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Minutes of Springfield PCC meeting

23rd November 2020, 7.45pm via Zoom

Present: Jon Lindsay-Scott, Alan Brearley, Jenni Botfield, Andrew Green, Sandy Elderkin,
Steve Watkins, David Atkinson, Dave Foulkes, Gill Foulkes, Sarah Miller, David Silcock, Philip
Darkin, Helen Campbell, Richard Cooper, Mick Miller, Ann Nicholls, Tim Samuel, Emma

Special Note: In accordance with national Church of England and Government guidelines
relating to COVID-19, this PCC meeting was conducted virtually using internet conferencing
software (Zoom).

1. Welcome Jon welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies None

3. Worship
Sarah led a time of worship & prayer using Matthew 11:28- “Come to me all you who
are weary and burdened and I will give you rest”

4. Notice of AOB
i) CAP hampers request

5. Testimonies
Council shared where they have seen God on the move recently and other

6. Minutes of last meeting

accepted nem con.

7. Matters Arising not dealt with elsewhere

a) Happy birthday Tim!
b) The diocese had sent a thankyou acknowledgement for our Parish Support Fund
c) AGM minutes were accepted nem con (Helen will send Nigel clarified wording for
finance report section)
d) Officers for the PCC were suggested as
i) Vice Chair: Andrew Green
ii) Secretary: Nigel Elderkin
iii) Treasurer: Helen Campbell
iv) Electoral Roll: Nigel Elderkin
v) Standing Committee: Jon Lindsay-Scott, Steve Watkins, Andrew Green,
Helen Campbell
(if PCC members were interested in joining the standing committee, please let
Jon know)
Acceptance of these officers as listed was proposed Jenni Botfield, seconded Gill
Foulkes and passed unanimously.

8. Minister’s Notices
a) It felt that we were being blown by the winds of lockdown 2: afterwards we may
return to tier 2 which will allow covid safe meetings again, but there would not
be much venue availability this side of Christmas. Jon and the team are looking to
return to more regular meetings as soon as possible, with capacity at St Paul’s for
up to 16 (singles or couples), Holy Trinity for 50 (monthly?) and WHSG for family
groups on a Sunday afternoon
b) Our Christmas trailer launched yesterday, “Preparing for God to move”, which
included Carols online as an invitational event, a Nativity online, a quiz and the
Roundshaw Christmas tree which will be decorated with baubles containing
‘Hopes and Dreams’ from three local schools.
We are also going to run two ‘Angel Trails’ in Beddington Park and on
Roundshaw over the first 12 days of December, tying in to our Christingle service
with DIY kits distributed to all who sign up locally (those farther afield will be sent
a list of items needed)
Staying online over Christmas meant that we were not constrained by limits on
numbers, and singing was allowed.
c) In 2021, to better focus, support and expand our vision, Jon said that it would be
good to have each member of PCC part of a “Sub” looking at one of four areas:
Children & Youth, Finance, Ministry: services and pastoral, Mission in & out.
These would meet just once or twice a year. Each sub would have one member
with oversight who would report back to the PCC. Members were invited to
email Jon with their preferred area of involvement.
d) Jon and the council then used the ‘Looking Forward’ document as a springboard
for breakout groups using the questions “What time is it for Springfield-
Harvest/plant/replant?” and “How would you reposition Springfield to be
beacons of hope?” before coming together to share thoughts and ideas.
After discussions about moving to a possible ‘Connect, Congregation,
Celebration’ model (where smaller congregations would meet more regularly
than a whole-church celebration), it was generally felt that God was opening
doors, particularly on Roundshaw, and while PCC wouldn’t want to abandon the
benefits of meeting all together (as we have done prior to Covid), it would be a
good thing to explore this more – by using St Paul’s more in particular in the
short term. Jon asked council to continue to pray for all the possibilities, that we
see clearly where God is calling his church.

9. Treasurer’s Report
a) Helen shared the latest updates with council before moving on to
b) Gift Day update: Not only had there been some substantial one off gifts, there
had also been an increase in regular giving. Despite there being some decrease
as people moved away/left or had to reduce their giving, our regular giving was
now at an all time high.
c) Having recently moved to new Independent Examiners, the firm had recently
decided to reduce its workload and was proposing to transfer our work to a
Chichester firm- Helen said that we would probably stay with them for a year and
see how it goes, dependant on receiving confirmation of ongoing fees at a
reasonable level.
d) Moving on to budget considerations, Helen said that there are so many
unknowns that we cannot set a firm budget, so this is based on past activities
that won’t necessarily occur again, or not in the same form. That being said, the
offered budget would leave us £20k below our reserves policy. Hoping that we
may be able to talk with more certainty at the next PCC meeting, it was agreed to
postpone a formal decision until then.

10. Staff & Contracts

When asked whether Furloughing staff was an option, Jon replied that this had been
considered, but was felt to be not appropriate. The staff were actually doing at least
as much as previously- and often more- as we implemented online services and
other new ways of working.

11. Mission Giving

a) After discussion council agreed that our committed giving to Martin Q. would
continue this year with a review next year. Proposed Helen Campbell, Seconded
Sandy Elderkin, nem con.
b) Council will resume 3 yearly reviews of mission partners next: both established
and possible new partners.
c) Money remaining from tithe if we are to meet our goal this year was discussed-
there had been a request from CAP to fund Christmas hampers for all their
clients this year, totalling £225. Council agreed: proposed Steve Watkins,
seconded Jenni Botfield, nem con.
This would still leave £510 for giving away, with proposed receivers including the
women’s refuge and refugees. Council agreed that it would be appropriate for
the standing committee to check any conditions or restrictions and then to give it
all away.

12. Safeguarding
No new issues to report here.

13. AOB
There being no other business, the meeting was closed in prayer

Dates of future meetings:

Monday 18th January 2021 Worship: Richard Cooper

Monday 22nd March 2021 Worship: Jenni Botfield

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