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From molecular
to modular cell biology
Leland H. Hartwell, John J. Hopfield, Stanislas Leibler and Andrew W. Murray

Cellular functions, such as signal transmission, are carried out by ‘modules’

made up of many species of interacting molecules. Understanding how
modules work has depended on combining phenomenological analysis with
molecular studies. General principles that govern the structure and
behaviour of modules may be discovered with help from synthetic sciences
such as engineering and computer science, from stronger interactions
between experiment and theory in cell biology, and from an appreciation of
evolutionary constraints.
lthough living systems obey the laws of many components. For example, in the Having described such concepts, we need to

A physics and chemistry, the notion of

function or purpose differentiates biol-
ogy from other natural sciences. Organisms
signal transduction system in yeast that
converts the detection of a pheromone into
the act of mating, there is no single protein
explain how they arise from interactions
among components in the cell.
We argue here for the recognition of
exist to reproduce, whereas, outside religious responsible for amplifying the input signal functional ‘modules’ as a critical level of bio-
belief, rocks and stars have no purpose. provided by the pheromone molecule. logical organization. Modules are composed
Selection for function has produced the liv- To describe biological functions, we need of many types of molecule. They have dis-
ing cell, with a unique set of properties that a vocabulary that contains concepts such as crete functions that arise from interactions
distinguish it from inanimate systems of amplification, adaptation, robustness, insu- among their components (proteins, DNA,
interacting molecules. Cells exist far from lation, error correction and coincidence RNA and small molecules), but these func-
thermal equilibrium by harvesting energy detection. For example, to decipher how the tions cannot easily be predicted by studying
from their environment. They are composed binding of a few molecules of an attractant to the properties of the isolated components.
of thousands of different types of molecule. receptors on the surface of a bacterium can We believe that general ‘design principles’ —
They contain information for their survival make the bacterium move towards the profoundly shaped by the constraints of evo-
and reproduction, in the form of their DNA. attractant (chemotaxis) will require under- lution — govern the structure and function
Their interactions with the environment standing how cells robustly detect and of modules. Finally, the notion of function
depend in a byzantine fashion on this infor- amplify signals in a noisy environment. and functional properties separates biology
mation, and the information and the
machinery that interprets it are replicated by
reproducing the cell. How do these proper- Box 1 Phenomenological analysis of action
ties emerge from the interactions between
the molecules that make up cells and how are potentials in nerve cells
they shaped by evolutionary competition
with other cells? Action potentials are large, brief, highly nonlinear
Much of twentieth-century biology has pulses of cell electrical potential which are central to 80
–V (mV)

been an attempt to reduce biological communication between nerve cells. Hodgkin and 60
phenomena to the behaviour of molecules. Huxley’s analysis of action potentials29 exemplifies
This approach is particularly clear in genet- understanding through in silico reconstruction. They 0
ics, which began as an investigation into the studied the dynamical behaviour of the voltage- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
inheritance of variation, such as differences dependent conductivity of a nerve cell membrane
in the colour of pea seeds and fly eyes. From for Na+ and K+ ions, and described this behaviour in 80
–V (mV)

these studies, geneticists inferred the exis- a set of empirically based equations. At the time, 60
tence of genes and many of their properties, there was no information available about the 40
such as their linear arrangement along the channel proteins in nerve cell membranes that are 0
length of a chromosome. Further analysis led now known to cause these dynamical conductivities. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
to the principles that each gene controls the From (conceptually) simple experiments on these
synthesis of one protein, that DNA contains individual conductivities, Hodgkin and Huxley Modelling action potentials. The upper
genetic information, and that the genetic produced simulations that quantitatively described trace shows three membrane action
code links the sequence of DNA to the the dynamics of action potentials, showed that the potentials, responding to different strengths
structure of proteins. action potentials would propagate along an axon of stimulus, calculated by Hodgkin and
Despite the enormous success of this with constant velocity, and correctly described how Huxley, while the lower trace shows a
approach, a discrete biological function can the velocity should change with axon radius and corresponding series of experimental
only rarely be attributed to an individual other parameters. Just as explanations of recordings. (Adapted from ref. 29.)
molecule, in the sense that the main purpose hydrodynamic phenomena do not require knowledge
of haemoglobin is to transport gas molecules of the quantum chemistry of water, those who are interested in the behaviour of neural circuits need not
in the bloodstream. In contrast, most biolog- know how the particular channel proteins give rise to the Hodgkin–Huxley equations.
ical functions arise from interactions among
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Box 2 A decision-making module in bacteriophage lambda

