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Bioanalytical techniques for detecting

biomarkers of response to human asbestos

Asbestos exposure is known to cause lung cancer and mesothelioma and its health and Clementina Mesaros‡,1,2,3,
economic impacts have been well documented. The exceptionally long latency periods Andrew J Worth‡,1,2,3,,
of most asbestos-related diseases have hampered preventative and precautionary Nathaniel W Snyder2,4, Melpo
steps thus far. We aimed to summarize the state of knowledge on biomarkers of Christofidou-Solomidou1,2,5,
Anil Vachani1,2,5, Steven M
response to asbestos exposure. Asbestos is not present in human biological fluids;
Albelda1,2,5 & Ian A Blair*,1,2,3
rather it is inhaled and trapped in lung tissue. Biomarkers of response, which reflect 1
Penn SRP Center, Perelman School of
a change in biologic function in response to asbestos exposure, are analyzed. Several Medicine, University of Pennsylvania,
classes of molecules have been studied and evaluated for their potential utility as Philadelphia, PA 19104-6160, USA
biomarkers of asbestos exposure. These studies range from small molecule oxidative 2
Center of Excellence in Environmental
Toxicology, Perelman School of
stress biomarkers to proteins involved in immune responses.
Medicine,University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6160, USA
Asbestos background fibers for both MM and lung cancer [10] . 3
Department of Systems Pharmacology
Asbestos is a class of silicate materials with a Despite widespread knowledge of the hazards & Translational Therapeutics, Perelman
School of Medicine,University of
history of industrial uses due to its inert phys- of asbestos and bans on any use of asbestos
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
icochemical properties such as fire- and heat- in more than 50 countries, an estimated two PA 19104-6160, USA
resistance and tensile strength, which makes million tons of asbestos continue to be used 4
A.J. Drexel Autism Institute, Drexel
it an ideal material for many commonly used around the world each year. University, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
products in both the construction indus-
Department of Medicine, Perelman
School of Medicine, University of
try and the home [1] . There are two major Asbestos-related diseases
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
forms of asbestos: serpentine (chrysotile) It has been clearly established in multiple PA 19104-6160, USA
and amphibole (which includes crocido- models that asbestos fiber inhalation can *Author for correspondence:
lite amosite, tremolite, actinolite and antho- lead to neoplastic diseases such as MM and Tel.: +1 2155739885
phyllite)  [2–4] (Figure 1) . Though it was long lung cancer [7,8] , as well as pulmonary fibro- Fax: +1 2155739889
thought to pose no risk to human health, sis. MM is a highly heterogeneous and highly ‡
Authors contributed equally
asbestos is now known to cause a variety of aggressive cancer of serosal surfaces, such as
adverse health effects and has been classi- the pleura and the peritoneum [11] . The rela-
fied as a human carcinogen [5,6] . It has been tive 5-year survival rate for mesothelioma
clearly established in both animal models compared with age-matched controls is
and human studies that asbestos fiber inhala- between 5 and 10%. Current therapies, with
tion can lead to neoplastic diseases such as the exception of surgery in very early disease
malignant mesothelioma (MM) and states, are not curative [12] . The most recent
lung cancer [7,8] , as well as pulmonary fibrosis statistics on MM mortality show that there
(i.e., asbestosis). The toxic forms of chryso- were 2704 deaths in the USA in 2005 with
tile and crocidolite asbestos fibers are consid- little evidence that rates are declining [13] .
ered to be longer than 5 μm, with a thick- Although asbestos use has been restricted
ness between 250 nm and 1 μm, and with an in many western countries, it is still mined
aspect ratio ≥ 3:1 as determined by transmis- in Russia, China, Canada, Brazil, Kazakh-
sion electron microscopy [9,10] . Fibers that are stan and Zimbabwe [13,14] . It has been esti-
>10 μm in length and <250 nm in thickness mated approximately 125 million people
part of
are more potent than shorter and thicker are exposed to asbestos globally within their

10.4155/BIO.15.53 © IA Blair et al. Bioanalysis (2015) 7(9), 1157–1173 ISSN 1757-6180 1157
Review  Mesaros, Worth, Snyder et al.

Serpentine Amphiboles

Chrysotile Crocidolite Amosite Tremolite/ Anthophyllite

(white) (blue) (brown) actinolite


Figure 1. Classification of asbestos fibers.

Modified with permission from [4] © BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. (1990).

