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Research question for the chapter: Does our past shape our present and our future? 2. hat are your frst thoughts and reactions tothe qtestion above? 2. What justifications would you sive for your enswe? +. What more would you need to know before youcancometo a definitive conclusion about the question? ‘Study the diagram below and discuss the research question in class You _may want to think about al the different influences tt can affect you om {your journey t adulthood. CSC} crc’ (oreo ei) traditions 4, Avethere any other influences which you want to alto this ist? 2. Which ofthese influences are the most important? 22. Which of those influences ate the least important? 44. Are there tems on tis Iist which are beyond our posers to contral? In this chapter you are going to examine some of theseissues and have ‘oppostunities to debete then Section A: Life stories Research question & To what extent do historical events shape our life stories? 4 What are your fist thoughts and eections tothe queston above? 2, Whatjesications would you give for your answers? 2. What more would you need to know before you can cone to adeintive onciysion about the question? Before you read Lookat he picture of diferent roosters nthe st 140 yar. 4, In what historical context do you think each picture was taken? 2. In four groupe cscuss each ofthe pictures. What ae the life stories ‘ofthe people involved in each photograph? What has happened to make each group protest” 3. Do you see the protesters as people who should beadmired and ‘whose oxample should be followad? Or are they jus troublemskers? Are these protests il relevant today? Ora they ust part of history? Rosa Parks — A Great American Role Model ad ioe aS oo in Tuskegee, Ahura, on February 4.1913 Rost moved to Mongom- fey, Alabama, ot age 11. Sho et school at 16 ey in 1 ga ease she raoed eae for her dying pranter fn 1952, a 19, ‘he marod Raymond Paks, ho ork 6 aber ws a og tie member ofthe Naial Av section forthe Advancement of ‘Coker People NAACP), Raymond ond Res besume we specie meter of Monty Lge Affioun American coma ty Coerising with white ee ina city governed by “Yim Cro” (Segesuion) ans, however. was feayght with daly fustations lack people could aend only inferior school, cook dik only from dvgated water certs, sould borrow books only from rewrites, In December 1963, Ra alo Joined the Meonigmery super of the NAACP. ad se fecae ther wert. She work slosely ih chapter sient gar Dail (ED, Nixon ‘On Thy Decor [, 1085, the 2yearold Rost Paks vas cemmutrg roma hogy of rk hy tus. Seregaion wan ter io loa a the fot of « Ment omer bs was serve fr whe ‘irene sets bein Te) for Hac citzers. Howeves, twas ‘nly hy etm tha bas evr ha the hot wo ask a ack poser tage upa cat fora whiter. At rs point on the rout, a white man faa no seat eae al ese in the devgnied "whe" sen wore take. So their tld theirs in the four et ofthe Bit om af be “cored” seton wo stn, infect aking anther rom to the “whi ‘ection, The tree aber bevel Prk dd ot “People saya say tha ie ge up my sea heease ws te” ‘oete Parks in Bor auohiogriny, ne ha tou Fas wo Hed syscall. No, th only ted {ewe of ging in Een tly two pie ofeen preach the serps hus and arse Pik, Pars Wt Ber one pene cal sonacther sind ond word of er fest sped qc). ED. Nien wees fre when Paks wi eee nil iertatecening. Nise ad Ipod er sears o tes te salty Rosas tal to dots, Another en ea wee The Back popu oF Meetgomery woul Boyce be anesthe dy of Pct (On December 5, Parks was Kar saity of vilaing sexresatin Tawa, given a spended sentence ant red $10 pes $4 in cot fmt Mest, blsk porte Inaon in he tenco ws mah lager than even opens in the ccommenity nd amped. Ni co finned. a commie 10 mat fags he toycou, and dey eked Reverend De Martin Ler King ene wo Mentgonery and jst 26 yea old -asthe MIN preside. 1 AAs apres and relied lanai were all the nay up © the US, Supreme Cou th beyentengen- eva anger andaggresion in much of Mniseny’s ibe population fant Nien id De King oes were bebe. The vileve dit dcr the raters othe ees, tomer, anc the cana in Mont omer coheed ain tein fhm the tal and eran pee On November 151956 te Supreme Coutt mcd that tus segrzition sa uncoastaonal: the boyeot snded Deeniber 20, 4 hy aller the Courts writen fader anivad in Montgomery. Parks—oho had lost her jb ant cxpsiened train! all year— testne Knova se “the moter of the cl igh movement ‘Adapted rom hto:/wuruistory ccom/topics/black-history/ ross-pars BIE Reading comprehension Now thatyouhavecorpleted In the text the section headings. to 8 are missing. Choose the thevecingesereses.thing correct heading from the list Blow foreach parograph. agalnabout the esearch coebe — question for this section: To & Anerpt Seaver Whceonentdohitorcalewents ¢. Theverdktandaftermath 6. TheBus Ride Sepeourllestrmihat———&, Early ie The udgment Td N.. Solidarity with Rosa Seek hesteicretisein 1. Gaol Time 4. The Roots of Activism: eee 1G Aviolent reaction L. Rosa and Martin Luther King West becae.. Find words or phrases in Porographs 2nd 3 that correspond tthe = stewastredttat ponepyany Kthowantedtnchangethe | S-modecomplictedby 10, specific wots 22. tavaing home 12. et aside she wasioluencedby the a 12 Reread Paragraph 4 From statements ato f selec the four that, rcadeodie are true, Weite the appropriate letters in the boxes provided. moment A Raptonel ED. Nhoninimdertomsccnnh maner'o(—) «allrsome ofthese et outot ja Senet 8, ED. Nixon wanted Roa’ hep to fight for justice because O ‘ive your opinion andjusty she was on excellent role medel forthe cv rights movement seimelags acute wien “ C Nixor’s plan wast use Ros’ cat ight the segregation swoent historical events may me i O shape your ownlfestories, eee B. Att saneime the back ropltin of Mongonery ao farted a eaccessul campagne avoid using the buses ._ Rosa wes found gully beceuseof her bus protests PORE J} stein stern force the Montgomery improvement [Association and became itspresident. Imagine you are Rosa Parks spalling Ga reorer eal 6. Thehomesof Nixon and King were partially damaged in thestory ofyour bus ride fire bombings. frome and your arost Alo H. The US. Supreme Court supported the verict of the ‘explain what happened as Montgomery courts eee eee easy 1. Rosa Parks became role mod! fr the followers ofthe ‘between 100 and 150 words. vl rights movement. ‘Look a the technical egal vocabulary and