The bacterial virus lambda can exist in two states lysogeny defined genes whose products formed part

inside a bacterial cell. In the lytic state, the virus of the switch and sites on the DNA at which these
replicates, producing about 100 progeny virus products bound. Sophisticated analysis of the
particles, and releases them by inducing lysis of the interactions between the mutants led to proposals
host cell. In the lysogenic state, the viral DNA is about the circuitry of the switch, and specific
integrated into the bacterial chromosome and the proposals for which DNA sites bound which
production of a single viral protein, the repressor, regulatory proteins. These proposals were verified
inhibits expression of the other viral genes. The by molecular analyses that showed that the
physiology of the host cell and other factors regulate repressor bound to DNA32 and produced a very
the probability that an infecting lambda virus will detailed description of the biochemical interactions
become a lysogen, instead of replicating and among repressor, other DNA-binding proteins and
inducing lysis30. DNA. Key predictions of models of the switch were
Elegant phenomenological experiments inferred verified by reconstructing it in genetically
the existence of bacteriophages and the existence engineered bacteria33, and by simulating its
False-colour transmission electron micrograph of lytic and lysogenic states31 well before the viruses behaviour using computer models derived from
of lambda bacteriophages (213,500). could be seen as physical particles. The isolation of tools used to simulate the behaviour of electrical
mutants that biased the switch between lysis and circuits34.

