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Member: Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities


Name: Mark Angelo S. Tolentino

Venue of Immersion: Central Luzon State University

Date of Immersion: February 6,2020

1. What is the nature of the Public Affairs Office?

The Public Affairs Office (PAO) takes charge of promoting the good image of
the university using the various forms of media for information dissemination;
accommodating the touring local/foreign visitors to various university projects,
programs, and university activities.

2. What are the Mission, Vission, Objectives, Goals of the school


Central Luzon State University is envision as a world-clss national Research

university for science and technology in agricultural and allied fields. It's mission
is that CLSU shall develop globally competitive, work-ready, socially-responsible
and empowered human resources who value lifelong learning; and to generate
disseminate, and apply knowledge and technologies for poverty alleviation,
environmental protection and sustainable development.

3. What are the different services offered in the school that is relevant in
your future course?

The services offered in the school that is relevant in my course is Arts and
Sciences and Engineering.

4. Describe the facilities observed and it's relation to SCIENCE




Rodolfo D. Martin, speaker.

CLSU developed a technology about sustainable organic farming, pesticide

free farming. ORGANIC FERTILIZERS are made from animal manure
specifically carabao and earthworms manures by using the trichoderma and
vermi composting process.
This organic fertilizer is made of carabao
manure. The timeline process of it is 2-3 months
and the normal temperature needed to make
trichoderma is 50-60°C and if the temperature
increased the cover of the manure is flipped.
Trichoderma process have 3 macro Elements,
Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

A bag of organic fertilizer of carabao

containing 50kl costs 250 pesos.

Vermi composting:

This organic fertilizer is made of

African nightcrawler earthworms. It was
first studied by Dr. Rafael Guerrero III in
Laguna. The earthworms eat bio
degradable from food and the vermicast
(earthworm poop) is used as fertilizers.
The earthworm farm also mix ipil-ipil,
madra cacau and babana tree parts in
their food. The temperature needed for
the earthworms are 13-25°C and some
parts of the earthworm farm should be

Vermicast then turns into

vermicompost as a final product. A bag
of Vermicompost containing 50kl costs
500 pesos.
“Earthworm Manure: such dirty yet so

Other liquid supplement and

pesticides products of RM-

 Fish amino acids

 Pigrata vigrata
 Ariara- for flowering state
of plants
 Oriental herbal nutrient-

Sir Bismark, speaker

The research facility focuses on wild and exotic mushrooms and if it's is
adaptable it can be promote and develop. The mushrooms are made by practical
technologies using indigenous materials or readily available materials in the
region. The mushroom facility uses different spawning for mushrooms, grain
spawn, fruiting spawn, planting spawn and technology media or commercial
media containing semen of mushrooms that costs 4-5 thousand.

Drain spawn, fruiting spawn and planting spawn: Commercial media:

Some products of the mushroom facility:

"Mushroom tempura: Ready to eat". "Nutri-greens: mushroom supplement"


Ma'am Marco, speaker

The facility breeds tilapia by family and all of the fish are males. The tilapia they
breed can grow 3-4 years old.


"Hydroponics and aquaponics: the green house"

Hydroponics- a technology of growing plants in non-soil media. Hydroponics

means "water-working". The heart of hydroponics is the nutrient solution
introduced artificially into the plants water supply that are absorbed by the plants
roots. And they also used carbonized rice and Coco feet to help the roots
absorbed the water.

"Hydroponics: a soilless farming boon in our


Aquaponics- it is a technology with the integration of aquaculture and

hydroponics. It is a technique that helps in adapting and mitigating to the impacts
of climate change

"Aquaponics: Gravel bed system"


Annabelle Tadeo, speaker

Nanotechnology is theoretically sustainable for use in almost all sectors and

technology including environmental technology. Nanotechnology can also be
used in agriculture, Fisheries, environment and industries and the
equipments/materials in the facility is worth millions.

"Nanotechnology: smallest among Giants"

5. Cite at least 5 salient observations in the visited itineraries inside the


 The Public Affairs Office is an integral part of the university because it is

the one who accommodates the people foreign or local touring in the
 The University develops sustainable organic fertilizer that can help the
 Hydroponics and aquaponics is a sustainable farming that can adapt and
mitigate climate change.
 The University is the first to develop nanotechnology in the Philippines.
 Using indigenous or different available materials in the area you can start
a mushroom farm/mushroom spawning.

6. Describe the important points/ideas on AGRITOURISM.

The CLSU's research and development center and livelihood project

comprise the whole agri-tourism showcase that provides learning experience for
local and foreign tourists.

7. Describe the function of ICCEM and it's relevance to your future course.

The Institute for Climate Change and Environmental Management (ICCEM)

showcase photo collection of the different diversities of various organisms
thriving in different ecosystems, showcase crops genetic diversity and gives
information posted by data, policies and mitigating measures on global warming
and climate change
8. Describe the importance of NANOTECHNOLOGY to you and the society.

"Nanotechnology: the apple of the eye

of the university"

The importance of Nanotechnology to us and our society is that

Nanotechnology works in all areas of sciences. In the university, Nanotechnology
is used as a growth helper to agriculture such as the plants and fishes, with the
use of Nanotechnology it can help expand and widen the study and learnings of

9. How do CLIMATE CHANGE affects our community? What can we do as


The effects of Climate Change include more wildfire, longer periods of

droughts and an increase in the number duration and intensity of tropical storms
and severe floods. One of the causes of Climate Change is the Greenhouse
Effect, it is the change in temperature that the earth experiences because certain
gases in the atmosphere trap energy from the sun. As students what we can do
is to adapt to environment that we have and learn on how we can lessen it's
damage or impact in our society. Just like the Aquaponics and hydroponics
project of CLSU it is a kind of farming build to adapt and mitigate the impacts of
climate change.

10. What insights did you gain from this immersion?

From the immersion, I gain knowledge and experience that is relevant in my

future course and help me to understand more things, such as in agriculture that
the school build to mitigate climate change and Nanotechnology to help the
growth level of plants. And as a student we can help our society by being
productive and being adaptable to the kind of environment we have.


Signature of the Observer

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