction present at its start

Answer: Reactants
Question 12 Solid substance that settles when a liquid solution is left still for a long amount of time?

Answer: Precipitate

Question 13 Identification: Compound formed by positive and negative atoms

Answer: Ionic compound

Question 14 Factor in reaction rate related to the amount of reactants

Select one:
a. Concentration
b. No correct answer

c. Temperature
d. Both Concentration and Temperature

Question 15 Identification: Star with strong gravity allowing the formation of more oxygen and magnesium

Answer: Supergiant

Question 16 Identification: Compound formed by electron sharing

Answer: Covalent

Question 17 Covalent bond between identical atoms

Answer: Nonpolar

Question 18 Property of a substance that is observable without changing it

Answer: Physical property

Question 19 Identification: Nuclear particles that do not contribute to its charge

Answer: Neutron

Question 20 Identification: Term used by scientists referring to the very small but detectable amount of heat residue of the Big Bang

Answer: Background Radiation

Question 21 Covalent bonding resulting from unequal sharing of electrons between the atoms

Select one:
a. Nonpolar covalent bonding
b. No correct answer

c. Both polar and nonpolar covalent bonding

d. Polar covalent bonding

Question 22 Identification: Properties observable using your eyes

Answer: Physical Property

Question 23 Identification: Catalysts in digestion of food

Answer: enzyme
Question 24 Force between the molecules of a compound

Answer: Intermolecular Force

Question 25 Bond where electrons are shared congruently throughout the molecule

Select one:
a. Polar covalent bonding
b. No correct answer
c. Both polar and nonpolar covalent bonding

d. Nonpolar covalent bonding

Question 26 Age of the universe (in billions of years) according to the most widely accepted cosmological theory of its existence

Answer: 13.7

Question 27 Identification: It refers to the cloud where stars are born

Answer: Nebula

Question 28 Identification: Property of material to emit charged particles

Answer: Radioactivity

Question 29 Identification: Reaction rate factor related to the kinetic energy of the reactant molecules

Answer: Temperature

Question 30 The Gold foil experiment led to the discovery of this atomic part

Select one:
a. Electron
b. Nucleus

c. Proton
d. No correct answer

Question 31 Molecular compound where there is a slight difference in the charge between its opposite sides

Select one:
a. Polar
b. Both Polar and Nonpolar molecular compound

c. Nonpolar

Question 32 Identification: Energy responsible different reaction rates

Answer: Activation Energy

Question 33 Identification: Compounds that are dissolves easily in water

Answer: Ionic compounds

Question 34 Fill in the blank: In a molecule of water, the atom more visited by the shared electrons would be

Answer: Oxygen
Question 35 Identification: The more positive atom in a molecule of dihydrogen oxide

Answer: Hydrogen

Question 36 Identification: Covalent bonding where electrons are shared equally between the atoms

Answer: Nonpolar

Question 37 Identification: Reaction that fuses hydrogen to form helium in dwarf stars

Answer: PP Chain

Question 38 Identification: Substance that cannot be simplified anymore

Answer: Element

Question 39 Identification: This also means covalent compounds

Answer: Molecular compounds

Question 40 Identification: Change resulting to new material that is entirely different from the reactants

Select one:
a. No correct answer
b. Physical change

c. Chemical change
d. Both Physical and Chemical change

Question 41 Behavior of the universe explaining the Big Bang Theory

Select one:
a. no correct answer
b. shrinking

c. expanding
d. stays constant in size

Question 42 Identification: Proton component that binds the other components together

Answer: Gluon

Question 43 Change in which the product is the same as the reactants

Select one:
a. No correct answer

b. Both physical and chemical change

c. Physical change
d. Chemical change

Question 44 Identification: Substance that hastens chemical reactions

Answer: Catalyst

Question 45 Identification: It is the ability of a substance to chemically combine with other compounds

Answer: Reactivity
Question 46 Identification: Material property making it capable of being hammered into thin sheets

Answer: Malleability

Question 47 Identification: Smallest possible particle of an element containing all of the properties of the element

Answer: Atom

Question 48 Identification: Lightest particles in an atom

Answer: Electrons

Question 49 Covalent bond that may or may not exist between two different atoms

Answer: Polar

Question 50 Negatively charged particles in atoms

Select one:
a. Protons
b. Both Protons and Electrons
c. No correct answer

d. Electrons
Physical Science (PHSC-112) Grade 11
Week 11-20
Wag sana maraming reaklamo dyan bibinigyan kayo
ng sagot
2nd attempt perfect kana
Tang ina nyo gago bobo
Wag kang mag reklamo kung hindi lumabas ang
tanong sa oed sa source.
Nakalagay naman po yong correct yong po ang sagot
c- Josefa Marie Taguiam
1.What do you call the solid formed when a liquid solution is allowed to stand still for a long amount
of time.
ans. Precipitate
2.What is the proper term for catalysts involved in biological processes?
3.What is the term for the energy responsible for the variations in the reaction rates of chemical
answer:activation energy
4.What property of a material describes the compactness of the arrangement of its molecules?
5.Identify the kind of change wherein the product is the same as the reactants.
ANWER:physical change
6.In which type of covalent bonding are the shared electrons shared congruently throughout the
molecule? answer:nonpolar
7.What do you call the ability of a substance to chemically combine with other compounds?
8.Fill in the blank: The ______
property of a substance can be observed without changing the substance. answer:physical
9.What type of covalent compound is there a slight difference in the electric charge between the
opposite sides of the molecule? answer:polar covalent compound
10.Identification: This factor in a reaction rate is a consequence of the kinetic energy of the reactant
molecules? wrong answer ako dito.
11.What kind of chemical bond involves the sharing of electrons between two atoms?
answer:covalent bond
12.What is the component of a chemical reaction that is present at its start? answer:reactant
13.Identification: Two different atoms may or may not have this type of covalent bonding.
answer:polar covalent bonding
14._____ covalent bond does not have an equal sharing of electrons. answer.Polar
15.What kind of change results to the production of a material that is entirely different from the
reactants? answer:chemical change
16.Identification: This is another term used to refer to covalent compounds. answer:molecular
17.Identification: This refers to the speed of a chemical process. answer:reaction rate
18.Which atom is more positive than the other in a molecule of dihydrogen oxide? answer: hydrogen
19.Identification: These compounds are highly soluble in water. answer:ionic compounds
20.Identification: These properties can be detected using your senses. answer:Physical properties
21.What type of compound is formed by the sharing of electrons? answer:Covalent compound
22.covalent bonding exists between two identical atoms. answer: nonpolar
23.Identification: This is the force that exists between the molecules of a compound. answer:
Intermolecular force
24.What is the term for the property that makes it capable of being hammered into thin sheets?
25.In a water molecule, which atom is more frequented by the shared electrons? answer:oxygen
26.Identify the substance that hastens chemical reactions? answer:catalyst
27. In a ______
type of covalent bonding, there is equal sharing of electrons between the atoms. answer: nonpolar
28.What type of covalent bonding is characterized by the incongruent sharing of electrons between
the atoms? answer:polar
29.Which reaction rate factor is due to the amount of reacting substances? answer: concentration
30.Identification: This compound is formed by a cation and an anion. answer:ionic compound
Short Quiz 8:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Also known as the revolution of the Earth around the sun
2. Ancient constellations related to Earth’s annual motion
Answer: ZODIAC
3. Center in Ptolemaic system of the universe
Answer: EARTH
4. Center of the universe in the Copernican system
Answer: SUN
5. Earth’s movement that results to the observation of diurnal motion
6. Event when the sun crosses the Celestial Equator
7. Line on Earth that is parallel to apparent daily paths
8. Main factor in the precession of equinoxes
9. More common term for the annual motion of the Earth
10. Type of observable motion associated with heavenly bodies
Learning Activity 8 (Physics)
Slow and continuous change in the orientation of an astronomical body’s rotational axis
Axial precession
Periodic observable motion that results from the Earth’s motion on its axis
diurnal motion
Center of the universe in Ptolemy’s model
Motion of the Earth around the sun
Motion of the Earth responsible for diurnal motion
Long Quiz 3:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Identify the center in the universe model Copernicus.
Answer: SUN
2. Identify the date of the year when the Earth is at its closest from the Sun.
3. Identify the main factor in the precession of equinoxes.
4. Identify the shape of the planetary orbit based on Kepler’s third law.
5. Identify the universe’s center in Ptolemy’s model.
Answer: EARTH
6. Name the line on Earth that is parallel to apparent daily paths.
7. Name the star blamed by the Greeks for the intensity of their summer
Answer: SIRIUS
8. This ancient device aligns with the North Star and is used to determine the precise time of its
user’s location.
9. This model is the combination of two ancient models of the universe.
10. This model of the universe considered the ideas of the Earth- and Sun-centered universe
11. This motion is also called the revolution of the Earth around the sun.
12. This structure was developed by the Mayans as they observed Venus.
13. What do you call Earth’s movement that results to the observation of diurnal motion?
14. What do you call the ancient constellations that are related to Earth’s annual motion?
Answer: ZODIAC
15. What do you call the event when the sun crosses the Celestial Equator?
16. What do you call the motion of the Earth that is responsible for diurnal motion?
17. What is the center in Ptolemaic system of the universe?
Answer: EARTH
18. What is the center of the universe based on the model by Ptolemy?
Answer: EARTH
19. What is the center of the universe in the Copernican system?
Answer: SUN
20. What is the constant quantity in the universe model by Kepler?
21. What is the more common term for the annual motion of the Earth with respect to the sun?
22. What is the oldest heavenly body that has been observed and has preceded great events in
23. What is the periodic observable motion that is the result of the Earth’s movement on its axis?
24. What is the term that refers to the motion of the Earth around the sun?
25. What is the term that refers to the slow and continuous change in the orientation of an
astronomical body’s rotational axis?
26. What is the universe model that is said to be Sun-centered?
27. What is this type of observable motion that is associated with heavenly bodies?
28. What property of a planet has this property directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major
axis of its orbit?
29. Where is the Sun located with respect to a planet’s elliptical orbit
30. Which model of the universe is said to be Earth-centered?
Learning Activity 9:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Aligns with the North Star to determine precise time for user’s location
2. Combination of two ancient models of the universe
3. Developed by the Mayans for the observation of Venus
4. Earth-centered system of the universe
5. Sun-centered system of the universe
Short Quiz 9:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Center in the model of the universe proposed by Copernicus
Answer: SUN
2. Center of the universe based on the model proposed by Ptolemy
Answer: EARTH
3. Considered the ideas of the Earth- and Sun-centered universe model
4. Constant quantity in the universe model by Kepler
5. Date of the year when the Earth is closest to the Sun
6. Location of the Sun with respect to the elliptical orbit based on Kepler’s laws
7. Oldest heavenly body observed that has preceded great events in history
8. Planet property whose square is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit
9. Shape of the orbit based on Kepler’s third law
10. Star blamed by Greeks for the intensity of summer
Answer: SIRIUS
Learning Activity 10:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Constant in the motion of a falling body in vacuum
2. Description of the change in the rate of movement of a body
3. Indirect force resulting from the application of a force
4. Necessary component of motion according to Aristotle
Answer: FORCE
5. Property of a body that affects its state of motion
Short Quiz 10:PHYSC
Aside from changing the state of motion of a body, this is also an effect of applying an unbalanced
force to the body.
Which can be easily affected by an unbalanced force: one cube of ice or one sack of rice?
This law implies the importance of balanced forces and what unbalanced forces are.
Which will accelerate more when the same unbalanced force is applied: pencil or cabinet?
This law of motion relates the rate of change in the movement of a body and the unbalanced force
that it experiences.
Which law of motion states that a body will not change its current state of motion unless an
unbalanced force acts upon it?
If you push the wall with an amount of force, you supply the action force. What is the source of the
reaction force?
What factor of a body that is at rest prevents it from moving?
What is the only factor that is constant for bodies falling in a vacuum?
Which of these has a greater inertia: fly or cat?
Learning Activity 11:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Constant in a body as long as no net force acts upon it
2. Decreases as acceleration increases in Newton’s law of acceleration
Answer: MASS
3. Force involved in Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
4. Statement based on repeated experimental observations
Answer: LAW
5. Statement taken to be true since what it proposes is already evident
Answer: AXIOM
Short Quiz 11:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. According to Galileo, this quantity is not needed to keep a body in motion under ideal conditions.
Answer: FORCE
2. Describe the total amount of energy of a body before it falls from a height and as it hits the
Answer: EQUAL
3. In the law of acceleration, which quantity decreases as the acceleration decreases?
Answer: FORCE
4. This is also known as the “inertia in motion” of a body.
5. This kind of statement is considered true since it has been based on a series of observations.
Answer: LAW
6. What do you call a statement that is taken as true without scientific evidence?
Answer: AXIOM
7. What happens to energy as it is used up by different systems?
8. What happens to the magnitude of the gravitational force as the bodies become more massive?
9. What happens to the magnitude of the gravitational force as the distance between two bodies
10. What term do you use to refer to the amount of material contained by a body?
Answer: MASS
Short Quiz 12:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Consider the formula for momentum. What quantity increases with the velocity of a body?:
Momentum; Velocity; Inelastic; Force; Mass; Elastic; Energy
Answer: Momentum
2. If a body has no momentum, what else does it not have?: Elastic; Inelastic; Force; Momentum;
Mass; Velocity; Energy
Answer: Velocity
3. In the formula for momentum, this quantity decreases as the body moves slower.: Elastic; Mass;
Energy; Momentum; Force; Velocity; Inelastic
Answer: Mass
4. In this type of collision, this factor is not necessarily conserved.: Energy; Elastic; Velocity; Force;
Inelastic; Mass; Momentum
Answer: Energy
5. This quantity describes how difficult it is to stop a moving body.: Inelastic; Velocity; Momentum;
Force; Energy; Mass; Elastic
Answer: Momentum
6. This quantity enables bodies to move so that they would collide.: Mass; Energy; Elastic; Force;
Velocity; Inelastic; Momentum
Answer: Energy
7. What SI quantity is directly related and directly proportional to the mass of a body?: Inelastic;
Momentum; Velocity; Elastic; Energy; Force; Mass
Answer: Momentum
8. What type of collision is involved between two bodies that show a spark of light after colliding:
Momentum; Force; Inelastic; Mass; Elastic; Energy; Velocity
Answer: Inelastic
9. Which type of collision involves the constant sum of total kinetic energy before and after the
collision?: Momentum; Velocity; Mass; Elastic; Force; Energy; Inelastic
Answer: Elastic
10. Which will stop first when these two bodies collide: truck or bicycle?
Learning Activity 12:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Collision that involves the conversion of energy into other forms outside the colliding bodies
2. Factor responsible for the movement of the bodies that are about to collide
Answer: ENERGY
3. Not necessarily conserved between colliding bodies
Answer: ENERGY
4. Quantity conserved in any collision
5. Type of collision wherein the total kinetic energy is constant before and after the collision
Short Quiz 13:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Consider the wave equation. Which quantity increases with the frequency of the wave?:
Absorption; Latitudinal; Index of Refraction; Longitudinal; Wavelength; Refraction; Electron; Photon;
Transverse; Energy; Mirror; Speed; Dispersion
Answer: Speed
2. In light, this is what the photons carry enabling them to move.: Wavelength; Energy; Mirror;
Photon; Longitudinal; Dispersion; Electron; Speed; Transverse; Index of Refraction; Absorption;
Refraction; Latitudinal
Answer: Energy
3. In the wave equation, this quantity is inversely proportional to the frequency of the wave.:
Absorption; Mirror; Electron; Latitudinal; Longitudinal; Energy; Speed; Photon; Refraction; Index of
Refraction; Dispersion; Wavelength; Transverse
Answer: Wavelength
4. Name the component of light that travels in straight lines.: Index of Refraction; Longitudinal;
Transverse; Absorption; Latitudinal; Energy; Electron; Refraction; Mirror; Photon; Dispersion;
Wavelength; Speed
Answer: Photon
5. This constant determines how much light will bend as it enters a different medium.: Electron;
Refraction; Photon; Latitudinal; Mirror; Speed; Index of Refraction; Transverse; Absorption;
Longitudinal; Dispersion; Wavelength; Energy
Answer: Index of Refraction
6. This phenomenon of light is the evidence of the energy possessed by light.: Absorption; Photon;
Energy; Dispersion; Electron; Mirror; Speed; Longitudinal; Transverse; Wavelength; Latitudinal;
Index of Refraction; Refraction
Answer: Absorption
7. This wave is produced by the disturbance of the molecules nearby its source.: Latitudinal;
Absorption; Mirror; Photon; Wavelength; Index of Refraction; Electron; Speed; Dispersion;
Longitudinal; Transverse; Refraction; Energy
Answer: Longitudinal
8. What is the optical device that is used to show the bouncing of light?: Latitudinal; Speed; Index of
Refraction; Wavelength; Electron; Dispersion; Transverse; Absorption; Mirror; Photon; Refraction;
Energy; Longitudinal
Answer: Mirror
9. What kind of wave is light?: Index of Refraction; Speed; Photon; Mirror; Absorption; Refraction;
Energy; Speed; Transverse; Electron; Dispersion; Longitudinal; Transverse; Wavelength; Latitudinal
Answer: Transverse
10. What kind of wave is represented by a sine wave?: Dispersion; Transverse; Index of Refraction;
Refraction; Mirror; Energy; Longitudinal; Electron; Absorption; Photon; Latitudinal; Speed;
Answer: Transverse
Learning Activity 13: PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Optical device that demonstrates bending of light
Answer: LENS
2. Particle of light that carries its energy
Answer: PHOTON
3. Path of light that makes it understood to be a particle
4. Wave that can propagate even without molecules
5. Wave that cannot exist in vacuum
Learning Activity 14:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Bending of light around an edge causing umbra and penumbra in the shadow
2. Deflection of light along its path
3. Phenomenon of light wherein light waves add up
4. Phenomenon of separation of light into different colors
5. Type of mirror that shows an inverted image of you
Short Quiz 14:PHYSC
What exists between two charges in space?
Select one:
- Electrostatic force
This phenomenon of light explains how light shows different colors after passing through a prism.
Select one:
This type of mirror shows a virtual image of the object.
Select one:
What do you call a displaced image of an object as the result of the bending of light rays?
Select one:
According to Faraday, what is produced by a changing magnetic field?
Select one:
- Induced voltage
What principle explains why it is impossible to determine experimentally both the position and the
speed of an electron at the same time?
Select one:
-Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
How do electron orbits look like as a consequence of the uncertainty principle?
Select one:
- Electron clouds
What type of mirror shows your image in an inverted manner?
Select one:
What can electric current produce along a wire?
Select one:
- Magnetic field
What phenomenon of light is utilized to identify the wavelength of a given light ray?
Select one:
- Dispersion
Learning Activity 15:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Hertz applied high voltage AC electricity across the central spark gap of the transmitter creating
sparks.: True; False
Answer: False
2. What digital storage oscilloscope circuit compensates for high sampling rates of high frequency
signals?: charged-couple device; analog to digital converter
Answer: charged-couple device
3. What test equipment combines the operation of many test instruments into a single compact unit.:
Impedance meter; Communication service monitor
Answer: Communication service monitor
4. When using forward error control as a method of error correction, where does error correction
take place?: in the oscillator; receiving end
Answer: receiving end
5. What part of the pulse code modulation (PCM) process converts a continuous time signal into a
discrete time signal?
Answer: Sampling
Short Quiz 15:PHYSC
Hertz found that when sparks flew across the main gap, sparks also usually glow across the
secondary gap that is between points A and B in the image.
Select one:
- True
According to Hertz, he pictured waves of electric charge moving back and forth, creating a standing
wave within the wire.
Select one:
- True
When reading the forward power on a wattmeter, what does two right-facing arrow heads mean?
Select one:
- Power exceeds 120 percent of the range
What are the two main types of photodetectors? (separate your answers with the word "and")
-Positive intrinsic photodiode AND negative intrinsic photodiode
In November 1886, Heinrich Hertz became the first person to transmit and receive controlled radio
Select one:
If the interference can be eliminated by disconnecting the receiving antenna, the source of the
disturbance is most likely
Select one:
- External to the radio
What initial nuclear radiation components generate electromagnetic pulses? (separate your answers
with the word "and")
-Gamma rays AND neutrons
Who discovered radio waves?
-Heinrich Hertz
What pattern simulator section of the bit error rate test set accepts a 48-bit parallel word and
generates a serial pattern?
Select one:
-48-bit transmitter only
Hertz started generating radio waves using a piece of electrical equipment called an induction coil.
Select one:
Short Quiz 16:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. As measured in any inertial frame of reference, light is always propagated in empty space with a
definite velocity that is independent of the state of motion of the emitting body.: False; True
Answer: True
2. Maxwell’s equations are not consistent with Galilean relativity unless one postulates the existence
of a physical aether.: True; False
Answer: True
3. The laws of physics are the same in all inertia frames of reference.: True; False
Answer: True
4. The postulates of special relativity can be expressed very succinctly using the mathematical
language of pseudo-Riemmannian manifolds: True; False
Answer: True
5. What is the correct expression for the amplitude of a vibrating mass? Amplitude is the: Maximum
velocity of the mass during vibration; Maximum displacement of the mass from the rest position
Answer: Maximum displacement of the mass from the rest position
6. Which of the following is not a term associated with periodic waves?: Frequency; How much
space is occupied
Answer: How much space is occupied
7. Which of the following sound wave can be heard by the human ear?: Ultrasonic sound waves;
Sound waves with frequencies between 20 hz and 20,000 hz
Answer: Sound waves with frequencies between 20 hz and 20,000 hz
8. It combines special relativity with the equivalence principle.
Answer: General relativity
9. It is the succession of methods by which astronomers determine the distances to celestial objects.
Answer: Cosmic distance ladder
10. Known as the “dwarf planet”
Answer: Pluto
Select one:
- Can sometimes be sensed
Special relativity is a theory.
Select one:
- True
States that the net force acting on a body is equal to that body’s (inertia ) mass multiplied by its
Select one:
-Newton's Second Law of Motion
According to this law there is a universality of free fall. The trajectory of a test body in free fall
depends only on its position and initial speed.
-Newton's Law of Gravity
Which of the following must be satisfied for a vibration to be simple harmonic motion? The restoring
force of the vibrating object is
Select one:
-Opposite to and proportional to a displacement
 Physical Science (PHSC-112) Grade 11
 Week 20 Second Quarter Exam
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 Fourth Quarter Exam
Question 1
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Event when the sun crosses the Celestial Equator
Question 2
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Description of the change in the rate of movement of a body
Question 3
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Question text
Which type of collision involves the constant sum of total kinetic energy before and after the collision?
Select one:
a. Momentum
b. Energy
c. Velocity
d. Elastic
e. Force
f. Mass
g. Inelastic
Question 4
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Marked out of 1.00

