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UNION BUDGET 2021-22 : (Analysis from the lens of

Scheduled Castes and ScheduledTribes)


(Analysis from the lens of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
परिभाषाओं में उलझा विकास: Development entangled in definitions:

GDP - Revenue
Year Advance Foregon
Estimate Exp. Payment
Estimate e
7,50,884 8,83,956 53,21,753 4,58,516 1,90,807
10,20,838 10,24,487 61,64,178 4,82,432 2,25,511
11,08,749 11,97,328 78,77,947 4,59,705 2,48,664
12,57,729 13,04,365 89,12,179 5,33,583 2,67,986
14,90,925 14,10,372 100,28,118 5,66,235 3,19,759
16,65,297 15,59,447 113,55,073 5,72,923 3,70,684
17,94,892 16,63,673 126,53,762 5,89,285 4,27,011
17,77,477 17,90,783 135,67,192 6,11,128 4,56,145
19,78,060 19,75,194 150,65,010 3,02,104 4,92,670
168,47,455 1,94,984 5,28,952
18 21,47,000 2141973
187,22,302   5,82,648
19 24,42,213 2315113
20 27,86,349 26,86,330 211,00,607  
21 30,42,230   224,89,420  
22 34,83,236   222,87,379  
232,62,64 199,53,02 1701,04,99 47,70,89 54,31,11
3 1 6 5 0
लोगों से टैक्स वसूल कर देश के  विकास के  लिए बजट तैयार किया जाता है | उपर दिए गए टेबल से स्प
ष्ट है कि प्रति वर्ष टैक्स की वसूली बढ़ रही है, खर्च भी बढ़ रहा है, सकल घरेलु उत्पाद भी बढ़ रहा है, 
कं पनियों एवं कु छ अन्य एजेंसी के  लिए टैक्स माफ़ी (Revenue
Forgone) भी बढ़ रहा है जो वर्ष 2016-17 के  बाद कॉर्पोरेट टैक्स की दर 30% से घटाकर 25
% करने से लगातार घट रहा है  | वर्ष 2015-
16 में टैक्स माफ़ी की राशि रु० 6,11,128 करोड़ थी जो कॉर्पोरेट टैक्स की दर 30% से 25% 
करने के  बाद वर्ष 2016-17 में रु० 3,02,104 करोड़ हो गयी | सरकार ने अब तक जो कर्ज लिया 
है उस कर्ज के  ब्याज के  भुगतान की राशि भी लगातार बढ़ रही है और सरकार का प्रतिवर्ष वित्तीय घाटा 
भी बढ़ रहा है |
The road map of the country’s development is prepared with the
taxpayers money. The above table articulate that every year tax
collection is increasing, expenditure is increasing, GDP is
increasing, Revenue Forgone is also increasing for companies and
some other agency which has been steadily decreasing since 2016-
17, it has come down from 30% to 25% in corporate tax and
continuing to go down. Tax amnesty amounted to Rs 6,11,128
crore in the year 2015-16, which decreased to Rs 3,02,104 crore in
the year 2016-17 after reducing the corporate tax rate from 30% to
25%. The amount of interest payment of loans has been taken by
the government so far is also increasing and the fiscal deficit of the
government is also increasing every year.
जिन प्रश्नों का जवाब हमें तलाशना है:
1.      जब विकास और घाटा साथ-साथ बढ़ रहे हों तो इसे क्या कहेगें ? और कॉर्पोरेट टैक्स की 
दर घटाने से छोटे कारोबारियों का क्या फायदा हुआ जिससे कि वे लोगों को रोजगार दे सकें ?
2.      सरकार के  पास ब्याजों के  भुगतान के  लिए रु० 8,09,701 करोड़ की देनदारी है | पुरे ब
जट में से इस राशी को निकालने के  बाद सरकार के  पास कु ल रु० 26,73,535 करोड़ बचेगा |
3.      वित्तीय घाटा रु० 15,06,812 करोड़ का है | सरकार इस घाटे से उबरने के  लिए क्या 
रास्ता अख्तियार करेगी - लोन लेगी या कोई दूसरा रास्ता अख्तियार करेगी?
Questions we have to find answers to:
1. What shall we call it when growth and deficit are increasing
simultaneously? And what was the benefit of small
businessmen by reducing the rate of corporate tax so that
they could employ people?
2. The government has a liability of Rs 8,09,701 crore for the
payment of interest. After withdrawing this amount in the
entire budget, the government will have a total of Rs
26,73,535 crore left.
3. The fiscal deficit  is of Rs 15,06,812 crore. What counter
