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Calcaneal apophysitis

Pain in the back or bottom of the heel. Limping due to pain. Occasionally walking on toes due to pain.
Difficulty running, jumping, or participating in usual activities or sports. Pain on descending the school
steps. Pain when the sides of the heel are squeezed. Tiredness. No Injury Normal developmental

Tenderness with deep palpation at the Achilles insertion and more when
performing active toe raises. More on forced dorsiflexion of the ankle and is
relieved with passive equinus positioning. Mild swelling present. No redness.
No raise of temprerature. No neurovascular deficit.
X ray: NAD

Impression: Bilateral calcaneal apophysitis




Soft cushion foot wear

Strapping –toes

Indication: Reduce movement

Informed consent was obtained before procedure started. A non-medicated, strapping of the great toe
and lesser toes toe done after keeping gauze in all web space with adhesive plaster to exert pressure for
the purpose of providing structural support, immobilization and compression for the fight toes. Active
toes movements adviced. Elevation of the limb adviced.

Strapping –Left ankle and foot

Indication: Reduce movement

Location: Left ankle and foot

Pre-Post Procedure Diagnosis: sprain and strain of tarsal ligaments of left foot

Informed consent was obtained before procedure started.


Informed consent was obtained before procedure started. A non-medicated strap applied from above
the ankle to the toes in figure of 8 after applying soft roll for the purpose of providing structural support,
immobilization and compression for the ankle and foot. Active toe movements advised. Elevation of the
limb advised.

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