workout the meanings af any vocabulary you do not know. ‘eppea! tall guilty lonsuit plains rule Supreme Court suspended sentence unconstitutional —valiity violation ‘writen oder Using all the vocabula-yin theistebove write chronologcal summaryof the le the Rosa Parkscaso wascontaltothe cil rights movement. rocess which explains why Oral activity: debate Can one person change the world? Think about Ross Paks partin the try ofthe cv igh nmovernent inthe LSA. Threat a east two ways of viewing ber sto: Rona Pathe made history History made Roe Part, Here aresome points in suppor ofboth soso the argument Con pana ss anni chanps Esl eee eer eee Eee aes + Nehavewitressedin many ulturesandthroughout + Nelson Nendelaand Garchiwere not alone. The ‘story that it ony takes one porsontolniate change. people were behind therm anc wore part ofa much + Roigous and politcal leaders, writers and laiger movement. ‘hilosopnershaveideas thatean change the waywwe + Politician: need an army to change tings. think. + Inthiswold theres too much coruption fr things to + Inividuals such asscientists2nd technelogstscan cnange. change the world. Ris through therinnovations that + Theichhavermore money han some counties global developments ccc spond on he wellarof tr people Sohowcan an + One nvidua canbe acole model and Isat or Indvidualchange the nord? mils Conducting the debate a) EeediccpratMecnadicceacdienete ia Sraceiroianvopemutcnscntensoadsdverterwie | Mmseataleg — eer ceanacqedcingttromranetersye cet ie et ee aan) allah tata rk aa . ordo the forces of history. Shc no Clckteicon to practice the stoning seton of Paper2 Nr you have oem Hane vausielji i oeusimaicenoe ee = -animportant role in. puceasee Internal assessment (SL) Toke a look at the visual stimulus. The image relates to the theme ‘ofthe chapter, “Experiences”. Brainstorming In pirs, scuss ond answer the following questions. ‘+ What is the main idea in the photograph? How does it relate tothe {ite ofthe section, “Lifestores”. + What do you seein the background ofthe photograph? What does the background tel you about the location and context of the photograph? ‘What dees it convey about an English-speaking community? + Look tthe foregrouna ofthe photograph. Describe the person or people you can see, + What is happening in the picture? How does the action relate o the theme ofthe chapter, "Experiences"? Presenting Based on your answers to the questions above, prepare four- Iinote presentation on the phetograph. ea Wc peatoue Ae oy ae CUE thephoograph bet comme othctopict role men in an Atop ‘sce Pca oe lop tpl om Bleiie ‘nzmall groupe, ese: presentations given by yourclazematas, You may us the ubricz below ae a basis for your comments Eyecontact | Nakesgoodeyecontact | Makeseyecortactwith | Sometimesmakes | Doesnat make eve sth ausonc theauttence mostet | eyecartact mith the | contact with the thetine, excienc, diene. Enthaslasm | Shows gieateuhusasm | Showsenthisasmfor | Showsoneentusasm | showslteenthaasm forthetepic. thetopic forthetopi. forthotopic. Preparation | Vey prepared andwall | Mest preparedand | Somevhat prepared [Not very preparedor and organized well organized. and oanized ognize, erganization ‘Clear speech | Speaksverycleaily | Speokscleary mostet | Someimesspeaks | Doesnot speak early andisveryeasyto —|thetimearelistaity | cleatyandissometimes | ands quite cific to uncestore, easy to undertord ounderstond. | understand Knowledge | Showsexcelient | Shows good ‘Shaws ome Shows tle Jottople | uncersanoingottne | undectangingotthe | uncertandingottne | understanding othe io toi tone tes Internal assessment (HL) DEW eM amar lutte e ‘Onz0ogust 1968 on testers oft inekn Memoria before 20000 people, Morn Luter King Jagat eros ‘itowea devon speech dog ‘The areion teshington for Jobs ond Fede. iS speech Narn otter tng coed ren end. ‘acannon States and caller cil ond canon hts allaican Avec Al he Talons nemorks creer thee Wes hie speech Kg wo ble adores tho whee coun. Trsmamentwoud beccreatrnngeoin the soy ol thse And sa even tnoughwe feat ice today and tomoron,|tt nave scream. It ea deem deeoywotedin theamecanceam, I havea dear that one doy is nation willis up and ive ‘outta ue meaningot creed We Nld hesetraths tobe. 5 fall edn, tata men arecestod equ. ‘avo 2 dae that one day0n the fea nf Georg the sonsefomeslaesand the sens of firmer sove owners wil beabletash done exper ale table! batherood. ‘havea deer that onedayeven the stte ol Mssspp a 20 “tate sieering th he heat of ryt, song the lomedinte mess olreedernane justics heatof oppression wil beta ‘nove 2 dream that my laurlitls clare wll ane heen nan where they willnt be udgedby the ole ct thai shin butby Yieconten of theircharacer haves desmntoky 6 ‘cousracets ith ts gavermarhaving his ip dipping with havea dream that one, down in Alabama, ith blackooys ans black wl thewords ol interaostin” end rulifiation” cre dy igh therein Aebarna ith be ablet en ard ih ite nite Boys ands gris 26st and bracers. havea eam tay {havea dream that oneday every valley shall eee and every andmountansallbe adelante rough 20 places nit be made pin, ae to crooke places wi berade sagt “ord the ley othe vd sak a eesld fad ales shall sei oes? ‘Thiseourhoae, and this the ath tht ge backohe South with ‘Wa this iath, we it be ble to hew out ol he mountain of dspoira store af hope. Mth his sith ne wl beable torvanstom the jnwingdisconds cf aurnaton into a beautal symphony et brotherheed. Wah hislath, we wile 25 able to wot geet, pray together ogee, to 319 toate, to standup or ec togt, rowing thatwe wll deco one dy. ‘Ang this willbe the day ths wllbe the day when al Goce chieronwilbe able sngwith new meaning: Ly country tsof thee, sect and cliente ing and bere ny fathers lend othe ign pride, 0 From evry mountains, et reedom ing! Brainstorming ‘Ascessthe presentations given !n small groups, discuss the following questions taen summarize byyourclassmates.Consiéer_yourdiscussion in point form. ‘theHLMerteria asaguidein 4 wnat isthe tapi of the spooch? ‘your assessment ‘© What techniques does the speaker use to communicate his message so effectively? ‘+ Ifyou had been inthe crowd when the speech wasmade, what ‘emotions might you have felt? Explain your answer 1+ On theevidence of the tut, why do you think Marin Luther King was able to change the course of history? Presenting SigpRINSAIONARRYSEE)| osedon your ensworsto te questions above, prepare lnsunetesonimprevstcfoursminute