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Most Repeated Vocabulary Words & Synonyms in FPSC, PPSC & NTS TEST [Wort [Type | Meaning & Synonyms __1 | abhor Ly detest, hate = | 2} abridge lv horten, condense, red | ___3 | acclaim tv | approval, prai i | _ 4| accoutrements | n = equipment, i 5 | adept adj skilled at i | 6| adroit | adj —_| skillful, adept = ol |____7| adulation iin | 8 | adversity in _9 | aesthetic adj : __10 | affable | adj | friendly, kind Saaly 11 | ambiguous __| adj ~——_| unclear, confusing A: 12 | ambivalent adj undecided —_ _ _ _ 13 | ambivalent ij undecided, unsure 14 | ameliorate ov improve, make positive strides | = 46'| amiable ay a friendly, agreeable | 16 | amicable adj | friendly = Lj | 17 | anachronistic adj | misdated, having an time _18|| antagonistic adj | hostile, opposed i}! : 49 | apathy _|n | netcaring at IE ntl 20 ardor _ adj | passion, dedication _ i 21 arrogant’ adj insulting, overconfident ff ____22 | articulate adj __| well-spoken, ability to speak well. ___23 | assiduous ad) _| hard-working, reless i” ___24 | astute | adj mentally sharp, skilled 1 25 | audacious _ adj _| bold, daring, unafraid | __26 | augment wv add to, increase “tm } _27 | aversion A hatred, dislike - J adj hostile, harsh. -04f 2 _29 | benevolent adj generous _ 30 | benevolent adj | kind , generous __ 31 | benign adj | harmless, mild ~~ 32 | berate _ é iy —[t at, scold ~ = | bereft 7 | without, deprived of i 34 | cando |n | honesty, truthfulness -——35 capricious | ag | indecisive, fickle — > Gob h, Ce| :——86 carping ___| ad) finding fault in something | __37 | castigate ve fopunish eee || __38 | castigate v __| criticize, chastise, condemn |___ 38 | caustic adj bitter, severe 40 _censure _\y | criticize, reprimand, blame _ 41) chariatan —_|n____| phony, fraud, imposter hoe 42 _ circumspect ___| adj_ i careful, cautious _ al |logical, fational, convincing | clear, easy tounderstand 45 | compliant agreeable, yielding, submissive | 46 | conciliatory adj | always giving in, making peace I __ | adj brief, to the point | vo confused == | | adj) pleasant __ | 50 contempt a defiance - _ 51 conundrum = _.n___| riddle, problem §2 | convoluted adj _| intricate, involved 4 [s | ial ‘adj | gracious, kind | "p \ crude, unrefined, having bad | : adj | manners eines al me se | curtail v __| shorten, reduce __ \ | _ 56 | dearth In ' scarcity, shortage «| S. a decorous | adj proper, polite, wel-mannered | iliate —-S8 Sar i Seed wea oe 59 | demonstrative | adj | expression of emotion { 60 | denigrate v | to put down verbally, cfiticize | 61, destitute | adj __extremely poor _ ‘62 | devious jadj sneaky, Wicky to stray away from a main topic in digress |v ___| writing or speaking _ dilemma _|n___| difficulty, difficult situation __ 65 | diligent adj hard-working 4 to deny knowledge or 66 | disavow _|yv responsibility of ' discem v be aware, detect, comprehend observant, having an awareness _88 | disceming _ ad) fof — 69 | discretion n cautious, having good judgment _| | belittle, show disrespect for,say | 70 disparage v unkind things about 71_| disreputable ad shameful, disgraceful 72 | divisive | adj_ creating division or separation __73 | dogged _| adj Stubborn, persistent _ i __74 | dogmatic ss | adj stubborn, absolutely sure 75 | dubious | adj doubtful, skeptical, questionable 76 dupe _ 1 v to deceive a person _| _77 | eccentric _ | adj odd,strange a __78 ecstatic adj | veryhappy — _ | __79 | elated adj _| overjoyed, very happy _ 0. eloquent __| adj well-spoken | to make beautiful by decorating; | __81 embellish ive | _ to add fictitious details to a story | ___82 | emulate v__ try to be like, imitate ___| ___83 enervated_ iy exhausted, weakened __84_ enervating adj i | ___ 85 enhance v___ improve _| ___ 86 | enigma _ n puzle | 87 | enigmatic __| adj _puzzling, strange al | 88 enmity jn ___ hatred, dislike __89 ephemeral _ adj | existing for a short time, fleeting | | __ 90 eradicate =v | erase, remove __91 | enatic _ | adj odd, inconsistent —__ ad __92 | erroneous _ adj mistaken, derived from error adj happy, overjoyed evanescent fleeting, passing, short-lived exacerbate make something worse, anger, incite to praise highly | excessive, extreme outgoing, sociable meticulous, fussy passionate, intense 101 | fickle adj indecisive : | 102 1 florid adj showy, omate 103 | flourish v thrive, bloom grow lucky, happening by chance ina | 104 | fortuitous adj positive way ____105 | frivolous | adj __| unimportant _ __ 106 | frugal — _adj _| thrifty, cheap, not spending much _ 107 | galvanize v___| stimulate, energize, stir up_ 108 | genial adj kind, pleasant _| 109 | gregarious | adj outgoing, sociable = _| 110 hackneyed — | adj | over familiar due to overuse; trite | 414 haughty adj _afrogant, overbearing | _ one who is devoted to seeking 112 | hedonist [n pleasure pot 113 heinous _| adj __horrible, disgusting — ee adj simple, modest 115 | impetuous adj _hasty | harmless, having no adverse 116 {innocuous —s | adj effects el 117 | insipid __ jadi dull, uninteresting, boring 118 insolent adj _fude, disrespectful, snobby 119 | interminable 120 | intransigent 121 | intrepid _ _ 122 | introverted 123 | invigorated adj adj _| adj ly Ne _endless stubbom _| brave, fearless shy, keeping to energized 124 | imeproachable — 125 | iresolute adj adj unable to blame, innocent _ undecided, uncertain = 126 | labyrinth n maze 127 | lavish adj extravagant, overly generous _ _128 | loathing n __| hatred, disgust a 129 | lucid | clear, logical, thought through 130 | machinations 131_| maxim schemes, plots a general truth or principle; adage | or saying 133_| meticulous 135 | mitigate _ 134 misanthrope _ oor, insufficient very careful, paying attention to details _anti-social person z ease, soothe, soften 136 | morose adj gloomy, sad 137 | munificent adj generous 138 naive adj simple, inexperienced | 139 | naive adj simple-minded, trusting _ 7 i | well-known, usually for a bad 140 notorious adj quality or reason 141 obdurate _| adj | stubborn S a 142 | obscure_ adj _ Clouded, vague 143 obstinate adj —_| stubborn__ ——_ 144 adj _|_ simple-minded, stupid _ _ 145 ominous _—_—i| adj _ threatening 146 opulent adj __| wealthy, rich, luxurious 147 i omate — adj __ weryfancy, decorated 148 | ostentatious _| adj showy, flaunting _ 149 | pacific adj peaceful, calm 150 _ pallid adj | lacking color, pale i model of excellence, shining | 151 paragon n | example ad 152 __ parsimony In | stingy frugal | contrite ngy. cheap dj not central, not ve _ 166 | prodigy in | sets sense __187| profound __| adj ~—_| great, intense _ ea 168 | prudent adj _ careful, wise = ____169 | pugnacious_ adj _ hostile, harsh, wanting to fight_ 170 | punctiious _| adj exact, strict, formal a state of perplexity or 171 | quandary |n uncertainty; a predicament _ 172 | querulous | adj __ inclined to complain _ 173 | raconteur | ___| Storyteller, narrator | 174. radiant adj | beaming, shining, beautiful 175 ravenous adi hungry, starving 176 | recluse ln loner, hermit “| — _| living or being alone | __ polite, well-bred | Lv | blame, scold = {adj | respectable, honorable | adj determined _ ‘hn | a course of action decided upon 183 | revel Q | partying, merry-making __ 184 | revere Vv respect a great deal, to honor | 185 | reverence n _| respect ian — 186 | sagacious adj wise, shrewd 187 | sanguine adj optimistic, cheerful 188 | scrupulous adj conscientious, careful, rigorous _ 189 | serene adj ‘peaceful,.calm 190 | skeptical adj doubtful, questionable 191 | smug _ adj | arrogant, snobby 192 | somber | adj _ gloomy, sad a 193 spurious ___| adj false, bogus, fake 194 squelch v silence, suppress, quiet 195 steadfast | adj _——_loyall, faithful _ 196 __ stingy adj cheap, notgenerous _ __|}, 197 stoic adj unemotional, indifferent | __ 198 succinct _| adj___ brief, to the point : 199 succumb v _to give in or to give up, yield_ 200 sullen adj gloomy, sad, down in the dumps 201 supplant v to substitute for another, displace | 202 surfeited v _ excess, extra a | _203 surplus sn __| extra amount, oversupply _ | 204 | surreptitious “el secret, sneaky | 205 | tactful adj | diplomatic, courteous _ | 206 | tenacious S| adj stubborn, determined, persistent |___ 207 tenacity _ _____| determination, drive A. 208 | terse fad short, brief 209 theatrical =| ad emotional, dramatic = timid adj | shy, bashful hh 211 | tranquil adj | peaceful, calm | temporary, staying for a short |__212 transient | adj time / 213 | trivial adj | unimportant undermine v weaken unscrupulous adj dishonest untenable _| adj _undefendable utopian adj ideal, perfect vacillating adj |_ showing indecision venerated ve | respected, admired a short writing, usually very vignette n descriptive _| wilify Vv _| degrade, slander virtuoso n __| an expert _ _ virulent adj extremely infectious or poisonous 224 | vitriolic adj overly critical, scathing wane decrease, subside 226 | wavered |v __| fluctuated, shifted _ 227 | wax ___| adj increase, grow __ 228 | zeal 7 n passion, enthusiasm _ - 229 | zealous adj eager, enthusiastic

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