from other natural sciences and links it to reconstruct from purified components and, nervous system — integrating information
synthetic disciplines such as computer for these, other methods have established the and resolving conflicts?
science and engineering. validity of the module. One method is to Complete understanding of a biological
transplant the module into a different type of module has depended on the ability of phe-
Is cell biology modular? cell. For example, the action potentials char- nomenological and molecular analyses to
A functional module is, by definition, a dis- acteristic of nerve and muscle cells have been constrain each other (see Box 2). Phenome-
crete entity whose function is separable from reconstituted by transplanting ion channels nological models have fewer variables than
those of other modules. This separation and pumps from such cells into non- molecular descriptions, making them easier
depends on chemical isolation, which can excitable cells4. Another approach is to create to constrain with experimental data, where-
originate from spatial localization or from theoretical models of the system and verify as identifying the molecules involved makes
chemical specificity. A ribosome, the mod- that their predictions match reality. This it possible to perturb and analyse modules in
ule that synthesizes proteins, concentrates approach was used to describe the genera- much greater detail. Thus, the demonstra-
the reactions involved in making a polypep- tion of action potentials long before a molec- tion that genetic information for virulence
tide into a single particle, thus spatially ular description of membrane channels could be transferred between bacteria
isolating its function. A signal transduction existed (see Box 1). This was the first example prompted the identification of the informa-
system, on the other hand, such as those that of ‘in silico reconstitution’, which will have an tion-carrying molecule as DNA, before the
govern chemotaxis in bacteria or mating in increasingly important role in cell biology. molecular processes involved in virulence
yeast1–3, is an extended module that achieves Functional modules need not be rigid, and the structure of DNA were understood.
its isolation through the specificity of the fixed structures; a given component may The discovery that genetic information
initial binding of the chemical signal (for belong to different modules at different resided in the DNA encouraged structural
example, chemoattractant or pheromone) times. The function of a module can be studies, which then suggested how DNA
to receptor proteins, and of the interactions quantitatively regulated, or switched encodes information and transmits it from
between signalling proteins within the cell. between qualitatively different functions, by generation to generation.
Modules can be insulated from or connected chemical signals from other modules. High- Modular structures may facilitate evolu-
to each other. Insulation allows the cell to er-level functions can be built by connecting tionary change. Embedding particular
carry out many diverse reactions without modules together. For example, the super- functions in discrete modules allows the
cross-talk that would harm the cell, whereas module whose function is the accurate dis- core function of a module to be robust to
connectivity allows one function to influ- tribution of chromosomes to daughter cells change, but allows for changes in the proper-
ence another. The higher-level properties of at mitosis contains modules that assemble ties and functions of a cell (its phenotype) by
cells, such as their ability to integrate infor- the mitotic spindle, a module that monitors altering the connections between different
mation from multiple sources, will be chromosome alignment on the spindle, and modules. If the function of a protein were to
described by the pattern of connections a cell-cycle oscillator that regulates transi- directly affect all properties of the cell, it
among their functional modules. tions between interphase and mitosis. would be hard to change that protein,
The notion of a module is useful only if it One must also ask how a cell integrates because an improvement in one function
involves a small fraction of the cell compo- information and instructions that come would probably be offset by impairments in
nents in accomplishing a relatively from the many different modules that moni- others. But if the function of a protein is
autonomous function. Are modules real? tor its internal and external environment. restricted to one module, and the connec-
Several lines of evidence suggest that they Neurobiology has an analogous problem, tions of that module to other modules are
are. Some modules, such as those for protein where the central nervous system integrates through individual proteins, it will be much
synthesis, DNA replication, glycolysis, and information from different senses and dic- easier to modify, make and prune connec-
even parts of the mitotic spindle (the cellular tates the organism’s behaviour. Does cellular tions to other modules. This idea is support-
machinery that ensures the correct distribu- integration merely emerge from a web of ed by the analogous observation that
tion of chromosomes at cell division), have pairwise connections between different sen- proteins that interact with many other
been successfully reconstituted in vitro. sory modules, or are there specific modules proteins, such as histones, actin and tubulin,
Others are intrinsically more difficult to that act as a cellular equivalent of the central have changed very little during evolution,
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and by theoretical arguments that proteins
are difficult to evolve once they are partici- Box 3 From atoms to modules in computers
pating in many different interactions5.
Understanding the relatedness of mod- Building a computer in the 1950s relied on understanding barium oxide, the material of choice for emitting
ules is useful because knowledge about one electrons from the cathodes of vacuum tubes. A vacuum-tube module could then be designed whose
member of a class can inform the study of the function was the amplification of a signal, but whose functional description had no reference to barium oxide.
others. Relatedness by descent is often These amplifiers were assembled into logical circuits, whose logical operation could be described without
apparent from the homology of chemical reference to vacuum tubes. The connecting wires in these logical circuits had insulation of many colours so
components. For instance, the mitogen- that the circuits could be accurately hand-manufactured. Mathematical programs were then designed on the
activated protein kinase cascades that occur basis of these logic circuits. In the computer of today, there is no barium oxide or coloured wires. Instead, the
in many intracellular signalling pathways properties of silicon and silicon dioxide are of primary importance in designing an amplifier, and the transistor
define a common functional class of signal replaces the vacuum tube. Both old and new computers have logic circuits based on the same elementary
transduction modules. Modules may also be principles, but arranged rather differently as computers have become more sophisticated. Yet all this is
related by shared design or functional unimportant to most users, whose computer program runs on either machine. At one level, barium oxide and
principles, even if they are not related by coloured wires were the soul of the old machine, while at another level, they are irrelevant to understanding
descent. The pheromone-detection system the essence of how a computer functions.
of budding yeast and the chemotactic
machinery of bacteria use unrelated compo-


nents, but both pathways achieve a sensitive
response over a wide range of pheromone or
chemoattractant concentrations by using
reactions that specifically turn off active
forms of the signalling receptors6–8.