place of work, often in third world countries that do environmental contaminants. One of the most chal-
not have strictly regulated workplace safety controls. lenging factors to address with ARDs is the considerable
Thus, there will likely be an increase in MM cases in latency period between initial exposure (Figure 2)  [27]
the third world, and in developed countries due to and subsequent adverse health effects, as most clini-
occupational exposure (e.g. plumbers, pipefitters, insu- cal cases result from exposures decades (20–40 years)
lators, etc.) [15] . In addition, there are some nonoccu- beforehand. For this reason it is imperative that mark-
pational environmental exposures. For example, there ers of asbestos exposure be developed to facilitate detec-
is an increased risk of asbestos-related diseases tion of at-risk individuals prior to the onset of disease.
(ARDs) from old mining sites such as Libby Mon- Furthermore, individuals suspected of being exposed to
tana  [16,17] or where asbestos-related industries once asbestos would be able to confirm they are not likely
operated such as the BoRit site in Ambler, PA, USA [18] . to suffer from an ARD. Finally, a quantitative assay
Another major concern regarding environmental expo- capable of assessing asbestos exposure would facilitate
sures includes areas within Europe and Australia that confirmation of the beneficial impacts resulting from
have large numbers of buildings where asbestos was environmental remediation of asbestos sites.
used in construction materials and are thus likely to
result in ongoing exposures [19–26] . Pleural changes resulting from asbestos
The economic impact of asbestos is large and exposure
far reaching, from burdening health care systems Biologically significant asbestos exposure is associated
to extraordinary costs associated with removal of with the presence of pleural changes (especially pleural
plaques) visualized on chest x-ray (CXR), or more com-
Key terms
monly by computerized tomography (CT) scan [28,29] .
Serpentine asbestos: Curly class of fibers, chrysotile is the Pleural plaques are circumscribed areas of thickening
only member of the serpentine class. of parietal or diaphragmatic pleura composed of avas-
Amphibole asbestos: Needle-like class of fibers, where cular collagen connective tissue. Although they can
crocidolite, amosite, tremolite, anthophyllite and actinolite be seen occasionally after pleural infections or pleu-
are members of the amphibole class. Crocidolite, often ral hemorrhage, they are most commonly the result
known as blue asbestos, is considered to be one of the
most toxic forms of asbestos due to its high iron content. of prior asbestos exposure, generally appearing some
20–40 years after first exposure (that is, after a ‘latent’
Malignant mesothelioma: Rare form of cancer that
interval) and tend to calcify over time. Plaques tend
develops from cells of the mesothelium, the protective
lining that covers many of the internal organs of the to grow slowly over time, but they do not cause symp-
body. Mesothelioma is most commonly caused by toms. It has been estimated that approximately 5–15%
exposure to asbestos. The most common anatomical site of those with occupational exposure to asbestos will
for mesothelioma is the pleura (the outer lining of the
lungs and internal chest wall), but it can also arise in the
have noncalcified pleural plaques 20 years after this
peritoneum and the pericardium. exposure and about a third or more will have calcified
plaques after 30 years [28] . A recent study of over 5000
Asbestos-related diseases: Asbestos-related diseases
include: malignant mesothelioma, lung cancer, pleural
French asbestos-exposed workers that used more sensi-
plaques, asbestosis and diffuse pleural thickening. tive CT screening found a pleural plaque prevalence
of 20%. After adjustments for asbestos exposure and
Oxidative stress: Reflects an imbalance between the
formation of reactive oxygen species, reactive nitrogen latency time, patients with plaques had a significantly
species, or electrophilic reactive intermediates and a elevated risk of mesothelioma [30] . Studies evaluating
biological system’s ability to readily detoxify the reactive the association of pleural plaques and lung cancer risk
species and electrophilic intermediates. have also provided conflicting evidence [31] . This means

1158 Bioanalysis (2015) 7(9) future science group

Biomarkers of asbestos exposure Review

that there are significant limitations in using plaques as

biomarkers of asbestos exposure. Since plaques evolve 2000
All asbestos fibers

Asbestos fibres (ff/ml)

slowly over time and become large enough to see only Chrysotile fibers
1500 Amphiboles fibers
many years after initial exposures, their reported
prevalence increases with longer latency periods and
at older ages. Furthermore, only a small percentage of 1000
subjects with pleural plaques develop mesothelioma.
Thus, asbestos exposure history and imaging are use- 500
ful but are not sensitive or specific enough to accurately
identify those at greatest risk for developing malignant 0
disease or asbestosis. This means that there is a real 0–10 11–20 > 20
need for more specific and sensitive biomarkers of Time since last exposure (years)
asbestos exposure that could permit personalization of
risk assessment. Figure 2. Concentrations of asbestos fibers per milliliter
of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in the workplace-
exposed subjects. Data are subdivided on the basis of
Asbestos exposure & oxidative stress time spent between last exposure and bronchoscopy
The most highly cited studies of asbestos exposure (geometric mean).
have tended to focus on biomarkers of oxidative Reprinted with permission [27] © Oxford University
stress  [32,33] , which cannot distinguish asbestos Press (2007).
exposure from other causes of oxidative stress such as the pleural surface (Figure 4) [42] where they are engulfed
from cigarette smoking [34,35] or from diseases such as by tissue phagocytes, primarily macrophages. This pro-
atherosclerosis  [36] . However, there is substantial evi- cess stimulates intracellular ROS production and acti-
dence that oxidative stress is involved in the etiology vates the nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of
of ARDs such as pulmonary fibrosis [37] and mesothe- activated B cells (NF-κB) pathway, inducing the release
lioma  [38] . One factor driving MM carcinogenesis is of numerous cytokines (Figure 3). Recent studies suggest
the DNA damage caused by asbestos fibers. The DNA that asbestos also activates the nucleotide-binding oligo-
damage could potentially be caused directly through merization domain-like receptor family, pyrin domain
mechanical interference of asbestos fibers with chro- containing 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome thus promoting
mosome segregation during mitosis [39] . However, it the release of interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-18 [43] . Fur-
is now largely believed that DNA damage is in fact thermore, genetic studies indicate that polymorphisms
caused by the oxidation that arises through sustained in genes within the NRLP3 family can both predispose
inflammation and subsequent production of reactive and protect against fibrosis following asbestos exposure.
oxygen species (ROS) (Figure 3) [40] . Mice exposed to asbestos exhibit recruitment of acti-
Since only a small fraction of patients with signifi- vated macrophages to the mesothelium interacting with
cant asbestos exposure develop MM, the disease is now asbestos fibers. Macrophages are also thought to directly
thought to progress through a combination of both interact with and phagocytose asbestos. It is hypothe-
genetic and environmental factors. For example, the Sim- sized that macrophages and mesothelial cells exposed to
ian virus 40 T antigen has been detected in many meso- asbestos undergo frustrated phagocytosis of elongated
theliomas and has been implicated in the etiology of the fibers; this process is thought to cause chronic produc-
disease [41] . Furthermore, some studies have shown that tion of ROS and cytokines, which contribute to DNA
the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 4a (P16INK4a) damage and transformation of mesothelial cells [44] .
and ARF tumor suppressor (p14ARF) genes are fre- The Carbone group has also suggested that high lev-
quently inactivated in mesothelioma and approximately els of the high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) protein
50% of MM cases contain missense or nonsense muta- are secreted after asbestos exposure and during the pro-
tions in the neurofibromin type 2 gene. Mice lacking gression of MM. HMGB1 is a lysine-rich protein with
these genes are relatively normal but develop MM at an an acidic carboxy-terminal region containing multiple
accelerated rate when exposed to asbestos by intraperi- aspartate and glutamate residues [45] . During tissue
toneal injection. In addition, within the last few years, necrosis, such as the hepatic necrosis induced by high
germ line and sporadic mutations of the tumor suppres- doses of acetaminophen, many of the lysine residues
sor, breast cancer susceptibility (BRCA)-1 associated are acetylated, which facilitates secretion from tissues
protein-1 (BAP-1) gene, which expresses a deubiquiti- into the circulation [45] . A similar process after asbestos
nating enzyme, appear to predispose patients to DNA exposure would provide a useful biomarker (Table 1) .
damage after environmental stress [2] . Inhaled asbestos HMGB1 amplifies the inflammatory response in gen-
fibers work their way into the lung and ultimately reach eral (by chemotaxing neutrophils and mast cells [46]),

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Review  Mesaros, Worth, Snyder et al.

