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in a magical forest where the trees were tall and their leaves were very large, there

was a gathering of animals. Among those animals there were geese, a pack of
wolves and a flock of sheep discussing who would be the leader of their pack.
the candidates were: the monkey because he said that his main quality was
intelligence and wisdom to solve any problem, and the other candidate was the
deer because he said that it was the most elegant and robust.
while the animals argued, the last candidate arrived, no one expected him, they
were speechless, everything was silent
only the gentle brease blowing through the forest was heard. He makes his
entrence and it was the return of the jaguar.
When they came out of their amazement, the animals wondered what he was
doing here after the incident when he was the leader.
the jaguar affirms quickly I come to recover mine affirms it
with his powerful voice, the deer tells him that he had lost his place when he left all
the animals and ran away from hunters who had big and sharp knives, luckily the
king of the jungle, the lord of the lions, came with his big teeth and sharp claws and
saved us all. so because of the jaguar abandonment and lack of leadership they
eliminate him from these elections.
But some animals did not agree with eliminating the jaguar and the discussion
began whether he would stay or eliminate him.
After the light they still could not agree, when in the middle of the darkness an old
but very wise owl comes out and tells them, why all the fuss and the mice
explained what was happening.
The old owl is silent for a few minutes, he re-claws his wings and tells them ... this
is very easy, it is solved by voting and everyone amazed and puzzled, they say
ahhh, how about voting?
The owl explained to them that they should place a sealed box and that each
animal would take a large sheet and write down the name of their candidate and
the one with the most vote that would win.
They decided to do so and the next morning the votes were made and at the end
of the afternoon the votes were counted and the winner was the monkey.
moral: A leader never leaves his team even though there are many obstacles and

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