measures will government take for it - will it take  loan or
look for some other way out?
SC/ST का विकास – एक पहेली 
संविधान के  अनुच्छेद 330 के  तहत सुरक्षित चुनाव क्षेत्रों से चुनकर आने वाले जनप्रतिनिधि इस पहेली 
की पहली कड़ी हैं | सदन में इनके  सवालों और सरकार के  जवाबों से इस पहेली का राज खुल सकता है 
| सदन में जो प्रतिनिधित्व किया और जो सवाल पूछे उसके  परिणाम ये आंकड़े और इन आंकड़ों के  पीछे 
की सच्चाई है | बजट के  आंकड़ों के  हिसाब से वर्ष 2012-13 में SC/ST के  लिए कु ल रु० 58,82
3 करोड़ बजट आबंटित हुआ जो 10 वर्षों में बढ़कर वर्ष 2021-22 में करीब चारगुना तक बढ़कर रु
० 2,06,201 करोड़ हो गया | आंकड़ों के  पीछे का सत्य जानने से पहले हम वर्षवार आंकड़ों को देख 
सकते हैं:
Development of SC/ST- A mystery
The representative of the people who are elected from the
constituencies secured under Article 330 of the Constitution is the
first link to this puzzle. The secret of this puzzle can be revealed by
their questions asked and the government's answers to them in the
House. The representation done in the House and the result of the
questions asked are the figures and the truth behind these figures.
According to the budget figures, a total of Rs 58,823 crore was
allocated for SC / ST in the year 2012-13, which has increased in
10 years to nearly fourfold in 2021-22 to Rs 2,06,201 crore. Before
disclosing the truth behind the data, we must look at the year-wise
For Scheduled For Scheduled
Year / Allocation / Castes Tribes
Expenditure Total SCP in TSP in
Budget % %
2012- Allocation 14,90,925 37,113 2.49 21,710 1.46
13 Expenditure 14,10,372 33,161 2.35 20,184 1.43
2013- Allocation 16,65,297 41,561 2.50 24,598 1.48
14 Expenditure 15,59,447 34,722 2.23 22,039 1.41
2014- Allocation 17,94,892 50,548 2.82 32,387 1.80
15 Expenditure 16,63,673 30,035 1.81 19,921 1.20
2015- Allocation 17,77,477 30,851 1.74 19,980 1.12
16 Expenditure 17,90,783 30,604 1.71 21,217 1.18
2016- Allocation 19,78,060 38,833 1.96 24,005 1.21
17 Expenditure 19,75,194 34,334 1.74 21,811 1.10
2017- Allocation 21,47,000 52,393 2.44 31,920 1.49
18 Expenditure 21,41,975 49492 2.31 31914 1.49
2018- Allocation 24,42,213 56,619 2.32 39135 1.60
19 Expenditure 23,15,113 54,343 2.35 36,890 1.59
2019- Allocation 27,86,349 81,341 2.92 52,884 1.90
20 Expenditure 26,86,330 65,197 2.43 46,911 1.75
2020- Allocation 30,42,230 83,257 2.74 53,653 1.76
21 Revised 34,50,305 82,708 2.40 53,304 1.54
22 Allocation 34,83,236 1,26,259 3.62 79,942 2.30
यह राशी जिन मदों में खर्च की जानी है उसका विवरण कु छ विभागों के  लिए दिनांक 2 फरवरी को शाम 
पांच बजे प्रेस विज्ञप्ति के  माध्यम से बताया जायेगा | अध्ययन के  मुख्य कें द्र वे योजनायें होगीं जिनको श्रम 
MSME मंत्रालय, सामाजिक न्याय एवं कल्याण मंत्रालय, जनजाति मंत्रालय और टेक्सटाइल मंत्रालय 
लोगों के  स्वरोजगार या आत्मनिर्भरता के  लिए क्रिन्वित करते हैं | सफाई कर्मचारी और कचरा बीनने वा
लों के  उपर एक विशेष अध्ययन भी जरी किया जायेगा |
Details of the matters in which the amount is to be spent will be
given through press release for some departments on February
2nd at 5:00 pm. The main centers of study will be the schemes
that the Ministry of Labor, MSME Ministry, Ministry of Social
Justice and Welfare, Tribal Ministry, and Textile Ministry
implement for self-employment or self-sufficiency of the people. A
special study will also be released on the Safai Karmcharies and
waste pickers.
   Dr. Ambedkar Cooperative Federation ,  Dalit Adivasi
Shakti Adhikar Manch (DASAM) and National Alliance of
People’s Movements (NAPM)
 Contact: 9810645828 ; 9540928915

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