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Phenomenon of separation of light into different colors
Question 5
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Question text
The laws of physics are the same in all inertia frames of reference.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Question 6
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Question text
Galileo founded the modern science of mechanics and provided the vital link between Kepler's laws of
planetary motion and Newton's description of the universe.
Select one:
Question 7
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Question text
Center of the universe in Ptolemy’s model
Question 8
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Question text
Which of Newton's laws states that an object either remains at rest or continuous to move at a constant
velocity, unless acted upon by a force?
Select one:
a. Fourth law
b. First law
c. Second law
d. Third law
Question 9
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What is the center in Ptolemaic system of the universe?
Question 10
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Particle of light that carries its energy
Question 11
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Question text
This motion is also called the revolution of the Earth around the sun.
Annual motion
Question 12
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Flag question
Question text
If the interference can be eliminated by disconnecting the receiving antenna, the source of the
disturbance is most likely
Select one:
a. Internal to the radio
b. External to the radio
Question 13
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Flag question
Question text
Only humans have inertia, whether they are stationary or moving.
Select one:
Question 14
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Question text
Name the star blamed by the Greeks for the intensity of their summer.
Question 15
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Question text
Name the component of light that travels in straight lines.
Select one:
a. Wavelength
b. Latitudinal
c. Index of Refraction
d. Transverse
e. Dispersion
f. Electron
g. Refraction
h. Absorption
i. Speed
j. Longitudinal
k. Mirror
l. Energy
m. Photon
Question 16
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Question text
What can electric current produce along a wire?
Select one:
a. Mirage
b. Electron clouds
c. Diffraction
d. Dispersion
e. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
f. Convex
g. Concave
h. Electrostatic force
i. Interference
j. Induced voltage
k. Magnetic field
Question 17
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Question text
Oldest heavenly body observed that has preceded great events in history
Halley's comet
Question 18
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Question text
What is the constant quantity in the universe model by Kepler?
Area speed
Question 19
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Question text
Aligns with the North Star to determine precise time for user’s location
Question 20
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Flag question
Question text
What are the two main types of photodetectors? (separate your answers with the word "and")
Positive intrinsic photodiode AND negative intrinsic photodiode
Question 21
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Question text
This law of motion relates the rate of change in the movement of a body and the unbalanced force that
it experiences.
Law of acceleration
Question 22
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Question text
What is the center of the universe in the Copernican system?
Question 23
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Question text
Who discovered radio waves?
Heinrich hertz
Question 24
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Question text
Collision that involves the conversion of energy into other forms outside the colliding bodies
Question 25
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Question text
Path of light that makes it understood to be a particle
Straight line
Question 26
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Question text
Describe the total amount of energy of a body before it falls from a height and as it hits the ground.
Question 27
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Question text
What phenomenon of light is utilized to identify the wavelength of a given light ray?
Select one:
a. Interference
b. Diffraction
c. Electron clouds
d. Magnetic field
e. Dispersion
f. Electrostatic force
g. Convex
h. Concave
i. Mirage
j. Induced voltage
k. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
Question 28
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Which will accelerate more when the same unbalanced force is applied: pencil or cabinet?
Question 29
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Question text
Which of the following sound wave can be heard by the human ear?
Select one:
a. Sound waves with frequencies between 20 hz and 20,000 hz
b. Ultrasonic sound waves
Question 30
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Question text
What SI quantity is directly related and directly proportional to the mass of a body?
Select one:
a. Momentum
b. Energy
c. Mass
d. Velocity
e. Force
f. Elastic
g. Inelastic
Question 31
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Question text
In light, this is what the photons carry enabling them to move.
Select one:
a. Refraction
b. Dispersion
c. Electron
d. Energy
e. Transverse
f. Wavelength
g. Absorption
h. Photon
i. Index of Refraction
j. Latitudinal
k. Longitudinal
l. Speed
m. Mirror
Question 32
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Statement taken to be true since what it proposes is already evident
Question 33
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Question text
According to this law there is a universality of free fall. The trajectory of a test body in free fall depends
only on its position and initial speed.
Newton's law of gravity
Question 34
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Earth-centered system of the universe
Question 35
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Question text
The return of light, heat, or sound after striking a surface.
Select one:
a. Reflection
b. Transmission
c. Diffusion
d. Refraction
Question 36
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Statement based on repeated experimental observations
Question 37
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Phenomenon of light wherein light waves add up
Question 38
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Question text
This law implies the importance of balanced forces and what unbalanced forces are.
Law of interaction
Question 39
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The average time for a planet to complete one circuit along the ecliptic is the planet's zodiacal period.
Select one:
Question 40
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Question text
What do you call a displaced image of an object as the result of the bending of light rays?
Select one:
a. Dispersion
b. Induced voltage
c. Interference
d. Diffraction
e. Electron clouds
f. Magnetic field
g. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
h. Electrostatic force
i. Mirage
j. Concave
k. Convex
Question 41
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Question text
This takes place when two bodies that are initially separated and in motion suddenly become "one".
Select one:
a. Acceleration
b. Conservation
c. Deceleration
d. Collision
Question 42
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Question text
Hertz found that when sparks flew across the main gap, sparks also usually glow across the secondary
gap that is between points A and B in the image.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Question 43
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Question text
What happens to the magnitude of the gravitational force as the distance between two bodies increase?
Question 44
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What term do you use to refer to the amount of material contained by a body?
Question 45
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Identify the center in the universe model Copernicus.
Question 46
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According to Galileo, this quantity is not needed to keep a body in motion under ideal conditions.
Question 47
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Question text
It is the passage of electromagnetic radiation through a medium.
Select one:
a. Absorption
b. Transmission
c. Diffusion
d. Reflection
Question 48
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Question text
This phenomenon of light explains how light shows different colors after passing through a prism.
Select one:
a. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
b. Electron clouds
c. Convex
d. Electrostatic force
e. Interference
f. Concave
g. Magnetic field
h. Dispersion
i. Mirage
j. Diffraction
k. Induced voltage
Question 49
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What factor of a body that is at rest prevents it from moving?
Question 50
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Type of observable motion associated with heavenly bodies
Diurnal motion
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Question 1
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What is the proper term for catalysts involved in biological processes?


Question 2
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Identification: This refers to the speed of a chemical process.

Reaction rate

Question 3
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Identification: This is the force that exists between the molecules of a compound.

Intermolecular forces
Question 4
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Identification: This factor in a reaction rate is a consequence of the kinetic energy of the reactant

Catalyst Effects

Question 5
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True or False: In determining the limiting reactant, mass quantities must be converted to moles.


Question 6
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What is the term for the energy responsible for the variations in the reaction rates of chemical

Chemical kinetics

Question 7
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Answer is occurring when gas bubbles are released during the reaction.

Question 8
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What do you call the ability of a substance to chemically combine with other compounds?
Select one:
a. Reactivity
b. Temperature
c. Precipitate

Question 9
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Identification: How fast or slow a chemical process takes place.

Rate of Reaction

Question 10
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True or False: Noble gases almost never react to other substances.


Question 11
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Identify the substance that hastens chemical reactions?


Question 12
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Identification: What kind of change results to the production of a material that is entirely different
from the reactants?

Chemical Change

Question 13
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In a water molecule, which atom is more frequented by the shared electrons?

Oxygen atom

Question 14
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True or False: Salt can conduct electricity in any form.


Question 15
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Identification: Factor in the rate of reaction that is caused by the amount of reactants.


Question 16
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True or False: Tools made from iron easily rust.


Question 17
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Identification: What do you call the solid formed when a liquid solution is allowed to stand still for a
long amount of time?


Question 18
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True or False: Sodium can exist by itself.


Question 19
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Identification: Reaction rate factor that is due to the movement of the molecules of the reactants.

Effective collision

Question 20
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Question text

activaton Energy
r energy is the energy needed to start a reaction.

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 Week 10: Quarterly Exam / ►
 Third Quarter Exam

Question 1
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Identification: Particles smaller than a proton with strong nuclear force holding the quarks

Question 2
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Identification: Compounds that are dissolves easily in water
Ionic Compounds

Question 3
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Question text
Fill in the blank: In a molecule of water, the atom more visited by the shared electrons would be
Oxygen atoms

Question 4
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Question text
Covalent bond that may or may not exist between two different atoms
polar covalent compound

Question 5
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Question text
The Gold foil experiment led to the discovery of this atomic part
Select one:
a. Nucleus
b. No correct answer
c. Electron
d. Proton

Question 6
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Question text
Identification: Atoms of the same element but with various atomic weights

Question 7
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Identification: It refers to tyhe speed of a chemical process
reaction rates

Question 8
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Identification: Repelled the directed alpha particles in the gold foil experiment
Question 9
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Covalent bond between identical atoms
Nonpolar Covalent Bond

Question 10
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Property of a substance that is observable without changing it

Question 11
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Question text
Covalent bonding resulting from unequal sharing of electrons between the atoms
Select one:
a. No correct answer
b. Both polar and nonpolar covalent bonding
c. Nonpolar covalent bonding
d. Polar covalent bonding
Question 12
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Identification: Properties observable using your eyes
Physical property

Question 13
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Identification: Proton component that binds the other components together
Chemical Bonding

Question 14
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Question text
Identification: Bond characterized by the sharing of electrons between atoms
Covalent Bond

Question 15
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Question text
Identification: Star with strong gravity allowing the formation of more oxygen and magnesium

Question 16
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Identification: Smallest possible particle of an element containing all of the properties of the

Question 17
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Identification: It is the ability of a substance to chemically combine with other compounds

Question 18
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Question text
Age of the universe (in billions of years) according to the most widely accepted cosmological
theory of its existence
13.799±0.021 billion years

Question 19
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Identification: Catalysts in digestion of food

Question 20
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Force between the molecules of a compound
Intermolecular forces

Question 21
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Identification: Compactness of the arrangement of the molecules of a material

Question 22
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Identification: Reaction in giant stars for the fusion of hydrogen to form helium
Stellar nucleosynthesis

Question 23
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Question text
Bond where electrons are shared congruently throughout the molecule
Select one:
a. Polar covalent bonding
b. Nonpolar covalent bonding
c. No correct answer
d. Both polar and nonpolar covalent bonding

Question 24
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Identification: Property of material to emit charged particles

Question 25
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Identification: Reaction rate factor related to the kinetic energy of the reactant molecules

Question 26
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Identification: Material property making it capable of being hammered into thin sheets

Question 27
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Question text
Covalent bond with unequal sharing of electrons


Question 28
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Question text
Identification: Term used by scientists referring to the very small but detectable amount of heat
residue of the Big Bang
Polar covalent bonding

Question 29
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Identification: The more positive atom in a molecule of dihydrogen oxide
Cosmic Microwave Background

Question 30
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Question text
Identification: Substance that hastens chemical reactions

Question 31
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Question text
Molecular compound where there is a slight difference in the charge between its opposite sides
Select one:
a. Polar
b. Nonpolar
c. Both Polar and Nonpolar molecular compound

Question 32
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Question text
Factor in reaction rate related to the amount of reactants
Select one:
a. Both Concentration and Temperature
b. Temperature
c. No correct answer
d. Concentration

Question 33
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Question text
Identification: Energy responsible different reaction rates
activation energy

Question 34
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Marked out of 1.00Covalent

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Identification: Compound formed by electron sharing

Question 35
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Question text
Identification: This also means covalent compounds
Molecular compound

Question 36
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Question text
Solid substance that settles when a liquid solution is left still for a long amount of time?

Question 37
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Identification: Substance that cannot be simplified anymore

Question 38
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Identification: Lightest particles in an atom

Question 39
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Question text
Identification: Change resulting to new material that is entirely different from the reactants
Select one:
a. Physical change
b. No correct answer
c. Both Physical and Chemical change
d. Chemical change

Question 40
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Question text
Identification: Reaction that fuses hydrogen to form helium in dwarf stars
PP Chain

Question 41
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Question text
Negatively charged particles in atoms
Select one:
a. Both Protons and Electrons
b. Electrons
c. No correct answer
d. Protons

Question 42
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Question text
Identification: Compound formed by positive and negative atoms
Ionic compound

Question 43
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Question text
Behavior of the universe explaining the Big Bang Theory
Select one:
a. stays constant in size
b. expanding
c. shrinking
d. no correct answer

Question 44
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Identification: It refers to the cloud where stars are born

Question 45
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Identification: Nuclear particles that do not contribute to its charge
Alpha particle

Question 46
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Question text
Identification: Covalent bonding where electrons are shared equally between the atoms

Question 47
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Question text
Change in which the product is the same as the reactants
Select one:
a. Both physical and chemical change
b. No correct answer
c. Chemical change
d. Physical change

Question 48
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Identification: Component of chemical reaction present at its start

Question 49
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Question text
Identification: Radiation emitted by a body that absorbed it first

Question 50
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Question text
Substance that can turn lead to gold
Select one:
a. Philosopher's Stone
b. Jack-o-Lantern
c. Will-o-Wisp
d. Witchlight

Finish attempt ...

Copyright AMA University Online Education, 2016
 2S / ►
 PHSC-112-20172S / ►
 Week 20: Quarterly Exam / ►
 Fourth Quarter Exam
Question 1
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Event when the sun crosses the Celestial Equator
Question 2
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Description of the change in the rate of movement of a body
Question 3
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Question text
Which type of collision involves the constant sum of total kinetic energy before and after the collision?
Select one:
a. Momentum
b. Energy
c. Velocity
d. Elastic
e. Force
f. Mass
g. Inelastic
Question 4
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Phenomenon of separation of light into different colors
Question 5
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Question text
The laws of physics are the same in all inertia frames of reference.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Question 6
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Question text
Galileo founded the modern science of mechanics and provided the vital link between Kepler's laws of
planetary motion and Newton's description of the universe.
Select one:
Question 7
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Question text
Center of the universe in Ptolemy’s model
Question 8
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Question text
Which of Newton's laws states that an object either remains at rest or continuous to move at a constant
velocity, unless acted upon by a force?
Select one:
a. Fourth law
b. First law
c. Second law
d. Third law
Question 9
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Question text
What is the center in Ptolemaic system of the universe?
Question 10
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Particle of light that carries its energy
Question 11
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Question text
This motion is also called the revolution of the Earth around the sun.
Annual motion
Question 12
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Question text
If the interference can be eliminated by disconnecting the receiving antenna, the source of the
disturbance is most likely
Select one:
a. Internal to the radio
b. External to the radio
Question 13
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Question text
Only humans have inertia, whether they are stationary or moving.
Select one:
Question 14
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Question text
Name the star blamed by the Greeks for the intensity of their summer.
Question 15
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Question text
Name the component of light that travels in straight lines.
Select one:
a. Wavelength
b. Latitudinal
c. Index of Refraction
d. Transverse
e. Dispersion
f. Electron
g. Refraction
h. Absorption
i. Speed
j. Longitudinal
k. Mirror
l. Energy
m. Photon
Question 16
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Question text
What can electric current produce along a wire?
Select one:
a. Mirage
b. Electron clouds
c. Diffraction
d. Dispersion
e. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
f. Convex
g. Concave
h. Electrostatic force
i. Interference
j. Induced voltage
k. Magnetic field
Question 17
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Question text
Oldest heavenly body observed that has preceded great events in history
Halley's comet
Question 18
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Question text
What is the constant quantity in the universe model by Kepler?
Area speed
Question 19
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Question text
Aligns with the North Star to determine precise time for user’s location
Question 20
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Question text
What are the two main types of photodetectors? (separate your answers with the word "and")
Positive intrinsic photodiode AND negative intrinsic photodiode
Question 21
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Question text
This law of motion relates the rate of change in the movement of a body and the unbalanced force that
it experiences.
Law of acceleration
Question 22
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Question text
What is the center of the universe in the Copernican system?
Question 23
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Question text
Who discovered radio waves?
Heinrich hertz
Question 24
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Question text
Collision that involves the conversion of energy into other forms outside the colliding bodies
Question 25
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Question text
Path of light that makes it understood to be a particle
Straight line
Question 26
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Question text
Describe the total amount of energy of a body before it falls from a height and as it hits the ground.
Question 27
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Question text
What phenomenon of light is utilized to identify the wavelength of a given light ray?
Select one:
a. Interference
b. Diffraction
c. Electron clouds
d. Magnetic field
e. Dispersion
f. Electrostatic force
g. Convex
h. Concave
i. Mirage
j. Induced voltage
k. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
Question 28
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Question text
Which will accelerate more when the same unbalanced force is applied: pencil or cabinet?
Question 29
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Question text
Which of the following sound wave can be heard by the human ear?
Select one:
a. Sound waves with frequencies between 20 hz and 20,000 hz
b. Ultrasonic sound waves
Question 30
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Question text
What SI quantity is directly related and directly proportional to the mass of a body?
Select one:
a. Momentum
b. Energy
c. Mass
d. Velocity
e. Force
f. Elastic
g. Inelastic
Question 31
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Question text
In light, this is what the photons carry enabling them to move.
Select one:
a. Refraction
b. Dispersion
c. Electron
d. Energy
e. Transverse
f. Wavelength
g. Absorption
h. Photon
i. Index of Refraction
j. Latitudinal
k. Longitudinal
l. Speed
m. Mirror
Question 32
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Question text
Statement taken to be true since what it proposes is already evident
Question 33
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Question text
According to this law there is a universality of free fall. The trajectory of a test body in free fall depends
only on its position and initial speed.
Newton's law of gravity
Question 34
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Question text
Earth-centered system of the universe
Question 35
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Question text
The return of light, heat, or sound after striking a surface.
Select one:
a. Reflection
b. Transmission
c. Diffusion
d. Refraction
Question 36
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Question text
Statement based on repeated experimental observations
Question 37
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Question text
Phenomenon of light wherein light waves add up
Question 38
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Question text
This law implies the importance of balanced forces and what unbalanced forces are.
Law of interaction
Question 39
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Question text
The average time for a planet to complete one circuit along the ecliptic is the planet's zodiacal period.
Select one:
Question 40
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Question text
What do you call a displaced image of an object as the result of the bending of light rays?
Select one:
a. Dispersion
b. Induced voltage
c. Interference
d. Diffraction
e. Electron clouds
f. Magnetic field
g. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
h. Electrostatic force
i. Mirage
j. Concave
k. Convex
Question 41
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Flag question
Question text
This takes place when two bodies that are initially separated and in motion suddenly become "one".
Select one:
a. Acceleration
b. Conservation
c. Deceleration
d. Collision
Question 42
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Question text
Hertz found that when sparks flew across the main gap, sparks also usually glow across the secondary
gap that is between points A and B in the image.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Question 43
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Question text
What happens to the magnitude of the gravitational force as the distance between two bodies increase?
Question 44
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Question text
What term do you use to refer to the amount of material contained by a body?
Question 45
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Question text
Identify the center in the universe model Copernicus.
Question 46
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Question text
According to Galileo, this quantity is not needed to keep a body in motion under ideal conditions.
Question 47
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Question text
It is the passage of electromagnetic radiation through a medium.
Select one:
a. Absorption
b. Transmission
c. Diffusion
d. Reflection
Question 48
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Question text
This phenomenon of light explains how light shows different colors after passing through a prism.
Select one:
a. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
b. Electron clouds
c. Convex
d. Electrostatic force
e. Interference
f. Concave
g. Magnetic field
h. Dispersion
i. Mirage
j. Diffraction
k. Induced voltage
Question 49
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Question text
What factor of a body that is at rest prevents it from moving?
Question 50
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Question text
Type of observable motion associated with heavenly bodies
Diurnal motion
Question 1 Identification: Radiation emitted by a body that absorbed it first

Answer: Blackbody Radiation

Question 2 Identification: Compactness of the arrangement of the molecules of a material

Answer: Density

Question 3 Identification: Bond characterized by the sharing of electrons between atoms

Answer: Covalent Bond

Question 4 Identification: Particles smaller than a proton with strong nuclear force holding the quarks together

Answer: Gluons

Question 5 Covalent bond with unequal sharing of electrons

Answer: Polar

Question 6 Identification: Repelled the directed alpha particles in the gold foil experiment

Answer: Protons

Question 7 Identification: Reaction in giant stars for the fusion of hydrogen to form helium

Answer: CNO Cycle

Question 8 Identification: It refers to tyhe speed of a chemical process

Answer: Reaction Rate

Question 9 Substance that can turn lead to gold

Select one:
a. Jack-o-Lantern

b. Philosopher's Stone
c. Witchlight
d. Will-o-Wisp

Question 10 Identification: Atoms of the same element but with various atomic weights

Answer: Isotope

Question 11 Identification: Component of chemical reaction present at its start

Answer: Reactants
Question 12 Solid substance that settles when a liquid solution is left still for a long amount of time?