presentation on the content ofthe tet Present Mate your presentation to our cassmats, Stunt Itong he Presentation should prepare nda! qustons bout the tes hich thoy can ook you athe end of our prsniation Paper 1: Editorials Etoile ae mace medi tents, They expres the view ofthe sence leadership of a newspaper. Thy are unsigned ad ar the vlc ofthe news xyz Faltrals cancer an opinion ot presenta cotks ve pt of view on some opal subj. They cn explore a whole range of newaworthy iss events ad ides. They can nko enka or pesinde Falta ane designed to stimulate public debate, and readers are int tosend letters to teeter in order o comment on the opi Such eters may be printed inthe newspaper Structure [Like any form of persuasive writing, an editorial has specific characteristics that help the readers follow the writer's reasoning. While content may vary. ‘an editorial should alway inchide a headline introductory paragraph, 3 ‘main body consisting of supporting paragraphs and a conclusion. Headline: The headline grabs the readers‘ attention and persuades ther to read the piece. Ifthe henline is neither interesting ror elevant, no one ‘will oad the text Introductory paragraph: The purpose of the introduction sto capture the attention of the readers and make them want to real further The ineduction may also explain the context and background tothe topic boing discussed, Kickers Joumalists often use an attention grabber (sometimes refered to 2s “kicker. + This “sicher” maybe a provocative rhetorical question about a topicalissue:*Do you relly nood a university degree?” + An introductory paragraph can begin with a dramatic momentin a news story: “Yesterday the Supreme Courtrued that bus segregation was unconstittional” + Sometimes the editor will use quote to star. + Aleratively the “kicker” could ie atrking fact or statement, “Rosa Park, the Alabama seamstiess ‘considered the one-nomen catalyst fr the chil rights movement, died in much the same way she changed the wore: quietly” Why do you think this device ie called a "kicker"? Practice writing "kickers" inal your essays. ean mske your witingmuch mere vivé and readable, “The introduction will also contain she main idea or thesis thatthe “writer wishes to explore: Now look at these three examples of opening paragraphs. How does the editor Legin each one? What techniques {does the writer use to pra the reader's attention? Whats the main ea /thets ofeach editorial? Example A Young oF ld pays oy ace. Take what en ‘ent yu car a fan lp eur Flows Just sk estat Liam Green, ¢ Cub Sooat with Spider Tals Cab Scout Pak 85, sa histo buckle, Ray Dyer and Grysen Bop (Ov ifyo dn tlie them because ye ik tyne too young ako about mich things, ten ak yest {ld Doray Wright of Greneld. Mey may ot seem. tohavealot connor, but the are dbo this ‘The Roconder Nerwont, USA Example C “TEACHERS pyc nf in ut sn, ping shape the minds of oachilren andassis thea 0 each the fal peta “They deserve al the eprint reseurces and pro tection retin fe he msn npg xe for leaming. Bat hey aren't he mos important ineence nach ie. "That ils prcas, who must provide hi cil- Example B 1 the te 1950s, Vigna Sins clare serine {old were, “You've exne ang way baby" Wore ave come ve Further sins then Butea series shi ‘rea wth a ol and ppt edo ecm ‘ol aadpodactive cieems eas mes emetic ken ae at schn tha foc eae cn taiidon. The Advert, South Rain “Aprograt Vacs Usiverty hstweck examina Ahem of feral seeps inthe medial veining, waves and tevsion—in depriving ils ‘ofthe poste fle model they nee! 0 hip Bally tin cana. NorthWest Tics, nan, USA ‘The main body and supporting paragraphs: The middle section consists ‘of a numberof paragraphs that expand the main topic ofthe article into subtopics. The paragrapite should ink with your angle and in fact prove {Your pointof view Thene are different stnacnes yout can ise for this. + A“one-ided” approach: Fach secon of the feature emphasizes single point to support your argle. For example, your angle might be, “isa great but vulnerable chsractoe”. Make sure to give examples for each point you make. This similar ta thesiedriven text. + A“halances” approach: These are two sides tothe issue or problem Give both sides ofthe argument with supporting evidence Conclusion: A conclusion should te everything together and surn ‘up the editorial, The concluding paragraph shoul leave a lasting impression by + reminding the reader ofthe stiles main dea; you ean return to your question/statement at the start of the eitorial ‘suggesting an appropriate course of action or making a recommendation + ifn about a peron,explsining that person's ftir plans usa sate evened ple of inrmation nl ho at paragraph Tone and style you choose o write an etral, you must conser the relatonhip between you a the writer and exper opinion, and your readership You thesore nes to us appcopiate vossblry dc region Now ren th ctor below and he commnnt on eflectvenens wing the chart on the felling page Remember Rosa Parks on the 60th anniversary of the Montgomery bus boycott: editorial sieve Howd Iron ate inuying get Abbamats Her bane sce weal ead 1 December 08 2015, rat bck pope ey. US. Saprerse Cou Son t ban ‘The Cth aniversey this veck of | And she mas pie a her On vom seperaten en public tangersation Rosa Parks’ sone refs give up | eater occsions, Parks had tse tbat Paks pai a hen pie for do horset and mvc tothe buck of bas fll the dccions of wtb mmaing equal teste Ske and her isan cppormety to hors dedicaed nx to py tthe front ofthe bus Ad bison ot ther jobs ad they were ‘vis who hope break she gp of | ha in he buck where Backs were freed nxn w» Dewoi racial segregation, apposed 6 sk. And she hal Ist All tis week, sites across America ‘The exsing 38l-y tas Deyestt | one pesos rutin wt the sanicbus il Hoe Parks wh ed 2005 ‘ganet Monigoery, Alana’: seg- driver, James Blak who had er ar the age of 2. repited cky tus sem wou aso | ese! Dos 1, 1985 fr Fale HE lhe en way tone her stom: ther aide Ragan aver the Rov. upherseet twit an. to do the wok she mds pt of Manin Luther King Ie. ont he mi | Parksfushuenqutstassying ate | ber He: Bring ep sic al. tina tags ‘sat tre o relish her sca nacido Kllsncur tc! areca ‘When she wis ames, Prt, then | se fer si tht a one hans orem hs, tet he 42, wasdesribed asa mikh need | tha ber very sol was ht vo ad real people fi, feameress, Bu she as more tan | laa tied pyc, er wa are _ Parks work