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Rotwan Atkinson was born in Great Britain(greit britn) and is famous(feimus) for making us(as)

laugh(laf) with his videos we have seen, he has stood out(stod aut) mainly for being(biim) a
comedian, but he isn’t only a comedian, he is also an actor, screenwriter(screenwraita), film
producer, and more.

In his role as Comedian(comidian) the personage for which Rowan Atkinson will be
remembered forever is Mr. Bean, this personage is particularly funny, sometimes
childish(chaildish), and in the simple housework always ends up complicating life.

He has been the writer of some of the most successful series and programs on British
television, for example, 'Not the Nine O’clock News',' black adder, 'Law and disorder'.

Actor and film producer: Atkinson not only stood out for being a great comedian and
screenwriter, he is also a great actor and film producer, he participated in great films and was
also part of the production, for example: vacations from Mr Bean, Johnny English, Family
Secrets, etc, he is also a voice actor and he participated in movies like the lion king.

Atkinson is also a graduate electrical engineer from Newcastle University.

But he didn’t always do well in everything, Rotwan suffers(sáfer) from a slight(slait)

stutter(starer) and for this reason he was denied(dinaid) his participation in many(meni) films
and plays until(antelw) he created(criet) his personage of Mr Bean and helped him to be
famous and thanks to this He was also able to participate in many films. I admire(admair) him
because his stuttering wasn't an impediment to making many people laugh who perhaps had a
bad day. Currently, his hobby is making videos for tik tok and he has more than 2 million

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