Answer: Precipitate

Question 13 Identification: Compound formed by positive and negative atoms

Answer: Ionic compound

Question 14 Factor in reaction rate related to the amount of reactants

Select one:
a. Concentration
b. No correct answer

c. Temperature
d. Both Concentration and Temperature

Question 15 Identification: Star with strong gravity allowing the formation of more oxygen and magnesium

Answer: Supergiant

Question 16 Identification: Compound formed by electron sharing

Answer: Covalent

Question 17 Covalent bond between identical atoms

Answer: Nonpolar

Question 18 Property of a substance that is observable without changing it

Answer: Physical property

Question 19 Identification: Nuclear particles that do not contribute to its charge

Answer: Neutron

Question 20 Identification: Term used by scientists referring to the very small but detectable amount of heat residue of the Big Bang

Answer: Background Radiation

Question 21 Covalent bonding resulting from unequal sharing of electrons between the atoms

Select one:
a. Nonpolar covalent bonding
b. No correct answer

c. Both polar and nonpolar covalent bonding

d. Polar covalent bonding

Question 22 Identification: Properties observable using your eyes

Answer: Physical Property

Question 23 Identification: Catalysts in digestion of food

Answer: enzyme
Question 24 Force between the molecules of a compound

Answer: Intermolecular Force

Question 25 Bond where electrons are shared congruently throughout the molecule

Select one:
a. Polar covalent bonding
b. No correct answer
c. Both polar and nonpolar covalent bonding

d. Nonpolar covalent bonding

Question 26 Age of the universe (in billions of years) according to the most widely accepted cosmological theory of its existence

Answer: 13.7

Question 27 Identification: It refers to the cloud where stars are born

Answer: Nebula

Question 28 Identification: Property of material to emit charged particles

Answer: Radioactivity

Question 29 Identification: Reaction rate factor related to the kinetic energy of the reactant molecules

Answer: Temperature

Question 30 The Gold foil experiment led to the discovery of this atomic part

Select one:
a. Electron
b. Nucleus

c. Proton
d. No correct answer

Question 31 Molecular compound where there is a slight difference in the charge between its opposite sides

Select one:
a. Polar
b. Both Polar and Nonpolar molecular compound

c. Nonpolar

Question 32 Identification: Energy responsible different reaction rates

Answer: Activation Energy

Question 33 Identification: Compounds that are dissolves easily in water

Answer: Ionic compounds

Question 34 Fill in the blank: In a molecule of water, the atom more visited by the shared electrons would be

Answer: Oxygen
Question 35 Identification: The more positive atom in a molecule of dihydrogen oxide

Answer: Hydrogen

Question 36 Identification: Covalent bonding where electrons are shared equally between the atoms

Answer: Nonpolar

Question 37 Identification: Reaction that fuses hydrogen to form helium in dwarf stars

Answer: PP Chain

Question 38 Identification: Substance that cannot be simplified anymore

Answer: Element

Question 39 Identification: This also means covalent compounds

Answer: Molecular compounds

Question 40 Identification: Change resulting to new material that is entirely different from the reactants

Select one:
a. No correct answer
b. Physical change

c. Chemical change
d. Both Physical and Chemical change

Question 41 Behavior of the universe explaining the Big Bang Theory

Select one:
a. no correct answer
b. shrinking

c. expanding
d. stays constant in size

Question 42 Identification: Proton component that binds the other components together

Answer: Gluon

Question 43 Change in which the product is the same as the reactants

Select one:
a. No correct answer

b. Both physical and chemical change

c. Physical change
d. Chemical change

Question 44 Identification: Substance that hastens chemical reactions

Answer: Catalyst

Question 45 Identification: It is the ability of a substance to chemically combine with other compounds

Answer: Reactivity
Question 46 Identification: Material property making it capable of being hammered into thin sheets

Answer: Malleability

Question 47 Identification: Smallest possible particle of an element containing all of the properties of the element

Answer: Atom

Question 48 Identification: Lightest particles in an atom

Answer: Electrons

Question 49 Covalent bond that may or may not exist between two different atoms

Answer: Polar

Question 50 Negatively charged particles in atoms

Select one:
a. Protons
b. Both Protons and Electrons
c. No correct answer

d. Electrons

Identification: Radiation emitted by a body that absorbed it first

Answer: Blackbody Radiation

Identification: Compactness of the arrangement of the molecules of a material

Answer: Density

Identification: Bond characterized by the sharing of electrons between atoms

Answer: Covalent Bond

Identification: Particles smaller than a proton with strong nuclear force holding the quarks together
Answer: Gluons

Covalent bond with unequal sharing of electrons

Answer: Polar

Identification: Repelled the directed alpha particles in the gold foil experiment
Answer: Protons

Identification: Reaction in giant stars for the fusion of hydrogen to form helium
Answer: CNO Cycle

Identification: It refers to tyhe speed of a chemical process

Answer: Reaction Rate

Substance that can turn lead to gold

Select one:
a. Jack-o-Lantern
b. Philosopher's Stone(ANSWER)
c. Witchlight
d. Will-o-Wisp

Identification: Atoms of the same element but with various atomic weights
Answer: Isotope

Identification: Component of chemical reaction present at its start

Answer: Reactants

Solid substance that settles when a liquid solution is left still for a long amount of time?
Answer: Precipitate

Identification: Compound formed by positive and negative atoms

Answer: Ionic compound

Factor in reaction rate related to the amount of reactants

Select one:
a. Concentration(ANSWER)
b. No correct answer
c. Temperature
d. Both Concentration and Temperature

Identification: Star with strong gravity allowing the formation of more oxygen and magnesium
Answer: Supergiant

Identification: Compound formed by electron sharing

Answer: Covalent
Covalent bond between identical atoms
Answer: Nonpolar

Property of a substance that is observable without changing it

Answer: Physical property

Identification: Nuclear particles that do not contribute to its charge

Answer: Neutron

Identification: Term used by scientists referring to the very small but detectable amount of heat residue of
the Big Bang
Answer: Background Radiation

Covalent bonding resulting from unequal sharing of electrons between the atoms
Select one:
a. Nonpolar covalent bonding
b. No correct answer
c. Both polar and nonpolar covalent bonding
d. Polar covalent bonding(ANSWER)

Identification: Properties observable using your eyes

Answer: Physical Property

Identification: Catalysts in digestion of food

Answer: enzyme

Force between the molecules of a compound

Answer: Intermolecular Force

Bond where electrons are shared congruently throughout the molecule

Select one:
a. Polar covalent bonding
b. No correct answer
c. Both polar and nonpolar covalent bonding
d. Nonpolar covalent bonding(ANSWER)

Age of the universe (in billions of years) according to the most widely accepted cosmological theory of its
Answer: 13.7

Identification: It refers to the cloud where stars are born

Answer: Nebula

Identification: Property of material to emit charged particles

Answer: Radioactivity

Identification: Reaction rate factor related to the kinetic energy of the reactant molecules
Answer: Temperature

The Gold foil experiment led to the discovery of this atomic part
Select one:
a. Electron
b. Nucleus(ANSWER)
c. Proton
d. No correct answer

Molecular compound where there is a slight difference in the charge between its opposite sides
Select one:
a. Polar(ANSWER)
b. Both Polar and Nonpolar molecular compound
c. Nonpolar

Identification: Energy responsible different reaction rates

Answer: Activation Energy

Identification: Compounds that are dissolves easily in water

Answer: Ionic compounds

Fill in the blank: In a molecule of water, the atom more visited by the shared electrons would be
Answer: Oxygen

Identification: The more positive atom in a molecule of dihydrogen oxide

Answer: Hydrogen

Identification: Covalent bonding where electrons are shared equally between the atoms
Answer: Nonpolar

Identification: Reaction that fuses hydrogen to form helium in dwarf stars

Answer: PP Chain

Identification: Substance that cannot be simplified anymore

Answer: Element

Identification: This also means covalent compounds

Answer: Molecular compounds

Identification: Change resulting to new material that is entirely different from the reactants
Select one:
a. No correct answer
b. Physical change
c. Chemical change(ANSWER)
d. Both Physical and Chemical change

Behavior of the universe explaining the Big Bang Theory

Select one:
a. no correct answer
b. shrinking
c. expanding(ANSWER)
d. stays constant in size

Identification: Proton component that binds the other components together

Answer: Gluon

Change in which the product is the same as the reactants

Select one:
a. No correct answer
b. Both physical and chemical change
c. Physical change(ANSWER)
d. Chemical change

Identification: Substance that hastens chemical reactions

Answer: Catalyst

Identification: It is the ability of a substance to chemically combine with other compounds

Answer: Reactivity

Identification: Material property making it capable of being hammered into thin sheets
Answer: Malleability

Identification: Smallest possible particle of an element containing all of the properties of the element
Answer: Atom

Identification: Lightest particles in an atom

Answer: Electrons
Covalent bond that may or may not exist between two different atoms
Answer: Polar

Negatively charged particles in atoms

Select one:
a. Protons
b. Both Protons and Electrons
c. No correct answer
d. Electrons(ANSWER)
c- Josefa Marie Taguiam
1.What do you call the solid formed when a liquid solution is allowed to stand still for a long amount
of time.
ans. Precipitate
2.What is the proper term for catalysts involved in biological processes?
3.What is the term for the energy responsible for the variations in the reaction rates of chemical
answer:activation energy
4.What property of a material describes the compactness of the arrangement of its molecules?
5.Identify the kind of change wherein the product is the same as the reactants.
ANWER:physical change
6.In which type of covalent bonding are the shared electrons shared congruently throughout the
molecule? answer:nonpolar
7.What do you call the ability of a substance to chemically combine with other compounds?
8.Fill in the blank: The ______
property of a substance can be observed without changing the substance. answer:physical
9.What type of covalent compound is there a slight difference in the electric charge between the
opposite sides of the molecule? answer:polar covalent compound
10.Identification: This factor in a reaction rate is a consequence of the kinetic energy of the reactant
molecules? wrong answer ako dito.
11.What kind of chemical bond involves the sharing of electrons between two atoms?
answer:covalent bond
12.What is the component of a chemical reaction that is present at its start? answer:reactant
13.Identification: Two different atoms may or may not have this type of covalent bonding.
answer:polar covalent bonding
14._____ covalent bond does not have an equal sharing of electrons. answer.Polar
15.What kind of change results to the production of a material that is entirely different from the
reactants? answer:chemical change
16.Identification: This is another term used to refer to covalent compounds. answer:molecular
17.Identification: This refers to the speed of a chemical process. answer:reaction rate
18.Which atom is more positive than the other in a molecule of dihydrogen oxide? answer: hydrogen
19.Identification: These compounds are highly soluble in water. answer:ionic compounds
20.Identification: These properties can be detected using your senses. answer:Physical properties
21.What type of compound is formed by the sharing of electrons? answer:Covalent compound
22.covalent bonding exists between two identical atoms. answer: nonpolar
23.Identification: This is the force that exists between the molecules of a compound. answer:
Intermolecular force
24.What is the term for the property that makes it capable of being hammered into thin sheets?
25.In a water molecule, which atom is more frequented by the shared electrons? answer:oxygen
26.Identify the substance that hastens chemical reactions? answer:catalyst
27. In a ______
type of covalent bonding, there is equal sharing of electrons between the atoms. answer: nonpolar
28.What type of covalent bonding is characterized by the incongruent sharing of electrons between
the atoms? answer:polar
29.Which reaction rate factor is due to the amount of reacting substances? answer: concentration
30.Identification: This compound is formed by a cation and an anion. answer:ionic compound
Short Quiz 8:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Also known as the revolution of the Earth around the sun
2. Ancient constellations related to Earth’s annual motion
Answer: ZODIAC
3. Center in Ptolemaic system of the universe
Answer: EARTH
4. Center of the universe in the Copernican system
Answer: SUN
5. Earth’s movement that results to the observation of diurnal motion
6. Event when the sun crosses the Celestial Equator
7. Line on Earth that is parallel to apparent daily paths
8. Main factor in the precession of equinoxes
9. More common term for the annual motion of the Earth
10. Type of observable motion associated with heavenly bodies
Learning Activity 8 (Physics)
Slow and continuous change in the orientation of an astronomical body’s rotational axis
Axial precession
Periodic observable motion that results from the Earth’s motion on its axis
diurnal motion
Center of the universe in Ptolemy’s model
Motion of the Earth around the sun
Motion of the Earth responsible for diurnal motion
Long Quiz 3:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Identify the center in the universe model Copernicus.
Answer: SUN
2. Identify the date of the year when the Earth is at its closest from the Sun.
3. Identify the main factor in the precession of equinoxes.
4. Identify the shape of the planetary orbit based on Kepler’s third law.
5. Identify the universe’s center in Ptolemy’s model.
Answer: EARTH
6. Name the line on Earth that is parallel to apparent daily paths.
7. Name the star blamed by the Greeks for the intensity of their summer
Answer: SIRIUS
8. This ancient device aligns with the North Star and is used to determine the precise time of its
user’s location.
9. This model is the combination of two ancient models of the universe.
10. This model of the universe considered the ideas of the Earth- and Sun-centered universe
11. This motion is also called the revolution of the Earth around the sun.
12. This structure was developed by the Mayans as they observed Venus.
13. What do you call Earth’s movement that results to the observation of diurnal motion?
14. What do you call the ancient constellations that are related to Earth’s annual motion?
Answer: ZODIAC
15. What do you call the event when the sun crosses the Celestial Equator?
16. What do you call the motion of the Earth that is responsible for diurnal motion?
17. What is the center in Ptolemaic system of the universe?
Answer: EARTH
18. What is the center of the universe based on the model by Ptolemy?
Answer: EARTH
19. What is the center of the universe in the Copernican system?
Answer: SUN
20. What is the constant quantity in the universe model by Kepler?
21. What is the more common term for the annual motion of the Earth with respect to the sun?
22. What is the oldest heavenly body that has been observed and has preceded great events in
23. What is the periodic observable motion that is the result of the Earth’s movement on its axis?
24. What is the term that refers to the motion of the Earth around the sun?
25. What is the term that refers to the slow and continuous change in the orientation of an
astronomical body’s rotational axis?
26. What is the universe model that is said to be Sun-centered?
27. What is this type of observable motion that is associated with heavenly bodies?
28. What property of a planet has this property directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major
axis of its orbit?
29. Where is the Sun located with respect to a planet’s elliptical orbit
30. Which model of the universe is said to be Earth-centered?
Learning Activity 9:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Aligns with the North Star to determine precise time for user’s location
2. Combination of two ancient models of the universe
3. Developed by the Mayans for the observation of Venus
4. Earth-centered system of the universe
5. Sun-centered system of the universe
Short Quiz 9:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Center in the model of the universe proposed by Copernicus
Answer: SUN
2. Center of the universe based on the model proposed by Ptolemy
Answer: EARTH
3. Considered the ideas of the Earth- and Sun-centered universe model
4. Constant quantity in the universe model by Kepler
5. Date of the year when the Earth is closest to the Sun
6. Location of the Sun with respect to the elliptical orbit based on Kepler’s laws
7. Oldest heavenly body observed that has preceded great events in history
8. Planet property whose square is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit
9. Shape of the orbit based on Kepler’s third law
10. Star blamed by Greeks for the intensity of summer
Answer: SIRIUS
Learning Activity 10:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Constant in the motion of a falling body in vacuum
2. Description of the change in the rate of movement of a body
3. Indirect force resulting from the application of a force
4. Necessary component of motion according to Aristotle
Answer: FORCE
5. Property of a body that affects its state of motion
Short Quiz 10:PHYSC
Aside from changing the state of motion of a body, this is also an effect of applying an unbalanced
force to the body.
Which can be easily affected by an unbalanced force: one cube of ice or one sack of rice?
This law implies the importance of balanced forces and what unbalanced forces are.
Which will accelerate more when the same unbalanced force is applied: pencil or cabinet?
This law of motion relates the rate of change in the movement of a body and the unbalanced force
that it experiences.
Which law of motion states that a body will not change its current state of motion unless an
unbalanced force acts upon it?
If you push the wall with an amount of force, you supply the action force. What is the source of the
reaction force?
What factor of a body that is at rest prevents it from moving?
What is the only factor that is constant for bodies falling in a vacuum?
Which of these has a greater inertia: fly or cat?
Learning Activity 11:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Constant in a body as long as no net force acts upon it
2. Decreases as acceleration increases in Newton’s law of acceleration
Answer: MASS
3. Force involved in Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
4. Statement based on repeated experimental observations
Answer: LAW
5. Statement taken to be true since what it proposes is already evident
Answer: AXIOM
Short Quiz 11:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. According to Galileo, this quantity is not needed to keep a body in motion under ideal conditions.
Answer: FORCE
2. Describe the total amount of energy of a body before it falls from a height and as it hits the
Answer: EQUAL
3. In the law of acceleration, which quantity decreases as the acceleration decreases?
Answer: FORCE
4. This is also known as the “inertia in motion” of a body.
5. This kind of statement is considered true since it has been based on a series of observations.
Answer: LAW
6. What do you call a statement that is taken as true without scientific evidence?
Answer: AXIOM
7. What happens to energy as it is used up by different systems?
8. What happens to the magnitude of the gravitational force as the bodies become more massive?
9. What happens to the magnitude of the gravitational force as the distance between two bodies
10. What term do you use to refer to the amount of material contained by a body?
Answer: MASS
Short Quiz 12:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Consider the formula for momentum. What quantity increases with the velocity of a body?:
Momentum; Velocity; Inelastic; Force; Mass; Elastic; Energy
Answer: Momentum
2. If a body has no momentum, what else does it not have?: Elastic; Inelastic; Force; Momentum;
Mass; Velocity; Energy
Answer: Velocity
3. In the formula for momentum, this quantity decreases as the body moves slower.: Elastic; Mass;
Energy; Momentum; Force; Velocity; Inelastic
Answer: Mass
4. In this type of collision, this factor is not necessarily conserved.: Energy; Elastic; Velocity; Force;
Inelastic; Mass; Momentum
Answer: Energy
5. This quantity describes how difficult it is to stop a moving body.: Inelastic; Velocity; Momentum;
Force; Energy; Mass; Elastic
Answer: Momentum
6. This quantity enables bodies to move so that they would collide.: Mass; Energy; Elastic; Force;
Velocity; Inelastic; Momentum
Answer: Energy
7. What SI quantity is directly related and directly proportional to the mass of a body?: Inelastic;
Momentum; Velocity; Elastic; Energy; Force; Mass
Answer: Momentum
8. What type of collision is involved between two bodies that show a spark of light after colliding:
Momentum; Force; Inelastic; Mass; Elastic; Energy; Velocity
Answer: Inelastic
9. Which type of collision involves the constant sum of total kinetic energy before and after the
collision?: Momentum; Velocity; Mass; Elastic; Force; Energy; Inelastic
Answer: Elastic
10. Which will stop first when these two bodies collide: truck or bicycle?
Learning Activity 12:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Collision that involves the conversion of energy into other forms outside the colliding bodies
2. Factor responsible for the movement of the bodies that are about to collide
Answer: ENERGY
3. Not necessarily conserved between colliding bodies
Answer: ENERGY
4. Quantity conserved in any collision
5. Type of collision wherein the total kinetic energy is constant before and after the collision
Short Quiz 13:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Consider the wave equation. Which quantity increases with the frequency of the wave?:
Absorption; Latitudinal; Index of Refraction; Longitudinal; Wavelength; Refraction; Electron; Photon;
Transverse; Energy; Mirror; Speed; Dispersion
Answer: Speed
2. In light, this is what the photons carry enabling them to move.: Wavelength; Energy; Mirror;
Photon; Longitudinal; Dispersion; Electron; Speed; Transverse; Index of Refraction; Absorption;
Refraction; Latitudinal
Answer: Energy
3. In the wave equation, this quantity is inversely proportional to the frequency of the wave.:
Absorption; Mirror; Electron; Latitudinal; Longitudinal; Energy; Speed; Photon; Refraction; Index of
Refraction; Dispersion; Wavelength; Transverse
Answer: Wavelength
4. Name the component of light that travels in straight lines.: Index of Refraction; Longitudinal;
Transverse; Absorption; Latitudinal; Energy; Electron; Refraction; Mirror; Photon; Dispersion;
Wavelength; Speed
Answer: Photon
5. This constant determines how much light will bend as it enters a different medium.: Electron;
Refraction; Photon; Latitudinal; Mirror; Speed; Index of Refraction; Transverse; Absorption;
Longitudinal; Dispersion; Wavelength; Energy
Answer: Index of Refraction
6. This phenomenon of light is the evidence of the energy possessed by light.: Absorption; Photon;
Energy; Dispersion; Electron; Mirror; Speed; Longitudinal; Transverse; Wavelength; Latitudinal;
Index of Refraction; Refraction
Answer: Absorption
7. This wave is produced by the disturbance of the molecules nearby its source.: Latitudinal;
Absorption; Mirror; Photon; Wavelength; Index of Refraction; Electron; Speed; Dispersion;
Longitudinal; Transverse; Refraction; Energy
Answer: Longitudinal
8. What is the optical device that is used to show the bouncing of light?: Latitudinal; Speed; Index of
Refraction; Wavelength; Electron; Dispersion; Transverse; Absorption; Mirror; Photon; Refraction;
Energy; Longitudinal
Answer: Mirror
9. What kind of wave is light?: Index of Refraction; Speed; Photon; Mirror; Absorption; Refraction;
Energy; Speed; Transverse; Electron; Dispersion; Longitudinal; Transverse; Wavelength; Latitudinal
Answer: Transverse
10. What kind of wave is represented by a sine wave?: Dispersion; Transverse; Index of Refraction;
Refraction; Mirror; Energy; Longitudinal; Electron; Absorption; Photon; Latitudinal; Speed;
Answer: Transverse
Learning Activity 13: PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Optical device that demonstrates bending of light
Answer: LENS
2. Particle of light that carries its energy
Answer: PHOTON
3. Path of light that makes it understood to be a particle
4. Wave that can propagate even without molecules
5. Wave that cannot exist in vacuum
Learning Activity 14:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Bending of light around an edge causing umbra and penumbra in the shadow
2. Deflection of light along its path
3. Phenomenon of light wherein light waves add up
4. Phenomenon of separation of light into different colors
5. Type of mirror that shows an inverted image of you
Short Quiz 14:PHYSC
What exists between two charges in space?
Select one:
- Electrostatic force
This phenomenon of light explains how light shows different colors after passing through a prism.
Select one:
This type of mirror shows a virtual image of the object.
Select one:
What do you call a displaced image of an object as the result of the bending of light rays?
Select one:
According to Faraday, what is produced by a changing magnetic field?
Select one:
- Induced voltage
What principle explains why it is impossible to determine experimentally both the position and the
speed of an electron at the same time?
Select one:
-Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
How do electron orbits look like as a consequence of the uncertainty principle?
Select one:
- Electron clouds
What type of mirror shows your image in an inverted manner?
Select one:
What can electric current produce along a wire?
Select one:
- Magnetic field
What phenomenon of light is utilized to identify the wavelength of a given light ray?
Select one:
- Dispersion
Learning Activity 15:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Hertz applied high voltage AC electricity across the central spark gap of the transmitter creating
sparks.: True; False
Answer: False
2. What digital storage oscilloscope circuit compensates for high sampling rates of high frequency
signals?: charged-couple device; analog to digital converter
Answer: charged-couple device
3. What test equipment combines the operation of many test instruments into a single compact unit.:
Impedance meter; Communication service monitor
Answer: Communication service monitor
4. When using forward error control as a method of error correction, where does error correction
take place?: in the oscillator; receiving end
Answer: receiving end
5. What part of the pulse code modulation (PCM) process converts a continuous time signal into a
discrete time signal?
Answer: Sampling
Short Quiz 15:PHYSC
Hertz found that when sparks flew across the main gap, sparks also usually glow across the
secondary gap that is between points A and B in the image.
Select one:
- True
According to Hertz, he pictured waves of electric charge moving back and forth, creating a standing
wave within the wire.
Select one:
- True
When reading the forward power on a wattmeter, what does two right-facing arrow heads mean?
Select one:
- Power exceeds 120 percent of the range
What are the two main types of photodetectors? (separate your answers with the word "and")
-Positive intrinsic photodiode AND negative intrinsic photodiode
In November 1886, Heinrich Hertz became the first person to transmit and receive controlled radio
Select one:
If the interference can be eliminated by disconnecting the receiving antenna, the source of the
disturbance is most likely
Select one:
- External to the radio
What initial nuclear radiation components generate electromagnetic pulses? (separate your answers
with the word "and")
-Gamma rays AND neutrons
Who discovered radio waves?
-Heinrich Hertz
What pattern simulator section of the bit error rate test set accepts a 48-bit parallel word and
generates a serial pattern?
Select one:
-48-bit transmitter only
Hertz started generating radio waves using a piece of electrical equipment called an induction coil.
Select one:
Short Quiz 16:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. As measured in any inertial frame of reference, light is always propagated in empty space with a
definite velocity that is independent of the state of motion of the emitting body.: False; True
Answer: True
2. Maxwell’s equations are not consistent with Galilean relativity unless one postulates the existence
of a physical aether.: True; False
Answer: True
3. The laws of physics are the same in all inertia frames of reference.: True; False
Answer: True
4. The postulates of special relativity can be expressed very succinctly using the mathematical
language of pseudo-Riemmannian manifolds: True; False
Answer: True
5. What is the correct expression for the amplitude of a vibrating mass? Amplitude is the: Maximum
velocity of the mass during vibration; Maximum displacement of the mass from the rest position
Answer: Maximum displacement of the mass from the rest position
6. Which of the following is not a term associated with periodic waves?: Frequency; How much
space is occupied
Answer: How much space is occupied
7. Which of the following sound wave can be heard by the human ear?: Ultrasonic sound waves;
Sound waves with frequencies between 20 hz and 20,000 hz
Answer: Sound waves with frequencies between 20 hz and 20,000 hz
8. It combines special relativity with the equivalence principle.
Answer: General relativity
9. It is the succession of methods by which astronomers determine the distances to celestial objects.
Answer: Cosmic distance ladder
10. Known as the “dwarf planet”
Answer: Pluto
Select one:
- Can sometimes be sensed
Special relativity is a theory.
Select one:
- True
States that the net force acting on a body is equal to that body’s (inertia ) mass multiplied by its
Select one:
-Newton's Second Law of Motion
According to this law there is a universality of free fall. The trajectory of a test body in free fall
depends only on its position and initial speed.
-Newton's Law of Gravity
Which of the following must be satisfied for a vibration to be simple harmonic motion? The restoring
force of the vibrating object is
Select one:
-Opposite to and proportional to a displacement
It is the passage of electromagnetic radiation through a medium.