Serum biomarkers

Isoprostanes 180 nm IL-1β
Modified lipids IL-18 TNF-α


5 µm
Mesothelial cell membrane

Lipids ROS




8-oxo-dGuo NK-kB TNF-α

Figure 3. The effect of asbestos fibers on mesothelial cells.

but also serves as an important protumor cytokine that (BAL) fluid, such measurements are more suitable
enhances the growth, survival and invasiveness of the for a qualitative/categorical approach to exposure
mesothelial cells [3] . MM tumor samples are associated assessment than a quantitative one [65] . This means
with chronic inflammation including macrophage that it is necessary to analyze biomarkers of response
infiltration and inflammatory cytokine production. In to asbestos rather than directly measuring asbestos
addition to the cytokines discussed above, the activated exposure. Biomarkers of biological response can,
macrophages contribute to tumorigenesis by forming in principle, provide more direct insight into the
harmful ROS and reactive nitrogen species that can potential for adverse health effects than biomarkers
in turn induce further DNA damage. This can lead of exposure. Before being implemented in a clini-
to genomic instability; by increasing tissue prolifera- cal setting, response biomarkers must first be fully
tion, and inducing tissue remodeling and angiogenesis- characterized and validated in large sample sets.
promoting factors, as well as inducing extravasation of Candidate biomarkers often lack diagnostic utility
tumor cells from the microenvironment [47] . because of poor sensitivity (false negatives) and/or
inadequate specificity (false positives) derived from
Biomarkers of response to asbestos confounding exposures, nonspecific biomarkers or
exposure individual variability. To circumvent some of these
Biomarkers of exposure can be used to assess the issues, multiple biomarkers can be combined which
amount of a chemical that is present within the may result in a more complex but thorough analysis.
body  [64] . However, asbestos is not present in readily Additional issues may arise from variations in sample
accessible biological fluids; it is inhaled and trapped preparation and analytical methodology throughout
in lung tissue for long periods of time. Although the sample collection, processing and analysis. For this
asbestos fibers can appear in bronchoalveolar lavage reason robust and reproducible analytical techniques

1160 Bioanalysis (2015) 7(9) future science group

Biomarkers of asbestos exposure Review

are critical to ensuring proper validation and utiliza-

tion of a biomarker. Once fully validated and char-
acterized, biomarkers can serve a critical role in char-
acterizing levels of exposure, which would otherwise
be unknown.
The primary route of exposure to asbestos is
through inhalation. The fibers are able to travel deep
into the respiratory system and penetrate pleural cells
within the lining of the lung. This penetration can
lead to innate immune responses and subsequent oxi-
dative stress (Figure 3) . Disrupted cellular processes
can ultimately lead to the generation of fibrotic tissue
and in some cases cancer. These pathogenic responses
to asbestos exposure afford the use of resulting bio-
chemical characteristics as biomarkers of exposure.
For example, oxidative stress leads to modified lipids,
proteins and DNA. These biochemical changes can be 5 μl
confounded by smoking cigarettes, which is known
to induce oxidative stress, and these biomarkers are
higher in tobacco smokers than nonsmokers [35] . In Figure 4. Electron microscopy of an ashed lung
keeping with this concept, quantitative analysis of section after exposure to crocidolite and chrysotile.
The crocidolite fibers are at the upper left and the
documented markers of oxidative stress may be use- chrysotile fibers are at the lower right.
ful for characterizing asbestos exposure across human Reprinted with permission from [42] © BMJ Publishing
populations, but may lack specificity without includ- Group Ltd. (1972).
ing other variables. In addition, several factors involved
in immune response, cell proliferation and generation mediated hydrolysis of 8-oxo-dGuo-triphosphate in
of fibrotic tissue also hold promise as useful biomark- the trinucleotide pool followed by excretion in the
ers of asbestos exposure. The factors likely to impact urine  [35] . Three base excision repair enzymes, human
disease risk include common environmental variables MutY homolog (hMutY), hOGG and hOGG2 [72] , are
per se, functional polymorphisms in genes, [2,66] and involved in the repair of 8-oxo-dGuo-derived lesions in
differential expression of genes that interact with such DNA. However, the trinucleotide pool is considered to
variables [67,68] . be the major source of urinary 8-oxo-dGuo. The gold
Here we provide a review of biomarkers of response standard for quantification of urinary 8-oxo-dGuo [73]
(including small molecules and proteins) that result involves the use of stable isotope dilution LC–MS
from exposure of human populations to asbestos. An coupled with the addition of [13C]-dGuo to monitor
important point is that many studies have emphasized any artifactual formation.
the need for biomarkers of MM and other ARDs such There are several population studies that have exam-
as lung cancer and pleural plaques [69,70] . However, in ined levels of oxidative DNA base damage in workers
this review we have focused primarily on biomarkers exposed to asbestos with a large number of subjects and
of asbestos-exposed subgroups versus nonexposed indi- appropriate control groups (Table 1)  [48,49] . Unfortu-
viduals. Establishing biomarkers of response resulting nately, the LC-electrochemical detection (ED) meth-
from asbestos exposure will enable better classifica- odology employed in the studies was not of very high
tion of exposed populations, improving preventative quality because internal standards were not used and
measures, and help characterize previously unknown the assays were not validated by more specific LC–MS
biochemical impacts of asbestos exposure. methodology [35] . Nevertheless, the older study, which
examined levels of urinary 8-oxo-dGuo in asbestos
DNA-adduct biomarkers workers, found a significant increase when compared
Urinary 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2’-deoxyguanosine (8-oxo- with unexposed controls [48] . The more recent study,
dGuo), often incorrectly referred to as 8-hydroxy-2’-de- which was conducted in Japan [49] , analyzed urinary
oxyguansoine, is a widely used nonspecific biomarker 8-oxo-dGuo in construction workers who had been
of oxidative stress. During oxidative stress, ROS can exposed to low levels of asbestos. The asbestos exposed
cause oxidative damage to dGuo to form 8-oxo-dGuo group, which consisted of 48 construction workers
in DNA [71] and the trinucleotide pool. 8-oxo-dGuo with a history of suspected exposure to asbestos and
arises from human Mut T homolog 1 (hMTH1)- CXR evidence of irregular opacities or pleural plaques,

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Review  Mesaros, Worth, Snyder et al.

