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1: Korean J Dermatol. 2011 Jun;49(6):561-563.

Facial Foreign Body Granuloma by Gold Thread Needle-embedding Therapy.

Kim JY,Lee WJ,Kim DW,Lee SJ.

Department of Dermatology, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine, Daegu,


We read with interest a paper published in a recent issue of the Korean Journal of
Dermatology, in which Baek et al. presented two cases of facial foreign body
granulomas induced by needle-embedding therapy. The cases were foreign body
granulomas induced by acupoint embedding thread by doctors of Oriental medicine.
Recently we managed a patient who presented with two linear, fluctuating,
erythematous nodules with a purulent discharge involving the left cheek 2 months
after gold thread needle-embedding therapy, a so called gold-lifting procedure, in
which gold thread is embedded via acupuncture for the purpose of face-lifting. A
biopsy obtained from the lesion showed acute and chronic inflammatory cells with
foreign body-type giant cells throughout the dermis and subcutis. Under the
diagnosis of a foreign body reaction with clinicopathologic examination, we treated
her several times with incision and drainage and oral corticosteroids. After 1 year
of treatment, the lesions did not recur during 3 months of follow-up.

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