Lessons from other sciences

We have argued that most functional proper-
ties of a module are collective properties,
arising from the properties of the underlying
components and their interactions. Collec-
tive properties have long been studied in sta-
tistical physics and share attributes that rise
above the details9. For example, the melting
of the surface of a solid can be induced in dif-
ferent ways: by changing the pressure or tem-
perature or by adding impurities. Similarly,
different organisms induce the transition An early stored-program computer (left), built around 1950, used vacuum tubes in logic circuits,
between different patterns of microtubule whereas modern computers use transistors and silicon wafers (right), but both are based on the
organization that occurs during cell division same principles.
by changing different members of the set of
kinetic parameters that govern microtubule
polymerization10,11. The concept of phase (or
state) transitions from physics may help that a cell receives from its environment can another on the basis of a set of rules. How
unify different observations and experi- influence which genes it expresses — and might the lessons learned here apply to biol-
ments. Moreover, many molecular details thus which proteins it contains at any given ogy? Evolution selects those members of a
are simply not needed to describe phenom- time — or even the rate of mutation of its genetically diverse population whose
ena on the desired functional level. DNA13, which could lead to changes in the descendants proliferate rapidly and survive
Biological systems are very different from molecular structures of the proteins. This is over many generations. One way of ensuring
the physical or chemical systems analysed by in contrast to physical systems where, typical- long-term survival is to use information
statistical mechanics or hydrodynamics. ly, macroscopic perturbations or higher-level about the current environment to predict
Statistical mechanics typically deals with structures do not modify the structure of the possible future environments and generate
systems containing many copies of a few molecular components. For example, the responses that maximize the chance of
interacting components, whereas cells con- existence of vortices in a fluid, although survival and reproduction. This process
tain from millions to a few copies of each of determined by the dynamics of molecules, is a computation, in which the inputs are
thousands of different components, each does not usually change the nature of the con- environmental measurements, the outputs
with very specific interactions. In addition, stituents and their molecular interactions. are signals that modulate behaviour, and the
the components of physical systems are often More importantly, what really distin- rules generate the outputs from the environ-
simple entities, whereas in biology each of guishes biology from physics are survival mental inputs. For example, signals from the
the components is often a microscopic and reproduction, and the concomitant environment entrain circadian biological
device in itself, able to transduce energy and notion of function. Therefore, in our opin- clocks to produce responses to predicted
work far from equilibrium12. As a result, the ion, the most effective language to describe fluctuations in light intensity and tempera-
microscopic description of the biological functional modules and their interactions ture. Indeed, the history of life can be
system is inevitably more lengthy than that of will be derived from the synthetic sciences, described as the evolution of systems that
a physical system, and must remain so, unless such as computer science or engineering, in manipulate one set of symbols representing
one moves to a higher level of analysis. which function appears naturally. inputs into another set of symbols that repre-
Information flows bidirectionally The essence of computational science is sent outputs14.
between different levels of biological organi- the capacity to engineer circuits that trans- Just as electrical engineers design circuits
zation. For instance, the macroscopic signals form information from one form into to perform specific functions, modules have
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evolved to perform biological functions. The in order to activate an output. Amplifiers are In both biological and man-made systems,
properties of a module’s components and built to minimize noise relative to signal, for reducing the frequency of failure often
molecular connections between them are instance by choosing appropriate time requires an enormous increase in the com-
analogous to the circuit diagram of an elec- constants for the circuits. Parallel circuits plexity of circuits. Reducing the frequency at
trical device. As biologists we often try to (fail-safe systems) allow an electronic device which individual cells give rise to cancer to
deduce the circuitry of modules by listing to survive failures in one of the circuits. about 10–15 has required human cells to
their component parts and determining how Designs such as these are common in evolve multiple systems for preventing
changing the input of the module affects its biology. For example, one set of positive mutations that could generate cancer cells,
output15. This reverse engineering is feedback loops drives cells rapidly into mito- and for killing cells that have an increased
extremely difficult. Although an electrical sis, and another makes the exit from mitosis a tendency to proliferate.
engineer could design many different rapid and irreversible event16. Negative feed- Biological systems can both resist and
circuits that would amplify signals, he would back in bacterial chemotaxis allows the sen- exploit random fluctuations, or noise. Thus,
find it difficult to deduce the circuit diagram sory system to detect subtle variations in an evolutionary adaptation depends on DNA
of an unknown amplifier by correlating its input signal whose absolute size can vary by being mutable, but because most mutations
outputs with its inputs. It is thus unlikely that several orders of magnitude17. Coincidence are neutral or deleterious, the rate of muta-
we can deduce the circuity or a higher-level detection lies at the heart of much of the tion is under rigorous genetic control. Many
description of a module solely from genome- control of gene transcription in eukaryotes, systems for specifying the polarity of cells or
wide information about gene expression in which the promoters that regulate gene groups of cells rely on a mechanism known as
and physical interactions between proteins. transcription must commonly be occupied ‘lateral inhibition’, which causes adjacent
Solving this problem is likely to require by several different protein transcription cells to follow different fates. This process can
additional types of information and finding factors before a messenger RNA can be pro- amplify a small, often stochastic, initial
general principles that govern the structure duced. Signal transduction systems would be asymmetry causing adjacent cells or adjacent
and function of modules. expected to have their characteristic rate areas within cells to follow different fates.
A number of the design principles of constants set so as to reject chance fluctua- Other aspects of functional modules are
biological systems are familiar to engineers. tions, or noise, in the input signal. DNA less familiar to engineers. Several can be
Positive feedback loops can drive rapid tran- replication involves a fail-safe system of error subsumed under the idea that the rules for a
sitions between two different stable states of a correction, with proofreading by the DNA module’s function are rigidly encoded in the
system, and negative feedback loops can polymerase backed up by a mismatch repair structures of its proteins, but produce messy,
maintain an output parameter within a process that removes incorrect bases after the probabilistic intermediates that are then
narrow range, despite widely fluctuating polymerase has moved on. A failure in either refined to give unique solutions. This princi-
input. Coincidence detection systems require process still allows cells to make viable proge- ple seems to hold across an enormous
two or more events to occur simultaneously ny, but simultaneous failure of both is lethal. range of scales, from the folding of protein

