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Bioimpedance: Novel use of a minimally invasive

technique for cancer localization in the intact

Article in The Prostate · May 1999

DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0045(19990515)39:33.0.CO;2-8 · Source: PubMed


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7 authors, including:

Benjamin R Lee William W Roberts

Tulane University University of Michigan


Kristen L Lecksell Alan W Partin

Johns Hopkins Medicine Johns Hopkins Medicine


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The Prostate 39:213–218 (1999)

Bioimpedance: Novel Use of a Minimally Invasive

Technique for Cancer Localization in the
Intact Prostate
Benjamin R. Lee,1* William W. Roberts,1 Dexter G. Smith,2 Harvey W. Ko,2
Jonathan I. Epstein,3 Kristen Lecksell,3 and Alan W. Partin1
James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Columbia, Maryland
Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland

BACKGROUND. Prostate cancer is presently diagnosed by transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)-

guided sextant needle biopsy. While echo texture of the tissue can prompt localization of
tumor, it is presently imprecise. From 50–75% of men biopsied, based on an abnormal digital
rectal examination (DRE) or elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level, have negative
biopsy results. Improvements in tumor localization during TRUS-guided prostate biopsy are
greatly needed. Bioimpedance is an electrical property of biologic tissue. Electric current is
limited in living tissue by highly insulating cell membranes; however, different tissue archi-
tecture such as cancer may impede current differently and allow detection of differences
between normal and abnormal or malignant prostate tissue. Our goal was to assess the utility
of bioimpedance measurements in differentiating tumor from normal prostatic tissue in an ex
vivo model.
METHODS. Bioimpedance was measured in six ex vivo prostates, which were removed for
clinically localized prostate cancer. Two bioimpedance needles, 1 mm apart, were inserted 3
mm into the posterior surface of the prostate an average of 16 times per gland. Frequencies
ranging from 100 kHz–4 MHz were used to obtain 594 bioimpedance measurements from the
six glands. These measurements were then correlated with histology to determine the pres-
ence or absence of prostate cancer.
RESULTS. Prostate cancer was found to have a higher impedance, of 932 ± 170 ohms,
compared to areas of no cancer within the same prostate, 751 ± 151 ohms, P < 0.0001, at 2
MHz. This phenomenon was observed across all frequencies tested.
CONCLUSIONS. This study demonstrates for the first time application of bioimpedance to
distinguish areas of prostate cancer from areas of normal prostate. This technology may
improve identification and localization of cancer within the prostate. Moreover, bioimped-
ance can potentially guide needle placement during prostate biopsy and thus improve sam-
pling of tumors. Currently, our ex vivo model is limited by variables such as temperature and
lack of blood flow. Further studies in an in vivo model will be needed to assess their effect.
Prostate 39:213–218, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

KEY WORDS: bioimpedance; prostate; prostate cancer

INTRODUCTION Grant sponsor: NCI; Grant number: SPORE CA 58236; Johns Hop-
kins Bayview; Grant number: Physicians Grant 162-98.
Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed
None of the authors have any financial arrangements with any com-
cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in pany regarding this device.
American men [1]. In 1997, there were more than *Correspondence to: Benjamin R. Lee, M.D., James Buchanan Brady
209,900 new cases of prostate cancer diagnosed and Urological Institute, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Marburg 215, Balti-
more than 41,800 prostate cancer deaths [2]. Currently, more, MD 21287. E-mail:
in men with an abnormal digital rectal examination Received 3 August 1998; Accepted 18 December 1998

© 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

214 Lee et al.

To our knowledge, this is the first study investigat-

ing use of bioimpedance for identification of prostate
cancer. A wide spectrum of frequencies from 100
kHz–2 MHz was tested as well, to ascertain the best
frequency to use. The investigative model for this
study was ex vivo prostates, tested immediately after
surgical removal for localized clinical prostate cancer.
Probe development, factors which can distort bio-
impedance measurements, and future implications for
use of this technology are discussed.