Table 1. Response biomarkers of asbestos exposure.

Asbestos biomarker Abbreviation Description Bioanalytical technique Ref.
7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-2’- 8-oxo-dGuo Oxidative stress DNA base adduct LC-ED [48,49]
deoxyguanosine (8-hydroxy-   biomarker arises in urine from hMTH1- Fluorometric OxyDNA kit [50–52]
2’-deoxyguanosine) mediated hydrolysis of 8-oxo-dGuo-
  triphosphate. Alternatively, isolated
from DNA or analyzed intact in the DNA
of formalin-fixed cells 
8-iso-isoprostane PGF2α 8-iso-PGF2α Oxidative stress lipid biomarker formed Stable isotope dilution [53]
by ROS-mediated oxidation of esterified LC–MS
arachidonic acid appears as the free
form in plasma, urine, an EBC after
hydrolysis of esterified lipids
Soluble mesothelin-related SMRP Mesothelin and SMRP are 40-kDa Mesomark ELISA kit [54]
peptide or soluble mesothelin-   glycoproteins from proteolytic cleavage
related protein of the 69-kDa mesothelin precursor
  protein - both are analyzed Sandwich ELISA with [55]
  monoclonal antibodies
Osteopontin None An integrin-binding protein involved ELISA kit [56]
in tumorigenesis, progression and
Fibulin-3 None Fibulin-3 is protein that belongs to ELISA kit [57]
a family of extracellular proteins
expressed in the basement membranes
of blood vessels
Fibronectin None Fibronectin is a glycoprotein involved in Immunochemical assay [58]
    the extracellular matrix structure that with laser nephelometer
plays a role in the generation of fibrotic detection
ELISA [59]

High mobility group box 1 HMGB1 HMGB1 is a chromatin protein. The ELISA kit [60]
unmodified protein has a nuclear
location - lysine hyperacetylation causes
translocation of HMGB1 into the cytosol
Interleukin 6 and interleukin 8 IL-6 and IL-8 Members of a large family of cytokines Solid phase ELISA [61,62]
that promote the development,
differentiation and activation of
lymphocytes and play an important role
in the immune response
Regulated on activation RANTES A chemokine also known as chemokine Magnetic bead multiplex [63]
normal T cell expressed (C–C motif) ligand 5 (CCL5) immunoassay
EBC: Exhaled breath condensate; SMRP: Soluble mesothelin-related peptide.

was compared with a control group of 41 unexposed the direct binding of a fluorescent probe to 8-oxogua-
healthy controls. This revealed that 8-oxo-dGuo levels nine moieties in DNA for formalin-fixed cells. Fluores-
in the asbestos exposed group were higher than those cence is then quantified using flow cytometry. It is also
in the control group, although the levels did not reach necessary to remove all transition metal ions in buffers
statistical significance. during formalin fixing in order to prevent additional
Additional studies have quantified 8-oxo-dGuo artifactual DNA oxidation [71] . As no such precautions
in the DNA of white blood cells (WBC) or circu- were used, the reported levels of 8-oxo-dGuo must be
lating lymphocytes using a commercially available treated with some caution. The studies showed that
fluorometric OxyDNA kit (Table 1) [50–52] . This method asbestos-exposed subjects had significantly elevated
for analyzing oxidative DNA damage is based upon 8-oxo-dGuo levels in WBCs and circulating lympho-

1162 Bioanalysis (2015) 7(9) future science group

Biomarkers of asbestos exposure Review

cytes from asbestos exposed populations compared in the DNA from WBCs of workers highly exposed
with unexposed controls [50–52] . was evaluated with 636 workers in the exposed group
Another study conducted in a Chinese popula- and 214 healthy unexposed individuals as the control
tion measured levels of 8-oxo-dGuo in the DNA of group. The asbestos-exposed workers had an average
peripheral blood leukocytes as a biomarker of asbes- exposure of around 19 years, so the levels of 8-oxo-
tos exposure in a population occupationally exposed dGuo were measured at steady state in hydrolyzed
primarily to chrysotile asbestos [74] . Leukocyte DNA DNA using LC-ED. The study used WBCs isolated
was extracted from 5 ml samples of peripheral blood from 9 ml of whole blood but again there was no con-
and 8-oxo-dGuo levels were measured by LC after trol for artifactual oxidation during DNA isolation
hydrolysis of the DNA. DNA isolation for the analysis and hydrolysis. The study reported 8-oxo-dGuo lev-
8-oxo-dGuo requires the use of chaotropic methods in els in asbestos-exposed workers that were significantly
order to prevent artifactual DNA oxidation [71] . It is increased (p < 0.001) compared with that in the con-
also necessary to remove all transition metal ions from trol group, with this significant difference identified in
hydrolysis buffers in order to prevent additional arti- all 3 years of the study. Asbestos-exposed individuals
factual DNA oxidation [71] . In this study, no attempt displayed a mean value of 2.61 ±0.91 8-oxo-dGuo/105
was made to prevent DNA oxidation during isolation dGuo (median 2.49; n = 496) in 1994–1995, 2.96
and hydrolysis. Furthermore, the statistical power was ±1.10 8-oxo-dGuo/105 dGuo (median 2.76; n = 437)
very limited with only 19 controls and ten asbestos- in 1995–1996 and 2.55 ±0.56 8-oxo-dGuo/105 dGuo
exposed workers group-matched for age and sex. The (median 2.53; n = 447) in 1996–1997 (Figure 5)  [75] .
geometric mean of 8-oxo-dGuo levels showed no sig- The mean levels in the control group were also
nificant difference between the control and asbestos extremely high at 1.52 ±0.39 8-oxo-dGuo/105 dGuo
exposed groups [74] . (median 1.51; n = 214) [75] , likely because there was
The largest studies to date were conducted in no inhibition of DNA oxidation during isolation and
Germany by Marczynski et al. using a longitudinal hydrolysis. The studies indicated that levels of oxida-
design with annual measurements over 3 consecutive tive stress were between 1.7- and 2.0-times the level
years  [75,76] . In these studies, the ability of inhaled of oxidative damage relative to that found in control
asbestos fibers to induce the formation of 8-oxo-dGuo samples in all 3 years of the study [75,76] ; however, the