Select one:

Answer: Transmission

This Kepler's law states that the line joining the planet to the sun sweeps out equal areas in equal
times as it moves along its orbit.
Select one:
Answer: Second law
Which of Newton's laws states that an object either remains at rest or continuous to move at a
constant velocity, unless acted upon by a force?

Select one:
Answer: First law
Galileo looked at the Sun and found out that it had spots.
Answer: True
Mercury and Venus are never more than 200 and 450, respectively, from the Sun.
Answer: False
The Aristotelian view of the world made the certain basic assumption that the Earth is a sphere,
fixed, and unmoving at the center of the universe.
Answer: False
c- Josefa Marie Taguiam
1.What do you call the solid formed when a liquid solution is allowed to stand still for a long amount
of time.
ans. Precipitate
2.What is the proper term for catalysts involved in biological processes?
3.What is the term for the energy responsible for the variations in the reaction rates of chemical
answer:activation energy
4.What property of a material describes the compactness of the arrangement of its molecules?
5.Identify the kind of change wherein the product is the same as the reactants.
ANWER:physical change
6.In which type of covalent bonding are the shared electrons shared congruently throughout the
molecule? answer:nonpolar
7.What do you call the ability of a substance to chemically combine with other compounds?
8.Fill in the blank: The ______
property of a substance can be observed without changing the substance. answer:physical
9.What type of covalent compound is there a slight difference in the electric charge between the
opposite sides of the molecule? answer:polar covalent compound
10.Identification: This factor in a reaction rate is a consequence of the kinetic energy of the reactant
molecules? wrong answer ako dito.
11.What kind of chemical bond involves the sharing of electrons between two atoms?
answer:covalent bond
12.What is the component of a chemical reaction that is present at its start? answer:reactant
13.Identification: Two different atoms may or may not have this type of covalent bonding.
answer:polar covalent bonding
14._____ covalent bond does not have an equal sharing of electrons. answer.Polar
15.What kind of change results to the production of a material that is entirely different from the
reactants? answer:chemical change
16.Identification: This is another term used to refer to covalent compounds. answer:molecular
17.Identification: This refers to the speed of a chemical process. answer:reaction rate
18.Which atom is more positive than the other in a molecule of dihydrogen oxide? answer: hydrogen
19.Identification: These compounds are highly soluble in water. answer:ionic compounds
20.Identification: These properties can be detected using your senses. answer:Physical properties
21.What type of compound is formed by the sharing of electrons? answer:Covalent compound
22.covalent bonding exists between two identical atoms. answer: nonpolar
23.Identification: This is the force that exists between the molecules of a compound. answer:
Intermolecular force
24.What is the term for the property that makes it capable of being hammered into thin sheets?
25.In a water molecule, which atom is more frequented by the shared electrons? answer:oxygen
26.Identify the substance that hastens chemical reactions? answer:catalyst
27. In a ______
type of covalent bonding, there is equal sharing of electrons between the atoms. answer: nonpolar
28.What type of covalent bonding is characterized by the incongruent sharing of electrons between
the atoms? answer:polar
29.Which reaction rate factor is due to the amount of reacting substances? answer: concentration
30.Identification: This compound is formed by a cation and an anion. answer:ionic compound
Short Quiz 8:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Also known as the revolution of the Earth around the sun
2. Ancient constellations related to Earth’s annual motion
Answer: ZODIAC
3. Center in Ptolemaic system of the universe
Answer: EARTH
4. Center of the universe in the Copernican system
Answer: SUN
5. Earth’s movement that results to the observation of diurnal motion
6. Event when the sun crosses the Celestial Equator
7. Line on Earth that is parallel to apparent daily paths
8. Main factor in the precession of equinoxes
9. More common term for the annual motion of the Earth
10. Type of observable motion associated with heavenly bodies
Learning Activity 8 (Physics)
Slow and continuous change in the orientation of an astronomical body’s rotational axis
Axial precession
Periodic observable motion that results from the Earth’s motion on its axis
diurnal motion
Center of the universe in Ptolemy’s model
Motion of the Earth around the sun
Motion of the Earth responsible for diurnal motion
Long Quiz 3:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Identify the center in the universe model Copernicus.
Answer: SUN
2. Identify the date of the year when the Earth is at its closest from the Sun.
3. Identify the main factor in the precession of equinoxes.
4. Identify the shape of the planetary orbit based on Kepler’s third law.
5. Identify the universe’s center in Ptolemy’s model.
Answer: EARTH
6. Name the line on Earth that is parallel to apparent daily paths.
7. Name the star blamed by the Greeks for the intensity of their summer
Answer: SIRIUS
8. This ancient device aligns with the North Star and is used to determine the precise time of its
user’s location.
9. This model is the combination of two ancient models of the universe.
10. This model of the universe considered the ideas of the Earth- and Sun-centered universe
11. This motion is also called the revolution of the Earth around the sun.
12. This structure was developed by the Mayans as they observed Venus.
13. What do you call Earth’s movement that results to the observation of diurnal motion?
14. What do you call the ancient constellations that are related to Earth’s annual motion?
Answer: ZODIAC
15. What do you call the event when the sun crosses the Celestial Equator?
16. What do you call the motion of the Earth that is responsible for diurnal motion?
17. What is the center in Ptolemaic system of the universe?
Answer: EARTH
18. What is the center of the universe based on the model by Ptolemy?
Answer: EARTH
19. What is the center of the universe in the Copernican system?
Answer: SUN
20. What is the constant quantity in the universe model by Kepler?
21. What is the more common term for the annual motion of the Earth with respect to the sun?
22. What is the oldest heavenly body that has been observed and has preceded great events in
23. What is the periodic observable motion that is the result of the Earth’s movement on its axis?
24. What is the term that refers to the motion of the Earth around the sun?
25. What is the term that refers to the slow and continuous change in the orientation of an
astronomical body’s rotational axis?
26. What is the universe model that is said to be Sun-centered?
27. What is this type of observable motion that is associated with heavenly bodies?
28. What property of a planet has this property directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major
axis of its orbit?
29. Where is the Sun located with respect to a planet’s elliptical orbit
30. Which model of the universe is said to be Earth-centered?
Learning Activity 9:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Aligns with the North Star to determine precise time for user’s location
2. Combination of two ancient models of the universe
3. Developed by the Mayans for the observation of Venus
4. Earth-centered system of the universe
5. Sun-centered system of the universe
Short Quiz 9:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Center in the model of the universe proposed by Copernicus
Answer: SUN
2. Center of the universe based on the model proposed by Ptolemy
Answer: EARTH
3. Considered the ideas of the Earth- and Sun-centered universe model
4. Constant quantity in the universe model by Kepler
5. Date of the year when the Earth is closest to the Sun
6. Location of the Sun with respect to the elliptical orbit based on Kepler’s laws
7. Oldest heavenly body observed that has preceded great events in history
8. Planet property whose square is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit
9. Shape of the orbit based on Kepler’s third law
10. Star blamed by Greeks for the intensity of summer
Answer: SIRIUS
Learning Activity 10:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Constant in the motion of a falling body in vacuum
2. Description of the change in the rate of movement of a body
3. Indirect force resulting from the application of a force
4. Necessary component of motion according to Aristotle
Answer: FORCE
5. Property of a body that affects its state of motion
Short Quiz 10:PHYSC
Aside from changing the state of motion of a body, this is also an effect of applying an unbalanced
force to the body.
Which can be easily affected by an unbalanced force: one cube of ice or one sack of rice?
This law implies the importance of balanced forces and what unbalanced forces are.
Which will accelerate more when the same unbalanced force is applied: pencil or cabinet?
This law of motion relates the rate of change in the movement of a body and the unbalanced force
that it experiences.
Which law of motion states that a body will not change its current state of motion unless an
unbalanced force acts upon it?
If you push the wall with an amount of force, you supply the action force. What is the source of the
reaction force?
What factor of a body that is at rest prevents it from moving?
What is the only factor that is constant for bodies falling in a vacuum?
Which of these has a greater inertia: fly or cat?
Learning Activity 11:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Constant in a body as long as no net force acts upon it
2. Decreases as acceleration increases in Newton’s law of acceleration
Answer: MASS
3. Force involved in Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
4. Statement based on repeated experimental observations
Answer: LAW
5. Statement taken to be true since what it proposes is already evident
Answer: AXIOM
Short Quiz 11:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. According to Galileo, this quantity is not needed to keep a body in motion under ideal conditions.
Answer: FORCE
2. Describe the total amount of energy of a body before it falls from a height and as it hits the
Answer: EQUAL
3. In the law of acceleration, which quantity decreases as the acceleration decreases?
Answer: FORCE
4. This is also known as the “inertia in motion” of a body.
5. This kind of statement is considered true since it has been based on a series of observations.
Answer: LAW
6. What do you call a statement that is taken as true without scientific evidence?
Answer: AXIOM
7. What happens to energy as it is used up by different systems?
8. What happens to the magnitude of the gravitational force as the bodies become more massive?
9. What happens to the magnitude of the gravitational force as the distance between two bodies
10. What term do you use to refer to the amount of material contained by a body?
Answer: MASS
Short Quiz 12:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Consider the formula for momentum. What quantity increases with the velocity of a body?:
Momentum; Velocity; Inelastic; Force; Mass; Elastic; Energy
Answer: Momentum
2. If a body has no momentum, what else does it not have?: Elastic; Inelastic; Force; Momentum;
Mass; Velocity; Energy
Answer: Velocity
3. In the formula for momentum, this quantity decreases as the body moves slower.: Elastic; Mass;
Energy; Momentum; Force; Velocity; Inelastic
Answer: Mass
4. In this type of collision, this factor is not necessarily conserved.: Energy; Elastic; Velocity; Force;
Inelastic; Mass; Momentum
Answer: Energy
5. This quantity describes how difficult it is to stop a moving body.: Inelastic; Velocity; Momentum;
Force; Energy; Mass; Elastic
Answer: Momentum
6. This quantity enables bodies to move so that they would collide.: Mass; Energy; Elastic; Force;
Velocity; Inelastic; Momentum
Answer: Energy
7. What SI quantity is directly related and directly proportional to the mass of a body?: Inelastic;
Momentum; Velocity; Elastic; Energy; Force; Mass
Answer: Momentum
8. What type of collision is involved between two bodies that show a spark of light after colliding:
Momentum; Force; Inelastic; Mass; Elastic; Energy; Velocity
Answer: Inelastic
9. Which type of collision involves the constant sum of total kinetic energy before and after the
collision?: Momentum; Velocity; Mass; Elastic; Force; Energy; Inelastic
Answer: Elastic
10. Which will stop first when these two bodies collide: truck or bicycle?
Learning Activity 12:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Collision that involves the conversion of energy into other forms outside the colliding bodies
2. Factor responsible for the movement of the bodies that are about to collide
Answer: ENERGY
3. Not necessarily conserved between colliding bodies
Answer: ENERGY
4. Quantity conserved in any collision
5. Type of collision wherein the total kinetic energy is constant before and after the collision
Short Quiz 13:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Consider the wave equation. Which quantity increases with the frequency of the wave?:
Absorption; Latitudinal; Index of Refraction; Longitudinal; Wavelength; Refraction; Electron; Photon;
Transverse; Energy; Mirror; Speed; Dispersion
Answer: Speed
2. In light, this is what the photons carry enabling them to move.: Wavelength; Energy; Mirror;
Photon; Longitudinal; Dispersion; Electron; Speed; Transverse; Index of Refraction; Absorption;
Refraction; Latitudinal
Answer: Energy
3. In the wave equation, this quantity is inversely proportional to the frequency of the wave.:
Absorption; Mirror; Electron; Latitudinal; Longitudinal; Energy; Speed; Photon; Refraction; Index of
Refraction; Dispersion; Wavelength; Transverse
Answer: Wavelength
4. Name the component of light that travels in straight lines.: Index of Refraction; Longitudinal;
Transverse; Absorption; Latitudinal; Energy; Electron; Refraction; Mirror; Photon; Dispersion;
Wavelength; Speed
Answer: Photon
5. This constant determines how much light will bend as it enters a different medium.: Electron;
Refraction; Photon; Latitudinal; Mirror; Speed; Index of Refraction; Transverse; Absorption;
Longitudinal; Dispersion; Wavelength; Energy
Answer: Index of Refraction
6. This phenomenon of light is the evidence of the energy possessed by light.: Absorption; Photon;
Energy; Dispersion; Electron; Mirror; Speed; Longitudinal; Transverse; Wavelength; Latitudinal;
Index of Refraction; Refraction
Answer: Absorption
7. This wave is produced by the disturbance of the molecules nearby its source.: Latitudinal;
Absorption; Mirror; Photon; Wavelength; Index of Refraction; Electron; Speed; Dispersion;
Longitudinal; Transverse; Refraction; Energy
Answer: Longitudinal
8. What is the optical device that is used to show the bouncing of light?: Latitudinal; Speed; Index of
Refraction; Wavelength; Electron; Dispersion; Transverse; Absorption; Mirror; Photon; Refraction;
Energy; Longitudinal
Answer: Mirror
9. What kind of wave is light?: Index of Refraction; Speed; Photon; Mirror; Absorption; Refraction;
Energy; Speed; Transverse; Electron; Dispersion; Longitudinal; Transverse; Wavelength; Latitudinal
Answer: Transverse
10. What kind of wave is represented by a sine wave?: Dispersion; Transverse; Index of Refraction;
Refraction; Mirror; Energy; Longitudinal; Electron; Absorption; Photon; Latitudinal; Speed;
Answer: Transverse
Learning Activity 13: PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Optical device that demonstrates bending of light
Answer: LENS
2. Particle of light that carries its energy
Answer: PHOTON
3. Path of light that makes it understood to be a particle
4. Wave that can propagate even without molecules
5. Wave that cannot exist in vacuum
Learning Activity 14:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Bending of light around an edge causing umbra and penumbra in the shadow
2. Deflection of light along its path
3. Phenomenon of light wherein light waves add up
4. Phenomenon of separation of light into different colors
5. Type of mirror that shows an inverted image of you
Short Quiz 14:PHYSC
What exists between two charges in space?
Select one:
- Electrostatic force
This phenomenon of light explains how light shows different colors after passing through a prism.
Select one:
This type of mirror shows a virtual image of the object.
Select one:
What do you call a displaced image of an object as the result of the bending of light rays?
Select one:
According to Faraday, what is produced by a changing magnetic field?
Select one:
- Induced voltage
What principle explains why it is impossible to determine experimentally both the position and the
speed of an electron at the same time?
Select one:
-Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
How do electron orbits look like as a consequence of the uncertainty principle?
Select one:
- Electron clouds
What type of mirror shows your image in an inverted manner?
Select one:
What can electric current produce along a wire?
Select one:
- Magnetic field
What phenomenon of light is utilized to identify the wavelength of a given light ray?
Select one:
- Dispersion
Learning Activity 15:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Hertz applied high voltage AC electricity across the central spark gap of the transmitter creating
sparks.: True; False
Answer: False
2. What digital storage oscilloscope circuit compensates for high sampling rates of high frequency
signals?: charged-couple device; analog to digital converter
Answer: charged-couple device
3. What test equipment combines the operation of many test instruments into a single compact unit.:
Impedance meter; Communication service monitor
Answer: Communication service monitor
4. When using forward error control as a method of error correction, where does error correction
take place?: in the oscillator; receiving end
Answer: receiving end
5. What part of the pulse code modulation (PCM) process converts a continuous time signal into a
discrete time signal?
Answer: Sampling
Short Quiz 15:PHYSC
Hertz found that when sparks flew across the main gap, sparks also usually glow across the
secondary gap that is between points A and B in the image.
Select one:
- True
According to Hertz, he pictured waves of electric charge moving back and forth, creating a standing
wave within the wire.
Select one:
- True
When reading the forward power on a wattmeter, what does two right-facing arrow heads mean?
Select one:
- Power exceeds 120 percent of the range
What are the two main types of photodetectors? (separate your answers with the word "and")
-Positive intrinsic photodiode AND negative intrinsic photodiode
In November 1886, Heinrich Hertz became the first person to transmit and receive controlled radio
Select one:
If the interference can be eliminated by disconnecting the receiving antenna, the source of the
disturbance is most likely
Select one:
- External to the radio
What initial nuclear radiation components generate electromagnetic pulses? (separate your answers
with the word "and")
-Gamma rays AND neutrons
Who discovered radio waves?
-Heinrich Hertz
What pattern simulator section of the bit error rate test set accepts a 48-bit parallel word and
generates a serial pattern?
Select one:
-48-bit transmitter only
Hertz started generating radio waves using a piece of electrical equipment called an induction coil.
Select one:
Short Quiz 16:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. As measured in any inertial frame of reference, light is always propagated in empty space with a
definite velocity that is independent of the state of motion of the emitting body.: False; True
Answer: True
2. Maxwell’s equations are not consistent with Galilean relativity unless one postulates the existence
of a physical aether.: True; False
Answer: True
3. The laws of physics are the same in all inertia frames of reference.: True; False
Answer: True
4. The postulates of special relativity can be expressed very succinctly using the mathematical
language of pseudo-Riemmannian manifolds: True; False
Answer: True
5. What is the correct expression for the amplitude of a vibrating mass? Amplitude is the: Maximum
velocity of the mass during vibration; Maximum displacement of the mass from the rest position
Answer: Maximum displacement of the mass from the rest position
6. Which of the following is not a term associated with periodic waves?: Frequency; How much
space is occupied
Answer: How much space is occupied
7. Which of the following sound wave can be heard by the human ear?: Ultrasonic sound waves;
Sound waves with frequencies between 20 hz and 20,000 hz
Answer: Sound waves with frequencies between 20 hz and 20,000 hz
8. It combines special relativity with the equivalence principle.
Answer: General relativity
9. It is the succession of methods by which astronomers determine the distances to celestial objects.
Answer: Cosmic distance ladder
10. Known as the “dwarf planet”
Answer: Pluto
Select one:
- Can sometimes be sensed
Special relativity is a theory.
Select one:
- True
States that the net force acting on a body is equal to that body’s (inertia ) mass multiplied by its
Select one:
-Newton's Second Law of Motion
According to this law there is a universality of free fall. The trajectory of a test body in free fall
depends only on its position and initial speed.
-Newton's Law of Gravity
Which of the following must be satisfied for a vibration to be simple harmonic motion? The restoring
force of the vibrating object is
Select one:
-Opposite to and proportional to a displacement
It is the passage of electromagnetic radiation through a medium.