Bioimpedance Equipment
Fig. 1. Bioimpedance needle probe. The probe was constructed The bioimpedance measurement apparatus consists
from two stainless steel needles, each 1 mm in diameter and of a probe, a Hewlett Packard 4275A LCR (inductance,
tapered to a point. Frequencies ranging from 100 kHz–4 MHz capacitance, and resistance) meter, and a thermistor.
were passed between the points, and bioimpedance was mea-
The probe was fabricated from two stainless steel
needles, each 1 mm in diameter, 30 mm long, and
tapered to a point. The needles were coated with a
(DRE) and/or elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA) nonconducting epoxy, leaving the distal 1.0 mm ex-
level, who are candidates for therapy, a transrectal posed. The needles were then secured in an insulated
ultrasound (TRUS) with prostatic biopsy (Bx) is rec- fiberglass cylinder in parallel alignment, with 1 mm
ommended. According to the U.S. Bureau of the Cen- spacing between them. During the evolution of the
sus in 1998, there are an estimated 30 million men technique, three different probes were fabricated. Al-
currently in the United States over the age of 50 [3]. A though all three probes were constructed in similar
subset of this population represents those men who fashion, the variance in measurements improved as
should undergo screening according to recommenda- the technique for probe construction was refined.
tions by the American Urological Association [4]. In a However, each probe recorded higher resistance val-
study by Arcangeli et. al. [5], 8–15% of men who were ues in prostate cancer tissue compared to areas of nor-
screened were estimated to have an abnormal PSA test mal prostate. We report our findings using the third
(i.e., serum PSA at least 4.1 ng/ml by monoclonal as- probe, which produced reliable, reproducible results.
say). Of men who have abnormal DREs, half will have The same apparatus was utilized for all measurements
no identifiable pathology on biopsy [6]. As well, with discussed in this study.
abnormally elevated PSA levels, about 66% of men Data from the Hewlett Packard LCR meter includes
will have a negative biopsy [5]. Only 19–32% of men both R (resistance) and Z (impedance − magnitude
who agreed to undergo biopsy were found to have and phase). Initial results concentrated on R measure-
prostate cancer [6]. A more sensitive and specific im- ments. This measurement was then temperature-
aging modality to better direct prostate biopsy is corrected (assuming a linear temperature profile from
needed to aid the clinician in localizing cancer. the start to the end of a measurement series). One may
Bioimpedance is an electrical property of cells that calculate conductivity by dividing conductance (1/R)
has been applied to many biomedical applications, by the spacing between the needles; however, in this
such as quantification of brain edema in neurosurgery series of experiments the probes were calibrated using
[7] and in differentiating a pulmonary mass such as test solutions of known conductivities. Using coaxial
cancer from pneumonia [8]. In 1997, a bioimpedance cables, the probe was connected to the LCR meter
needle probe was developed in collaboration by sci- upon which the resistance values were measured be-
entists and engineers at the Johns Hopkins Hospital tween the two needles of the probe. A thermistor,
and Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (Fig. placed intraurethrally, was used to record the tem-
1). The goal of this project was to determine whether perature of the ex vivo prostate. The probe was cali-
application of this new technology to prostate cancer brated before and after each set of bioimpedance mea-
detection could distinguish an area of prostate cancer surements, using known calibration solutions of so-
from normal prostate, using needle electrode probes dium chloride in order to ensure that the probe
and passage of electrical current through the paren- measurements were consistent during the course of an
chyma. experiment and from day to day. Moreover, tempera-
Bioimpedance for Prostate Cancer Localization 215

measurements improved as the technique for probe

construction was refined. The first and second probes
suffered from a change in the epoxy coating on the
needles. The third used a quicker-drying, harder-
setting epoxy that has held up over a number of ex-
periments. Due to a learning curve in construction of
the probes, there was a great variance in the measure-
ments using the first two probes due to movement of
the needle electrodes. However, each probe recorded
higher resistance values in prostate cancer tissue com-
pared to areas of normal prostate. We report our find-
ings using the third probe, which produced reliable,
reproducible results. The same apparatus was utilized
for all measurements discussed in this study. Calibra-
Fig. 2. Needle insertion points. Area of parenchyma surround- tion solutions were used to calibrate probe vs. tem-
ing needle insertion site is minimally distorted histologically. Mea- perature and frequency. Solutions with known con-
surement of bioimpedance does not significantly alter pathologic
ductivities of 0.1–2.1 S/m (Siemens/meter) were used
along with standard 0.9% saline. Two or more calibra-
tion solutions were used both before and after each
ture measurements were made before and after the set series of tissue measurements. The calibration solu-
of measurements, in order to calculate the change in tions spanned the conductivity range of interest.
temperature of the prostate during the course of the In all, 594 bioimpedance measurements were made
experiment. The calibration solutions used for the on six human ex vivo prostates removed for localized
probes were standards of known conductivity, allow- prostate cancer. Using the same probe for each pros-
ing accurate conversion of measured values to stan- tate, measurements at frequencies of 100 kHz, 1 MHz,
dard conductivity units. 2 MHz, and 4 MHz were performed. These frequen-
cies match previously reported clinically significant
Prostate Specimens wavelengths. Table I shows the number of measure-
ments made at each frequency. Using a Wilcoxon
Prostates were obtained fresh from patients imme- rank-sum (Mann-Whitney) test of unpaired, nonpara-
diately following radical retropubic prostatectomy for metric data, it was determined that P < 0.00001. At
clinically localized prostate cancer. A grid of 10–15 frequencies of 1 MHz and 100 kHz, similar determi-
points was marked on the posterior aspect of the pros- nations were calculated with P = 0.01 and P < 0.0001,
tate by applying orange pathology chalk with a 2-mm respectively. At 4 MHz, there was not found to be a
wooden probe. At each marked point, the impedance statistical difference, in part due to the few measure-
probe was inserted to a depth of 3 mm, and imped- ments made at this frequency. At 2 MHz, 200 mea-
ance measurements were recorded from the LCR me- surements were performed. With histologic correla-
ter (Fig. 2). Following probe measurements, one drop
(∼0.25 cc) of blue printer’s ink was injected into each of
the probed points for later histologic localization. The
prostate was then step-sectioned and prepared in stan-
dard fashion. Areas with blue ink were identified on
the histologic sections as regions which had been
probed, and histology was correlated with the associ-
ated points on the surface of the prostate. The 3-mm
region on the microscope slide around each identified
probe location was marked for histologic evaluation
by a pathologist who determined if cancer was present
at each marked region (Fig. 3).