8-oxo-dGuo/105 dGuo

Controls Asbestos-exposed workers

1994–97 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97

(n = 214) (n = 496) (n = 437) (n = 447)
median = 1.51 median = 2.49 median = 2.76 median = 2.53
mean ± SD = 1.52 ± 0.39 mean ± SD = 2.61 ± 0.91* mean ± SD = 2.96 ± 1.10* mean ± SD = 2.55 ± 0.56*

Figure 5. 8-oxo-dGuo levels in the white blood cell DNA of asbestos-exposed workers over a period of three
study years.
*p < 0.001, significantly different from nonasbestos-exposed controls.
Reprinted with permission from [75] © Elsevier (2000).

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Review  Mesaros, Worth, Snyder et al.

data must be treated with caution. Typical levels of mately ten-times higher. The study evaluated 92 for-
8-oxo-dGuo in cells where artifactual DNA oxidation mer asbestos workers with mean age 68.8 ±1.7 years
is prevented are at least two orders of magnitude lower and mean duration of asbestos exposure of 24.1 ±2.0
at 1.0 8-oxo-dGuo/107 dGuo [71] . Therefore, oxidative years. The control group had 46 subjects with mean
DNA damage could be higher in the WBCs of work- age 65.2 ±3.3 years. The mean level of 8-iso-PGF2α was
ers highly exposed to asbestos fibers but more rigorous higher in asbestos-exposed subjects (69.5 ±6.6 pg/ml;
assay methodology will be required for validation. If p = 0.0001) compared with the control group, where
these findings are confirmed it would indicate that pre- the concentration was 47.0 ±7.8 pg/ml. There was no
ventive and therapeutic approaches using antioxidants correlation with asbestos fiber exposure years. How-
might be useful. ever, the results support the hypothesis that oxidative
The most recent in vivo studies of 8-oxo-dGuo stress will lead to increased 8-iso-PGF2α in EBC, and
surveyed subjects occupationally exposed to asbestos there is a direct correlation between asbestos exposure
in Italy [50,51] . The first study included 119 asbestos- and oxidative stress. Therefore, the analysis of isoPs
exposed workers from the shipbuilding industry, in EBC is a promising noninvasive tool for assessing
and 54 aged matched controls unlikely to have been asbestos exposure but may also reveal any condition
exposed to asbestos based on their job history. The leading to oxidative stress. Thus, the measurements of
second study examined 94 asbestos-exposed subjects isoPs could be coupled with more specific biomarkers
and 54 controls. The studies quantified 8-oxo-dGuo of asbestos exposure. Strikingly, to date, there are no
in WBCs using the OxyDNA assay kit with no control other known small molecule biomarkers available to
of artifactual DNA oxidation [50,51] . Levels of WBC distinguish between asbestos-exposed individuals and
8-oxo-dGuo were significantly elevated in subjects healthy controls. This lack of studies highlights the
heavily exposed to asbestos but were identical with acute need for discovery of such biomarkers.
subjects with MM [50] . The area under the receiver
operating characteristic curves (AUC) of 0.775 showed Protein biomarkers
that WBC 8-oxo-dGuo levels poorly differentiated Mesothelin, which was first identified on mesothelial
asbestos-exposed subjects from healthy controls [50] . cells, is known to be overexpressed in several types of
cancer. The soluble form, which is known as soluble
Isoprostanes as biomarkers mesothelin-related protein or soluble mesothelin-
Arachidonic acid is a major fatty acyl component of the related peptide (SMRP), has emerged as a potential
lipidome that is present as the free fatty acid in plasma biomarker for the early detection of asbestos-induced
as well as esterified in sterol lipids and at the sn-2 posi- mesothelioma  [88,89] . Multiple enzyme-linked immu-
tion of glycerolipids and glycerophospholipids [77] . nosorbent assay (ELISA) kits have been developed to
IsoPs are oxidation products of arachidonic acid, which analyze serum SMRP including the Mesomark assay,
were originally discovered as artifacts present in stored which has been approved by the US FDA as a bio-
plasma samples [78] . Subsequently, we showed that they marker for mesothelioma (Table 1) [54] . A recent review
are also formed by ROS-mediated oxidation of esteri- reported a meta analysis of 30 publications to deter-
fied arachidonic acid, which appear in biofluids after mine the sensitivity and specificity of SMRP as a bio-
hydrolysis of esterified lipids [79] . 8-iso-isoprostane marker of mesothelioma [90] . Studies on occupational
PGF2α (8-iso-PGF2α also known as 8-epi-PGF2α and exposure to asbestos in the Czech Republic revealed
iPF2α-III) is the most widely analyzed isoP, with rela- distinguishing serum levels of SMRP in which exposed
tively few reports describing the detection of more than subjects with benign disease had higher levels than nor-
one isoP in a single LC–MS analysis [80] . Each class of mal subjects but lower levels than subjects with MM
isoP forms a specific product ion during LC–MS/MS as determined by CXRs [91] . An additional study from
analysis  [81] , making it possible to readily differentiate Australia used a sandwich ELISA with two monoclo-
the four isoP classes [80] . IsoPs have been rigorously nal antibodies (OV569 and 4H3) comparing a non-
validated as reliable biomarkers of oxidative stress in exposed control group of 28 controls with 40 asbestos
two multilaboratory collaborative studies [82,83] . exposed (Table 1) [55] . This study showed increased lev-
Very few studies have assessed isoP levels in asbes- els of SMRP in mesothelioma patients, but the small
tos exposed populations [53,84–87] . In one of the studies, sample size did not permit adequate statistical power.
8-iso-PGF2α was analyzed by stable isotope dilution There was no significant difference in the SMRP levels
LC–MS in exhaled breath condensate (EBC) from between asbestos exposed and controls.
healthy subjects who had been exposed to asbestos Similar ELISA-based studies utilizing plasma and
(Table 1)  [53] . The limit of quantification for this serum have shown elevation of SMRP levels in MM
method was 5 pg/ml and the mean levels were approxi- subgroups with no statistical significance between

