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Receptonist : Hello, good morning. welcome to Johns Hopkins Hospital. Please have a seat.

How may i help you madam?

Patiens : Hello, good morning, thank you. I would like to have pregnancy check up, please.

Receptionist : Okey. May i know your name madame?

Patiens : I’m Kate Middleton.

Receptionist : Okay, Mrs. Middleton. Have you registered in this clinic before?

Patiens : No. I have not. This is my first time coming here.

Receptionist : Okay Mrs. Middleton. You can fill in the registration form and after that you
can sign on the next sheet.

Patiens : Okay. Wait a minute

Receptionist : Take your time Mrs. Middleton.

Patiens : I'm done with the form.

Receptionist : Thank you Mrs. Middleton. I need some information for me to note down. how
long have you been pregnant?

Patiens : It’s been 23 weeks , i guess

Receptionist : What pregnancy problems do you have?

Patiens : I feel very tired and dizzy, tense at the waist and lately I feel my baby is not moving.

Receptionist: alright, don't worry. the midwife will check your pregnancy. Is this your first

Patiens : Yes

Receptionist : Here youre queue number. You can wait over there . We will call you when
it’s your turn.

Patiens : Okey thank you.


Midwife : Hello. Good morning, Mrs. Middleton. Have a seat please.

Patiens : Good morning. Okay.

Midwife : My name is Elizabeth. Let me check your notes.

Patiens : Okay
Midwife : So you're 23 weeks pregnant right?

Patiens : Yes.

Midwife : In this record, you feel tired, tense in the waist area, and feel dizzy. and also lately
your baby stopped moving right?

Patiens : Right

Midwife : Well Mrs. Middleton please lie down comfortably in the examination table. Are
you comfortable?

Patiens : Yes, Please.

Midwife : I’m going to do your first OB ultrasound. I’m going have you bring your shirt up
and we’ll give you this to tuck underneath. The goal is to protect your clothing from the gel.
Go ahead and tuck that underneath. And if you will please under your pants and bring them
down to your hip line for me. And go ahead and tuck that round.

Patiens : Okay

Midwife: This is some warm gel. I’m going to put this on your belly

Patiens : Okay

Midwife: That helps the ultrasound waves go in so we can get a clearer picture of baby.

Patiens : Okay

Midwife: This is the Probe that we’re going to use. It’s just around probe we’re going to rub
it around like that. That all we’re going to do. It’s not painful at all.

Patiens : Yeah

Midwife : All right, so we’re zeroing right in on baby. There’s the baby hand. You can see
the fingers. Baby heart is beating.Can you see it?

Patiens : yeah

Midwife : Good, looks like that heart is beating steady and the heart beating at 149 and that’s
beat per minute. That’s Normal. Looks, the baby is moving.

Patiens : thanks God. yeah. I can see it.

Midwife : you can get a nice view of baby’s spine. There ‘s a neck , following it all the way
down to the tailbone. You can see the ribcage and baby’s hand and arms. There’s the other
one. There’s is baby face.

Patiens : omg. it's amazing.

Midwife :We'll see if we can get a different view , kind of angle. You can see the feet and the
legs there. And the thigh and the curve of the butt.

Patiens: wow. it's very interesting.

Midwife : okay we're done kate. you can fix your clothes back. and have a seat please.

Patiens : Okey, wait a minute.

Midwife : I will provide some supplements so that you are not too weak. and get plenty of
rest. don't do too much strenuous activity.

Patiens : okey. I will take care of my baby. But there isn't something bad with me and my
baby right?

Midwife : Yes. I wish you and your baby well. So see you at the next meeting Mrs.

Patiens : Thank you. See you

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