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Understanding the Business Cycle Really Helps Businesses

to Operate Their Business Successfully
Initial Paragraph:
When viewed on the surface, the economy seems simple. However, it is discussed in more depth,
complicated economy. Economics is always related to every joint and sector of life. No wonder
so many factors that affect both internal and external influence their growth and development.

Paragraph Content:
With the existence of several factors that influence the business cycle that affects the economy.
The business cycle itself is a rising wave of financial activity in a country. The wave of
economic activity can be seen from the development of the number of national products, price
developments, and the development of employment opportunities. The economic cycle which is
referred to as kunjungtur has a rising and repetitive wave. Based on the length of the cycle there
are cycles that last short (monthly or yearly), long term (dozens of years), and very long periods
of time.

Because the business cycle is a rising wave, this can be used by business people in conducting
their business activities. Businessman can do business based on conditions and businesses that
increase income in his business, where business people can switch to businesses that have an
increased rate of business instruments and open businesses that improve. It depends on the skill
of the businessman in analyzing the situation.

Closing Paragraph:
Taking part in a business that is profitable for the business, taking over from the analysis of
fluctuations in finances that occur and minimize errors in making business decisions. Because
most business people are too selfish and in a hurry in making decisions that would otherwise
bring down the business.

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