fo og se. that Paks and Rerbusbund, Rayoond tied du Tusa wa af ed fa Pts were leaden inthe Monigrmery | werking dy.1No,th only ea as, [Nate ASociion forthe Ane _ sas ted oii” se weiner Imert of Colored People ad eng had antbigraphy, "Rosa Pas My ty ‘Structure oftheeditoral —Howefiectve and cearisthe headline? Introduction How does the introduction capture the attention ofthe reader? ow does it make them wart toread utter? ‘The main body, Doce the editorial ake aone side ora balanced approach tothe subject mater? ‘Gieecence. ow are the paragraphs organized? Conctusion ‘wnat conclusion does to elton each? Language ‘Comment on thetone and sheaf theeltoriat Isthe language appropriate to subject matter andthe readership? Glvecidence. Writing activity: editorials Fre arte opportunestapracice wring eons You may wish owaten 7 or ie haeene ded the lan, draft, revise and redraft one of these stimuli. Fis Paces Eogacy, 2. Youhavebbeen asked to write an ecitorial for your school magazine salable thepe to celebrate International Human Rights Day: Using the information ‘iv youtube cory in the texs above, write your editorial explaining te significance of Watchiv=eNzQW Ok citer Rosa Parks o Martin Luther King as a person who was able to change human hiseory. ‘Aernatively, use your cere 2. Using the textsand exercises inthis section, write an editorial fora cumresearch mater teenage magazine entiled “Are yesterdays role models sill relevant today” 2. What elie challenges do tuts face in your schol? Imagine you ate the editor of your school newspaper Write an editorial about ore ‘the major challenges faced by studen’s, Identity the cause of he ‘Astardardlevelyoushould problem and offer a solution. ‘wit beeen 250 and 400 words. ates os a seme Conclusion to research question A sso: To what extent do historical events shape our life stories? 4, Now thatyou have completed ths section what re yourconclusions and reactions to the question above? What useful lessons about fe hhave you earned from tis section? 2. Whar justiteaions would you gvefer your answers) 3. What more mould you need to krow before you can come tos Cefritive conclusion about the esearch question? ‘what mays of knowing do we employ to lear about the past? In your opinion, which are the mot reliable ways cof krowing abcut the past? Which ways of knowing are the east relabla? Justify your answers, ‘Our research question for this sections "To what extent do Fistorical events shape our lf stories?” However, this raises anather question, “How do we know what happened in tho past” Consider the stor of Rosa Parks. How dowehnew whether her story, 26 reported in the tet, 's true or not? Ina time when “fake news" fc an increasing and alarming development, the ality to tell uth from lies and “alternative Facts ison essential sil. Lock atthe TOK ways oFknowingin ‘tha diagram: Decide which are the most mportartto hela you t> kaw whether the information ithe article you read earirin tvs section trustworthy ornot Once youhave completed this ercise, repeat itby looking at ‘a contemporacy nests article in which the truth or the fets are ‘puted. Don't live every word of what you read. Research multiple sources to ensure that thenewsis indeed true. Section B: Customs and traditions e our present What ae your fist thoughts and reactions tothe question above? What justifications would you gve fr your answers? What more would you need to know beloreyou can come to amore definitive conclusion about the statement? Before you read Study the poster and read the quotation. WECARE ABOUT WECARE ABOUT: 1. Equality. 2. Preventing bullying 3. Standards of presentation 4. Belonging 5. Practicalley 6, Better behaviour 7. Standards of work &. Doing things right 9. identity 10. Rules eker do you thinkis ight jonship beteen school =>) WHO REALLY CARES? i . cnicetipnrin mtn J] Zulaikha Patel: How we all wish We Were YOU aro:iesso buen her schoo notary. seh Arc ery, 2eiba Po erser oe desoretes aged oslertpotetegist ter shel har pay, nich rete and retited how bck gis ea the or rsa. Thole open pect a Sanh Aion newspocepcet he i etn eet er thot she ould be ele nod fr tl young poeple doe inte err seen anrtang ate — Thali grow konto a as Zak Pao -sondng with cot ew sudo orto revo! tree wate mais esa {wax cour ang at om ole aug uh REE twamet thrall of thei “Toh ut aera fort a deze atte eto. “Thay eek uso pon. kev” ‘twas an act of erondrary cea tht ef ust ho ete es ve cis a ow ey Show Sc ese ‘Tticestetrorry? "nae evo a een saga. eter te ‘Se peests unearned tent Yer ccber oat rin ‘and crane ‘Shai aoe pn, ashing ony fore right te est For Zk rer ese was 28 ua 2 as Na Res Na EAT, Fe aN EAN ‘ne fe we oe or tng wih say ee, arms cust ee se ate er esse toa anon nate, arp rc! poly tl te tude fr oars to cor. Ne ea erat 2sata rate preveusy tn éeertnferFr at That sofas av tae vo tease her ctalengedthe ter Mer eter ands was con mores, hea decribed as“ aleckg ke | catbae" Ste woul sre nomen ars. 1's oar en hat sh ok eto Be“ oDeN” | nc ae Nery ct shave chro or behevis,essnied changed the way we speak so we nore avi craig ‘tent sees Ate pote. erat kr nea we deed tract tenet asset ‘nese ewan paste win ne, a4 cure ag. \We rain am of Zhen, bcos wa wit al cold nae al ben her rong DW ih cae et, aeagwn in Wis o many of we wre yng 8 chien, ad then seats, male owl war ek wo ft a wr ateay bere ea ard ey nets Wee be ef sere ae eae ‘rake ae es we ‘erg ayn, nous aus "eerste wat ep naa eis te bee 2b od eB ps acy 90 Ro seo The eptod nao wel Nev regen wr. aad tt ave pb eo "shoes, plcesie te sai man setter bah glans eo vlcymatrsito fe dsc. uaa ‘igh ae eer sper cr expe, ab ale mig aw al eon ‘We drt ro, as pre sss ads, hw al his aterton wt oat on Zaha Ses usa 1-3-8 ‘ers stg en berm cee And ea ee wa er eae ‘tse tas roniec a most memories, ist, tars tsi neds paolo sek ck aati, ofits, at wot ake ct ae ws ener that Sd Reading comprehension Identify whether the sentences below are true or false and justify ‘your answer with a relevant brief quotation from the text. CRETE (2: The writers Frequent sconsinitr ats of ed protest and defiance When deccing whether Justification: a statements true or 2. 