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B12 for vagus nerve malfunction © coisty1971 . 3yearsago . 30Replies Since taking daily sublingual B12 my lifelong inherited symptoms of heartburn, bloating, constipation have all disappeared and also my breathing, swallowing and anxiety issues have all but gone (doctor laughed when i mentioned this). | tried coming off b12 for 2 weeks and all my problems returned. | am now taking 2500mcg liquid b12 twice daily. I think all my symptoms are linked to the vagus nerve. My sister gets 3 monthly injections but her symptoms return before her next jab. | am ifab negative with first b12 level 164 and second 236, doctors are not treating me for b12 deficiency as my levels are ‘normal’ Ihave to sleep with 2 homemade sleeves to stop me wakening with numb hands (it works) and hoping that my nerves will someday repair. | have lots of other b12 related symptoms

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