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Nama Mahasiswa : Muh. Safri

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/ NIM :

Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : ADBI4201/Bahasa Inggris Niaga

Kode/Nama UPBJJ : 80/Makassar

Masa Ujian : 2019/20.2 (2020.1)


With The Emphasis On Human Capital In Our Next 5-Year Government,
This Plan Can Improve Our People’s Productivity

Paraghraf Awal :
Human resources is one of the most important elements so that a business or company can run
well. Without these elements or the quality is not good, the company will be difficult to run and
use other resources that have been met. For this reason, a special way is needed in empowering
the existing human resources in the company.

Paraghraf Isi :
The application of HR management has a considerable impact on the company's ability to
achieve the goals to be achieved. Without having good HR management, it is not impossible that
the company's goals will be in vain and difficult to achieve. The internal balance covers the
goals, objectives, and activities of various parties within the company.

If the internal balance is owned by the company, the efficiency and productivity of work in the
company will be better. For that reason, not a few companies have launched HR management
since the recruitment of prospective workers to empower human resources in every department
of the company.

Paraghraf Penutup :
As one of the main elements that exist in a company, human resources need a good management
system so that the company's performance can run optimally. By having an organized HR
management, the company's efforts in achieving organizational targets will be easier to achieve.
The working atmosphere within the company will also become more constructive when it has
qualified HR management. Gaps between employees who usually have a negative impact on
company performance will rarely be felt. Therefore, every company is advised to have a positive
HR management, both from the time of the recruitment process to the empowerment of HR who
have worked at the company.

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