2ulaihha nasone of several orstesters, false,remember thet the justification yougivehasto __‘ustfcation: Deanexactquotefromthe 5._Thegits wererehsing toabeytho school’s text! uniorm code. Lstieatin:| 4. The protester beteved that they could be sent {o)aifor ther Gernonstration school susie: 5, Theatr koe the gifs perenally ustietion:| 6. _Zulaihha nasalso protesting tc improve her fru jo prospect. Justication:| 1. The protesters were demanding the right to thele oan identity. sosteaton: 8, The rit bliovs the protestwil not leaves esting Impression on viewers, Lustication: Answers these questions. 9, Name twa ways that Zulakkhahad been punished for her hair inher previous schools 410. Which phrase between lines 18 and 26 shows that Zlaikha was otermined no! to change her appearance? choose the correct answer from A, B, Cor D. 111. The writer's generation di noe protest against racism becouse they wanted to ‘A. get theapproval oftheir peersand employers ¢. draw mach move attention to themselves B, acquire a more secially acceptable accent , put thei personal interests frst, 12 The writer thinks the teenage protesters should be |. tole models for their own ge ion . role models for her own generation 18 role models forthe next generation . role modals for everyone 13. The writor believes her generation has fought against prejucice A. too mach C. ashen it suited them 18. as much as possible 1. when they were forced to, 14. The writer believes social mela. {A incrensed opposition to the priest 1, made lite impact on the protest 15, The writer says the protesters have forced the school to change ts policies made huge impact on the pubic ‘A. been successful in changing school policies ¢.-harmed their oven futures 1B, made litle impact on school polices, 15, The writorbelieves that Zulaikha cxcated a public debate cn school polices ‘A. willadapt her ideas othe schoo! ethos will become a celebrity inthe future B. faces an uncertain Future at school 1. will havea great academic Future 17, Which sentence best summarizes the writer’ final thought om the protest? A. And this is nota fight she was ever G Justice, i tuens out, simply needs people to meant to fight speok out against injustice 1. Butshe has provided a most memorable 1. And it's apt, that it woulc take a chi to Jess00, ‘make us remember that Stns ‘Do you think women ike these anti Apartheid demonstrators from an ‘aria gneration of South Aricans were role modes for Zulakha Patel and ‘he tends? Do you think Zula Patel was nfaoncod by the customs and ‘vaditions of protestin South Africa? ‘Tomhotententisit int to protest against customs and traditions that ‘opprces certain groups within ociety? Imagine you are one one of theprotestingschoclgite. Tl he story of your school protest fom your point of ew. Explain thebsckgroune totheprtest. Describe the everts onthe day of theprotest Analyze tho fecteness ofthe protest. Oral activity: Deba Ineducation there ae tro distin camp. Both groups belive that schoo have a ge fluence on theives of ther stadt + One group of educators, parents, and sickens ain favo of school with trict customs and treditionsand code of behaviour, They believe tha students become blir adults by laring to follow teaitional set of values and rls, and thereby developing sl siping * Litera critics oppose very strict schools with thei formal uniforms and authoritarian eos, They believe tha students ned to operate in 2 school witha non-tracihonal ethos In such 3 lating enronment Scents can earn how o take respi for st own detsons. The arguments about dress codes ofboth groups are summarized below. 1 Schools ik socetyinganeral,musthave rulesin cotdertofuncton. 2 Students nec to dese and bomavoin aye appropriate othe culturein abich they ve. 12. Sthoole want their student to spear tidy ne behave wel, A Schools donot want their students to wear clothes with inappropriate orofersive langage orsign (ouchasgangcoleur). 15. Rleeasorto have strict rules nd dress coces sniforminorderto enforce what students can and ante. 6. Schooluniformshelpstoceatea united school ‘pet 7. everyones uriform's identical intruders and ‘outsiders can bemore readily identified and students ‘onfieldtripsaremore easly spotted. | Dresscodes help stents to realize people's talons are not defined by thei outward appearance. 9, Peer pressure can oaafanilioe and student to spend money that they cannot afford on fashioneble clothes and accessors. ‘The wearing ofa school rier preventsthe formation of ciques defines by ther clothes and appearance. 1 Schoel ulsinterfore with self-expression. Students should beffee to expresteir own sense of deity. 2. School ules can bo arbivary and undemocratie. “Teachers have no right to decide what “appropriate” clathngo* appearance. |. Schools sould not favour one et of cultura values ‘everanctier. 4. Schools should romotea muticulural sense of Identity orschool spr. |. Thewearingof=chocl urtorms may ge students themessage that cnformityisa wayto prevent contlet. {6 Unifornsare associated with theriitary andthe police and cenoois crouldrot he soeninte same Tih ‘Sturdnes nesta eam 0 think, nat just obey. 18, Thewhole concept af wearing schoel uniforms now cuted 9. Uniforms ae expensive. They need replacing as ‘udoms row The aniorm i requ ely valable rom an expensive schoo! shop rather than from inaxpensiverotalers ‘Students canbe bullied becouse thir school unifoon identifies tem ae being rom arial” schoo. ‘The statement for debate i: "We believe that schools have the authority 10 impose a dress code on ther students” a Conducting the debate {Appoint a moderator and crete tio team of our o five, one to support ech supporting side cf the argument All members ofthe team should work on the opening speeches. Two pope frm each team should deliver the first two speeches Allother students, whothor they are ina team or net, should prepare a ‘one-minute specch reflecting their awn views an the subject, How does the case ofthe South Afican schools relate to these two arguments? Hold the debate anc, at the ond, take a vote Internal assessment (SL) Toke a look at the visual stimulus below. The image relates to the theme of the chapter: “Experiences Brainstorming Inpairs, discuss ond answer the following questions. + What the main dea inthe photrapht Flow does treat to the thle of the section, “Customs and tations"? + What do you sein background a the photograph? What dos the cron el you abot he location and context of he photograph? + Locka he foregonnd of phcgraph.Desrbethe person or people youcan se + What happening the pict? Hoye does he contnt rela othe thome ofthe chap, “Exporiences"? Presenting Based on your answers to the questions above, prepare four ‘minute presentation on the photograph. Reresber thal the presentation should ot only nade desrptin ofthe ‘okpraph bul shoul sea comet oth topic ofl model in an Engi Sendigeoy Piety oneal pk far eos ‘sess the presentations given by your classmates Use te SLI criteria to ‘tie your assessment: criterion 8 Language criterion 1 Nessage visual stimuli 2 hescage conversation Criterion Tnieractve skis commuication| ‘Suggest ways your clasematos can improve their presentation techniques. Internal assessment (HL) Speak by LaurieHalse anderson The summer before her freshman year-of high schook the narrator. 