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Question No 1

 Drawing on our discussion of perceptual errors, suggest the types of errors

that an individual holding negative gender-role stereotypes concerning
women employees might make.
 What are some implications of these perceptual errors for compensation,
promotion and other types of decision?



It is the tendency to see one’s owns traits in other people especially undesirable
behaviors. The individual’s own feelings, tendencies, or motives are judged
according to others behaviors. For example if an employer is a woman and faces
difficulties in her position she become so bias in employment, projecting that all
woman will face the same challenges she is facing.

Halo effect:

It is the tendency of regarding the whole person’s evaluation onto one attribute

The perceiver evaluates all dimension of another person based solely on one
impression. This blinds the perceivers to other attributes that should be evaluated
in attaining a complete, accurate impression of the other person. For example
someone can undermine somebody just because she is a woman but she might be
good in other impression than man. Also in these error there is a failure to
recognize other distinctive behavior or attributes within the entire individual.

Expectance effect:

Is the tendency to perceive what you expect to perceive that results in self-fulfilling
prophecy. It is the extent to which prior expectations biases how events, objects,
and people are actually perceive. For example if an someone has held that women
are lazy then he or she expect to see a woman lazy in everything that she does even
if she is not doing it in lazy manner.

Perceptual error can lead to wrong decision making as in halo effect a person is
judged on the basis of only one impression while there are lot of other impressions
can be used, in projection, people abilities are not the same so judging someone
according to the way you are is not a perfect way of judging, in expectation effect,
people become fixed minds as they force to see what they expected to see.

As a result such attitudes may influence granting or withholding developmental

opportunities to the perceived people.

Question No 2

 Discuss how negative gender-role stereotypes of women might influence

attributions made about the causes of woman employee’s behavior.


Due to negative gender-role stereotypes of women, attributions made about woman

employee behavior may be influenced because:

Woman will feel total complex inferiority; due to her inferiority she will think that

 she cannot occupy some positions in the organization just because she is a
 when she fail at some point they will say she fail because she is a woman
 there are some work she cannot do just because she is a woman(to rule men)
 She cannot influence decision making as people perceive her as a failure.
Question No 3

 Suggest some actions that can be taken by managers and organizations to

ensure that negative gender-role stereotypes do not harm the organization
and its employees.


a) Managers should arrange “Job rotation approach” so as women can have

high probability or good chance of being promoted to managerial position.
b) Organization should do the following:
i. Provide equal opportunities in decision making among men and women
ii. Train women employee so that they gain confident of their knowledge
iii. Let woman assume power of planning, organizing, ruling and many
iv. Promote team work where necessary
v. Impose strictly rules and principles that disagree negative stereotypes

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