Select one:

Answer: Transmission

This Kepler's law states that the line joining the planet to the sun sweeps out equal areas in equal
times as it moves along its orbit.
Select one:
Answer: Second law
Which of Newton's laws states that an object either remains at rest or continuous to move at a
constant velocity, unless acted upon by a force?

Select one:
Answer: First law
Galileo looked at the Sun and found out that it had spots.
Answer: True
Mercury and Venus are never more than 200 and 450, respectively, from the Sun.
Answer: False
The Aristotelian view of the world made the certain basic assumption that the Earth is a sphere,
fixed, and unmoving at the center of the universe.
Answer: False
Identification: Identify the substance that hastens chemical reactions?


Identification: This refers to the speed of a chemical process.

reaction rate

True or False: In determining the limiting reactant, mass quantities must be converted to moles.


What is the component of a chemical reaction that is present at its start?


True or False: Chromium is one of the soft elements.


Identification: Two different atoms may or may not have this type of covalent bonding.

polar covalent bonding

True or False: Density decreases as temperature increases.


type of covalent bonding, there is equal sharing of electrons between the atoms.


What type of compound is formed by the sharing of electrons?

Covalent compound

Identification: Reaction rate factor that is due to the movement of the molecules of the reactants.


True or False: Platinum has very high density.


helps determine how an element might be used.


True or False: Aluminum is a good conductor of heat.


covalent bonding exists between two identical atoms.


Which atom is more positive than the other in a molecule of dihydrogen oxide?

hydrogen atom

Identification: Substance that aides any chemical reaction.


What do you call the ability of a substance to chemically combine with other compounds?


In which type of covalent bonding are the shared electrons shared congruently throughout the


What do you call the ability of a substance to chemically combine with other compounds?

Identification: Solid formed from the settling of solid particles in a liquid solution.


refers to the concentration of a substance.


Question 1
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Question text
When the Sun moves off the main sequence, it will next become a _______________.

Select one:
a. white dwarf
b. black hole
c. red giant
d. dwarf star

Question 2
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Question text
Which of these is not a basic idea of Dalton’s atomic theory?

Select one:
a. There are atoms gained/lost/changed in identity during a chemical reaction.
b. All substances are made of atoms
c. Atoms join together to form compounds, and a given compound always consists of the same
kinds of atoms in the same proportions
d. Chemical combination is simply the bonding of a definite number of atoms to make one molecule
of the compound
e. All atoms of the same element are alike and have the same mass.

Question 3
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Question text
What is the temperature in kelvins of the visible surface of the Sun?

Select one:
a. 6 million K
b. 600 K
c. 6000 K
d. 6 billion K

Question 4
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Question text
The planetary model of the atom is associated with

Select one:
a. Thomson.
b. Rutherford.
c. Bohr.
d. Dalton.

Question 5
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Question text
Who discovered the electron in 1897?

Select one:
a. Rutherford
b. Thomson
c. Bohr
d. Dalton

Question 6
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Question text
True or False: The alchemists have been successful in changing lead to gold.


Question 7
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Question text
Nearly 100% of mass of Earth's core is composed of the two elements

Select one:
a. oxygen and aluminum
b. iron and nickel
c. silicon and oxygen.
d. aluminum and silicon

Question 8
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Question text
The second most abundant element in the Earth's atmosphere is
Select one:
a. carbon dioxide.
b. argon.
c. nitrogen.
d. oxygen.

Question 9
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Question text
The apparent brightness of stars is ranked according to magnitude. The brightest stars were
originally ranked as what magnitude?

Select one:
a. Zero
b. None of the choices
c. First
d. Sixth

Question 10
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Question text
The various isotopes of an element all have

Select one:
a. the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.
b. the same number of neutrons but different numbers of protons.
c. the same total number of neutrons and protons.
d. the same number of neutrons and the same number of protons.

Question 1
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Question text
True or False: The rate of reaction is faster if the temperature of reactants is higher.


Question 2
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Question text
True or False: Carbon in graphite can be described as hard as the carbon in diamond.


Question 3
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Question text
True or False: The catalyst brings the reactants together by permanently bonding with them.


Question 4
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Question text

Answer is an enzyme found in the mouth and small intestine that hlps in the breakdown of
starch to sugar.

Question 5
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Question text
True or False: Chemical reactions occur inside living things.


Question 6
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Question text
Answer refers to the concentration of a substance.

Question 7
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Question text
True or False: Sodium reacts violently with water.


Question 8
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Question text
True or False: Tools made from iron easily rust.


Question 9
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Question text
True or False: Sodium can exist by itself.


Question 10
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Question text
Answer refers to the ability of matter to burn.

Question 1
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Question text
Where are stars born?

Orion Nebula

Question 2
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Question text
The most modern definition of element is

Select one:
a. a substance that cannot be further separated by chemical methods.
b. a substance in which all the atoms have the same number of protons.
c. the simplest form of matter.
d. a substance that contains no neutrons.

Question 3
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Question text
The Bohr theory was developed to explain which of these phenomena?

Select one:
a. Line spectra
b. The photoelectric effect
c. Quantum numbers
d. X-rays

Question 4
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Question text
True or False: Formaldehyde is a nonpolar compound.


Question 5
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Question text
Thomson referred to negatively charged particles as Answer before it became known as

Question 6
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Question text
True or False: The alchemists have been successful in changing lead to gold.


Question 7
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Question text

The water solubility of molecular compounds is Answer .

Question 8
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Question text
In 1661, who developed a definition of element that made the concept subject to laboratory

Select one:
a. Davy
b. Lavoisier
c. Boyle
d. Berzelius

Question 9
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Question text
This fusion process details how helium is made in our sun.

Select one:
a. CNO cycle
b. triple alpha process
c. proton-proton chain
Question 10
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Question text

Answer force refers to forces between molecules.

Question 11
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Question text
The region where an electron is most likely to be is called an Answer .

Question 12
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Question text

State o
Answer compounds' physical state at room temperature can be gas, liquid or solid.

Question 13
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Question text
True or False: Neutrons are found in all atoms except for most atoms of nitrogen.


Question 14
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Question text
Aluminum is an example of

Select one:
a. an element.
b. an alloy.
c. a compound.
d. a solution.

Question 15
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Question text
The various isotopes of an element all have

Select one:
a. the same number of neutrons and the same number of protons.
b. the same total number of neutrons and protons.
c. the same number of neutrons but different numbers of protons.
d. the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.

Question 16
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Question text
The Sun's energy is generated from the fusion of

Select one:
a. hydrogen nuclei to form helium nuclei.
b. carbon nuclei to form magnesium nuclei.
c. uranium to form lead, Pb.
d. helium nuclei to form carbon nuclei.

Question 17
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Question text
Who discovered the electron in 1897?

Select one:
a. Bohr
b. Rutherford
c. Dalton
d. Thomson

Question 18
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Question text
The "billiard ball model" of the atom is associated with
Select one:
a. Bohr.
b. Rutherford.
c. Thomson.
d. Dalton.

Question 19
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Question text
Plum p
Thomson's revision of the model of the atom into what became known as Answer model.

Question 20
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Question text
Who discovered the atomic nucleus in 1911?

Select one:
a. Niels Bohr
b. Henri Becquerel
c. Marie and Pierre Curie
d. Ernest Rutherford

Matter is Answer if it can be rolled and stretched to long and thin shapes.

Question 2
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Question text
True or False: Chromium is one of the soft elements.


Question 3
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Question text
What type of compound is formed by the sharing of electrons?

Covalent Compound

Question 4
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Question text
Answer is occurring when gas bubbles are released during the reaction.

Question 5
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Question text
True or False: Density decreases as temperature increases.


Question 6
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Question text
A Answer is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction.

Question 7
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Question text
Identification: These compounds are highly soluble in water.

ionic compounds

Question 8
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Question text
Identification: What kind of change results to the production of a material that is entirely different
from the reactants?

Chemical Change

Question 9
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Question text

Fill in the blank: In a Answer type of covalent bonding, there is equal sharing of electrons
between the atoms.

Question 10
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Question text
Which atom is more positive than the other in a molecule of dihydrogen oxide?

hydrogen atom

Question 11
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Question text
Answer refers to how fast a chemical reaction occurs.

Question 12
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Question text
True or False: Carbon in graphite can be described as hard as the carbon in diamond.


Question 13
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Question text
Answer refers to the concentration of a substance.

Question 14
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Question text
What is the term for the property that makes it capable of being hammered into thin sheets?

Select one:
a. Density
b. malleability
c. no correct answer

Question 15
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Question text
True or False: Tools made from iron easily rust.

Question 16
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Question text
Catalysts in living things are called


Question 17
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Question text
Fill in the blank: The Answer property of a substance can be observed without changing the

Question 18
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Question text
True or False: In determining the limiting reactant, mass quantities must be converted to moles.


Question 19
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Question text
True or False: Platinum has very high density.


Question 20
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Question text
True or False: Aluminum is a good conductor of heat.


_____energy is the energy needed to start a reaction.


The solid that settles out of a liquid solution is called


Identification: What is the proper term for catalysts involved in biological processes?


Electrons at the outermost energy level of an atom are called

valence electrons
Sodium is an example of

What is element 61 called?


The "plum pudding model" of the atom is associated with

True or False: The Earth's core is is composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and about 1% argon.

What was the nationality of the first persons who we know speculated about “elements”?

The remaining core of a planetary nebula is called a _______________.

True or False: If the covalent bonds are polar, then the covalent compound as a whole can be


This was one of Rutherford's famous experiements where he used a radioactive source to direct
alpha particles toward a very thin sheet of gold foil.

Gold foil experiment

When the absolute magnitudes, or brightnesses, of stars are plotted against their surface
temperatures or colors, we obtain a(n)

Hertzsprung-Russell (or H-R) diagram.

True or False: Molecular compounds' melting and boiling temperatures are generally low.


What is the visible surface of the Sun called?

True or False: Salt can conduct electricity in any form.


The greater the mass of a star, the _______________ it moves through its life cycle.


About 75% of the mass of the visible universe is composed of which element?


Who coined the term, "radioactivity"?

Marie curie

The horizontal rows of elements in the periodic table are called


True or False: When a gas is compressed, its temperature decreases.


% of the universe is hydrogen.


The Sun's photosphere is, by mass, about 25%


The temperature of the Sun's interior is estimated to be about how many kelvins?


When electrons are not shared equally between two atoms, it is called

Polar covalent

He invented the neutron.

James chadwick

When fast electrons strike a metal target, what are produced?


What is the name given to all matter, energy, and space?


Niels Bohr focused his attention on the element hydrogen because it

Had the simplest form

True or False: Noble gases almost never react to other substances.


True or False: Silver conducts electricity at minimal circumstances only.


By 1985, a total of


are fixed distances from the nucleus.

Energy levels

The Sun is a(n)


The number of _______________ on the Sun varies over an 11-year cycle.


74% of the mass of the Earth's crus is composed of only two elements. What are these?

oxygen and silicon

True or False: The matter in the early universe was not smoothly distributed across space.


According to the Big Bang theory, when did the universe begin?


The ancient Greek who is known for championing the concept of atom was named


is a form of carbon that is extremely hard and is one of the few materials that can scratch glass.


This consists of fundamental particles called leptons.


True or False: Lower activation energy = more reactant particles with enough energy to react
causing the reaction to occur faster.


True or False: Substances made of wood are not prone to flammability.


Identification: Factor in the rate of reaction that is caused by the amount of reactants.


Identification: What is the component of a chemical reaction that is present at its start?


True or False: The catalyst is a reactant in the chemical reaction it speeds up.


The heaviest elements are created in _______, the fantastic death of supergiant stars.


True or False: Dalton was the first to introduce the idea of the atom.


True or False: Ionic compounds are for both metals and nonmetals.


True or False: The human body is composed of 65% oxygen & 18% carbon.


Who discovered the nucleus of the atom in 1911?

Ernest Rutherford

What is the formula unit of molecular compounds?


is the small, dense region at the center of an atom where protons are also found.


of an element is the average mass of all its naturally occurring isotopes.

Atomic mass

Identification: How fast or slow a chemical process takes place.

Rate of reaction

Identification: Identify the kind of change wherein the product is the same as the reactants.

Identification: What do you call the solid formed when a liquid solution is allowed to stand still for a
long amount of time?








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What is element 61 called?

Select one:
a. francium
b. astatine
c. technetium
d. promethium CORRECT
The two types of bright nebulae are emission nebulae and _____________
Select one:
a. reflection CORRECT
b. photonic
c. absorption
d. refraction
The Sun's photosphere is, by mass, about 25%
Select one:
a. hydrogen.
b. carbon.
c. helium. CORRECT
d. oxygen.
The temperature of the Sun's interior is estimated to be about how many kelvins?
Select one:
a. 15 million CORRECT
b. 5 billion
c. 60,000
d. 1500
The Sun's photosphere is, by mass, about 75%
Select one:
a. carbon.
b. helium.
c. hydrogen. CORRECT
d. oxygen.
The vertical columns of elements in the periodic table are called
Select one:
a. series.
b. groups. CORRECT
c. periods.
d. families.
Who discovered the atomic nucleus in 1911?
Select one:
a. Henri Becquerel
b. Marie and Pierre Curie
c. Ernest Rutherford CORRECT
d. Niels Bohr
Who discovered the nucleus of the atom in 1911?
Select one:
a. Thomson
b. Rutherford CORRECT
c. Dalton
d. Bohr
What is the visible surface of the Sun called?
Select one:
a. Photosphere CORRECT
b. Stratosphere
c. Atmosphere
d. Glowing sphere
The Sun is a(n)
Select one:
a. star. CORRECT
b. galaxy.
c. planet.
d. cluster.
The Sun is a(n)
Select one:
a. cluster.
b. galaxy.
c. planet.
d. star. CORRECT
According to the Big Bang theory, when did the universe begin?
Select one:
a. 15.2 billion years ago
b. 13 billion years ago
c. 13.7 billion years ago CORRECT
d. 12.8 billion years ago
When the Sun moves off the main sequence, it will next become a
Select one:
a. red giant CORRECT
b. black hole
c. white dwarf
d. dwarf star
The "billiard ball model" of the atom is associated with
Select one:
a. Thomson.
b. Rutherford.
c. Bohr.
d. Dalton. CORRECT
True or False: The alchemists have been successful in changing lead to gold.
Answer: true
What is the visible surface of the Sun called?
Select one:
a. Atmosphere
b. Glowing sphere
c. Stratosphere
d. Photosphere CORRECT
Who discovered the atomic nucleus in 1911?
Select one:
a. Marie and Pierre Curie
b. Henri Becquerel
c. Ernest Rutherford CORRECT
d. Niels Bohr
The periodic table is most easily understood in terms of the ____________
configurations of the elements.
Select one:
a. neutron
b. proton
c. periodic
d. electron CORRECT
The "plum pudding model" of the atom is associated with
Select one:
a. Dalton.
b. Bohr.
c. Thomson. CORRECT
d. Rutherford.
In 1661, who developed a definition of element that made the concept subject to
laboratory investigation?
Select one:
a. Lavoisier
b. Boyle CORRECT
c. Berzelius
d. Davy
This consists of fundamental particles called leptons.
Select one:
a. electrons CORRECT
b. protons
c. neutrons
The Sun is a(n)
Select one:
a. star. CORRECT
b. planet.
c. cluster.
d. galaxy.
The heaviest elements are created in _____, the fantastic death of supergiant
Select one:
a. nebulae
b. red giant
c. supernovae CORRECT
What is the name given to all matter, energy, and space?
Select one:
a. Local group
b. Galaxy
c. Universe CORRECT
d. Solar system
What is element 61 called?
Select one:
a. technetium
b. promethium CORRECT
c. francium
d. astatine
This was one of Rutherford's famous experiements where he used a radioactive
source to direct alpha particles toward a very thin sheet of gold foil.
Answer: gold foil experiment
In 1869, a major event in the history of chemistry occurred; it was the
Select one:
a. discovery of the law of conservation of mass.
b. development of the periodic table. CORRECT
c. discovery of the octet rule.
d. discovery of the law of definite proportions.
The ancient Greek who is known for championing the concept of atom was
named ____________.
Select one:
a. Plato
b. Democritus CORRECT
c. Zeus
d. Socrates
Who discovered the electron in 1897?
Select one:
a. Dalton
b. Thomson CORRECT
c. Bohr
d. Rutherford
True or False: High-mass stars eventually evolve into white-dwarves.
Answer: False
The periodic table is most easily understood in terms of the ____________
configurations of the elements.
Select one:
a. proton
b. electron CORRECT
c. neutron
d. periodic
In 1661, who developed a definition of element that made the concept subject to
laboratory investigation?
Select one:
a. Berzelius
b. Boyle CORRECT
c. Lavoisier
d. Davy
He defined the word element as a form of matter that could not be split into
simpler forms.
Select one:
a. Niels Bohr
b. Ernest Rutherford
c. Robert Boyle CORRECT
d. Mendeleev
The region where an electron is most likely to be is called an
Answer: orbital .
Niels Bohr focused his attention on the element hydrogen because it
Select one:
a. had the simplest atom. CORRECT
b. was inexpensive.
c. was so abundant.
d. could be obtained in extremely high purity.
The Sun's photosphere is, by mass, about 25%
Select one:
a. carbon.
b. oxygen.
c. helium. CORRECT
d. hydrogen.
When electrons are not shared equally between two atoms, it is called Answer
Answer: polar covalent
Sodium is an example of
Select one:
a. A compound
b. An alloy
c. An element CORRECT
d. A solution
Electrons at the outermost energy level of an atom are called .
Answer: valence electron
True or False: Melting a covalent network solid is accomplished by overcoming
the relatively weak intermolecular forces.
Answer: False
The planetary model of the atom is associated with
Answer: Rutherford
The vertical columns of elements in the periodic table are called
Answer: Groups
If all samples of a material have identical properties and composition, it is
Answer: element
In 1661, who developed a definition of element that made the concept subject to
laboratory investigation
Answer: Boyle
Who discovered the electron in 1897?
Answer: Thomson
The various isotopes of an element all have
Answer: The same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons
Who discovered the nucleus of the atom in 1911?
Answer: Rutherford
The second most abundant element in the Earth’s atmosphere is
Answer: Oxygen
This was one of Rutherford’s famous experiments where he used a radioactive
source to direct alpha particles toward a very thin sheet of gold foil.
Answer: Gold foil experiment
By 1985, a total of elements were known.
Answer: 108
The periodic table is most easily understood in terms of the configurations of the
Answer: electron
About 75% of the mass of the visible universe is composed of which element?
Answer: Hydrogen
He invented the neutron.
Answer: James Chadwick
Who discovered the nucleus of the atom in 1911?
Answer: Rutherford
The planetary model of the atom is associated with
Answer: Bohr
True or False: Oxygen has two polar bonds.
Answer: True
True or False: The alchemists have been successful in changing lead to gold.
Answer: False
When the absolute magnitudes, or brightness of stars are plotted against their
surface temperatures or colors, we obtain a(n)
Answer: Hertzsprung-Russell (or H-R) diagram
True or False: Ionic compounds are for both metals and nonmentals.
Answer: True
The “billiard ball model” of the atom is associated with
Answer: Dalton
Who discovered the electron in 1897?
Answer: J.J Thomson
The Answer is the small,dense region at the center of an atom where protons are
also found
Answer: Nucleus
Thomson”s revision of the model of the atom into what became known as
Answer: Plum pudding
True or False: Dalton was the first to introduce the idea of the atom.
Answer: False
True or False: Carbon dioxide is nonpolar
Answer: True
What was the nationality of the first persons who we know speculated about
Answer: Greek
True or False: Ionic compounds are for both metals and nonmetals.
Answer: True
True or False: Dalton thought individual atoms were solid, hard spheres so he
modeled them with wooden balls.
Answer: True
What is the formula unit of molecular compounds?
Answer: molecule
The Answer puts the elements in order of increasing atomic number, into seven
horizontal rows.
Answer: Periodic Table
The most modern definition of element is
Answer: a substance that cannot be further separated by chemical methods.
About Answer % of the universe is hydrogen.
Answer: 75
The heaviest elements are created in _______, the fantastic death of supergiant
Answer: Supernovae
True or False: The Earth's core is composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and
about 1% argon.
Answer: False
are fixed distances from the nucleus.
Answer: Energy levels
Who coined the term, "radioactivity"?
Answer: Marie Curie