1164 Bioanalysis (2015) 7(9) future science group

Biomarkers of asbestos exposure Review

exposed individuals and unexposed controls [51,92– Michigan, examined 69 asbestos-exposed subjects

94] . In contrast, analyses involving asbestos-exposed and 45 healthy controls. The level of osteopontin was
workers revealed no association between total expo- elevated in the asbestos group (30 ±3 ng/ml) com-
sure and serum SMRP levels [88,95] . Creaney et al. also pared with the unexposed group (20 ±4 ng/ml) but
reported steady serum concentrations of mesothelin was of borderline statistical significant (p = 0.06).
in asbestos-exposed individuals over a time span of 4 Creaney et al.  [56] examined an Australian cohort to
years, suggesting their findings were not a result of compare osteopontin levels in patients with different
sampling time in relation to exposure occurrence. In lung disorders, including ten healthy controls exposed
contrast to these reports, other studies found higher to asbestos and ten nonexposed. Their findings agreed
serum levels of SMRP in asbestos-exposed individu- with the Michigan study in that osteopontin was not
als than unexposed controls [96–98] . One of these significantly different in the asbestos exposed popula-
studies  [96] also examined the correlation between tion. Furthermore, even if serum and plasma levels
SMRP levels and frequency of micronuclei in blood. of osteopontin were highly correlated with asbestos
Measurement of micronuclei frequency in peripheral exposure  [107] , osteopontin can be hydrolyzed by
blood lymphocytes is extensively used to evaluate thrombin and so the results might not be a true reflec-
the presence of DNA damage in humans exposed tion of protein levels in the blood. A recent study con-
to genotoxic agents and for the prediction of cancer ducted in Turkey had 120 healthy controls and 123
risk. The micronuclei frequency test is easier to con- subjects exposed to asbestos [92] . This was the first
duct than the chromosomal aberration test. It uses study to examine a cohort of subjects exposed to nat-
fluorescent in situ hybridization with probes targeted urally occurring surface asbestos. The subjects lived
to the centromere region. A statistically significant within 10 km of ophiolitic areas, which are known
positive correlation of the SMRP levels with the fre- sources of naturally occurring asbestos. The study
quency of mononuclei in the mononucleated lym- measured levels of mesothelin as well as osteopontin
phocytes was observed. Additional evidence indicates and concluded that both proteins were related to the
serum SMRP levels may be useful for monitoring
the progression of diseases resulting from asbestos
exposure (Figure 6) [99] . Mean serum levels of SMRP
differed between the four groups that were exam- 4
ined with the mean level in healthy subjects being
SMRP (nmol/l)

lower than in subjects who were entitled to compen- 3

sation for their ARD (Figure 6) . The authors have
suggested that asbestos biomarkers could potentially 2
be used for monitoring disablement assessment in
ARDs  [99] . A potential issue with studies involving 1
SMRP quantification is the confounding effects of
sample storage, subject age, body mass index, glo-
Healthy exposed




merular filtration rate and smoking status within the

to asbestos


cohorts [89,100–101] .
Osteopontin is a glycoprotein that is overex-
pressed in lung cancer and several other types of can-
cer  [102] . It is an extracellular cell adhesion protein
that plays a key role in cytokine mediated immune Disablement (%)
response. High levels of osteopontin are correlated
with tumor progression and metastasis. In a rat Figure 6. Serum soluble mesothelin-related peptide
concentrations in asbestos-exposed and nonexposed
model, osteopontin was upregulated in asbestos- subjects. Categories from left to right: exposed to
induced tumors [103] . Compellingly, osteopontin asbestos but apparently healthy; with pleural plaques;
levels in plasma or serum were able to differentiate with ARDs (includes asbestosis, DPT and asbestosis/
between healthy subjects exposed to asbestos and DPT) but not eligible for compensation due to their 0%
mesothelioma patients [104] . Several human popula- disablement; and with compensated ARDs due to their
10–100% disablement. Horizontal scale bars denote
tion studies looked at serum levels of osteopontin in mean concentrations. There was a significant difference
asbestos-exposed subjects [56,92,95,104–106] . All studies between the groups (analysis of variance, p < 0.0001).
employed a commercially available ELISA kit, which ARD: Asbestos-related disease; DPT: Diffuse pleural
had a detection limit of 3 ng/ml (Table 1)  [56] . The thickening; SMRP: Soluble mesothelin-related peptide.
first population study [105] , which was conducted in Reproduced with permission from [99] © Elsevier (2012).

future science group 1165

Review  Mesaros, Worth, Snyder et al.