During the evolution of the technique, three differ- Fig. 3. Prostate. Outline demonstrates area of prostate cancer
ent probes were fabricated. Although all three probes adjacent to an area of benign prostatic hyperplasia, a situation in
were constructed in similar fashion, the variance in which bioimpedance may help improve biopsy sampling.
216 Lee et al.

TABLE I. Comparison of Bioimpedance Measurements at Biologically Significant Frequencies

Bioimpedance SD Minimum Maximum

Frequency Histology N (ohms) (ohms) (ohms) (ohms)

100 kHz No cancer 137 1,123 245 727 2,001

Cancer 61 1,312 265 804 2,048
1 Mhz No cancer 137 872 158 616 1,437
Cancer 43 950 179 661 1,388
2 Mhz No cancer 126 751 151 538 1,359
Cancer 74 932 170 560 1,305
4 Mhz No cancer 11 753 122 583 962
Cancer 5 688 71 611 769

tion, areas of benign prostate (n = 126) had a mean carcinoma include significant benign prostatic hyper-
bioimpedance of 751 ± 151 ohms (range, 538–1,359 plasia (BPH), prostatitis, and previous prostate needle
ohms). Areas containing prostate cancer (n = 74) had a biopsy, cystoscopy, transurethral resection, or trans-
mean bioimpedance of 932 ± 170 ohms (range, 560– rectal ultrasound [5]. During these biopsies, only ul-
1,305 ohms). trasound is used to help direct needle placement.
One explanation as to why bioimpedance increases There has not been good correlation between ultra-
in cancer tissue is because of the distorted architecture sound findings of hypoechoic areas and cancer [9].
of the glands, which prevents flow of current through With a negative biopsy, there is always the potential
the tubes. Histologically, the prostate can be thought that cancer has been missed; a more sensitive and spe-
of as being composed of multiple layers of hollow cific imaging modality to better direct prostate biopsy
glands (tubes). Solid or gross tumor is also composed is needed to aid the clinician in localizing cancer.
of a histological array of tubes (Fig. 3). The lumens of Any modality which could help direct the clinician
normal prostate are open and have relatively large to which area to biopsy would improve sampling rates
diameters, providing little resistance to flow. Con- and decrease the number of false-positive biopsies. An
versely, as resistance increases, the current flow will advantage to this technique of bioimpedance is that a
decrease. Accordingly, in cancerous prostate, the nor- variety of configurations are possible. The above dual-
mal architecture of tubes and lumens becomes dis- needle approach can be extended to a biopsy needle,
torted. The lumens of the tubes become much smaller, i.e., by mounting the electrodes on the tip of a prostate
the walls of the glands become crowded, and the flow biopsy needle. A single probe with two electrodes on
of current is impeded. Overall resistance can be it inline is also possible. Another advantage is that
viewed as a combination in series of a number of future generations of the bioimpedance probe would
shorter segments. The sum total of these smaller com- allow a noninvasive probe to be manufactured. Thus,
ponents makes up the total resistance. information concerning the composition of tissue
could be gained without invading the parenchyma.
DISCUSSION Bioelectrical impedance is composed of resistance
and reactance and the trigonometrical ratio between
Bioimpedance is an electrical property of cells that the two variables known as the phase angle [10]. All
has been applied for the first time to distinguish and substances produce a certain resistance to the passage
identify areas of cancer from areas of normal prostate of electrical current. An ohm is the electrical unit of
tissue. One potential use for this technology is to help measurement which measures the resistance of an
guide the clinician during a prostate biopsy. To put electrical current in which an electromotive force of 1
this in perspective, with 30 million men over the age of volt maintains a current of 1 ampere. Reactance is a
50 in the United States who are potential candidates to nonconservative force which opposes the passage of
be screened, one would expect 8–15% of these men to an alternating electrical current because of capacity or
have an abnormally elevated PSA level (>4.1 mg/dl) inductance. Human experiments have shown that re-
[5]. Thus, 2.4 million–4.5 million men would poten- actance is a parameter of little significance. Impedance
tially receive a recommendation to undergo biopsy [6]. is one parameter which clearly defines how the hu-
Of these men who are biopsied, generally 66% will man body behaves when a current passes through it,
have a negative biopsy, meaning about 1.6 million and the results can be repeated under the most diverse
men would have a negative biopsy [5]. Potential physiological and pathological conditions.
causes of an abnormally elevated PSA level besides In 1996, Blad and Baldetorp described ex vivo mea-
Bioimpedance for Prostate Cancer Localization 217

