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My favorite movie is interstellar, directed by Christopher Nolan, it won the Oscar for the best

film with Visual Effects, the main actors of this film were Matthew McConaughey, Anne
Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Michael Caine and Mackenzie Foy, the critics rate it with a score of
4.9, In Peru it premiered on November 6, 2014.

This film talks about time travel and what our life will be like in the future, according to the
film the earth will be very polluted and we will be looking for a new planet to live on. A 42-
year-old aerospace engineer who is the father of a 12-year-old girl travels to find a new
habitable planet, but when he is in space he gets lost with his companions and enters a black
hole, when he is inside the Blackhole he discovers that he can communicate with your
daughter on Earth and tell her where to travel to save Earth's inhabitants. When he returned,
his daughter was already an old woman of 80 years but he was the same age of 42 years.

I have always liked time travel and science fiction movies and this movie has everything I like, it
also makes me reflect on pollution and I wish everyone could see this movie and change their
lifestyle. I also like it because even though it is a science fiction film, there are parts that are
true for science and for that reason I study mechanical engineering! I think a lot of people
could learn a little science from this movie.

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