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WRIT 2500 Project Proposal

Propose your project to me. Your proposal should be at least 4 double-spaced pages long, and it
should include:

1. The prompt you’ve written for yourself.

• Your draft should be as clear and detailed as it would have to be if you intended to assign
the project to another student in class.

2. The audience to which the finished product will be directed

• You’ll want an audience of at least three or four different segments, at least one or two of
whom should be public in nature, i.e., not academics. The audience we talked about for
my project would be an example: university educators, antipoverty activists, and folks
from the non-profit world.
• Don’t just list the audience segments: describe them: What’s their relationship to your
project? Why should they care about it? What do you need to do to persuade them, or win
their cooperation, or otherwise affect them as you want to?

3. A discussion of how you’ll include the theory we’ve so far read in class, as well as of any
other source materials you think you might incorporate.
• Again, don’t just list texts. Explain their role in your project and how they’ll help you to
achieve what you want to achieve re. your audience?

4. A timeline for getting it done, with a deadline for a complete draft of midnight, Sunday,
March 7, and a deadline for the final, revised draft of noon, Friday, March 19.

5. Post your proposal to Canvas by 6:00 p.m. the evening before your 1-on-1 conference with

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