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molecules to the evolution of organisms. The sequence of intermediates should allow such for understanding their operation. One has
principle arises from a combination of three modules to survive incremental modifica- also to remember that today’s modules were
mechanisms: exploration with selection tions and incorporate evolutionary addi- built by tinkering with already functional
(trial and error), error-correction mecha- tions such as error detection and correction. modules, rather than by starting from
nisms, and error-detection modules that Similar messy and probabilistic intermedi- scratch, and may not be the optimal way
delay subsequent events until a process has ates appear in engineering systems based on of solving a particular problem21. This
been successfully completed. These are pre- artificial neural networks — mathematical evolutionary history is similar to that of
sent to different extents in different examples. characterizations of information processing man-made devices. Particular solutions in
Exploration with selection (trial and that are directly inspired by biology. A neural computing, or for any engineered object, are
error) is a fundamental principle of biology network can usefully describe complicated the result of an elaborate historical process of
and acts on timescales from milliseconds to deterministic input–output relationships, selection by technological, economical and
aeons and at organizational levels from sin- even though the intermediate calculations sociological constraints. A familiar example
gle molecules to populations of organisms. through which it proceeds lack any obvious is the less than optimal QWERTY keyboard,
In single molecules, kinetic funnels direct meaning and their choice depends on ran- originally invented to prevent jammed keys
different molecules of the same protein dom noise in a training process20. on early manual typewriters. It can be viewed
through multiple, different paths from the as a living fossil.
denatured state to a unique folded struc- Constraints from evolution The survival of living systems implies
ture18. Within cells, the shape of the mitotic One approach to uncovering biological that the critical parameters of essential
spindle is partly due to selective stabilization design principles is to ask what constraints modules, such as the accuracy of chromo-
of microtubules whose ends are close to a they must obey. Apart from the laws of some segregation or the periodicity of a
chromosome19. At the organismal level, the physics and chemistry, most constraints arise circadian clock, are robust: they are insensi-
patterning of the nervous system is refined from evolution, which has selected particular tive to many environmental and genetic
by the death of nerve cells and the decay of solutions from a vast range of possible ones. perturbations. Evolvability22, on the other
synapses that fail to connect to an appropri- Today’s organisms have an unbroken hand, requires that other parameters of
ate target. Within populations, differential chain of ancestors stretching back to the ori- modules are sensitive to genetic changes.
reproductive success alters the structure of gin of life. This constraint has been success- They can then be modified over many gener-
gene pools, giving rise to evolution. fully used to understand protein functions, ations to alter the function of a module, or its
The use of exploration with selection on by comparing existing protein sequences connections to other modules, in a way that
short timescales as a design principle in from related species, finding conserved parts allows organisms to adapt to new challenges.
intracellular modules may make them espe- and inferring their roles. Comparing mod- It is important to understand how robustness
cially easy to modify on evolutionary ules of common function from different and flexibility can be reconciled for each
timescales. The lack of a rigidly programmed organisms should be a similarly useful tool functional module.

