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The graduating marketing students of Colegio De San Lorenzo (Congressional Ave., Quezon
City) is currently working on a feasibility study entitled “Papel de Avocado” wherein the
proponents aim to make paper out of the pit or seed of an avocado.
The study’s objective is to lessen down the chopping of trees. The proposed paper brand of
“Papel de Avocado” is favorable to the environment as it is an eco-friendly product that is
distinctive, unique, and a help in preserving the trees.
In this regard, the thesis proponents would like to humbly request your opinions concerning our
research on the possibility of turning the avocado pit into paper—in order for a great probability
of our study to be showcased and presented with a diverse set of viewpoints.
We appreciate your time and effort in assisting us with our thesis research.

Please select the option that best applies to you.


__ 18-25

__ Female

__Brgy. Pag-Asa
__Brgy. BahayToro(Proj.8)
__ Brgy. Baesa
__ Brgy, TandangSora


Very Frequently Occasionally Rarely Very Never
Frequently Rarely
1. How often do you
purchase and use

2. How often do you

use paper for
3. How likely do you
use paper for
writing, drawing,
painting, etc.?
4. To what extent do
you see a paper’s
essence in your
daily life?
5. How often do you
use paper as a
means for

Product Introduction:
Strongly Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
6. Would you
bond paper
made out of
avocado pit?

7. Do you think
that the
avocado pit
paper can
save trees
and the

8. What brand of bond paper do you usually buy?

__BEST BUY __PaperOne __ Orange __ Other
__HARDCOPY __ Double A __ Cactus (If other, please specify)

Part I. Demographic Profile

Age [ ] 15-20 years old Profession [ ] Athlete

[ ] 21-30 years old [ ] Students
[ ] 31-45 years old [ ] Blue collar job
[ ] 45 and up [ ] White collar job

Location [ City ] ___________________________ Gender [ ] Male

[ ] Female
[ Banrangay ] ______________________

Put a check (/) to the column that corresponds to your answers.

5-Always 4-Often 3-Sometimes 2-Rarely 1-Never

1.1 Usage of liniment 5 4 3 2

How often do you use anliniment in school or in
your workplace?
How often do you use it to relieve muscle pain?
How often do you use it to relieve headaches?
How often do you use it to remove dizziness?
How often do you use it in a day?

5-Always 4-Often 3-Sometimes 2-Rarely 1-Never

1.2 When do you use liniment 5 4 3 2 1

I use liniment soothe the back pain
I use liniment to treat headache
I use liniment relieve dizziness
I use liniment to clear nasal congestion
I use liniment soothe the neck pain

5-Very Aware 4-Aware 3-Moderately Aware 2-Slightly Aware 1-Not Aware

1.3 Benefits 5 4 3 2 1
How aware are you that serpetina can cure
muscle pain?
How aware are you that serpetina can be used in
making anliniment?
How aware are you that serpetina has an anti-
bacterial property?
How aware are you that serpetina has an anti-
inflammatory property?
How aware are you that serpetina is a natural

5-Extremely 4-Very 3-Moderately 2-slighly 1-Not at all

1.5 Interest 5 4 3 2 1
Are you into Herbal liniment
Are you into scented liniment?
If you already consumed your liniment, Are you
usually buy it immediately?
If anliniment made of Serpentina is produce, Are
you willing to test it?
If an liniment made of Serpentina is produce , Are
you going to buy the product

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