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BIG YELLOW TAXI “ Words and susie by JONI MITCHELL : & & ft eee aa 1. They paved par-n-dise And put up a park - et, todk allthe trees And put them in a. ivee mu = go> Mey, far-mer,tar-mer, Pu a-way that “D. 'D.T,ga I. Late” ast night 1 heard the screen door slam," With a pink ho = tel, A bowtique and a And they charged all the peo-ple A dalla and a just to Give me spols on my ap-ples But leaveme the birds nay a, Avda big” yel- tow tax =i ‘Took a= way my ald — t6038-8-1 SPBIIPALO 1220 by Scyomt Pabshing Ca, 10Caumbus Cac New York. .¥. 19019 International Copyright Second AilRights Reserved Used by Permission of ied , =e im } | Se 6038-3-2 aH S i ce = ee 6} | = — a Se I se a J = ee paved par-a-dise Repeat and fale 66036-3-3

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