ACTIVATION energy is the energy needed to start a reaction

A CATALYST is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction.
True or False: Density decreases as temperature increases.
Answer: True
REACTIVITY is the ability of matter to combine chemically with other substances.
True or False: Chromium is one of the soft elements.
Answer: False
True or False: Noble gases almost never react to other substances.
Answer: False
True or False: The catalyst is a reactant in the chemical reaction it speeds up.
Answer: False
True or False: Sodium can exist by itself.
Answer: False
True or False: Sodium reacts violently with water.
Answer: True
True or False: Lower activation energy = more reactant particles with enough
energy to react causing the reaction to occur faster.
Answer: True
is an enzyme found in the mouth and small intestine that hlps in the breakdown
of starch to sugar.
Answer: Amylase
True or False: Silver conducts electricity at minimal circumstances only.
Answer: False
True or False: In determining the limiting reactant, mass quantities must be
converted to moles.
Answer: True
helps determine how an element might be used.
Answer: Hardness
Catalysts in living things are called
Answer: Enzymes
True or False: Substances made of wood are not prone to flammability.
Answer: False
is occurring when gas bubbles are released during the reaction.
Answer: Chemical Reaction
True or False: Platinum has very high density.
Answer: True
Identification: What kind of change results to the production of a material that is
entirely different from the reactants?
Answer: Chemical change
Identification: This factor in a reaction rate results from the kinetic energy of the
reactant molecules?
Answer: Temperature
The nuclear model of the atom is associated with
Answer: Rutherford
The majority of stars are small, cool, type-M stars called
Answer: Red dwarfs
When the Sun moves off the main sequence, it will next become a
Answer: Red giant

1.What do you call the solid formed when a liquid solution is allowed to stand still
for a long amount of time.
ans. Precipitate
2.What is the proper term for catalysts involved in biological processes?
3.What is the term for the energy responsible for the variations in the reaction
rates of chemical processes?
answer:activation energy
4.What property of a material describes the compactness of the arrangement of
its molecules?
5.Identify the kind of change wherein the product is the same as the reactants.
ANWER:physical change
6.In which type of covalent bonding are the shared electrons shared congruently
throughout the molecule? answer:nonpolar
7.What do you call the ability of a substance to chemically combine with other
8.Fill in the blank: The ____
property of a substance can be observed without changing the substance.
9.What type of covalent compound is there a slight difference in the electric
charge between the opposite sides of the molecule? answer:polar covalent
10.Identification: This factor in a reaction rate is a consequence of the kinetic
energy of the reactant molecules? wrong answer ako dito.
11.What kind of chemical bond involves the sharing of electrons between two
atoms? answer:covalent bond
12.What is the component of a chemical reaction that is present at its start?
13.Identification: Two different atoms may or may not have this type of covalent
bonding. answer:polar covalent bonding
14._____ covalent bond does not have an equal sharing of electrons.
15.What kind of change results to the production of a material that is entirely
different from the reactants? answer:chemical change
16.Identification: This is another term used to refer to covalent compounds.
answer:molecular compound
17.Identification: This refers to the speed of a chemical process. answer:reaction
18.Which atom is more positive than the other in a molecule of dihydrogen
oxide? answer: hydrogen atom
19.Identification: These compounds are highly soluble in water. answer:ionic
20.Identification: These properties can be detected using your senses.
answer:Physical properties
21.What type of compound is formed by the sharing of electrons?
answer:Covalent compound
22.covalent bonding exists between two identical atoms. answer: nonpolar
23.Identification: This is the force that exists between the molecules of a
compound. answer: Intermolecular force
24.What is the term for the property that makes it capable of being hammered
into thin sheets?
25.In a water molecule, which atom is more frequented by the shared electrons?
26.Identify the substance that hastens chemical reactions? answer:catalyst
27. In a ____
type of covalent bonding, there is equal sharing of electrons between the atoms.
answer: nonpolar
28.What type of covalent bonding is characterized by the incongruent sharing of
electrons between the atoms? answer:polar
29.Which reaction rate factor is due to the amount of reacting substances?
answer: concentration
30.Identification: This compound is formed by a cation and an anion. answer:ionic
Identification: What is the proper term for catalysts involved in biological
Answer: enzyme
In a water molecule, which atom is more frequented by the shared electrons?
Answer: Oxygen
Fill in the blank: The Answer property of a substance can be observed without
changing the substance.
Answer: Physical
Refers to how fast a chemical reaction occurs.
Answer: Reaction Rate
True or False: Salt can conduct electricity in any form.
Answer: False
Identification: What is the component of a chemical reaction that is present at its
Answer: Reactant
What is the term for the property that makes it capable of being hammered into
thin sheets?
Select one:
a. Density
b. malleability CORRECT
c. no correct answer
Answer energy is the energy needed to start a reaction.
Answer: Activation
Identify the substance that hastens chemical reactions?
Answer: Catalyst
Identification: Two different atoms may or may not have this type of covalent
Answer: Polar
True or False: Tools made from iron easily rust.
Answer: True
Answer refers to the concentration of a substance.
Answer: Density
The solid that settles out of a liquid solution is called
Answer: precipitate .
Fill in the blank: Answer covalent bonding exists between two identical atoms.
Answer: Non-polar
Which reaction rate factor is due to the amount of reacting substances?
Answer: concentration
True or False: Aluminum is a good conductor of heat.
Answer: True
What type of compound is formed by the sharing of electrons?
Answer: Covalent
True or False: The catalyst brings the reactants together by permanently bonding
with them.
Answer: False
Identification: This compound is formed by a cation and an anion.
Answer: Ionic compound
True or False: Chemical reactions occur inside living things.
Answer: True
True or False: Lower activation energy = more reactant particles with enough
energy to react causing the reaction to occur faster
Answer: True
True or False: Platinum has very high density
Answer: True
Refers to how fast a chemical reaction occurs
Answer: Reaction Rate
Identification: Identify the substance that hastens chemical reactions?
Answer: Catalyst
Identify the kind of change wherein the product is the same as the reactants.
Answer: Physical Change
Identification: This refers to the speed of a chemical process
Answer: Reaction Rate
True or False: Carbon in graphite can be described as hard as the carbon in
Answer: False
Refers to the ability of matter to burn.
Answer: Flammability
True or False: The catalyst brings the reactants together by permanently bonding
with them.
Answer: False
True or False: Chemical reactions occur inside living things.
Answer: True
Identification: How fast or slow a chemical process takes place.
Answer: Rate of Reaction
Identification: Identify the kind of change wherein the product is the same as the
Answer: Chemical reaction
Identification: What is the term for the energy responsible for the variations in
the reaction rates of chemical processes?
Answer: Chemical kinetics
True or False: The catalyst is a reactant in the chemical reaction it speeds up.
Answer: False
Identification: This is the force that exists between the molecules of a compound.
Answer: Intermolecular force
Identification: These properties can be detected using your senses.
Answer: Physical properties
Refers to the concentration of a substance.
Answer: Density
True or False: Chromium is one of the soft elements.
Answer: False
True or False: In determing the liming reactant, mass quantities must be
converted to moles.
Answer: True
True or False: The rate of reaction is faster if the temperature of reactants is
Answer: True

refers to an electrically neutral particle composed of two or more atoms

chemically combined.
Answer: molecule
True or False: Neutrons are found in all atoms except for most atoms of nitrogen.
Answer: False
The periodic table is most easily understood in terms of the ______________
configurations of the elements.
Answer: Electron
True or False: Diamond does not melt at all.
Answer: True
What is the temperature in kelvins of the visible surface of the Sun?
Answer: 6000 K
True or False: Diamond vaporizes to gas at temperatures above 3500 degrees
Answer: True
The number of _______________ on the Sun varies over an 11-year cycle.
Answer: sunspots
74% of the mass of the Earth's crus is composed of only two elements. What are
Answer: Oxygen and Silicon
True or False: If the covalent bonds are polar, then the covalent compound as a
whole can be nonpolar.
Answer: True
The apparent brightness of stars is ranked according to magnitude. The brightest
stars were originally ranked as what magnitude?
Answer: First
Matter is Answer if it can be rolled and stretched to long and thin shapes.
Answer: ductile
Identification: Factor in the rate of reaction that is caused by the amount of
Answer: Concentration
Identification: Reaction rate factor that is due to the movement of the molecules
of the reactants.
Answer: Catalyst
Which of the following did not occur after the Big Bang?
Aluminum is an example of
Answer: an element
Which of these is not a basic idea of Dalton’s atomic theory?
Answer: All atoms of the same element are alike and have the same mass.
The Sun's energy is generated from the fusion of
Answer: Hydrogen nuclei to Helium nuclei
Wilhelm Roentgen discovered
Answer: X-Rays
When fast electrons strike a metal target, what are produced?
Answer: X-Rays
The greater the mass of a star, the _______________ it moves through its life
Answer: Faster
 Physical Science (PHSC-112) Grade 11
 Week 20 Second Quarter Exam
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 Fourth Quarter Exam
Question 1
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Marked out of 1.00

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Question text
Event when the sun crosses the Celestial Equator
Question 2
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Question text
Description of the change in the rate of movement of a body
Question 3
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Flag question
Question text
Which type of collision involves the constant sum of total kinetic energy before and after the collision?
Select one:
a. Momentum
b. Energy
c. Velocity
d. Elastic
e. Force
f. Mass
g. Inelastic
Question 4
Not yet answered
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Phenomenon of separation of light into different colors
Question 5
Not yet answered
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
The laws of physics are the same in all inertia frames of reference.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Question 6
Not yet answered
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Galileo founded the modern science of mechanics and provided the vital link between Kepler's laws of
planetary motion and Newton's description of the universe.
Select one:
Question 7
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Flag question
Question text
Center of the universe in Ptolemy’s model
Question 8
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Flag question
Question text
Which of Newton's laws states that an object either remains at rest or continuous to move at a constant
velocity, unless acted upon by a force?
Select one:
a. Fourth law
b. First law
c. Second law
d. Third law
Question 9
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Flag question
Question text
What is the center in Ptolemaic system of the universe?
Question 10
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Flag question
Question text
Particle of light that carries its energy
Question 11
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Flag question
Question text
This motion is also called the revolution of the Earth around the sun.
Annual motion
Question 12
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Flag question
Question text
If the interference can be eliminated by disconnecting the receiving antenna, the source of the
disturbance is most likely
Select one:
a. Internal to the radio
b. External to the radio
Question 13
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Flag question
Question text
Only humans have inertia, whether they are stationary or moving.
Select one:
Question 14
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Flag question
Question text
Name the star blamed by the Greeks for the intensity of their summer.
Question 15
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Flag question
Question text
Name the component of light that travels in straight lines.
Select one:
a. Wavelength
b. Latitudinal
c. Index of Refraction
d. Transverse
e. Dispersion
f. Electron
g. Refraction
h. Absorption
i. Speed
j. Longitudinal
k. Mirror
l. Energy
m. Photon
Question 16
Not yet answered
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
What can electric current produce along a wire?
Select one:
a. Mirage
b. Electron clouds
c. Diffraction
d. Dispersion
e. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
f. Convex
g. Concave
h. Electrostatic force
i. Interference
j. Induced voltage
k. Magnetic field
Question 17
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Flag question
Question text
Oldest heavenly body observed that has preceded great events in history
Halley's comet
Question 18
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Flag question
Question text
What is the constant quantity in the universe model by Kepler?
Area speed
Question 19
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Question text
Aligns with the North Star to determine precise time for user’s location
Question 20
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Flag question
Question text
What are the two main types of photodetectors? (separate your answers with the word "and")
Positive intrinsic photodiode AND negative intrinsic photodiode
Question 21
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Flag question
Question text
This law of motion relates the rate of change in the movement of a body and the unbalanced force that
it experiences.
Law of acceleration
Question 22
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Flag question
Question text
What is the center of the universe in the Copernican system?
Question 23
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Flag question
Question text
Who discovered radio waves?
Heinrich hertz
Question 24
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Question text
Collision that involves the conversion of energy into other forms outside the colliding bodies
Question 25
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Flag question
Question text
Path of light that makes it understood to be a particle
Straight line
Question 26
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Flag question
Question text
Describe the total amount of energy of a body before it falls from a height and as it hits the ground.
Question 27
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Flag question
Question text
What phenomenon of light is utilized to identify the wavelength of a given light ray?
Select one:
a. Interference
b. Diffraction
c. Electron clouds
d. Magnetic field
e. Dispersion
f. Electrostatic force
g. Convex
h. Concave
i. Mirage
j. Induced voltage
k. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
Question 28
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Question text
Which will accelerate more when the same unbalanced force is applied: pencil or cabinet?
Question 29
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Question text
Which of the following sound wave can be heard by the human ear?
Select one:
a. Sound waves with frequencies between 20 hz and 20,000 hz
b. Ultrasonic sound waves
Question 30
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Flag question
Question text
What SI quantity is directly related and directly proportional to the mass of a body?
Select one:
a. Momentum
b. Energy
c. Mass
d. Velocity
e. Force
f. Elastic
g. Inelastic
Question 31
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Question text
In light, this is what the photons carry enabling them to move.
Select one:
a. Refraction
b. Dispersion
c. Electron
d. Energy
e. Transverse
f. Wavelength
g. Absorption
h. Photon
i. Index of Refraction
j. Latitudinal
k. Longitudinal
l. Speed
m. Mirror
Question 32
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Statement taken to be true since what it proposes is already evident
Question 33
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According to this law there is a universality of free fall. The trajectory of a test body in free fall depends
only on its position and initial speed.
Newton's law of gravity
Question 34
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Earth-centered system of the universe
Question 35
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Question text
The return of light, heat, or sound after striking a surface.
Select one:
a. Reflection
b. Transmission
c. Diffusion
d. Refraction
Question 36
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Question text
Statement based on repeated experimental observations
Question 37
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Phenomenon of light wherein light waves add up
Question 38
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Question text
This law implies the importance of balanced forces and what unbalanced forces are.
Law of interaction
Question 39
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Question text
The average time for a planet to complete one circuit along the ecliptic is the planet's zodiacal period.
Select one:
Question 40
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Question text
What do you call a displaced image of an object as the result of the bending of light rays?
Select one:
a. Dispersion
b. Induced voltage
c. Interference
d. Diffraction
e. Electron clouds
f. Magnetic field
g. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
h. Electrostatic force
i. Mirage
j. Concave
k. Convex
Question 41
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Question text
This takes place when two bodies that are initially separated and in motion suddenly become "one".
Select one:
a. Acceleration
b. Conservation
c. Deceleration
d. Collision
Question 42
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Question text
Hertz found that when sparks flew across the main gap, sparks also usually glow across the secondary
gap that is between points A and B in the image.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Question 43
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Question text
What happens to the magnitude of the gravitational force as the distance between two bodies increase?
Question 44
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What term do you use to refer to the amount of material contained by a body?
Question 45
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Identify the center in the universe model Copernicus.
Question 46
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According to Galileo, this quantity is not needed to keep a body in motion under ideal conditions.
Question 47
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Question text
It is the passage of electromagnetic radiation through a medium.
Select one:
a. Absorption
b. Transmission
c. Diffusion
d. Reflection
Question 48
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Question text
This phenomenon of light explains how light shows different colors after passing through a prism.
Select one:
a. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
b. Electron clouds
c. Convex
d. Electrostatic force
e. Interference
f. Concave
g. Magnetic field
h. Dispersion
i. Mirage
j. Diffraction
k. Induced voltage
Question 49
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What factor of a body that is at rest prevents it from moving?
Question 50
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Question text
Type of observable motion associated with heavenly bodies
Diurnal motion
Question 1 Identification: Radiation emitted by a body that absorbed it first

Answer: Blackbody Radiation

Question 2 Identification: Compactness of the arrangement of the molecules of a material

Answer: Density

Question 3 Identification: Bond characterized by the sharing of electrons between atoms

Answer: Covalent Bond

Question 4 Identification: Particles smaller than a proton with strong nuclear force holding the quarks together

Answer: Gluons

Question 5 Covalent bond with unequal sharing of electrons

Answer: Polar

Question 6 Identification: Repelled the directed alpha particles in the gold foil experiment

Answer: Protons

Question 7 Identification: Reaction in giant stars for the fusion of hydrogen to form helium

Answer: CNO Cycle

Question 8 Identification: It refers to tyhe speed of a chemical process

Answer: Reaction Rate

Question 9 Substance that can turn lead to gold

Select one:
a. Jack-o-Lantern

b. Philosopher's Stone
c. Witchlight
d. Will-o-Wisp

Question 10 Identification: Atoms of the same element but with various atomic weights

Answer: Isotope

Question 11 Identification: Component of chemical reaction present at its start

Answer: Reactants
Question 12 Solid substance that settles when a liquid solution is left still for a long amount of time?

Answer: Precipitate

Question 13 Identification: Compound formed by positive and negative atoms

Answer: Ionic compound

Question 14 Factor in reaction rate related to the amount of reactants

Select one:
a. Concentration
b. No correct answer

c. Temperature
d. Both Concentration and Temperature

Question 15 Identification: Star with strong gravity allowing the formation of more oxygen and magnesium

Answer: Supergiant

Question 16 Identification: Compound formed by electron sharing

Answer: Covalent

Question 17 Covalent bond between identical atoms

Answer: Nonpolar

Question 18 Property of a substance that is observable without changing it

Answer: Physical property

Question 19 Identification: Nuclear particles that do not contribute to its charge

Answer: Neutron

Question 20 Identification: Term used by scientists referring to the very small but detectable amount of heat residue of the Big Bang

Answer: Background Radiation

Question 21 Covalent bonding resulting from unequal sharing of electrons between the atoms

Select one:
a. Nonpolar covalent bonding
b. No correct answer

c. Both polar and nonpolar covalent bonding

d. Polar covalent bonding

Question 22 Identification: Properties observable using your eyes

Answer: Physical Property

Question 23 Identification: Catalysts in digestion of food

Answer: enzyme
Question 24 Force between the molecules of a compound

Answer: Intermolecular Force

Question 25 Bond where electrons are shared congruently throughout the molecule

Select one:
a. Polar covalent bonding
b. No correct answer
c. Both polar and nonpolar covalent bonding

d. Nonpolar covalent bonding

Question 26 Age of the universe (in billions of years) according to the most widely accepted cosmological theory of its existence

Answer: 13.7

Question 27 Identification: It refers to the cloud where stars are born

Answer: Nebula

Question 28 Identification: Property of material to emit charged particles

Answer: Radioactivity

Question 29 Identification: Reaction rate factor related to the kinetic energy of the reactant molecules

Answer: Temperature

Question 30 The Gold foil experiment led to the discovery of this atomic part

Select one:
a. Electron
b. Nucleus

c. Proton
d. No correct answer

Question 31 Molecular compound where there is a slight difference in the charge between its opposite sides

Select one:
a. Polar
b. Both Polar and Nonpolar molecular compound

c. Nonpolar

Question 32 Identification: Energy responsible different reaction rates

Answer: Activation Energy

Question 33 Identification: Compounds that are dissolves easily in water

Answer: Ionic compounds

Question 34 Fill in the blank: In a molecule of water, the atom more visited by the shared electrons would be

Answer: Oxygen
Question 35 Identification: The more positive atom in a molecule of dihydrogen oxide

Answer: Hydrogen

Question 36 Identification: Covalent bonding where electrons are shared equally between the atoms

Answer: Nonpolar

Question 37 Identification: Reaction that fuses hydrogen to form helium in dwarf stars

Answer: PP Chain

Question 38 Identification: Substance that cannot be simplified anymore

Answer: Element

Question 39 Identification: This also means covalent compounds

Answer: Molecular compounds

Question 40 Identification: Change resulting to new material that is entirely different from the reactants

Select one:
a. No correct answer
b. Physical change

c. Chemical change
d. Both Physical and Chemical change

Question 41 Behavior of the universe explaining the Big Bang Theory

Select one:
a. no correct answer
b. shrinking

c. expanding
d. stays constant in size

Question 42 Identification: Proton component that binds the other components together

Answer: Gluon

Question 43 Change in which the product is the same as the reactants

Select one:
a. No correct answer

b. Both physical and chemical change

c. Physical change
d. Chemical change

Question 44 Identification: Substance that hastens chemical reactions

Answer: Catalyst

Question 45 Identification: It is the ability of a substance to chemically combine with other compounds

Answer: Reactivity
Question 46 Identification: Material property making it capable of being hammered into thin sheets

Answer: Malleability

Question 47 Identification: Smallest possible particle of an element containing all of the properties of the element

Answer: Atom

Question 48 Identification: Lightest particles in an atom

Answer: Electrons

Question 49 Covalent bond that may or may not exist between two different atoms

Answer: Polar

Question 50 Negatively charged particles in atoms

Select one:
a. Protons
b. Both Protons and Electrons
c. No correct answer

d. Electrons
c- Josefa Marie Taguiam
1.What do you call the solid formed when a liquid solution is allowed to stand still for a long amount
of time.
ans. Precipitate
2.What is the proper term for catalysts involved in biological processes?
3.What is the term for the energy responsible for the variations in the reaction rates of chemical
answer:activation energy
4.What property of a material describes the compactness of the arrangement of its molecules?
5.Identify the kind of change wherein the product is the same as the reactants.
ANWER:physical change
6.In which type of covalent bonding are the shared electrons shared congruently throughout the
molecule? answer:nonpolar
7.What do you call the ability of a substance to chemically combine with other compounds?
8.Fill in the blank: The ______
property of a substance can be observed without changing the substance. answer:physical
9.What type of covalent compound is there a slight difference in the electric charge between the
opposite sides of the molecule? answer:polar covalent compound
10.Identification: This factor in a reaction rate is a consequence of the kinetic energy of the reactant
molecules? wrong answer ako dito.
11.What kind of chemical bond involves the sharing of electrons between two atoms?
answer:covalent bond
12.What is the component of a chemical reaction that is present at its start? answer:reactant
13.Identification: Two different atoms may or may not have this type of covalent bonding.
answer:polar covalent bonding
14._____ covalent bond does not have an equal sharing of electrons. answer.Polar
15.What kind of change results to the production of a material that is entirely different from the
reactants? answer:chemical change
16.Identification: This is another term used to refer to covalent compounds. answer:molecular
17.Identification: This refers to the speed of a chemical process. answer:reaction rate
18.Which atom is more positive than the other in a molecule of dihydrogen oxide? answer: hydrogen
19.Identification: These compounds are highly soluble in water. answer:ionic compounds
20.Identification: These properties can be detected using your senses. answer:Physical properties
21.What type of compound is formed by the sharing of electrons? answer:Covalent compound
22.covalent bonding exists between two identical atoms. answer: nonpolar
23.Identification: This is the force that exists between the molecules of a compound. answer:
Intermolecular force
24.What is the term for the property that makes it capable of being hammered into thin sheets?
25.In a water molecule, which atom is more frequented by the shared electrons? answer:oxygen
26.Identify the substance that hastens chemical reactions? answer:catalyst
27. In a ______
type of covalent bonding, there is equal sharing of electrons between the atoms. answer: nonpolar
28.What type of covalent bonding is characterized by the incongruent sharing of electrons between
the atoms? answer:polar
29.Which reaction rate factor is due to the amount of reacting substances? answer: concentration
30.Identification: This compound is formed by a cation and an anion. answer:ionic compound
Short Quiz 8:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Also known as the revolution of the Earth around the sun
2. Ancient constellations related to Earth’s annual motion
Answer: ZODIAC
3. Center in Ptolemaic system of the universe
Answer: EARTH
4. Center of the universe in the Copernican system
Answer: SUN
5. Earth’s movement that results to the observation of diurnal motion
6. Event when the sun crosses the Celestial Equator
7. Line on Earth that is parallel to apparent daily paths
8. Main factor in the precession of equinoxes
9. More common term for the annual motion of the Earth
10. Type of observable motion associated with heavenly bodies
Learning Activity 8 (Physics)
Slow and continuous change in the orientation of an astronomical body’s rotational axis
Axial precession
Periodic observable motion that results from the Earth’s motion on its axis
diurnal motion
We use this term for the speeding up of objects.
Earth was fixed and unmoving at the center as it was too big to move including rotation.
This takes place when two bodies that are initially separated and in motion suddenly become "one".
This type of motion combines the horizontal and vertical motions of a body at any given time.
-Projectile motion
The Ptolemaic, Copernican, and Tychonic theories were attempts to model the naked-eye
observations of the day time.