severity of the inflammation observed in individual showed a poor correlation of fibulin-3 levels in
subjects. The difference in the levels of osteopontin plasma and effusions from matched samples, bring-
was significant (p < 0.05) in controls versus asbestos- ing to light a question of the validity of blood-based
exposed individuals but was not useful to predict assays for fibulin-3 quantification. Additional studies
malignant transformations (Figure 7) . Another recent have shown that fibulin-3 was not able to distinguish
study  [95] analyzed mesothelin and osteopontin levels between patients with MM and asbestosis because
using ELISA kits in a very large number of asbestos- serum levels were elevated in both groups [109] . How-
exposed workers (n = 1894) together with a smaller ever, it has been suggested that fibulin-3 is a better
number of unexposed controls (n = 102). The levels of prognostic biomarker for MM than a diagnos-
osteopontin were not significantly different between tic biomarker, because plasma fibulin-3 levels better
the two groups. This study also found no correlation predicted survival in MM patients [110] . Additional
between osteopontin and mesothelin levels with the validation studies will be required to fully elucidate
duration of the asbestos exposure. the utility of fibulin-3 as a dependable biomarker of
Fibulins are a group of secreted glycoproteins that asbestos exposure in human populations.
act as connectors with components of the extracellular Fibronectin is a glycoprotein that is also involved in
matrix and thus play an important role in the devel- the extracellular matrix structure and therefore plays
opment of fibrotic tissue [108] . Fibulin-3 has recently an important role in the generation of fibrotic tis-
emerged as a potential plasma protein biomarker of sue. For this reason there has been interest in fibro-
asbestos exposure with the capability of distinguish- nectin as a potential biomarker of asbestos exposure.
ing between exposed and disease states within multi- Unfortunately, relatively few human studies have
ple cohorts using an ELISA kit (Table 1) [57] . Interest- been performed to assess the utility of fibronectin for
ingly, Pass et al. also found that in a parallel analysis this role. In vitro experiments utilizing lung fibro-
of matched samples fibulin-3 levels were lower in blasts have shown that expression of the fibronectin
serum than in plasma [57] . The authors suggest this gene increases in response to many of the cytokines
might be due to the presence of thrombin cleavage known to be released in response to asbestos fibers.
sites within fibulin-3, which has implications for Bégin  et al. reported increased fibronectin levels in
other serum-based assays exploring the potential of BAL fluid (as determined immunochemically with a
protein biomarkers. Furthermore, the same study laser nephelometer instrument) from sheep exposed

p < 0.001
p < 0.001
p < 0.001
Osteopontin (ng/ml)

20 p < 0.05

p < 0.05 p < 0.05

10 8318
6448 7137

Healthy subjects
Mesothelioma Pleural plaque Control group
exposed to asbestosis
n: 24 n: 279 n: 120
n: 123

Figure 7. The median and quartile serum osteopontin levels. Samples were from mesothelioma patients, pleural
plaque patients, healthy subjects exposed to asbestos and a control nonexposed group.
Reprinted with permission from [92] © Springer (2013).

1166 Bioanalysis (2015) 7(9) future science group

Biomarkers of asbestos exposure Review

to asbestos fibers [58] . This same study found that Key term

humans exposed to asbestos who were suffering from
ARDs also had elevated BAL fluid levels of fibronectin. Prognostic biomarker: Indicator of the likely course of a
disease in an untreated individual.
Schwartz et al. performed a similar study involving 93
men who had been occupationally exposed to asbestos of damaged cells that may go through a malignant
and found increased BAL fluid levels of fibronectin (as transformation  [116] . Although numerous cell-cul-
determined by ELISA) in patients with restricted lung ture-based studies have confirmed the importance of
function (Table 1)  [59] . A similar finding was reported TNFα in responding to asbestos fibers, it remains to
the following year by the same group with a different be seen if TNFα levels hold promise as a marker of
study population [111] . asbestos exposure in human studies.
The HMGB1 protein has a known regulatory role The large family of cytokines, the ILs, promote the
in inflammatory immune responses and has received development, differentiation and activation of lym-
attention as a potential novel therapeutic target in phocytes and therefore play an important role in the
MM  [112] . Normally located in the nucleus, HMGB1 immune response. As such, levels of several ILs have
is acetylated and translocates during cell necrosis due been assessed as biomarkers of asbestos exposure.
to asbestos fibers into the cytosol and extracellular In particular, increased IL-6 and IL-8 production
space, where it binds to and activates proinflamma- is associated with activation of the NRLP3 inflam-
tory mediators. Specifically, activation of the NF-κB masome in response to asbestos fibers [117] . Workers
signaling pathway and release of tumor necrosis fac- occupationally exposed to asbestos have increased
tor-alpha (TNFα) are downstream consequences of serum levels of IL-6 and IL-8 when compared con-
HMGB1 activity. Given the role it plays in inflamma- trols in two studies using a solid phase ELISA test
tory processes, HMGB1 may hold promise as a bio- (Table 1)  [61,62] . In each of these studies, workers
marker of cell transformative processes and thus hold who were occupationally exposed to asbestos fibers
utility as an indicator of asbestos exposure. Genetic within factories were compared with unexposed con-
profiling of mesothelial cells exposed to asbestos trols. Interestingly, each study employed two sets of
has shown upregulation of many genes targeted by controls both within each factory and within each
HMGB1 [112] . Furthermore, exposing mice to asbes- town containing the factory. In all cases serum levels
tos increased serum levels of HMGB1, although of IL-6 and IL-8 were significantly elevated in the
they were only maintained as long as the exposure asbestos exposed group over both sets of controls.
continued  [112] . One possible explanation for this In agreement with this finding, other work found
finding is that the mice were exposed to asbestos by serum levels of IL-6 to track with asbestos exposure
intraperitoneal injection, whereas most human expo- in a cohort of workers differentially exposed to asbes-
sure are through inhalation, suggesting the route of tos  [50] . This particular study involved 119 subjects
exposure may have influences on the long-term bio- with a history of occupational exposure to asbestos
chemical impacts of asbestos fibers. One study found that were compared with 54 age-matched controls.
elevated serum levels of HMGB1, using an ELISA For IL-6 serum quantification the exposed popula-
kit, in asbestos-exposed individuals compared with tion was divided into three groups based on cumula-
both smoking and nonsmoking controls (Table 1) [60] , tive asbestos exposure. The highest exposure group
indicating serum HMGB1 could be exploited for was found to have statistically increased levels of IL-6
assessing asbestos exposure in human populations. In while there was no statistical significance between
agreement with this finding, serum levels of HMGB1 the other two groups. In contrast to this finding, one
have also been reported to be elevated in MM patients comparison of healthy controls to exposed individu-
using an HMBG1 ELISA kit [113–115] . als with asbestosis found no difference in serum IL-8
TNFα can be produced by many different cell levels  [109] . It is noteworthy that IL polymorphisms
types and is heavily involved in the regulation of do not associate with risk factors for diseases resulting
immune cells. Generated through an NF-κB depen- from asbestos exposure [118] .
dent pathway, TNFα is likely to increase in response The chemokine, regulated on activation normal T
to oxidative insults (Figure 3) . Typically upregulated cell expressed and secreted (RANTES), also known
after phagocytosis of fibers by macrophages, genera- as chemokine (C–C motif ) ligand 5 (CCL5) has
tion of TNFα may induce further binding of parti- recently emerged as a potential biomarker of asbestos
cles, thus exacerbating the effects of asbestos expo- exposure. By studying Italian workers with a mean
sure. It has also been proposed that TNFα plays an of 25 years of asbestos exposure one group found a
important anticytotoxic role for human mesothelial significant elevation in serum levels of RANTES
cells and therefore results in a higher abundance as determined by a magnetic bead multiplex

future science group 1167

Review  Mesaros, Worth, Snyder et al.

