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This study aims to develop learning media on Augmented Reality with an android system

This research is to develop learning media based on Augmented Reality with an android system
in the subject of basic work of mechanical engineering in class X of Mechanical Engineering
which is limited to the introduction of work tools in the workshop. This study uses a research and
development method with the ADDIE product development model which goes through several
stages including analysis, design, development, application and evaluation. This study made the
students of SMK Dinamika Pembangunan 1 Jakarta class X of Mechanical Engineering as many
as 43 students. The development of this learning media uses quantitative descriptive techniques,
in collecting data from observations and questionnaires. The results of research from the
development of learning media are based on 1) validation of the material with a percentage of
85, 3%, 2) testing of media validation with a percentage of 72.5% and 3) Validation tests by
students with a percentage of 87.5%. It can be concluded that the Learning Media based on
augmented reality with the Android system in the basic work of Mechanical Engineering is
feasible to be used by students in learning activities.

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