This law of Newton states that when one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body
simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body.
Name the star blamed by the Greeks for the intensity of their summer.
Center of the universe in Ptolemy’s model
Motion of the Earth around the sun
Motion of the Earth responsible for diurnal motion
Long Quiz 3:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Identify the center in the universe model Copernicus.
Answer: SUN
2. Identify the date of the year when the Earth is at its closest from the Sun.
3. Identify the main factor in the precession of equinoxes.
4. Identify the shape of the planetary orbit based on Kepler’s third law.
5. Identify the universe’s center in Ptolemy’s model.
Answer: EARTH
6. Name the line on Earth that is parallel to apparent daily paths.
7. Name the star blamed by the Greeks for the intensity of their summer
Answer: SIRIUS
8. This ancient device aligns with the North Star and is used to determine the precise time of its
user’s location.
9. This model is the combination of two ancient models of the universe.
10. This model of the universe considered the ideas of the Earth- and Sun-centered universe
11. This motion is also called the revolution of the Earth around the sun.
12. This structure was developed by the Mayans as they observed Venus.
13. What do you call Earth’s movement that results to the observation of diurnal motion?
14. What do you call the ancient constellations that are related to Earth’s annual motion?
Answer: ZODIAC
15. What do you call the event when the sun crosses the Celestial Equator?
16. What do you call the motion of the Earth that is responsible for diurnal motion?
17. What is the center in Ptolemaic system of the universe?
Answer: EARTH
18. What is the center of the universe based on the model by Ptolemy?
Answer: EARTH
19. What is the center of the universe in the Copernican system?
Answer: SUN
20. What is the constant quantity in the universe model by Kepler?
21. What is the more common term for the annual motion of the Earth with respect to the sun?
22. What is the oldest heavenly body that has been observed and has preceded great events in
23. What is the periodic observable motion that is the result of the Earth’s movement on its axis?
24. What is the term that refers to the motion of the Earth around the sun?
25. What is the term that refers to the slow and continuous change in the orientation of an
astronomical body’s rotational axis?
26. What is the universe model that is said to be Sun-centered?
27. What is this type of observable motion that is associated with heavenly bodies?
28. What property of a planet has this property directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major
axis of its orbit?
29. Where is the Sun located with respect to a planet’s elliptical orbit
30. Which model of the universe is said to be Earth-centered?
Learning Activity 9:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Aligns with the North Star to determine precise time for user’s location
2. Combination of two ancient models of the universe
3. Developed by the Mayans for the observation of Venus
4. Earth-centered system of the universe
5. Sun-centered system of the universe
Short Quiz 9:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Center in the model of the universe proposed by Copernicus
Answer: SUN
2. Center of the universe based on the model proposed by Ptolemy
Answer: EARTH
3. Considered the ideas of the Earth- and Sun-centered universe model
4. Constant quantity in the universe model by Kepler
5. Date of the year when the Earth is closest to the Sun
6. Location of the Sun with respect to the elliptical orbit based on Kepler’s laws
7. Oldest heavenly body observed that has preceded great events in history
8. Planet property whose square is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit
9. Shape of the orbit based on Kepler’s third law
10. Star blamed by Greeks for the intensity of summer
Answer: SIRIUS
Learning Activity 10:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Constant in the motion of a falling body in vacuum
2. Description of the change in the rate of movement of a body
3. Indirect force resulting from the application of a force
4. Necessary component of motion according to Aristotle
Answer: FORCE
5. Property of a body that affects its state of motion
Short Quiz 10:PHYSC
Aside from changing the state of motion of a body, this is also an effect of applying an unbalanced
force to the body.
Which can be easily affected by an unbalanced force: one cube of ice or one sack of rice?
This law implies the importance of balanced forces and what unbalanced forces are.
Which will accelerate more when the same unbalanced force is applied: pencil or cabinet?
This law of motion relates the rate of change in the movement of a body and the unbalanced force
that it experiences.
Which law of motion states that a body will not change its current state of motion unless an
unbalanced force acts upon it?
If you push the wall with an amount of force, you supply the action force. What is the source of the
reaction force?
What factor of a body that is at rest prevents it from moving?
What is the only factor that is constant for bodies falling in a vacuum?
Which of these has a greater inertia: fly or cat?
Learning Activity 11:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Constant in a body as long as no net force acts upon it
2. Decreases as acceleration increases in Newton’s law of acceleration
Answer: MASS
3. Force involved in Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
4. Statement based on repeated experimental observations
Answer: LAW
5. Statement taken to be true since what it proposes is already evident
Answer: AXIOM
Short Quiz 11:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. According to Galileo, this quantity is not needed to keep a body in motion under ideal conditions.
Answer: FORCE
2. Describe the total amount of energy of a body before it falls from a height and as it hits the
Answer: EQUAL
3. In the law of acceleration, which quantity decreases as the acceleration decreases?
Answer: FORCE
4. This is also known as the “inertia in motion” of a body.
5. This kind of statement is considered true since it has been based on a series of observations.
Answer: LAW
6. What do you call a statement that is taken as true without scientific evidence?
Answer: AXIOM
7. What happens to energy as it is used up by different systems?
8. What happens to the magnitude of the gravitational force as the bodies become more massive?
9. What happens to the magnitude of the gravitational force as the distance between two bodies
10. What term do you use to refer to the amount of material contained by a body?
Answer: MASS
Short Quiz 12:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Consider the formula for momentum. What quantity increases with the velocity of a body?:
Momentum; Velocity; Inelastic; Force; Mass; Elastic; Energy
Answer: Momentum
2. If a body has no momentum, what else does it not have?: Elastic; Inelastic; Force; Momentum;
Mass; Velocity; Energy
Answer: Velocity
3. In the formula for momentum, this quantity decreases as the body moves slower.: Elastic; Mass;
Energy; Momentum; Force; Velocity; Inelastic
Answer: Mass
4. In this type of collision, this factor is not necessarily conserved.: Energy; Elastic; Velocity; Force;
Inelastic; Mass; Momentum
Answer: Energy
5. This quantity describes how difficult it is to stop a moving body.: Inelastic; Velocity; Momentum;
Force; Energy; Mass; Elastic
Answer: Momentum
6. This quantity enables bodies to move so that they would collide.: Mass; Energy; Elastic; Force;
Velocity; Inelastic; Momentum
Answer: Energy
7. What SI quantity is directly related and directly proportional to the mass of a body?: Inelastic;
Momentum; Velocity; Elastic; Energy; Force; Mass
Answer: Momentum
8. What type of collision is involved between two bodies that show a spark of light after colliding:
Momentum; Force; Inelastic; Mass; Elastic; Energy; Velocity
Answer: Inelastic
9. Which type of collision involves the constant sum of total kinetic energy before and after the
collision?: Momentum; Velocity; Mass; Elastic; Force; Energy; Inelastic
Answer: Elastic
10. Which will stop first when these two bodies collide: truck or bicycle?
Learning Activity 12:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Collision that involves the conversion of energy into other forms outside the colliding bodies
2. Factor responsible for the movement of the bodies that are about to collide
Answer: ENERGY
3. Not necessarily conserved between colliding bodies
Answer: ENERGY
4. Quantity conserved in any collision
5. Type of collision wherein the total kinetic energy is constant before and after the collision
Short Quiz 13:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Consider the wave equation. Which quantity increases with the frequency of the wave?:
Absorption; Latitudinal; Index of Refraction; Longitudinal; Wavelength; Refraction; Electron; Photon;
Transverse; Energy; Mirror; Speed; Dispersion
Answer: Speed
2. In light, this is what the photons carry enabling them to move.: Wavelength; Energy; Mirror;
Photon; Longitudinal; Dispersion; Electron; Speed; Transverse; Index of Refraction; Absorption;
Refraction; Latitudinal
Answer: Energy
3. In the wave equation, this quantity is inversely proportional to the frequency of the wave.:
Absorption; Mirror; Electron; Latitudinal; Longitudinal; Energy; Speed; Photon; Refraction; Index of
Refraction; Dispersion; Wavelength; Transverse
Answer: Wavelength
4. Name the component of light that travels in straight lines.: Index of Refraction; Longitudinal;
Transverse; Absorption; Latitudinal; Energy; Electron; Refraction; Mirror; Photon; Dispersion;
Wavelength; Speed
Answer: Photon
5. This constant determines how much light will bend as it enters a different medium.: Electron;
Refraction; Photon; Latitudinal; Mirror; Speed; Index of Refraction; Transverse; Absorption;
Longitudinal; Dispersion; Wavelength; Energy
Answer: Index of Refraction
6. This phenomenon of light is the evidence of the energy possessed by light.: Absorption; Photon;
Energy; Dispersion; Electron; Mirror; Speed; Longitudinal; Transverse; Wavelength; Latitudinal;
Index of Refraction; Refraction
Answer: Absorption
7. This wave is produced by the disturbance of the molecules nearby its source.: Latitudinal;
Absorption; Mirror; Photon; Wavelength; Index of Refraction; Electron; Speed; Dispersion;
Longitudinal; Transverse; Refraction; Energy
Answer: Longitudinal
8. What is the optical device that is used to show the bouncing of light?: Latitudinal; Speed; Index of
Refraction; Wavelength; Electron; Dispersion; Transverse; Absorption; Mirror; Photon; Refraction;
Energy; Longitudinal
Answer: Mirror
9. What kind of wave is light?: Index of Refraction; Speed; Photon; Mirror; Absorption; Refraction;
Energy; Speed; Transverse; Electron; Dispersion; Longitudinal; Transverse; Wavelength; Latitudinal
Answer: Transverse
10. What kind of wave is represented by a sine wave?: Dispersion; Transverse; Index of Refraction;
Refraction; Mirror; Energy; Longitudinal; Electron; Absorption; Photon; Latitudinal; Speed;
Answer: Transverse
Learning Activity 13: PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Optical device that demonstrates bending of light
Answer: LENS
2. Particle of light that carries its energy
Answer: PHOTON
3. Path of light that makes it understood to be a particle
4. Wave that can propagate even without molecules
5. Wave that cannot exist in vacuum
Learning Activity 14:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Bending of light around an edge causing umbra and penumbra in the shadow
2. Deflection of light along its path
3. Phenomenon of light wherein light waves add up
4. Phenomenon of separation of light into different colors
5. Type of mirror that shows an inverted image of you
Short Quiz 14:PHYSC
What exists between two charges in space?
Select one:
- Electrostatic force
This phenomenon of light explains how light shows different colors after passing through a prism.
Select one:
This type of mirror shows a virtual image of the object.
Select one:
What do you call a displaced image of an object as the result of the bending of light rays?
Select one:
According to Faraday, what is produced by a changing magnetic field?
Select one:
- Induced voltage
What principle explains why it is impossible to determine experimentally both the position and the
speed of an electron at the same time?
Select one:
-Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
How do electron orbits look like as a consequence of the uncertainty principle?
Select one:
- Electron clouds
What type of mirror shows your image in an inverted manner?
Select one:
What can electric current produce along a wire?
Select one:
- Magnetic field
What phenomenon of light is utilized to identify the wavelength of a given light ray?
Select one:
- Dispersion
Learning Activity 15:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Hertz applied high voltage AC electricity across the central spark gap of the transmitter creating
sparks.: True; False
Answer: False
2. What digital storage oscilloscope circuit compensates for high sampling rates of high frequency
signals?: charged-couple device; analog to digital converter
Answer: charged-couple device
3. What test equipment combines the operation of many test instruments into a single compact unit.:
Impedance meter; Communication service monitor
Answer: Communication service monitor
4. When using forward error control as a method of error correction, where does error correction
take place?: in the oscillator; receiving end
Answer: receiving end
5. What part of the pulse code modulation (PCM) process converts a continuous time signal into a
discrete time signal?
Answer: Sampling
Short Quiz 15:PHYSC
Hertz found that when sparks flew across the main gap, sparks also usually glow across the
secondary gap that is between points A and B in the image.
Select one:
- True
According to Hertz, he pictured waves of electric charge moving back and forth, creating a standing
wave within the wire.
Select one:
- True
When reading the forward power on a wattmeter, what does two right-facing arrow heads mean?
Select one:
- Power exceeds 120 percent of the range
What are the two main types of photodetectors? (separate your answers with the word "and")
-Positive intrinsic photodiode AND negative intrinsic photodiode
In November 1886, Heinrich Hertz became the first person to transmit and receive controlled radio
Select one:
If the interference can be eliminated by disconnecting the receiving antenna, the source of the
disturbance is most likely
Select one:
- External to the radio
What initial nuclear radiation components generate electromagnetic pulses? (separate your answers
with the word "and")
-Gamma rays AND neutrons
Who discovered radio waves?
-Heinrich Hertz
What pattern simulator section of the bit error rate test set accepts a 48-bit parallel word and
generates a serial pattern?
Select one:
-48-bit transmitter only
Hertz started generating radio waves using a piece of electrical equipment called an induction coil.
Select one:
Short Quiz 16:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. As measured in any inertial frame of reference, light is always propagated in empty space with a
definite velocity that is independent of the state of motion of the emitting body.: False; True
Answer: True
2. Maxwell’s equations are not consistent with Galilean relativity unless one postulates the existence
of a physical aether.: True; False
Answer: True
3. The laws of physics are the same in all inertia frames of reference.: True; False
Answer: True
4. The postulates of special relativity can be expressed very succinctly using the mathematical
language of pseudo-Riemmannian manifolds: True; False
Answer: True
5. What is the correct expression for the amplitude of a vibrating mass? Amplitude is the: Maximum
velocity of the mass during vibration; Maximum displacement of the mass from the rest position
Answer: Maximum displacement of the mass from the rest position
6. Which of the following is not a term associated with periodic waves?: Frequency; How much
space is occupied
Answer: How much space is occupied
7. Which of the following sound wave can be heard by the human ear?: Ultrasonic sound waves;
Sound waves with frequencies between 20 hz and 20,000 hz
Answer: Sound waves with frequencies between 20 hz and 20,000 hz
8. It combines special relativity with the equivalence principle.
Answer: General relativity
9. It is the succession of methods by which astronomers determine the distances to celestial objects.
Answer: Cosmic distance ladder
10. Known as the “dwarf planet”
Answer: Pluto
Select one:
- Can sometimes be sensed
Special relativity is a theory.
Select one:
- True
States that the net force acting on a body is equal to that body’s (inertia ) mass multiplied by its
Select one:
-Newton's Second Law of Motion
According to this law there is a universality of free fall. The trajectory of a test body in free fall
depends only on its position and initial speed.
-Newton's Law of Gravity
Which of the following must be satisfied for a vibration to be simple harmonic motion? The restoring
force of the vibrating object is
Select one:
-Opposite to and proportional to a displacement
It is the passage of electromagnetic radiation through a medium.

Select one:

Answer: Transmission

This Kepler's law states that the line joining the planet to the sun sweeps out equal areas in equal
times as it moves along its orbit.

Select one:
Answer: Second law
Which of Newton's laws states that an object either remains at rest or continuous to move at a
constant velocity, unless acted upon by a force?

Select one:
Answer: First law
Galileo looked at the Sun and found out that it had spots.
Answer: True
Mercury and Venus are never more than 200 and 450, respectively, from the Sun.
Answer: False
The Aristotelian view of the world made the certain basic assumption that the Earth is a sphere,
fixed, and unmoving at the center of the universe.
Answer: False
Identification: Identify the substance that hastens chemical reactions?


Identification: This refers to the speed of a chemical process.

reaction rate

True or False: In determining the limiting reactant, mass quantities must be converted to moles.

What is the component of a chemical reaction that is present at its start?


True or False: Chromium is one of the soft elements.


Identification: Two different atoms may or may not have this type of covalent bonding.

polar covalent bonding

True or False: Density decreases as temperature increases.


type of covalent bonding, there is equal sharing of electrons between the atoms.


What type of compound is formed by the sharing of electrons?

Covalent compound

Identification: Reaction rate factor that is due to the movement of the molecules of the reactants.


True or False: Platinum has very high density.


helps determine how an element might be used.


True or False: Aluminum is a good conductor of heat.


covalent bonding exists between two identical atoms.


Which atom is more positive than the other in a molecule of dihydrogen oxide?

hydrogen atom

Identification: Substance that aides any chemical reaction.

What do you call the ability of a substance to chemically combine with other compounds?


In which type of covalent bonding are the shared electrons shared congruently throughout the


What do you call the ability of a substance to chemically combine with other compounds?

Identification: Solid formed from the settling of solid particles in a liquid solution.


refers to the concentration of a substance.


Question 1
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Question text
When the Sun moves off the main sequence, it will next become a _______________.

Select one:
a. white dwarf
b. black hole
c. red giant
d. dwarf star

Question 2
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Question text
Which of these is not a basic idea of Dalton’s atomic theory?
Select one:
a. There are atoms gained/lost/changed in identity during a chemical reaction.
b. All substances are made of atoms
c. Atoms join together to form compounds, and a given compound always consists of the same
kinds of atoms in the same proportions
d. Chemical combination is simply the bonding of a definite number of atoms to make one molecule
of the compound
e. All atoms of the same element are alike and have the same mass.

Question 3
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Question text
What is the temperature in kelvins of the visible surface of the Sun?

Select one:
a. 6 million K
b. 600 K
c. 6000 K
d. 6 billion K

Question 4
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Question text
The planetary model of the atom is associated with

Select one:
a. Thomson.
b. Rutherford.
c. Bohr.
d. Dalton.

Question 5
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Question text
Who discovered the electron in 1897?

Select one:
a. Rutherford
b. Thomson
c. Bohr
d. Dalton

Question 6
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Question text
True or False: The alchemists have been successful in changing lead to gold.


Question 7
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Question text
Nearly 100% of mass of Earth's core is composed of the two elements
Select one:
a. oxygen and aluminum
b. iron and nickel
c. silicon and oxygen.
d. aluminum and silicon

Question 8
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Question text
The second most abundant element in the Earth's atmosphere is

Select one:
a. carbon dioxide.
b. argon.
c. nitrogen.
d. oxygen.

Question 9
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Question text
The apparent brightness of stars is ranked according to magnitude. The brightest stars were
originally ranked as what magnitude?

Select one:
a. Zero
b. None of the choices
c. First
d. Sixth

Question 10
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Question text
The various isotopes of an element all have

Select one:
a. the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.
b. the same number of neutrons but different numbers of protons.
c. the same total number of neutrons and protons.
d. the same number of neutrons and the same number of protons.

Question 1
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Question text
True or False: The rate of reaction is faster if the temperature of reactants is higher.


Question 2
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Question text
True or False: Carbon in graphite can be described as hard as the carbon in diamond.


Question 3
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Question text
True or False: The catalyst brings the reactants together by permanently bonding with them.


Question 4
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Question text
Answer is an enzyme found in the mouth and small intestine that hlps in the breakdown of
starch to sugar.

Question 5
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Question text
True or False: Chemical reactions occur inside living things.


Question 6
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Question text

Answer refers to the concentration of a substance.

Question 7
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Question text
True or False: Sodium reacts violently with water.


Question 8
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Question text
True or False: Tools made from iron easily rust.


Question 9
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Question text
True or False: Sodium can exist by itself.


Question 10
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Question text
Answer refers to the ability of matter to burn.

Question 1
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Question text
Where are stars born?

Orion Nebula

Question 2
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Question text
The most modern definition of element is

Select one:
a. a substance that cannot be further separated by chemical methods.
b. a substance in which all the atoms have the same number of protons.
c. the simplest form of matter.
d. a substance that contains no neutrons.