immunoassay (Table 1)  [63] . Importantly, RANTES sure involves the implementation of untargeted serum
levels were also able to distinguish between asbestos- metabolomics using ultraperformance LC coupled with
exposed and MM subgroups. However, it remains high-resolution MS [119] . This could potentially lead to
to be seen whether this biomarker will continue to the discovery of a comprehensive panel of metabolomic
be valid in studies involving larger sample sizes and biomarkers of response that would be capable of iden-
different ARDs. tifying individuals exposed to asbestos. The biomarker
Currently available biomarkers of response to asbes- panel would also be useful for monitoring populations
tos exposure represent a good starting point for devel- to ensure environmental sources of asbestos exposure
oping a specific and sensitive biomarker panel. The have been adequately remediated. Stable isotope dilu-
availability of such a panel would make it possible to tion LC–high-resolution MS could also be employed [73]
identify individuals who have been exposed to asbestos to distinguish the multiple SMRPs that are present in
and to distinguish them from subjects who are at risk serum (Table 1) as well as for defining the role of lysine
for progression to mesothelioma. Availability of such a acetylation in the secretion HMBG1 protein (Table 1) .
panel would have a significant impact on the health of The resulting assays could potentially improve specific-
asbestos-exposed individuals by providing early warn- ity in assessing biological responses to asbestos exposure
ing for monitoring the potential occurrence of ARDs. as well as improving the early detection of mesotheli-
It would also provide significant evidence to regulatory oma. Finally, untargeted serum protein profiling, using
authorities such as the US FDA that their remediation either Slow Off-rate Modified Aptamers as employed
efforts have been successful, particularly when indi- for mesothelioma biomarker discovery [120] or LC–MS-
vidual monitoring can be conducted on a regular basis. based proteomics methodology as we described recently
for biomarkers of preterm birth [121] , could be employed
Conclusion & future perspective to discover additional protein biomarkers of asbestos
The detrimental health effects resulting from asbestos exposure. Linking more specific response biomarkers
exposure are not likely to subside in the near future. with existing radiographic markers could have a signifi-
Despite being banned in the USA, asbestos is still being cant impact on our ability to diagnose and treat ARDs.
used in other parts of the world with much less strin-
gent controls on possible exposure of the workers [13] . Financial & competing interests disclosure
In addition, the often decades-long latency periods of This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grants
ARDs means that they will continue to manifest in the P42ES023720, P30ES013508 and T32ES019851. C Mesaros is
USA for years to come [7] . As such, a reliable biomarker a Senior Research Investigator in Systems Pharmacology and
panel capable of assessing levels of asbestos exposure Translational Therapeutics, A Worth is a Graduate Student in
would provide a useful clinical tool in screening, diag- Pharmacology, M Christofidou-Solomidou is a Research Asso-
nosis, prevention, and alleviating concerns about possi- ciate Professor of Medicine, A Vachani is an Assistant Professor
ble exposure and ensuring effective removal of asbestos of Medicine, SA Albelda is the William Maul Measey Professor
from the environment. The majority of response bio- of Medicine, IA Blair is the A N Richards Professor of Systems
marker studies thus far have focused on small molecule Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics and Director of
biomarkers of oxidative stress, signaling factors for cell- the Penn SRP Center. They are all employees of the University
mediated and humoral immune responses, and growth of Pennsylvania. N Snyder is an Assistant Professor in the A J
factors generated in response to inhalation of asbestos Drexel Autism Institute at Drexel University. Studies described
fibers. These studies have shed light on important fac- in the article were not influenced by the authors’ current ap-
tors involved with the pathogenesis of diseases resulting pointments, although research in many of the areas is currently
from asbestos exposure as well as guided future efforts on-going. The authors have no other relevant affiliations or
for developing an effective biomarker panel for asbestos financial involvement with any organization or entity with a
exposure. However, considering the lack of specificity financial interest in or financial conflict with the subject mat-
for many of the biomarkers, it is likely that assessment ter or materials discussed in the manuscript apart from those
of new classes of compounds in response to asbestos disclosed.
exposure will result in a synergistic effect on biomarker No writing assistance was utilized in the production of this
performance. manuscript.
LC–MS-based methodology coupled with careful
exclusion of artifact formation [35,71,80] could provide Open Access
more definitive information on the role of oxidative This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribu-
DNA and lipid damage in response to asbestos expo- tion-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy
sure. One approach that could be applied to discovery of this license, visit
of biomarkers of response resulting from asbestos expo- nc-nd/3.0/

1168 Bioanalysis (2015) 7(9) future science group

Biomarkers of asbestos exposure Review

Executive summary
• Asbestos exposure is now known to cause lung cancer and mesothelioma.
• Despite being banned in the US, asbestos is still used industrially in other parts of the world.
• The detrimental health impacts resulting from asbestos exposure are not likely to subside in the near future.
• The often decades-long latency periods of ARDs means health impacts will result for years to come.
• A validated biomarker panel capable of assessing levels of asbestos exposure would provide a great service in
preventative care.
• Asbestos is not present in human biological fluids; this means that it is necessary to analyze biomarkers of
effect, which reflect a change in biologic function in response to asbestos exposure.
• Current biomarkers of effect, which include small molecule markers of oxidative stress and proteins involved
in immune responses, are not specific for asbestos exposure
• A validated panel of biomarkers of effect of asbestos exposure would alleviate concerns about exposure as
well as identify subjects at risk for asbestos-related disease.

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chrysotile asbestos can cause transformation of human

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