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1) driver = Driver object

1) driver.get(“URL”);
 Opens the specified URL in the Browser Window.

Q) Web Elements and Locators.

1) Note :-
 For Handling Browser,Page  Driver object (i.e driver) is enough.
 For Remaining elements we have to use WebDriver methods

2) Some Manual Operations :-

 Launch Browser
 Navigate to a specified URL.
 Close Focussed Browser.
 Close all opened Browsers.
 Refresh the browser

 Navigate from one URL to another.

 Navigate back,forward
 Maximize,Minimize the browser etc…

3) Some
 Get Page Title ,
 Get Page Source(i.e HTML source) , Get Page URL , etc…

4) Some operations on EditBox

 Enter some value.
 Clear the value.
 Check enabled status (i.e whether the
 Check the existence.
 Get the value. etc….

5) Some operations on Link :-

 Click the link
 Check enabled status.
 Return link name.

6) Some operations on Image

Q) Element Locators in Selenium

In Selenium
Element locator value.

1) Locator :-
 It is an address that identifies a web element uniquely within the web page
2) Selenium supports 8 Element Locators to recognize Elements in the WebPage :-
 id,name
 tagName,className
 linkText,partialLinkText
 cssSelector
 xpath

3) How to inspect elements

 Firefox  Use Firebug and Firepath plugins.
 Google Chrome  No need to install any plugin , They have built in developer tools.

4) Element locators are common for all browsers.

Ex1) id

1) Syntax :-“id_value”);

Q) WebDriver methods (for performing operations on Elements)

1) driver.get(“URL”);
 Opens a specified URL in the Browser’s window.

2) String title = driver.getTitle()

 Returns title of the browser in the form of a String.

3) String var = driver.getPageSource();

 Returns the HTML page source of the provided URL.
 Returns in the fom of a String.

4) String var = driver.getCurrentUrl();

 Returns the current URL of the browser.
 Returns in the form of a String.

Q) Browser Navigation Methods.

1) driver.navigate().to(“URL”);
 To navigate to the page with the specified URL.

2) driver.close();
 To close the focussed browser.

Q) Illustration
 Launch a Browser  Open
 Wait for 10s ……Then close the browser

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException

// Starting the Google Chrome Browser
System.setProperty("","G://Selenium Files/Selenium
// Launch Google Chromew Browser with Blank Page
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
String url1 = driver.getCurrentUrl();


driver.close();// Closes the Browser


3) driver.quit();

3) driver.navigate().refresh()
 To refresh the Current webpage in the Browser

Q) Illustration
 Opens
 Refreshes that page
 Then Closes the browser
public static void main(String[] args)
// Starting the Google Chrome Browser
System.setProperty("","G://Selenium Files/Selenium

// Launch Google Chromew Browser with Blank Page

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
String url1 = driver.getCurrentUrl();


driver.close();// Closes the Browser


1) driver.findElement(By.ElementLocator(“value”)).sendKeys(“input_data“);
 sendKeys() method enters the inpue_data into the Editbox/Textbox
 input_data = String.
 Find the Editbox/Textbox using Element locators.
 Then the code becomes driver.element.sendKeys(“input_data”);
 Where element = Textbox / Editbox.
2) driver.findElement(By.ElementLocator(“value”)).clear();
 clear() method clears the data in the EditBox/Textbox
 Find the Editbox/Textbox using Element locators.
 Then the code becomes driver.element.sendKeys(“input_data”);
 Where element = Textbox / Editbox.

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