Question 3
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Question text
The Bohr theory was developed to explain which of these phenomena?

Select one:
a. Line spectra
b. The photoelectric effect
c. Quantum numbers
d. X-rays

Question 4
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Question text
True or False: Formaldehyde is a nonpolar compound.


Question 5
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Question text
Thomson referred to negatively charged particles as Answer before it became known as

Question 6
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Question text
True or False: The alchemists have been successful in changing lead to gold.


Question 7
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Question text
The water solubility of molecular compounds is Answer .

Question 8
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Question text
In 1661, who developed a definition of element that made the concept subject to laboratory

Select one:
a. Davy
b. Lavoisier
c. Boyle
d. Berzelius

Question 9
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Question text
This fusion process details how helium is made in our sun.

Select one:
a. CNO cycle
b. triple alpha process
c. proton-proton chain

Question 10
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Question text
Answer force refers to forces between molecules.

Question 11
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Question text
The region where an electron is most likely to be is called an Answer .

Question 12
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Question text

State o
Answer compounds' physical state at room temperature can be gas, liquid or solid.

Question 13
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Question text
True or False: Neutrons are found in all atoms except for most atoms of nitrogen.


Question 14
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Question text
Aluminum is an example of

Select one:
a. an element.
b. an alloy.
c. a compound.
d. a solution.

Question 15
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Question text
The various isotopes of an element all have

Select one:
a. the same number of neutrons and the same number of protons.
b. the same total number of neutrons and protons.
c. the same number of neutrons but different numbers of protons.
d. the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.

Question 16
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Question text
The Sun's energy is generated from the fusion of

Select one:
a. hydrogen nuclei to form helium nuclei.
b. carbon nuclei to form magnesium nuclei.
c. uranium to form lead, Pb.
d. helium nuclei to form carbon nuclei.

Question 17
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Question text
Who discovered the electron in 1897?
Select one:
a. Bohr
b. Rutherford
c. Dalton
d. Thomson

Question 18
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Question text
The "billiard ball model" of the atom is associated with

Select one:
a. Bohr.
b. Rutherford.
c. Thomson.
d. Dalton.

Question 19
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Question text
Plum p
Thomson's revision of the model of the atom into what became known as Answer model.

Question 20
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Question text
Who discovered the atomic nucleus in 1911?

Select one:
a. Niels Bohr
b. Henri Becquerel
c. Marie and Pierre Curie
d. Ernest Rutherford

Matter is Answer if it can be rolled and stretched to long and thin shapes.

Question 2
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Question text
True or False: Chromium is one of the soft elements.


Question 3
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Question text
What type of compound is formed by the sharing of electrons?

Covalent compound

Question 4
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Question text

Answer is occurring when gas bubbles are released during the reaction.

Question 5
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Question text
True or False: Density decreases as temperature increases.


Question 6
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Question text
A Answer is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction.

Question 7
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Question text
Identification: These compounds are highly soluble in water.
ionic compounds

Question 8
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Question text
Identification: What kind of change results to the production of a material that is entirely different
from the reactants?

Chemical Change

Question 9
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Question text
Fill in the blank: In a Answer type of covalent bonding, there is equal sharing of electrons
between the atoms.

Question 10
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Question text
Which atom is more positive than the other in a molecule of dihydrogen oxide?

hydrogen atom

Question 11
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Question text

Answer refers to how fast a chemical reaction occurs.

Question 12
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Question text
True or False: Carbon in graphite can be described as hard as the carbon in diamond.


Question 13
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Question text
Answer refers to the concentration of a substance.

Question 14
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Question text
What is the term for the property that makes it capable of being hammered into thin sheets?
Select one:
a. Density
b. malleability
c. no correct answer

Question 15
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Question text
True or False: Tools made from iron easily rust.


Question 16
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Question text
Catalysts in living things are called


Question 17
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Question text
Fill in the blank: The Answer property of a substance can be observed without changing the
Question 18
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Question text
True or False: In determining the limiting reactant, mass quantities must be converted to moles.


Question 19
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Question text
True or False: Platinum has very high density.


Question 20
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Question text
True or False: Aluminum is a good conductor of heat.

c- Josefa Marie Taguiam
1.What do you call the solid formed when a liquid solution is allowed to stand still for a long amount
of time.
ans. Precipitate
2.What is the proper term for catalysts involved in biological processes?
3.What is the term for the energy responsible for the variations in the reaction rates of chemical
answer:activation energy
4.What property of a material describes the compactness of the arrangement of its molecules?
5.Identify the kind of change wherein the product is the same as the reactants.
ANWER:physical change
6.In which type of covalent bonding are the shared electrons shared congruently throughout the
molecule? answer:nonpolar
7.What do you call the ability of a substance to chemically combine with other compounds?
8.Fill in the blank: The ______
property of a substance can be observed without changing the substance. answer:physical
9.What type of covalent compound is there a slight difference in the electric charge between the
opposite sides of the molecule? answer:polar covalent compound
10.Identification: This factor in a reaction rate is a consequence of the kinetic energy of the reactant
molecules? wrong answer ako dito.
11.What kind of chemical bond involves the sharing of electrons between two atoms?
answer:covalent bond
12.What is the component of a chemical reaction that is present at its start? answer:reactant
13.Identification: Two different atoms may or may not have this type of covalent bonding.
answer:polar covalent bonding
14._____ covalent bond does not have an equal sharing of electrons. answer.Polar
15.What kind of change results to the production of a material that is entirely different from the
reactants? answer:chemical change
16.Identification: This is another term used to refer to covalent compounds. answer:molecular
17.Identification: This refers to the speed of a chemical process. answer:reaction rate
18.Which atom is more positive than the other in a molecule of dihydrogen oxide? answer: hydrogen
19.Identification: These compounds are highly soluble in water. answer:ionic compounds
20.Identification: These properties can be detected using your senses. answer:Physical properties
21.What type of compound is formed by the sharing of electrons? answer:Covalent compound
22.covalent bonding exists between two identical atoms. answer: nonpolar
23.Identification: This is the force that exists between the molecules of a compound. answer:
Intermolecular force
24.What is the term for the property that makes it capable of being hammered into thin sheets?
25.In a water molecule, which atom is more frequented by the shared electrons? answer:oxygen
26.Identify the substance that hastens chemical reactions? answer:catalyst
27. In a ______
type of covalent bonding, there is equal sharing of electrons between the atoms. answer: nonpolar
28.What type of covalent bonding is characterized by the incongruent sharing of electrons between
the atoms? answer:polar
29.Which reaction rate factor is due to the amount of reacting substances? answer: concentration
30.Identification: This compound is formed by a cation and an anion. answer:ionic compound
Short Quiz 8:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Also known as the revolution of the Earth around the sun
2. Ancient constellations related to Earth’s annual motion
Answer: ZODIAC
3. Center in Ptolemaic system of the universe
Answer: EARTH
4. Center of the universe in the Copernican system
Answer: SUN
5. Earth’s movement that results to the observation of diurnal motion
6. Event when the sun crosses the Celestial Equator
7. Line on Earth that is parallel to apparent daily paths
8. Main factor in the precession of equinoxes
9. More common term for the annual motion of the Earth
10. Type of observable motion associated with heavenly bodies
Learning Activity 8 (Physics)
Slow and continuous change in the orientation of an astronomical body’s rotational axis
Axial precession
Periodic observable motion that results from the Earth’s motion on its axis
diurnal motion
Center of the universe in Ptolemy’s model
Motion of the Earth around the sun
Motion of the Earth responsible for diurnal motion
Long Quiz 3:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Identify the center in the universe model Copernicus.
Answer: SUN
2. Identify the date of the year when the Earth is at its closest from the Sun.
3. Identify the main factor in the precession of equinoxes.
4. Identify the shape of the planetary orbit based on Kepler’s third law.
5. Identify the universe’s center in Ptolemy’s model.
Answer: EARTH
6. Name the line on Earth that is parallel to apparent daily paths.
7. Name the star blamed by the Greeks for the intensity of their summer
Answer: SIRIUS
8. This ancient device aligns with the North Star and is used to determine the precise time of its
user’s location.
9. This model is the combination of two ancient models of the universe.
10. This model of the universe considered the ideas of the Earth- and Sun-centered universe
11. This motion is also called the revolution of the Earth around the sun.
12. This structure was developed by the Mayans as they observed Venus.
13. What do you call Earth’s movement that results to the observation of diurnal motion?
14. What do you call the ancient constellations that are related to Earth’s annual motion?
Answer: ZODIAC
15. What do you call the event when the sun crosses the Celestial Equator?
16. What do you call the motion of the Earth that is responsible for diurnal motion?
17. What is the center in Ptolemaic system of the universe?
Answer: EARTH
18. What is the center of the universe based on the model by Ptolemy?
Answer: EARTH
19. What is the center of the universe in the Copernican system?
Answer: SUN
20. What is the constant quantity in the universe model by Kepler?
21. What is the more common term for the annual motion of the Earth with respect to the sun?
22. What is the oldest heavenly body that has been observed and has preceded great events in
23. What is the periodic observable motion that is the result of the Earth’s movement on its axis?
24. What is the term that refers to the motion of the Earth around the sun?
25. What is the term that refers to the slow and continuous change in the orientation of an
astronomical body’s rotational axis?
26. What is the universe model that is said to be Sun-centered?
27. What is this type of observable motion that is associated with heavenly bodies?
28. What property of a planet has this property directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major
axis of its orbit?
29. Where is the Sun located with respect to a planet’s elliptical orbit
30. Which model of the universe is said to be Earth-centered?
Learning Activity 9:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Aligns with the North Star to determine precise time for user’s location
2. Combination of two ancient models of the universe
3. Developed by the Mayans for the observation of Venus
4. Earth-centered system of the universe
5. Sun-centered system of the universe
Short Quiz 9:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Center in the model of the universe proposed by Copernicus
Answer: SUN
2. Center of the universe based on the model proposed by Ptolemy
Answer: EARTH
3. Considered the ideas of the Earth- and Sun-centered universe model
4. Constant quantity in the universe model by Kepler
5. Date of the year when the Earth is closest to the Sun
6. Location of the Sun with respect to the elliptical orbit based on Kepler’s laws
7. Oldest heavenly body observed that has preceded great events in history
8. Planet property whose square is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit
9. Shape of the orbit based on Kepler’s third law
10. Star blamed by Greeks for the intensity of summer
Answer: SIRIUS
Learning Activity 10:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Constant in the motion of a falling body in vacuum
2. Description of the change in the rate of movement of a body
3. Indirect force resulting from the application of a force
4. Necessary component of motion according to Aristotle
Answer: FORCE
5. Property of a body that affects its state of motion
Short Quiz 10:PHYSC
Aside from changing the state of motion of a body, this is also an effect of applying an unbalanced
force to the body.
Which can be easily affected by an unbalanced force: one cube of ice or one sack of rice?
This law implies the importance of balanced forces and what unbalanced forces are.
Which will accelerate more when the same unbalanced force is applied: pencil or cabinet?
This law of motion relates the rate of change in the movement of a body and the unbalanced force
that it experiences.
Which law of motion states that a body will not change its current state of motion unless an
unbalanced force acts upon it?
If you push the wall with an amount of force, you supply the action force. What is the source of the
reaction force?
What factor of a body that is at rest prevents it from moving?
What is the only factor that is constant for bodies falling in a vacuum?
Which of these has a greater inertia: fly or cat?
Learning Activity 11:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Constant in a body as long as no net force acts upon it
2. Decreases as acceleration increases in Newton’s law of acceleration
Answer: MASS
3. Force involved in Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
4. Statement based on repeated experimental observations
Answer: LAW
5. Statement taken to be true since what it proposes is already evident
Answer: AXIOM
Short Quiz 11:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. According to Galileo, this quantity is not needed to keep a body in motion under ideal conditions.
Answer: FORCE
2. Describe the total amount of energy of a body before it falls from a height and as it hits the
Answer: EQUAL
3. In the law of acceleration, which quantity decreases as the acceleration decreases?
Answer: FORCE
4. This is also known as the “inertia in motion” of a body.
5. This kind of statement is considered true since it has been based on a series of observations.
Answer: LAW
6. What do you call a statement that is taken as true without scientific evidence?
Answer: AXIOM
7. What happens to energy as it is used up by different systems?
8. What happens to the magnitude of the gravitational force as the bodies become more massive?
9. What happens to the magnitude of the gravitational force as the distance between two bodies
10. What term do you use to refer to the amount of material contained by a body?
Answer: MASS
Short Quiz 12:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Consider the formula for momentum. What quantity increases with the velocity of a body?:
Momentum; Velocity; Inelastic; Force; Mass; Elastic; Energy
Answer: Momentum
2. If a body has no momentum, what else does it not have?: Elastic; Inelastic; Force; Momentum;
Mass; Velocity; Energy
Answer: Velocity
3. In the formula for momentum, this quantity decreases as the body moves slower.: Elastic; Mass;
Energy; Momentum; Force; Velocity; Inelastic
Answer: Mass
4. In this type of collision, this factor is not necessarily conserved.: Energy; Elastic; Velocity; Force;
Inelastic; Mass; Momentum
Answer: Energy
5. This quantity describes how difficult it is to stop a moving body.: Inelastic; Velocity; Momentum;
Force; Energy; Mass; Elastic
Answer: Momentum
6. This quantity enables bodies to move so that they would collide.: Mass; Energy; Elastic; Force;
Velocity; Inelastic; Momentum
Answer: Energy
7. What SI quantity is directly related and directly proportional to the mass of a body?: Inelastic;
Momentum; Velocity; Elastic; Energy; Force; Mass
Answer: Momentum
8. What type of collision is involved between two bodies that show a spark of light after colliding:
Momentum; Force; Inelastic; Mass; Elastic; Energy; Velocity
Answer: Inelastic
9. Which type of collision involves the constant sum of total kinetic energy before and after the
collision?: Momentum; Velocity; Mass; Elastic; Force; Energy; Inelastic
Answer: Elastic
10. Which will stop first when these two bodies collide: truck or bicycle?
Learning Activity 12:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Collision that involves the conversion of energy into other forms outside the colliding bodies
2. Factor responsible for the movement of the bodies that are about to collide
Answer: ENERGY
3. Not necessarily conserved between colliding bodies
Answer: ENERGY
4. Quantity conserved in any collision
5. Type of collision wherein the total kinetic energy is constant before and after the collision
Short Quiz 13:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Consider the wave equation. Which quantity increases with the frequency of the wave?:
Absorption; Latitudinal; Index of Refraction; Longitudinal; Wavelength; Refraction; Electron; Photon;
Transverse; Energy; Mirror; Speed; Dispersion
Answer: Speed
2. In light, this is what the photons carry enabling them to move.: Wavelength; Energy; Mirror;
Photon; Longitudinal; Dispersion; Electron; Speed; Transverse; Index of Refraction; Absorption;
Refraction; Latitudinal
Answer: Energy
3. In the wave equation, this quantity is inversely proportional to the frequency of the wave.:
Absorption; Mirror; Electron; Latitudinal; Longitudinal; Energy; Speed; Photon; Refraction; Index of
Refraction; Dispersion; Wavelength; Transverse
Answer: Wavelength
4. Name the component of light that travels in straight lines.: Index of Refraction; Longitudinal;
Transverse; Absorption; Latitudinal; Energy; Electron; Refraction; Mirror; Photon; Dispersion;
Wavelength; Speed
Answer: Photon
5. This constant determines how much light will bend as it enters a different medium.: Electron;
Refraction; Photon; Latitudinal; Mirror; Speed; Index of Refraction; Transverse; Absorption;
Longitudinal; Dispersion; Wavelength; Energy
Answer: Index of Refraction
6. This phenomenon of light is the evidence of the energy possessed by light.: Absorption; Photon;
Energy; Dispersion; Electron; Mirror; Speed; Longitudinal; Transverse; Wavelength; Latitudinal;
Index of Refraction; Refraction
Answer: Absorption
7. This wave is produced by the disturbance of the molecules nearby its source.: Latitudinal;
Absorption; Mirror; Photon; Wavelength; Index of Refraction; Electron; Speed; Dispersion;
Longitudinal; Transverse; Refraction; Energy
Answer: Longitudinal
8. What is the optical device that is used to show the bouncing of light?: Latitudinal; Speed; Index of
Refraction; Wavelength; Electron; Dispersion; Transverse; Absorption; Mirror; Photon; Refraction;
Energy; Longitudinal
Answer: Mirror
9. What kind of wave is light?: Index of Refraction; Speed; Photon; Mirror; Absorption; Refraction;
Energy; Speed; Transverse; Electron; Dispersion; Longitudinal; Transverse; Wavelength; Latitudinal
Answer: Transverse
10. What kind of wave is represented by a sine wave?: Dispersion; Transverse; Index of Refraction;
Refraction; Mirror; Energy; Longitudinal; Electron; Absorption; Photon; Latitudinal; Speed;
Answer: Transverse
Learning Activity 13: PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Optical device that demonstrates bending of light
Answer: LENS
2. Particle of light that carries its energy
Answer: PHOTON
3. Path of light that makes it understood to be a particle
4. Wave that can propagate even without molecules
5. Wave that cannot exist in vacuum
Learning Activity 14:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Bending of light around an edge causing umbra and penumbra in the shadow
2. Deflection of light along its path
3. Phenomenon of light wherein light waves add up
4. Phenomenon of separation of light into different colors
5. Type of mirror that shows an inverted image of you
Short Quiz 14:PHYSC
What exists between two charges in space?
Select one:
- Electrostatic force
This phenomenon of light explains how light shows different colors after passing through a prism.
Select one:
This type of mirror shows a virtual image of the object.
Select one:
What do you call a displaced image of an object as the result of the bending of light rays?
Select one:
According to Faraday, what is produced by a changing magnetic field?
Select one:
- Induced voltage
What principle explains why it is impossible to determine experimentally both the position and the
speed of an electron at the same time?
Select one:
-Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
How do electron orbits look like as a consequence of the uncertainty principle?
Select one:
- Electron clouds
What type of mirror shows your image in an inverted manner?
Select one:
What can electric current produce along a wire?
Select one:
- Magnetic field
What phenomenon of light is utilized to identify the wavelength of a given light ray?
Select one:
- Dispersion
Learning Activity 15:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Hertz applied high voltage AC electricity across the central spark gap of the transmitter creating
sparks.: True; False
Answer: False
2. What digital storage oscilloscope circuit compensates for high sampling rates of high frequency
signals?: charged-couple device; analog to digital converter
Answer: charged-couple device
3. What test equipment combines the operation of many test instruments into a single compact unit.:
Impedance meter; Communication service monitor
Answer: Communication service monitor
4. When using forward error control as a method of error correction, where does error correction
take place?: in the oscillator; receiving end
Answer: receiving end
5. What part of the pulse code modulation (PCM) process converts a continuous time signal into a
discrete time signal?
Answer: Sampling
Short Quiz 15:PHYSC
Hertz found that when sparks flew across the main gap, sparks also usually glow across the
secondary gap that is between points A and B in the image.
Select one:
- True
According to Hertz, he pictured waves of electric charge moving back and forth, creating a standing
wave within the wire.
Select one:
- True
When reading the forward power on a wattmeter, what does two right-facing arrow heads mean?
Select one:
- Power exceeds 120 percent of the range
What are the two main types of photodetectors? (separate your answers with the word "and")
-Positive intrinsic photodiode AND negative intrinsic photodiode
In November 1886, Heinrich Hertz became the first person to transmit and receive controlled radio
Select one:
If the interference can be eliminated by disconnecting the receiving antenna, the source of the
disturbance is most likely
Select one:
- External to the radio
What initial nuclear radiation components generate electromagnetic pulses? (separate your answers
with the word "and")
-Gamma rays AND neutrons
Who discovered radio waves?
-Heinrich Hertz
What pattern simulator section of the bit error rate test set accepts a 48-bit parallel word and
generates a serial pattern?
Select one:
-48-bit transmitter only
Hertz started generating radio waves using a piece of electrical equipment called an induction coil.
Select one:
Short Quiz 16:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. As measured in any inertial frame of reference, light is always propagated in empty space with a
definite velocity that is independent of the state of motion of the emitting body.: False; True
Answer: True
2. Maxwell’s equations are not consistent with Galilean relativity unless one postulates the existence
of a physical aether.: True; False
Answer: True
3. The laws of physics are the same in all inertia frames of reference.: True; False
Answer: True
4. The postulates of special relativity can be expressed very succinctly using the mathematical
language of pseudo-Riemmannian manifolds: True; False
Answer: True
5. What is the correct expression for the amplitude of a vibrating mass? Amplitude is the: Maximum
velocity of the mass during vibration; Maximum displacement of the mass from the rest position
Answer: Maximum displacement of the mass from the rest position
6. Which of the following is not a term associated with periodic waves?: Frequency; How much
space is occupied
Answer: How much space is occupied
7. Which of the following sound wave can be heard by the human ear?: Ultrasonic sound waves;
Sound waves with frequencies between 20 hz and 20,000 hz
Answer: Sound waves with frequencies between 20 hz and 20,000 hz
8. It combines special relativity with the equivalence principle.
Answer: General relativity
9. It is the succession of methods by which astronomers determine the distances to celestial objects.
Answer: Cosmic distance ladder
10. Known as the “dwarf planet”
Answer: Pluto
Select one:
- Can sometimes be sensed
Special relativity is a theory.
Select one:
- True
States that the net force acting on a body is equal to that body’s (inertia ) mass multiplied by its
Select one:
-Newton's Second Law of Motion
According to this law there is a universality of free fall. The trajectory of a test body in free fall
depends only on its position and initial speed.
-Newton's Law of Gravity
Which of the following must be satisfied for a vibration to be simple harmonic motion? The restoring
force of the vibrating object is
Select one:
-Opposite to and proportional to a displacement

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