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Jl.Prima Tani No.24

Sekayu 33125
Telp.085212134556 Faks.(024)556507

Ref : 57/PP/IV/2019 28 February 2019

Subj : Order

Marketing Manager
Jl.Lunjuk Jaya No.29
Palembang 30139

Attention : Mr.Abel Kusuma

Dear Mr.Kusuma,

In connection with the depletion of the stock of cupboard in our store, and based on brochures
that have been PT.LEMARIA given some time ago, we are interested in ordering several
cupboards as follows :
No Product Type Merk Amoun Color Price Amount Paid
. Name t
1. Wardrobe 2 doors Napolly 15 units 10 units of Rp800,000 Rp12,000,000
pink, 5
units of
2. Decorative 3 doors Olympic 8 units All brown Rp1,500,000 Rp12,000,000
3. Food 4 doors IKEA 10 units 5 units of Rp1,000,000 Rp10,000,000
Cupboard blue, 5
units of
The items we ordered above, we hope to arrive at our store as soon as possible. We will make
payments on credit. For the shipment , it can be done through cargo services by PT.J&T.

Thank you for your attention.

Your Sincerely.

Niken Warasi

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