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Organisms have been selected for two of inputs to outputs of modules, their modelling and conceptual frameworks. The
properties: rapid reproduction in optimal biochemical connectivity, and the states of best test of our understanding of cells will be
conditions and the ability to survive rarely key intermediates within them. Three com- to make quantitative predictions about their
encountered extreme conditions. Because plementary approaches can help in this task: behaviour and test them. This will require
environments tend to fluctuate over time, better methods for perturbing and monitor- detailed simulations of the biochemical
most modules are likely to have been selected ing dynamic processes in cells and organ- processes taking place within the modules.
for their ability to contribute to both repro- isms; reconstituting functional modules But making predictions is not synonymous
duction and survival. These considerations from their constituent parts, or designing with understanding. We need to develop
imply that understanding the full function of and building new ones; and new frameworks simplifying, higher-level models and find
modules may require us to measure small for quantitative description and modelling general principles that will allow us to grasp
differences in reproductive ability, as well as of modules. and manipulate the functions of biological
studying the performance of modules under The first approach is illustrated by efforts modules. The next generation of students
extreme perturbations. Some components to find small organic molecules that can per- should learn how to look for amplifiers and
of an in vivo module that are ‘nonessential’ turb and report on the activity of modules. logic circuits, as well as to describe and look
in normal laboratory conditions are likely to Calcium-binding dyes have been used to fol- for molecules and genes (Box 3). Connecting
have important roles in the assembly, fideli- low the activities of neurons with high spatial different levels of analysis — from molec-
ty, robustness and dynamic characteristics of and temporal resolution. Light-activated ules, through modules, to organisms — is
modules that produce small advantages in chemicals can perturb function on the essential for an understanding of biology
long-term survival probability. It may be timescales that characterize changes within that will satisfy human curiosity.
very difficult, however, to measure such the modules, thus giving them an important Leland H. Hartwell is at the Fred Hutchinson
contributions directly. advantage over the slower perturbations Cancer Center, Seattle, Washington 98109, USA.
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individual organism, is favoured by diversifi- ics25. Another example of a new method for Department of Molecular Biology (J.H.) and
cation, as the simultaneous presence of mul- monitoring cellular processes is genome- Department of Physics and Molecular Biology
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