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Social media plays a very important role in today's life.

It has changed the way people live

their life,made it easier.And some people forget about the little things that make them happier
such as books,live concerts,communication.So we have many choices ,and I intend to examine
advantages and disadvantages.
To begin with,watching a concert on your notebook at home is quite more cheaper and
comfortable,because you feel safe with yourself.Furthermore,you also can invite tour friends or
siblings to watch it together ,and it will be much more interactive and pleasant.
On the other hand,attending a concert can help boost your emotions,it can make you feel
active,happy and impressed.Consequently,you will create memories ,and maybe you will be able
to find new friends and interesting people to talk with.
Last but not leastr,while attending live events,we develop our critical spirit,socializing
and providing chances to meet your idol ,or favourite singer.Moreover,music has a huge impact
on your mood,so listening to your favourite music will make you feel better
Finally,I can say that it is comfortable for every of us to stay home and watching our
favourite band singing but we should take a risk and join live programs to make ourslef more
cheerful and happier.
Dear Joe ,
This is just a quick note to say,thank you so much for your letter,sure I can help you.
First of all,I live in a country with a temperate climate,moderately continental ,with not long
summers and short wild winters.
In addition,the four seasons of the year are clearly defined.Moldova is called also ,,the sunny
land” .In the spring,usually may,the temperature is around +15 , - 20 °C ,July is the warmest
month,with an average between 26- 30 °C.January is the coldest month,rare,but may fall to -20
Next,precipitations in Moldova are not abundant,occurs mostly in the form of light snow
You will never believe this,but I hate summers here,because the temperature may rise too
high,and it is vey warm outside,especially if you travel with public transport.
But I am extremely enthusiastic about the winters here,they are relatively mild and dry ,but
sometimes we have a lot of snow,so you know I love it.
To sum up, I will pleased to tell you more about this,so I am waiting for another letter

Lots of love,
Dear Jamie,
It was great to get your email asking for my suggestions on your sister's trip.
First of all,they should visit ,,typografia 5” which is an amazing place for all types of having
fun ,,the arch of the triumph”,a great place to take a picturw with Moldovan flag,also ,,The
Botanical Garden” a very good relaxing walk.
Next,our transport ,they can use taxis which costs around €2-10 for trip,or buses ,but they are
quite slow and not so comfortable,or microbuses.They should have the map of the town,to make
sure,which transport will get them to the right place.
Moreover ,there are a lot of trolleybuses ,so make sure that at least one of them know the
language,to not get lost.
As well as you asked about the time ,to manage to visit all the places they have planned ,they
will have to woke up around 8:00 a.m. and return around 11:00 p.m.,because then they won't be
able to find some public transport to go back

I hope this has helped,I am sure they will have fun here
Best wishes,

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