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Part four of the article, here we (Romée, Frederique, Florian and Stijn) are going to look back on

the project and are going to go over what we could have done better and what went well.


We were quite excited to take a look at our counterpart team and what they had done, however when we
looked at their website we found nothing. At first we gave them the benefit of the doubt and waited until it
would only be a couple of days to complete it, there was still nothing we could work with. The only thing
there was the introduction and an action plan, both of which were quite short. We then tried to compare
our work with that of V3A’s counterpart, there was however no team for “My green meal” so comparing
our team to our counterpart wasn’t possible and because of that we are going to have to end our
comparison here.


What went well?

Although it sometimes took a long time to get started, when we finally got to work on the project we all
worked really hard. And not only were we able to work efficiently and fast on our own, but together this
was also the case. We are very pleased with our report, definitely because we found a lot of information.
While making the report not everything went well, but some things did go well. Like the making of the
interviews for our parents and making up recipes for our own green meals.

What would you do differently?

Sometimes we waited a little too long before we started making the report. One time we even waited so long
we forgot we had to make that report and we had to make all of it on the last day. Luckily we managed and
we were able to finish the report in time. I would have done this a bit differently.

Report of each student.

➢ Frederique
I think that I worked pretty seriously and found a lot of information. Sometimes I got stuck and
when I couldn't find enough information for a certain piece I got a little bit annoyed. I think that if
this would happen again, I would need to handle it differently. I sometimes also got mad at my
team members, but in the end I think I shouldn't have been too mad at them. But I am also proud
of myself with the report itself, because I did do ¼ of it and I think it's a pretty good report. But I
am actually really pleased with what I have done and how our reports have turned out.
➢ Florian
In my opinion we as a team did really well. We worked seriously and hard. We divided the tasks
really well, which really helped us finish the reports quickly. I think that everybody did about the
same amount of work. One time we were a little caught off guard by a report we had to make which
we knew nothing about but because of the good teamwork we finished it really fast. Overall I think
we did really good. If I had to give us a grade it would be a 9 because we worked really well but you
can always improve on something.

➢ Romée
We did wonderfully, of course that is my opinion but still. We never had any big arguments and all
pulled our weight quite well. If there was a problem, the team all worked together to smoothly
solve it. It was quite a pleasant experience, even if I am not a fan of group projects. We bounced
quite well off each other, so things were never boring. If I had to give my teammates a grade out of
10, it would probably be a 9. Besides the pleasant experience, the work everyone put in was always
done well, and the issues that there sometimes were there weren’t a big deal. In conclusion, I had a
great time working on this project.

➢ Stijn
I think we as a team worked pretty well, because we finished all the assignments on time, and if I say
so myself we did it very good as well.
I don’t think anyone of us did far more or far less than the other pupils in our group.
So I think we as a group worked very well and I hope the teachers think that as well.
If I had to give us a group a mark I think it would be a 9, because there were some parts that could
be improved but in general we did amazing and I am proud of my teammates.

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