surements of impedance from thigh muscle removed sitive measurements. To try to separate the compo-
from a mouse [11]. One problem with this study was nents of this complex biologic system, we performed
that muscle will conduct electrical impulses, and all measurements using the same probe. All animals
therefore artifacts may have been introduced with were measured at the same room temperature, on sty-
these measurements. The authors compared cancer- rofoam padding that insulated the animal from pos-
ous tissue to normal tissue and found that tumor had sible distortion.
a higher resistance. Similar to our findings, the resis- In 1994, the National Institutes of Health Office of
tance was 1,600 ohms in cancer tissue compared to Medical Applications of Research convened a technol-
1,100 ohms in normal tissue. The measurements were ogy assessment conference to evaluate the validity
repeated at 19 hr and 23 hr, and at each time, extra- and interpretation of data derived by the application
cellular resistance was greater in the cancerous tissue of bioimpedance [12]. The NIH addressed the issue of
compared to normal tissue. Trillaud and Jossinet in how safe this technology was. Scientists found that
1990 noticed a phase shift as a function of frequency bioimpedance was safe because of several factors.
between malignant tumors and normal tissues in Currents of low frequency are reported to be unlikely
breast for frequencies between 100 kHz–1 MHz, the to stimulate electrically excitable tissues, such as
same frequencies at which this study was performed. nerves or cardiac muscle. In our testing as well, we did
Their findings correlate with our data as well, with not see stimulation of any muscle fibers. In application
cancer having a greater impedance compared to nor- with thousands of individuals undergoing measure-
mal tissue. ment, no untoward events have been reported to be
Bioimpedance has been used in the clinical spec- induced by bioimpedance measurements. Another
trum in order to characterize a pulmonary mass. factor is the relatively small current magnitudes in-
Kimura et al. [8] applied a needle probe to 53 pulmo- volved, which are less than the threshold of percep-
nary masses and found that the intraoperative imped- tion. The panel did not identify any reason why bio-
ance values of malignant tumors were significantly impedance measurements were not safe, although
greater than in organizing pneumonias. A value of 604 they advised caution with implanted defibrillators.
ohms measured in organizing pneumonia compared
to 2,623 ohms in metastatic lung tumor was found. In
these measurements, one case of organizing pneumo- CONCLUSIONS
nia was found among the cases assessed as pulmonary
cancer; thus, the sensitivity was 100% while the speci- In conclusion, this study serves as an starting point
ficity was 66%. Certainly, any measurement that was in the development of this technology. This is the ini-
characterized as cancer would have to be validated tial use of the electrical property of bioimpedance to
further with needle biopsy. evaluate prostate cancer. Bioimpedance has the poten-
With the ability to distinguish prostate cancer based tial to improve identification of prostate cancer to bet-
on its electrical properties, bioimpedance may poten- ter direct clinicians during prostate biopsy and there-
tially aid the clinician in directing prostate biopsies. fore improve the ability to manage patients with this
The next generation of a bioimpedance probe is under disease.
construction which will allow noninvasive measure-
ments of prostate impedance values. This probe con-
sists of an inductive coil capable of inducing eddy REFERENCES
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