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Conducting 2

Topic: Beginning rehearsal strategies

Dr. Elizabeth Swanson

Rehearse = RE-HEAR

Produce → Practice → Perform

Begin with a confidence builder

Sing through a new song completely

Work through a piece from a structural approach

Rehearse only the passages that need it

Rehearse transitions: practice moving into difficult passages – aka “seam” or “lead-ins”

Insist on accuracy

Rehearse Efficiently – anticipate problems

Employ special techniques for learning difficult music (Ex. sit/ stand in section circles to reinforce group
strength and sight-reading, accuracy, tone quality, phrasing, and individual strengths)

Sing musically on natural syllables

Slow tempo; then increase

Use count-singing” to solidify rhythmic togetherness and phrasing

Use solfege as a problem-solver

Speak or clap difficult rhythms

Have the entire chorus sing one part

Have sections help each other… this maintains the strength of the composition. Ex., if a composer writes
several measures for altos only, ask sopranos and altos to sing.

Have higher sections demonstrate for lower; vice versa

List attributed to the teachings of

Julius Herford, Robert Shaw, Donald Neuen

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