15-year-old Metin Sordi 1 raped ata port: Melinda calls the police but doesnot kno what fo soy and rans homme. The police break up the party and arrest some studens. Melinda does nt tell anyone what leppenedt ‘wher Conseguents when she starts at Meret weather High School, her peers refse to speak to ‘er Melinda says silent and sinks into depression. ‘As Melinda’s depression deepens, she begins to withdrew from her parents and other achoriy ‘Figures, paricularty an nsmparteie socal studies teacher th Melinda calls Mr Nock”. He ‘seer her silence ay merely a means of seting atention nd he is determined ro get Meirda 10 ‘speak in class In spite of hor difculies, Melinda has befrended her lab partner, Davi Pearatis, ho encourages her find alteraatve ways ao prowest against her treatment NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE "There sno way 'm seading my suleoeterepotin ont ofthe class That wasn’ par of theoviginal segment Mr Hack ceed tt the very las socond Recate he wants o fun recht senethng ot tne But Iv witien arealy good por and I'm not going tole an dict teaches ‘ek Davia Patals for advice We come up wath a Plan. ato clase ey, when Mr Nec tin the iourge 5 Iwate what | ned ton the board and cower the words witha suet protest sign My aoe fom he coy stop! igen the oo Mi Ned wall in. He qurble that can gofis. etandsulkagete tal and al esas My inside fle Tm ‘caughen atomado. My toes eu inside my sneakers, trying to gmp the fbr so wont get suck out te wisow. [Mr Neck nods ot mo. pic up mi ropcrt asim going to readit out loud. {sand there paper trembling as Ita boone blowing Uneugh the cost det tum ateund aed np ny postr cf the Dacdba. 0 ‘THE SUFFRAGETTES FOUGHT POR THE BIGHTTO SPEAK. THEY WERE ATTACKED, ARRESTED, AND ‘THROWN IN JA FOR DARING TO DOWHAT THEY WANTED LIKSTHSY WERE. 1AM WILLINGTOSTAND [UP OR WHAT | BELIEVE NO ONE SHOULD BE FORCED 10 GIVE SPEECHES, [CHOOSE TO STAY SILENT, ‘The class reads owl, some of them moving thet lps Ni Neck tus aroud io see wha everyone is xing 1 Lnod at Davia He ons me st the tent ef tne room and {mand im my box. 6 Dovid"Mlinda has to dover her report te class as pat othe assignment. he made copies everyone con ‘ead He passes ox he cxpies. They onst me $72 et ha coe-cupply tse [was gong to make a cover page ‘and color, bat havent qoten much alowance recently okt pute tila the to ofthe st pace [My Elan eto standin onto he cass fr te ve minute | was ven fr my presentation, The sutagetes ‘must have planned out and timed their potest, to. Mi Necchas other pans He ives me aD and esorts me 29 tothe autores otgot about how the sutagottas wore hauled fo jail Duh goon tour othe cuidanco counselor's aio, Pancpal irspa's and windup back in MISS Tam back to belnga Discipline Prblom agen nora lawyoc. I ebowod up ovary day this emostr, sat my butt in ovary clas ic eon homework, and dat ‘son ests stil get slammed in MISS. Teves no wa they can push me for not speaking eisai 25 nat do they know abou ms? 1 photcexpy shop 2 detention Brainstorming imsmal roe, css the folominggumtons then semmarze oer pom discussion in point form. + Explain in detail Melinda’, her problem with tand her plano olve @3eUrinteral atest, her dilemma. the literary extract will not ‘eed wore ou + How do Moind'spabims eto tosagsts wt pts she besa ome ipoonebg! omer th vost + Isthe teacher being fair to Melinda? Is he a good role model for his. ‘Sterature studied incleas. student ay your ower + atappon tobe these thoe when ling wth tune Nanas? + Hyineedoftepmaghomendoweympaniewn Mind Ee i Asst present pn Presenting by your classmates using the ased on your answersto the questions above prepaea fourmnhute | Wiikeasiaetehata presentation onthe photograph, telonpuer ese akeyourprseiicn oyourdasaie Steenslseingotbe__—_SEp Wasa ‘presentation should prepare individual questions about the text which they €@R imorovethei presentation ar hyo eet ef yourpeeranion feces Paper 1: Letters to the editor Ui you fel strongly about an suc in a newepaper and you want tot the public koow what you think writing alter t he eto can Be an eectve ‘Ray tacemmancate your Kes toa wider public In your leer yu may wish tolakea postion for or egainat an seu or ages! anew way of inking ‘The reason for writing «eters to make a dar impression and have the reader take noe of your ideas. You nae 40 bo able expres an opinion, todefed an argument, rt increase awareness of a te, YOU ay ty toconvince readers by using emotion, reason, ora combination ofthe two. Lettersto the editor are usually short and tight rarely longer than 80 word Therefore you will have to communicate your as. cat orga manner This wl eet planing. Structure Salutation Begin with the addressee ile above the salutation line. example: ‘The Editor ‘The Daily Newspaper, Dear Fator, Opening paragraph: Kdentfy the article or the sue you wis o discuss. Ste your opinion on the matioe Midate paragraphs Support your cpinion witha ses of supporting points Explain wha! will happen if something ist done to solve the problem (Closing paragraph: Make a closing remark (a cincher) to sumaaize your point of view. Explain why your approach or solution is telovant. Simply cond with "Yous faithflly,” Style and language Ithastben sid tha any formal tir ike a wedding there are etn conventions that have toe llowed. One seta convention alt form ane uyout The hur lates to language and regter Sythe tbl bon Language ond register + Addtesses + Smilers + xe + Aforrsl geting “Apel and ermalloce + Sjningoffwitnyourname + Grammatical accuracy + Geaggeaton * comectspaling Intra language + Unemotionalandfacwal + Convactions + Apolitstono * Idematiclanguage + Comet punctuation + Abbreviations + Paragraphing + SMS spellings + Formal vocabularyand + Delberatemispalingsstange“ponna phrasing + Swecring [Now