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Ontario PCs to eliminate free tuition for low-income students

1. What is the article about?

This article is about how Doug Ford is eliminating free tuition for low-income students.
Previously when they made it possible for low-income students to attend college or university
free of cost. But they began to realize that the cost of the courses was rising up in price and they
figured that they needed to make back the money in some other way, rather than increasing the
prices of courses. Instead of families earning $175,000 to qualify for some funding, they’ve
reduced it to $140,000. But those with low-income will only receive most of their money as a
loan, even though it will still cover almost most of the tuition.

2. Why is this important?

This is important since a lot of people with low-income will not be happy with this new change.
This according to many is not right because this throws away the chance of students that have
high potential to not attend school because of the prices that the families cannot afford. Many
low-income students will be offended by this because they’ll believe that Universities and
Colleges think that they’re not good enough and that they’re better options (especially those
who come from money). Although, this has been an argument from the other side for quite a
while. The other side of the story believe that they’ve worked hard enough to pay for their child
to get into the school and there are those who can get in for almost free of charge. Those
people have felt that their labour hasn’t payed off.

3. How does it relate to civics?

This relates to civics since this will affect a lot of university and college students, as well as their
families. Canada is among at least the top 30 for wealthiest countries in the world, but also a
free county that accepts a lot of immigrants into their country, so this really becomes a battle
between both sides. I believe that majority of the low-income students come from immigrated
families and that they might feel that they’ve been treated unfairly, while those who have
worked hard to get their child a good school will feel that justice has been served. In my opinion,
I feel that the low-income families will really be affected by this and more so than the wealthier
families. I believe this because this might completely blow their shot at going to school, while
high-income families could have always payed for their child to get into the school. This will
lower the competitivity to making it into a school but increase level of feud that we are in.

By: Zachary Martella

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