read the ttr to theta below and then, using the formation in the chat on the previous page, comment en isefictiveness Which ofthese format features does the writer se correct? The editor, Anytown Nows| + Addieses + ate DeerSirorMedam, M iapeo ‘thaveto agree wit your edtoviaon June 1th. The majriyrles and inmmy 6 _plite ae formal pine, 3vote of seventy cight percertin favour of unforme at Arytonn High eek ‘Schools more thon enought implement formal dress cade nour schoo. ‘Those who don't like should stop moaning ana accept the rest o) sate siti a eal Personally nal for uniforms, at last othe igh School. Unb she schoo!s prosant unacrable voluntary poli, anor aclear, coherent rule, e387 tofolow andto enforee. from forma dress cece a choo! o an infra come ae you Hee” aude hashed arottenimpacten the youngstersin our townvihere job opportuites ‘erescarce |. For mary citéen wessigschook uniform isthe ent tiene ‘where they earn vaives. Thy ceraily dot earn them at home + Comet spating + Unemotional and ‘achitthat too sometimes elle agains the school dresscode inmylast —* Years aeseno0Howaver, over tha years, Ihave soon ta neccte droseforan «Corrs puneation {ceasion, whether fora jobintendew,aprofessional mectingorstto gout «Patapraphing todines, + Formal vocabulary nd ‘Aéddtonally would ket pint out that, for many local families, te rice of ee ‘regular teenagectothesisnaflordabe these days, unr espeialy a ‘ny shopinthe Lower Meade, aro co much cheaper Does the writer use any eae ofthese techniques ‘me herr) hich are inappropriate for aformal eter? + Emesicors| When you have finshed your analysis, writea eply tothe letter giving _*_—Exoggeration Your own view’ onthe subjec. Use the techniques for writing aleier to +_‘Infomaltanguage: sn editor that you have learned i this section. + Conractions + Idiomatic language + Abbreviations + suSepetings + Delieratemisspeings! slang, e¢, “gonna + Swesring ‘Overall en ascateof 1-10 hhow successfulis the lettorts the editor? Suggest improvements tothe frmand content ofthe letter cotati ‘moe appropriate orits purpose Writing activity: Letters to the editor Some students beleve that Fewntinganythingisa wate cftime and effort. This is simply not tru. Aways be prepared to rewrite what you have written, Threetips are: Reread! Check! Rewrite! You mey wish to watch ‘news report ofthe protest about hair polices ‘availabe at ttn ‘oncnewspage-cary ideo/20360821/s424873) South Alrica-Girls-Fight Racist Hair Policy htm. ere are three opportunites to prostice writing letters to the edit Plan, draft revise and redraft one of those stimul ‘Atstandard level you should write between 250 and 400 words, ‘Athigher evel you should write between 480 and 600 words. 1. Yousee the following headline. picume and story in your local paper Waite letter to the itor in which you set out your views on the subject Schoolboys, 14, who were banned from wearing shorts to school on the hottest day of the year wear SKIRTS instead Butthe UK shoo in Bighon, Eas Si se, tlt waen't po nif code Ines the by ative the flowing dy wening pled nary skins, (Gere, eve, Kol ad Mc all 14, che coker thing which spr of he ‘lll unifoa~ a pleted skit They were vel allowed owas athe arpa of age choo nfo 2. Woitea letter tothe editor in esponse tothe text Zula Patel: How ae al is ce wor you by Azad Essa, You may wish ta agree a disagree ‘with the writer's point of view. Remember to give your opinion on the schools custonss and traditions. Write a clear conclusion. 23. Reread the letter from Mrs. Anne Othee conceming school uniforms. ‘Write lotr tothe itr af Anytown News in which you respond to her letter and the opinions expressed init, Remember to give your ‘own justified opinions and write a clear conclusion, ees Planning: Checklist for a letter to the editor The tables below will help you to plan your letter. Context ‘Audience for the text Purpose ofthe text ‘approach tothe tone Logica Emotional Bath Language ery formal Formal Informal casual Content Saluation ‘Opening paragraph and hess dale paragraph ard supporting points dale serateph 2 ard supporting pints Nidale paragraph 3 ard supporting points ‘tosing paragraph art final thougne oO Listening comprehension | Click the con to practice the listening section of Paper2. After you have | listened to an audio tack you will complete a set of accompanying activities Conceptual understanding: Purpose ‘Thore are many waysof defining and classifying “language” For example, we can use grammartodescrbe the “rules by which a language operates. Alternately, we can cass language by looking atthe ways we uso It {0 communicate: ts purpose. Itwe understand the purpose ofa tot, we cn also understand the writers motives for communicating to his ‘her audience. For instance when wing about the past do we simply narratea set of events? Probably Not. ‘sophisticated writen text may perform diferent communicative functions. These inclu + Instructingrtelingathers what toda + describing people, places and objects + narrating stores and events + explaining processes and motives + persuading others. point of view. In order to understand this concept, ook atthe news report on page 283 about the student protestin South Aiice and analyse the text according tts diferent communicative functions. 1. Read tho text and find examples ofthese different Fanctions inthe text Record your resus in | table ike the one below If possible use different coloured highlighters to show the different funetions inthe text, For instance, you might highlight the nacraive in blue, and se on. Some sentences may have more than one function. For example a sentence might bath describe someone fd also narrate an event Whichsentences Which sentences WhichzentencesWhichsentences Which sentences tolthestory? deserve poopie oclainwhy events tllyou tat taco ty to change your and places? havehappened,or orto think? pint of view? srenappering? 2, Having completed the analysis, what would you say isthe overall purpese ofthe text? |A. Instructor tell others what todo 18, Describe certain people, places and objects . Narrate certain events D. Explain processes and motives EE Perstade the audience of 3 point of view More than one of these Explain your answer 14. Imagine the content ofthe text as use differen. It could be: + alealet io be handed out ata protest * the body ofa peition supporting the gil’ protest + thetextof a poster supporting students’ rights How woule you use the information in the news reporifrently? What would be the purpose ofthe rem teat? 13-year-old Zulaikha Patel Is Taking A Stand Against School Policies That Frown At Natural Black Hair AL verte work. many Nach women tine expe fenced dscrimiration tt school and work beats fof hes mata he But what happens in an Afpean curity wher black people ar tld nett wer he tra i? Zalsibha Pach, « [3yearald stan of Petra Git High Soot in Suh Ate as soo up or ene nd her fiends when she was asked to tame er tral “aa” Rect wi "ui: 10 Pretoria Gis High manersinally anal vite schol ering apartheid basin 190, hs een teprat- so cde all race, “Tied beng tld jt thera, Zutaika nd ber fell clases staged sleet pretest 15. gaat ei aces ae pic whic gets a resis nm back is wear cr iw eh ‘alata’ elder sister, Aiea Pl sid that Zl ‘ha had changed schoo the tines became of het 0 alr se that he chien had fuged acne and taller bir “sabe” ‘She so noted tha he scons cox of cer wis ted od nied ed was ot str a ould steven Malaika oh anther tent at Pretoria si, ad repeat called cut of class by ove of the members sa, ho called my hi acre, si i hae ‘nas utd fi fr school an once tera ty har with cir ee i She xpsied that ck is were repeatedly aed ut of las for having wtidy ar when te hae is satura ether ir being iconect or constaly needs be ue. AX petton to or shoo’: alleges! practces ha go nee tha 20000 inate. Inthis section we have seen what happens when two cultures clash, ‘To what extant could such clashes be avoided by bsing able to see the another person's point of view? Inclass debate this TOK question: Te what extents our perspective determined by our membership of porticular culture? ‘What con we dotoovercome the Boundaries created by out own culture? Conclusion to research question B To what extent do customs and traditions affect our future? 1 Now that you have completed this section what are your conclusions ‘and reactions to the question above? What useful life lessons have you learned from this tection? 2, What utticstone woule you give for your anewers? |. What more would you naed to know before you can came to amare definitive conclusion about the research cueston? a - Section C: Rites of passage Research question C To what extent are we shaped by the rites of passage we undergo on our journey from adolescence to adulthood? 1, What are your first thoughts and reactions tothe question above? 2. Whstjustifeatons would you ge fer your answers? 44. What more would you need to krow before you can come to acefinitve ‘conclusion about the question? Before you listen ‘small groups or pairs consider those questions: Cana role mode! change the way you Took? Can a role model change the way you think? Can a role model change tho way you act? In short, cana oe model help you to change your Iie? al-thinking ands a Here san cpportuity to use your eta thinking ‘Work together and undertake these stages oferta thinking + Analyze ane evaluate tse issues and ideas. + Evaluate evidence and arguments. + Draw resonable conclusions and generalizations. + Test generalizations and conclusions. “Organize your conclusions in logical manner to format an argument. When you have fished shave your ideas with the restof your class, Listening comprehension Jackie Robinson: role model Listen to Tomms, professional basketball player talking cbout a visit to Notre Dame university and Jacky Robinson's signiicance as a roe model 1. From statements A to, select the five that are true according tothe interview. step fed task nbepneiteiorwiionie, (C) enyhondeciceeramsrbeleald er Nowe Dame O Tanya pido Te epee py ere carson my aly lene Sopeation shashc vanteoktfnon Deas O “Tommy vas shocked by what he saw during his visit fo the university compus, ‘Tommy knew that fhe chose Notre Dame he woud not find many stacents from similar socal backgrounds in his classes or his teams. 6G. Tommy realizod that Jackie Robinson had faced similar, and even greater, challenges at college exter (Choose the correct answer from A, B, C, or D. Write the letter in the box provided. 2: Faced witha dco shot tpting apna ten me O ‘A. accepted without hesitation, 1. asked hisbasketbll coach, C. deloyed making a decision, 1. wondered what todo forbes. ‘Answering multple-] Beyond the classroom You can use the information you have learned and the communication skill you have developed in this chapter foe practical purposos beyond th classroom. You can use the persuasive communication skal ‘you have developed while learning to write editorials and letters the eit. Ty using these skills while ‘writing essays ond other persuasive texts in school. ‘Think about issues which concer you that you read about in the lea or national press, Wate letters to the editor to express your opinions. Service Croatea series of inspirational poctrs based on the 10 diferent attributes of the Is leamer profile Find one famous role modelstoillastrate each choracteristi Creativity: debating club Joinorsetupa debating club. Debating’ fantastic way afengapingwith abroad range of contemporary socal and ethical issues. offers the opportunity todevelop public speaking sls which willbe Lseful when you enter college and, eventually, the workforce + Picks regutarday andtime to meet each week ‘and ensure youlet othe students know about the activity. ‘Suggestions for further reading ed Bless You, Me Rossoterty Kurt Vonnegut ‘Speoh by Laure Halse Anderson Tokilla Mockingbird by Harper Lee ry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton Cloudette Colvin: Twice Toword Justice by Philip Hose The Wetsoas Go to Birminghom by Chstopher Paul Cutis {Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson The Noughts and Crosses Tilogy by Malore Blackman + Createrelevant debates around athisliseuee ormattrsthat eal affect your lives astocal, ‘national and global citizens, Create awareness, Promote debates, blog about ‘thom, eraato poaeast, and roperetham for your school magazine Invite guest peaker to debate with. + Held debatesin front of tw school community ‘anc beyond Creativity: using text types Inthischapreryou have learned how to write editorials and letters 0 theeditor. Now use these skllsto writ fo, ort, your school ‘magazine. Martin’ Big Words The itor. Mort Luther King (8g Worcs! by Doreen Rappapor.& Bryan Cotes (Hlstoto) oso by Nike Giovani ae yan Cale lustrator)

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